

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

职称/Current position
2019-present Associate professor, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangdong, China
2016-2019 博后, 生物医学工程,新加坡国立大学
2012-2016 博士,机械,新加坡国立大学
2009-2012 硕士,精密加工,大连理工大学(导师:郭东明 院士)
研究方向/Research Area
1. 微创介入新方法及工具 New methods/device for minimally invasive operation
(1) 开发针灸式脑部微创介入技术、及手术机器人系统
(2) 针灸式微创深脑调控与原位给药技术及工具
(3) 微型植入式神经调控/刺激系统
(4) 针对其他重要器官/疾病的微创诊疗工具
2. 微纳加工及表界面技术 Micro/nano fabrication and surface engineering
(1) 基于纳米纤维的超疏水-快速凝血-凝血后自脱落的新型止血材料
(2) 微纳多级复合结构、温度/pH敏感、超疏水、超疏血表面
3. 生物制造 Manufacturing for biomedical applications
(1) 机械制造/设计/材料加工/微纳加工; (2) 自动化/控制/机器人;(3) 生物/医学/生物医学工程。优秀的、有学术潜力的学生,鼓励在做出特色的成果和文章后,继续在课题组读博,或推荐出国,如ETH、ICL、NUS等有密切合作关系的名校;致力于毕业就工作的同学,会根据兴趣选择有应用前景的课题,毕业后将自己的专利成果进一步推向应用。
博后招聘/Post-doctoral position
国际合作/ International Cooperation
该课题组与新加坡国立大学(NUS)、苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH-Zurich)、伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London)等世界知名高校有紧密合作。优秀学生可推荐到相关实验室交流、读博、及博后出访等。
近期文章/Latest publication
1.Zhe Li, A Milionis, Y Zheng, M Yee, F Tan, D Poulikakos, CH Yap. Superhydrophobic hemostatic nanofiber composites for fast clotting and minimal adhesion. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-11 (JCR Q1, IF =11.878).
2.Zhe Li, Marlena J, Pranantyo D, et al. Porous Superhydrophobic Surface with Active Air Plastron Control for Drag Reduction and Fluid Impalement Resistance[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019 (JCR Q1,IF= 10.733)
3.Zhe Li, Nguyen BL, Cheng YC, JM Xue, G Maclaren, CH Yap, Durable, Flexible, Superhydrophobic and Blood-Repelling Surface for Use in Medical Blood Pumps, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018 6(39): 6225-6233. (Cover Image Story, 2018 JMCB Hot Paper; JCR Q1; IF= 5.047).
4.Zhe Li, CC Foo, J Zhu, and CH Yap, A robust dual-membrane dielectric elastomer actuator for large volume fluid pumping via snap-through, Applied Physics Letters, 111(21), 212901, 2017 (JCR Q1; IF= 3.521).
5.Zhe Li, YX Wang , CC Foo, H Godaba, J Zhu, and CH Yap, The mechanism for large-volume fluid pumping via reversible snap-through of dielectric elastomer, Journal of Applied Physics, DOI: 10.1063/1.**, 2017 (JCR Q2).
6.Zhe Li, DG Yang, WD Hao, TC Wu, S Wu, and XP Li. A novel technique for micro hole forming on skull with the assistance of ultrasonic vibration, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 57:1-13,2016 (JCR Q1).
7.Zhe Li, Yang D, Hao W, et al. Ultrasonic vibration-assisted micro-hole forming on skull. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, 231(14): 2447-2457.
8.Zhe Li*, JG Zhang, and XP Li. Review on factors affecting targeting accuracy of deep brain stimulation electrode implantation between 2001 and 2015. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 94(6): 351-362, 2016.
9.Wang Y, Zhe Li, Qin L, et al. Dielectric elastomer fluid pump of high pressure and large volume via synergistic snap-through. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 85(10): 101003.

相关话题/深圳 中山大学