

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


中国科学院上海应用物理研究所(联合培养)  核技术及应用   ? 博士
山东大学    ???????????????????????凝聚态物理???   ?硕博连读
曲阜师范大学??????????????  ??????????物理学???    ???本科
2016.8—至今????中山大学中法核工程与技术学院???(****引进)副教授 、硕士生导师
1. 轻水堆事故容错燃料(ATF)包壳涂层的制备及性能表征
2. 核材料在铅铋堆中的腐蚀行为研究
11. 广州市科技计划项目,基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类),事故容错燃料包壳CrSiN复合涂层的制备及其氧化性能和机械性能的研究,2021/04—2023/03,5万元。
10. 安徽伯华氢能源科技有限公司,横向项目,反应堆中氢气在线监测技术研发,2020/08—2021/05,3万元。
9. 东莞市典雅五金制品有限公司,横向项目,金属材料表面耐磨损涂层的多弧离子镀沉积工艺开发,2020/01—2020/12,50万元。
8. 教育部,高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师培育项目,19lgpy299,事故容错燃料包壳涂层的机械性能研究,2019/01—2021/12,15万元。
7. 中国原子能科学研究院,国防军工项目,涂层锆包壳样品研发,2019/10—2019/11,9万元。
6. 安徽伯华氢能源科技有限公司,横向项目,反应堆中氢气在线监测技术研发,2019/07—2019/12,3万元。
5. 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院反应堆结构研究室,横向项目,高温气冷堆堆内构件材料辐照特性调研及安全评价分析,2019/01—2019/12,5万元。
4. 中国原子能科学研究院科技信息部,横向项目,碳化硅复合材料在核反应堆中的应用调研,2017/12/1—2017/12/31,3万元。
3. 中山大学,****紧缺人才科研启动费,2016/08—2019/08,30万元。
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,**,高温气冷堆金属堆内构件散体结构的抗震性能研究,2016/01—2018/12,24万元。
1. 中国博士后科学基金会,面上二等资助,2015M571052,高温气冷堆金属堆内构件散体结构的动力学分析方法研究,2014/07—2016/07,5万元。

17. Biao Ma, Bin Luo, Zhuozheng Wang, Chuiyi Meng, Xiujie He*, Friction and wear properties of CrAl-based coatings for nuclear fuel cladding, Front. Energy Res., 9 (2021) 622708.
16. Xiujie He, Shengzhi Yang, Lanlan Huang, Chuiyi Meng, Yuan Wang, Jie Tan, Friction and wear properties of CrSi-based coatings for nuclear fuel cladding, Surf. Coat. Technol. 402 (2020) 126311.?
15. Min Liu, Wenguan Liu, Xiujie He*, Yantao Gao*, Renduo Liu, Xingtai Zhou, Defects evolution and element segregation of Ni-Mo-Cr alloy irradiated by 30 keV Ar ions, Nucl. Eng. Technol. 52 (2020) 1749.
?14. Sheng-Li Chen, Xiu-Jie He*, Cen-Xi Yuan*, Recent studies on potential accident-tolerant fuel-cladding systems in light water reactors, Nucl. Sci. Tech. 31 (2020) 32.
13. Xiujie He, Hanyu Zhan, Jian Lin, Gengyu Liang, Shengzhi Yang, Chuiyi Meng, Xianfeng Ma, Jie Tan*, Min Liu*, Effect of Si content of CrSi-based coatings on their oxidation resistance in high temperature air, Ceram. Int. 46 (2020) 11357.
12. Xiujie He, Zhonghe Tian, Bohao Shi, Xiantao Xu, Chuiyi Meng, Weian Dang, Jie Tan*, Xianfeng Ma*, Effect of gas pressure and bias potential on oxidation resistance of Cr coatings, Ann. Nucl. Energy 132 (2019) 243.
11. Chuiyi Meng, Liu Yang, Yawen Wu, Jie Tan, Weian Dang, Xiujie He*, Xianfeng Ma*, Study of the oxidation behavior of CrN coating on Zr alloy in air, J. Nucl. Mater. 515 (2019) 369.
10. Xian-Feng Ma, Ya-Wen Wu, Jie Tan, Chui-Yi Meng, Liu Yang, Wei-An Dang, Xiu-Jie He*. Evaluation of corrosion and oxidation behaviors of TiAlCrN coatings for nuclear fuel cladding, Surf. Coat. Technol. 358 (2018) 521.
9. Xiujie He, Li Shi, Haiyan Li, Jie Tan, Baoliang Zhang, Alex Fok, Xinxin Wu, Libin Sun*, Experimental study to estimate the surface wear of nuclear graphite in HTR-PM, Ann. Nucl. Energy 116 (2018) 296.
8. Tan Jie, Zhang Xiaoming, Liu Wenguan, He Xiujie*; Zhao Mingwen*. Strain-Induced Tunable Negative Differential Resistance in Triangle Graphene Spirals, Nanotechnology, 29 (2018) 205202.
7. Xiujie He*,Jie Tan. Localized defects related to the 14N+ ion irrradiation-induced magnetism in SiC,Physica E 93 (2017) 6.
6. Xiujie He, Jinliang Song*, Jie Tan, Baoliang Zhang, Huihao Xia*, Zhoutong He, Xingtai Zhou, Mingwen Zhao*, Xiangdong Liu, Li Xu, Shuo Bai, SiC coating: an alternative for the protection of nuclear graphite from liquid fluoride salt, J. Nucl. Mater. 448 (2014) 1.
5. Xiujie He, Jinliang Song*, Huihao Xia*, Jie Tan, Baoliang Zhang, Zhoutong He, Xingtai Zhou, Zhiyong Zhu, Mingwen Zhao*, Xiangdong Liu, Li Xu, Shuo Bai, Direct characterization of ion implanted pyrolytic carbon coatings deposited from natural gas, Carbon 68 (2014) 95.
4. Xiujie He, Jie Tan, Baoliang Zhang, Mingwen Zhao*, Huihao Xia*, Xiangdong Liu, Zhoutong He, Xinmei Yang, Xingtai Zhou, Irradiation-induced magnetic ordering in SiC: experimental results and a density functional study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013) 262409.
3. Xiujie He, Jinliang Song*, Li Xu, Jie Tan, Huihao Xia*, Baoliang Zhang, Zhoutong He, Lina Gao, Xingtai Zhou, Mingwen Zhao*, Zhiyong Zhu, Shuo Bai, Protection of nuclear graphite toward liquid fluoride salt by isotropic pyrolytic carbon coating, J. Nucl. Mater. 442 (2013) 306.
2. HE XiuJie, TAN Jie, BU HongXia, ZHANG HongYu, ZHAO MingWen*, The role of π electrons in the electronic structures and optical properties of graphyne, Chin. Sci. Bull. 57 (2012) 3080.
1. Xiujie He, Tao He, Zhenhai Wang, Mingwen Zhao*, Neutral vacancy-defect-induced magnetism in SiC monolayer, Physica E 42 (2010) 2451.
1. 核物理介绍(MN4),2017—至今
2. 物理化学4(CP4-TP),2019—至今
3. 物理化学6(CP6-TD),2019
1. 核材料学(反应堆部分,INP8-TD),2017—至今
2. 燃料材料、化学及制备(CM2-TD),2017—至今
3. 辐射探测(CEA16-TP),2019
4. 全范围仿真机的实践教学,2019
1. 核材料,2019—至今

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