

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

崔融丰 Cui, Rongfeng
[简历 Profile]
Gender: Male
Rank: Associate Professor
Advisor type: Ph.D. advisor
Highest degree: Ph.D.
Emali: cuirf@mail.sysu.edu.cn
[研究方向 Research interests]
I study basic questions in evolutionary biology using fish as model systems, combining animal behavior, molecular ecology, genomics and population genetics. Topics in our lab encompass the mechanism of speciation and maintenance of polymorphism, behavioral mechanisms of reproductive isolation, interspecific hybridization, the effects of natural and sexual selection on genome evolution, nearly neutral mutations and aging genomics.
[简历 Curriculum Vitae]
教育 Education
德州农工大学 Texas A&M University, Ph.D. in Biology (2014.05)
中山大学 Sun Yat-sen University, B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (2008.06)
工作经历 Work experience
2020-Present, Associate Professor, School of Ecology, Sun Yat-sen University, China
2014-2020, Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging, Germany
?[学术成果 Academic achievements]
所获奖励 Awards
1、Young Investigator Award. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2019.
2、Student Award. 1 st Asian Evolutionary Research Conference,2018
3、Best Poster Award. The 2nd Cologne Ageing Conference,2016
4、Best Student Oral Paper (Division of phylogenetics & Comparative Biology). Society for integrative and comparative biology, 2013.
5、Doctoral dissertation improvement grant. National Science Foundation, 2012.
6、Rosemary Grant Award for Graduate Student Research. Society for the Study of Evolution, 2011
[发表论著 Publications]
(? Corresponding;*Co-first)
R. Cui, D. Willemsen, D.R. Valenzano.?Nothobranchius furzeri?(African Turquoise Killifish). 2020. Trends in Genetics. DOI:10.1016/j.tig.2020.01.012.
R. Cui?, T. Medeiros, D. Willemsen, L. N. M. Iasi, G. E. Collier, M. Graef, M. Reichard, D.R. Valenzano?. 2019. Relaxed selection limits lifespan by increasing mutation load. Cell 178(2):385-99.
R. Cui*??, P. Delclos*, M. Schumer, G.G. Rosenthal. 2017. Early social learning triggers neurogenomic expression changes in a swordtail fish. Proc. R. Soc. B. 284(1854):**.
M. Schumer, D.L. Powell, P. Delclos, M. Squire,?R. Cui, P. Andolfatto, G.G. Rosenthal. 2017. Assortative mating and persistent reproductive isolation in hybrids. PNAS 114(41):10936-41.
R. Cui?, M. Schumer, G.G. Rosenthal. 2015. Admix'em: A flexible framework for forward-time simulations of hybrid populations with selection and mate choice. Bioinformatics 32(7):1103-5.
S. J. Ingley, M. R. Asl, C. Wu,?R. Cui, M. Gadelhak, W. Li, J. Zhang, J. Simpson, C. Hash, T. Butkowski, T. Veen, J. B. Johnson, W. Yan, G. G. Rosenthal. 2015. anyFish 2.0: An open-source software platform to generate and share animated fish models to study behavior. SoftwareX 3(4):13-21.
M. Schumer,?R. Cui, D Powell, G. Rosenthal, P. Andolfatto. 2015. Ancient hybridization and genomic stabilization in a swordtail fish. Molecular Ecology 25(11):2661-79.
D.R. Valenzano, B. Benayoun, P.P. Singh, E. Zhang, P.D. Etter, C.K. Hu, M. Clement-Ziza, D. Willemsen,?R. Cui, I. Harel, B. Machado, M.C. Yee, S.C. Sharp, C.D. Bustamante, A. Beyer, E.A. Johnson, A. Brunet. 2015. The African turquoise killifish genome provides insights into
evolution and genetic architecture of lifespan. Cell 163(6):1539-54.
M. Schumer*?,?R. Cui*?, G.G. Rosenthal and P. Andolfatto. simMSG: an experimental design tool for high-throughput genotyping of hybrids. 2015. Mol. Ecol. Res 16(1):183-92.
M. Schumer,?R. Cui, G.G. Rosenthal and P. Andolfatto. 2015. Reproductive isolation of hybrid populations driven by genetic incompatibilities. PLoS Genet 11(3): e**.
M. Schumer,?R. Cui, D. Powell, R. Dresner, G.G. Rosenthal, P. Andolfatto. 2014. High-resolution mapping reveals hundreds of genetic incompatibilities in hybridizing fish species. eLife 3:e02535.
R. Cui?, X. Yang, Y. Pan and Y. Wang, 2013. A new barbeled goby from south China. Zootaxa 3670(2):177-192.
T. Veen, S. Ingley,?R. Cui, et al. 2013. anyFish: open-source software to generate animated fish models for behavioral studies. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15:361-375.
R. Cui?, M. Schumer, K. Kruesi, R. Walter, P. Andolfatto and G.G. Rosenthal, 2013. Phylogenomics reveals extensive reticulate evolution in Xiphophorus fishes. Evolution 67(8):2166-79. Web of Science Highly Cited Paper (top 1% in Plant & Animal Sciences).
M. Schumer,?R. Cui, B. Boussau, R. Walter, G.G. Rosenthal and P. Andolfatto, 2012. An evaluation of the hybrid speciation hypothesis for?Xiphophorus clemenciae?based on whole genome sequences. Evolution 67(4): 1155–1168.?
T. Butkowski, W. Yan, A.M. Gray,?R. Cui, M.N. Verzijden and G.G. Rosenthal, 2011. Automated interactive video playback for studies of animal communication. J. Vis. Exp. e2374
Y. Wang, J. Yang and?R. Cui. 2010. A New Species of Goniurosaurus (Squamata: Eublepharidae) from Yingde, Guangdong Province, China. Herpetologica 66:229-240.
Y. Wang and?R. Cui. 2007. The new distribution record of Ficedula narcissina owstoni in mainland China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 32(2):492-494.

相关话题/深圳 中山大学