

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

邓务国 职务:中山大学“****”引进人才
职称:教授、 博士生导师

主要简介 详细介绍 预约挂号


邓务国,男,博士, 教授,博士生导师,中山大学“****”引进人才,现受聘于中山大学肿瘤防治中心华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室。

1997年在北京大学获得理学博士学位 (专业:生物化学和应用化学)。博士期间, 主要从事黄酮类天然药物抗氧化活性及其与自由基反应机制的研究。1997-1998年, 在中国人民大学化学教研室任讲师。1998-2003年, 在美国德克萨斯大学休斯敦医学院 (The University of Texas Health ence Center Medical School in Houston) 从事博士后研究, 主要进行与炎症和肿瘤相关基因(COX-2/iNOS)的表达调控和分子机制等生物医学领域的研究工作。2003-2009年被聘任到美国排名第一的癌症研究和临床治疗中心-德克萨斯大学M.D.安得森癌症中心 (TheUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)工作, 先后任讲师(Instructor)和助理教授 (Assistant Professor), 主要从事肺癌、皮肤癌、乳腺癌的基因治疗和靶向治疗; 抗癌基因 (FUS1和 IL24) 的作用机制和信号传导,以及新型肿瘤分子标记和药物治疗靶点等方面的研究, 并指导博士生和博士后的科研工作。2008年至今,被聘为浙江大学客座教授。2009年9月,作为中山大学“****”人才引进回国,任中山大学肿瘤防治中心华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室教授,PI和博士生导师。

近年来,本人以第一作者在Blood, Cancer Research, J Biol Chem, The FASEB Journal, Oncogene, Journal of Immunology, Melanoma Research, Cancer Gene Therapy, Circulation等国际主流杂志上发表论文20余篇, 以第一作者发表高水平论文16篇,影响因子(IF)总数为131点。先后独力或共同申请主持美国 NIH/NCI 研究项目 (SPORE, R01, P01) 六项。本人是FASEB Journal, Cellular and Molecular Biology Letter, Experimental Lung Research 等杂志的审稿人; 美国癌症研究协会 (AACR)、美国生物化学和分子生物学 (ASBMB) 会员。

本人的研究兴趣和目前的主要研究方向:(1)肺癌、皮肤癌和乳腺癌的发生、发展和转移的信号传导及分子机理; (2) 癌症的基因治疗, 分子靶向治疗和结合治疗,以及这些治疗的分子机制和临床应用;(3)抗癌基因 (如FUS1, IL-24, NPRL2, FHIT,p53) 和致瘤基因 (如COX-2,iNOS,AP-2β, CD70) 的表达调控、信号转导和分子机制; (4)利用最近发展的基因组学和蛋白质组学技术 (如PCR Array, siRNA library screen, SELID-MS and LC-MS-based Protein Chip Arrays) 筛选,发现和鉴定新型的肿瘤分子标记和药物治疗靶点; (5) 新型多功能抗癌纳米药物 (基因纳米药物和多肽纳米药物) 的研究开发, 以及它们在癌症治疗和检测上的临床应用。

[已发表的代表性 论文]
1.Deng WG, Kwon J, Ekmekcioglu S, Poindexter NJ, Grimm EA. IL-24 gene transfer sensitizes melanoma cells to erlotinib through modulation of the Apaf-1 and Akt signaling pathway. Melanoma Res. (in press), 2009.
2.Deng WG, Wu G, Ueda K, Xu K, Roth JA, Ji L. Enhancement of antitumor activity of cisplatin by tumor suppressor FUS1 in human lung cancer cells. Cancer Gene Ther. 15:29-39, 2008.
3.Deng WG, Kawashima H, Wu G, Jayachandran J, Xu K, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. Synergistic tumor suppression by coexpression of FUS1 and p53 is associated with downregulation of MDM2 and activation of Apaf1-dependent apoptotic pathway in human non-small cell lung cancer cells. Cancer Res. 67:709-17, 2007.
4.Deng WG, Montero A, Wu KK. Interferon-gamma suppresses COX-2 promoter activity by inhibiting c-Jun and C/EBP? binding. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 27:1752-1759, 2007.
5.Deng WG, Jayachandran G, Xu K, Roth JA, Ji L. Tumor-specific activation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) promoter activity by activating enhancer-binding protein-2? (AP-2?) in human lung cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 282:26460-70, 2007.
6.Deng WG, Nishizaki M, Kagawa S, Fang B, Roth JA, Ji L. Induction of apoptosis by FHIT gene via activation of death receptor and caspase cascade signaling pathway in human non-small lung cancer cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 355:993-999, 2007.
7.Lin J, Sun T, Ji L, Deng W, Roth JA, Minna J, Arlinghaus R. Oncogenic activation of c-Abl in non-small cell lung cancer cells lacking FUS1 expression: Inhibition of c-Abl by the tumor suppressor gene product Fus1. Oncogene 26:6989-96, 2007.
8.Ohtani S, Ueda K, Deng W, Wu G, Jayachandran G, Iwamaru A, Kondo S, Atkinson EN, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. A combination treatment with candidate 3p21.3 tumor suppressor 101F6-nanoparticle and ascorbic acid promotes synergistic and selective inhibition of human NSCLC growth via caspase-independent apoptosis and autophagic cell death. Cancer Res. 67:6293-6303, 2007.
9.Deng WG, Tang SZ, Tseng HP, Wu KK. Melatonin suppresses macrophage cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by inhibiting p52 acetylation and binding. Blood 108:518-24, 2006.
10.*Cieslik KA, *Deng WG, (*co-first author), Wu KK. Essential role of C-Rel in nitric oxide synthase-2 transcriptional activation: time-dependent control by salicylate. Mol. Pharmacol. 70:2004-14, 2006
11.Ueda K, Kawashima H, Ohtani S, Deng W, Ravoori M, Bankson J, Gao B, Girard L, Minna JD, Roth JA, Kundra V, Ji L. The 3p21.3 Tumor suppressor NPRL2 plays an important role in cisplatin-induced resistance in human non-small-cell lung cancer cells. Cancer Res. 66:9682-90, 2006.
12.Deng WG, Zhu Y, Wu KK. Role of p300 and PCAF in regulating cyclooxygenase-2 promoter activation by inflammatory mediators. Blood 103: 2135-42, 2004.
13.Deng WG, Zhu Y, Wu KK. Up-regulation of p300 binding and p50 acetylation in tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced cyclooxygenase-2 promoter activation. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 4770-77, 2003.
14.Deng WG, Wu KK. Regulation of nitric oxide synthase expression by p300 coactivator and p50 NF-?B acetylation. J. Immunol. 171:6581-88, 2003.
15.Deng WG, ZhuY, Montero A, Wu KK. Quantitative analysis of binding of transcription factor complex to biotinylated DNA probe by a treptavidin-agarose pulldown assay. Anal. Biochem. 323:12-8, 2003.
16.Deng WG, Saunders M, He XZ, Yeh H, Wu KK. Identification of cyclooxygenase-2 and angiogenesis suppressing factor produced by human fibroblasts. FASEB J. 16:1286-98, 2002.
17.Zhu Y, Saunders M, Yeh H, Deng WG, Wu KK. Dynamic regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 promoter activity by isoforms of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein. J. Biol. Chem. 277:6923-28, 2002.
18.Schroer K, Zhu Y, Saunders M, Deng WG, Xu XM, Meyer-Kirchrath J, Wu, KK. Obligatory role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element in cyclooxygenase-2 promoter induction and feedback regulation by inflammatory mediators. Circulation 105:2760-65, 2002.
19.Deng WG, Ruan KH, Du M, Saunders M, Wu KK. Aspirin and salicylate bind to BiP and inhibit its ATPase activity in human fibroblasts. FASEB J. 15:2463-70, 2001.
20.*Liou JY, *Deng WG, (*co-first author), Gilroy DK, Wu KK. Colocalization and interaction of cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and caveolin-1 in human fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem. 276:34975-82, 2001.
21.Deng WG, He YK, Fang XW, Wu JL. Radiolysis of rutin in aerated ethanolic solution. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 53:629-33, 1998.
22.Deng WG, Fang XW, Wu JL. Flavonoids function as antioxidants: by scavenging reactive oxygen species or by chelating iron? Radiat. Phys. Chem. 50:273-5, 1997.
23.Yi QM, Deng WG, Xia ZP. Polymorphism and genetic relationship among wild and cultivated rice species determined by AP-PCR analysis. Hereditas 122:135-41, 1995.
 1.Deng W, Kwon J, Grimm, EA. Combination therapy with IL-24 and tyrosine kinase inhibitors: A new promising therapeutic strategies for the treatment of human melanoma. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 100th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 18, 2009. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 50:820, 2009.
 2.Deng W, Kawashima H, Roth JA, Ji L. Tumor suppressor FUS1 sensitizes response to gefitinib treatment and overcomes chemoresistance via inactivation of the AKT/MET signaling pathway in human lung cancer cells American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 99th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 12-16, 2008. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 49: 2008.
 3.Jayachandran G, Deng W, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. Bystander effects in FUS1-nanoparticle-mediated human lung cancer gene therapy. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 99th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 12-16, 2008. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 49: 2008.
  4.Deng W, Uno F, Wu G, Kawashima H, Roth JA, Ji L. Nanoparticle-mediated delivery of therapeutic peptide derived from novel tumor suppressor FUS1 protein for human lung cancer treatment. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 98th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, April, 2007. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 48:1334, 2007.
  5.Iwamaru A, Deng W, Kawashima H, Roth JA, Ji L Interaction of tumor suppressor FUS1 with nuclear receptor tyrosine kinase RAR-? proteins enhances the sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to retinoid-mediated therapy. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 98th Annual Meeting. Los Angieles, CA, April, 2007. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 48:985, 2007.
  6.Deng W, Jayachandran G, Xu K, Roth JA, Ji L. Tumor-specific activation of hTERT promoter activity by the AP-2 beta transcription factor in human lung cancer cells. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, April, 2007. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 47:929, 2006.
  7.Wu G, Deng W, Jayachandran G, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. Interaction of the tumor suppressor FUS1 with PDGFR beta inhibits PDGFR-mediated proliferation of human lung cancer cells. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April, 2006. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 47:344, 2006.
  8.Kawashima H, Jayachandran G, Deng W, Xu,K, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. Overcoming gefitinib resistance in NSCLC via inactivation of the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway by a combination of the FUS1 nanoparticles and EGFR inhibitors. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April, 2007. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 47:1274, 2006.
  9.Deng W, Uno F, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. Synergistic tumor suppression by coexpression of FUS1 and p53 concurrences with FUS1-mediated down regulation of MDM2, accumulation of p53, and activation of Apaf1-dependent apoptotic pathway in human NSCLC cells. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 96th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April, 2005. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 46: 828, 2005.
  10.Wu G, Deng W, Kundra V, Fang B, Roth JA, Ji L. A novel synthetic hTERT-Mini-CMV chimera promoter-driven tumor-selective and high-efficiency expression of transgene for systemic cancer gene therapy. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 96th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April, 2005. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 46:791, 2005.
  11.Ueda K, Kawashima H, Deng W, Minna JD, Roth JA, Ji L. Inactivation of the potential 3p21.3 tumor suppressor NPRL2 significantly correlates with the cisplatin-induced resistance in human NSCLC cells. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 96th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April, 2005. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 46:350, 2005.
  12.Deng W, Wu KK. Augmentation of NF-?B mediated gene expression by a positive p300 and p50 regulatory loop. The Experimental Biology (EB) 2003 Meeting Abstracts, San Deigo, CA, April, 2003.
  13.Deng W, Wu KK. Role of p300 coactivator and histone acetyltransferase in COX-2 transcriptional activation. The 4th Winter Eicosanoid Conference Abstracts, Baltimore, MA, March, 2002.
  14.Deng W, Shtivelband MI, Wu KK. Control of cancer-induced angiogenesis by an endogenous factor. The 44th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting Abstracts, Philadephia, PA, December, 2002.
  1.Novel combination of IL-24 molecular therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: A new promising therapeutic strategies for the treatment of human melanoma. The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2009 100th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, April 18-22, 2009. (Poster)
  2.IL-24/MDA-7 nanoparticles in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibitors enhances inhibition of human melanoma via Apaf-1 and Akt–dependent signaling pathways. The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Special Meeting: Infection and Cancer Therapeutics, Hong Kong, China, December 7-11, 2008. (Poster)
  3.Combination treatment with FUS1 nanoparticles and EGFR inhibitors for lung cancer. The 99th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2008 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA April 12-16, 2008. (Oral)
  4.Bystander effects in FUS1-nanoparticle-mediated human lung cancer gene therapy. The 99th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2008 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA April 12-16, 2008. (Poster)
  5.Development of novel delivery systems for therapeutic peptide for human lung cancer treatment. The 98th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA April 14-18, 2007. (Poster)
  6.Interaction of tumor suppressor FUS1 with nuclear receptor tyrosine kinase RAR-? proteins. The 98th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, April  14-18, 2007. (Oral)
  7.Discovery of novel cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets associated with hTERT promoter in human lung cancer cells. The 97th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, April 1-5, 2006. (Oral)
  8.Interaction of tumor suppressor Fus1 with PDGFR beta inhibits PDGFR-mediated proliferation of human lung cancer cells. The 97th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, April 1-5, 2006. (Poster)
  9.Overcoming gefitinib resistance in NSCLC via inactivation of the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway by a combination of FUS1 nanoparticles and EGFR inhibitors. The 97th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, April 1-5, 2006. (Poster)
  10.Synergistic tumor suppression by coexpression of FUS1 and p53 in human lung cancer cells. The 96th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, April 16-20, 2005. (Poster)
  11.A novel synthetic hTERT-Mini-CMV chimera promoter-driven tumor-selective and high-efficiency expression of transgene for systemic cancer gene therapy. The 96th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, April 16-20, 2005. (Poster)
  12.Inactivation of the potential 3p21.3 tumor suppressor NPRL2 significantly correlates with the cisplatin-induced resistance in human NSCLC cells. The 96th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, April 16-20, 2005. (Oral)
  13.Augmentation of NF-?B mediated gene expression by a positive p300 and p50 regulatory loop. The Experimental Biology (EB) 2003 Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, April 11-15, 2003. (Poster)
  14.Regulation of COX-2 and iNOS gene by p300 binding and NF-?B p50 acetylation. The Special Postdoctoral Program for American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Travel Awardees at the Experiment Biology 2003 Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, April 13, 2003. (Poster)
  15.Control of cancer-induced angiogenesis by an endogenous factor. The 44th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, December 7-10, 2002. (Oral)
  16.Role of p300 coactivator and histone acetyltransferase in cyclooxygenase-2 transcriptional activation. The 4th Winter Eicosanoid Conference, Baltimore, ML, USA, March 10-13, 2002. (Oral)

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