姓名: | 潘俊豪 |
职称和学历: |
教学: |
研究兴趣: | 结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model),潜曲线模型(Latent Curve Model), 潜类别模型(Latent Class Model)等潜变量模型的统计分析及其在心理学,行为学,教育学,医学等领域的应用。 |
代表性成果: |
1. Li, Y.X., Kano, Y., Pan, J.H. and Song, X.Y. (2012) A Criterion-based Model Comparison Statistic for Structural Equation Models with Heterogeneous Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 112, 92-107. (通讯作者)
2. Kwok, T., Pan, J.H., Lo, R., and Song, X.Y. (2011) The Influence of Participation on Health Related Quality of Life in Stroke Patients. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33, 1990-1996.(通讯作者)
3. Song, X.Y., Xia, Y.M., Pan, J.H. and Lee, S.Y. (2011) Model Comparison of Bayesian Semiparametric and Parametric Structural Equation Models. Structural Equation Modeling - A Multidisciplinary Journal, 18, 55-72.
4. Song, X.Y., Pan, J.H., Kwok, T., Vandenput, L. and Leung, P.C. (2010) A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach for Structural Equation Models. Biometrical Journal, 52,314-332.
5. Pan, J.H., Song, X.Y., and Kwok, T. (2009) Application of Latent Curve Models in Medical Research: A Review. European Neurological Review, 4, 52-56.
联系方式: | 广州中山大学心理学系(邮政编码:510275) Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Email: panjunh@mail.sysu.edu.cn |