

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

姓名: 徐炳哲
职称: “****”副教授/硕导,中山大学
电子邮箱: xubzh5@mail.sysu.edu.cn
2020–至今, 中山大学,生物医学工程学院, 副教授
2018–2020,美国, 哈佛大学,医学院, 博士后
2014–2018 ,香港城市大学,生物医学工程系, 博士

1. 微电子生物机电传感芯片系统。
2. 多功能诱导干细胞神经类脑体系的构建,以解决研究阿兹海默症,躁郁症等神经性病理。
3. 神经网络电生理研究,用于相关脑部疾病机理探索和诊断。
硕士研究生招生/实习: 欢迎有志于科学研究的保研/考研的本科同学联系我。
长期招收本科生实习: 欢迎本科同学来我们课题组进行科学研究。鼓励本科同学将研究成果发表在学术论文上,或是以参加学术报告的方式对外展示。表现优异者可支持出国参加高水平的学术会议。
1. Ultrathin MXene-micropattern-based Field-effect Transistor for Probing Neural Activity. Bingzhe Xu*, Minshen Zhu, Wencong Zhang, Xu Zhen, Zengxia Pei, Qi Xue, Chunyi Zhi, Peng Shi. Advanced Materials, 2016. [back cover, covered by MaterialsViewsChina]. (IF=25.809)
2. Cell Generator: A Self-sustaining Bio-hybrid System Based on Energy Harvesting from Engineered Cardiac Micro-tissues. Xu Bingzhe*, Lin Xudong, Li Wei, Wang Zixun, Zhang Wenchong, Shi Peng. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017. (IF= 15.621)
3. A Remotely Controlled Transformable Soft Robot Based on Engineered Cardiac Tissue Construct. Bingzhe Xu*, Xiaomin Han, Yuwei Hu, Yiming Luo, Chia-Hung Chen, Zi Chen, Peng Shi. Small, 2019. [Frontispiece, covered by EurekAlert Science News] (IF= 9.590)
4. High-throughput Three-dimensional Chemotactic Assays Reveal Steepness-dependent Complexity in Neuronal Sensation to Molecular Gradients., Zhen Xu*, Peilin Fang*, Xu Bingzhe*, Yufeng Lu, Jinghui, Xiong, Feng Gao, Xin Wang, Jun Fan, Peng Shi. Nature communication, (IF=11.880).
5. Investigation of the Subcellular Neurotoxicity of Amyloid-β Using a Device Integrating Microfluidic Perfusion and Chemotactic Guidance. W Li, Z Xu, B Xu, CY Chan, X Lin, Y Wang, G Chen, Z Wang, Q Yuan, G Zhu, H Sun, W Wu, and P Shi. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2017. (IF=6.270)
6. Injectable Nanoreinforced Shape-Memory Hydrogel System for Regenerating Spinal Cord Tissue from Traumatic Injury”. Chong Wang, Haibing Yue, Qian Feng, Bingzhe Xu, Liming Bian, and Peng Shi. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2018. (IF=8.456)

相关话题/深圳 中山大学