

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-30

Email: mskklai@outlook.com
现任职位: professor

曾分别于2009年及2014年,分别获颁美国密歇根州立大学年度Joon S. Moon杰出国际校友奖及年度土木环保工程杰出校友奖。黎教授为香港运筹学会之创会主席。彼为亚洲风险及危机管理协会的注册高级企业风险师、及亚太工业工程及管理学会会士。黎教授目前为亚洲风险及危机管理协会主席。黎教授于2009年教育部聘为****讲座教授。黎教授亦为深交所上市的中聯重科集團,上海交銀施羅德基金投資公司之独立非执行董事。黎教授于2017年獲選位於奧地利之國際系統與控制科學院院士。

研究领域 供應鏈與運營管理; 风险管理; 金融工程;大數據與商業智能

教育背景 美国密歇根州立大学博士

职业经历 2003-2016 香港城市大學管理科學講座教授
1996-2007 香港城市大學商學院副院長
2005-2008 湖南大學工商管理學院院長

研究成果 過去兩年部分出版

M Heydaari & K K Lai, “Risk Management in Supply Chains : Using Linear and Non-Linear Models”, to appear, Book Series in Routledge Advances in Risk Management, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2019

Peter Cheng, K K Lai & Y Fu, “Supply Chain Risk Management in Apparel Industries”, Book Series in Routledge Advances in Risk Management, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2018

Y Cheng, K K Lai & S Y Wang, “Forecasting Air Travel Demand: Looking at China”, Book Series in Routledge Advances in Risk Management, Taylor & Francis, UK, Oct 2017

J Wang, Z Liang & K K Lai, “Deviations between China’s and International Gold Price: Role of Fundamentals, Contagion and Financial Stocks”, to appear, Applied Economics, June 2019

D Yan & K K Lai, “An Analysis of China’s Onshore & Offshore Exchange Rates – Adjusted Thermal Optimal Path Approach Based on Pruning and Path Segmentation”, Entropy, Vol. 21, Issue 499, April 2019

J Du, R Yu, J Li & K K Lai, “Do the Markov Switching-based Hybrid Models Perform Better in Forecasting Exchange Rates”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 55, Issue 7, 2019, p1497-1515, March 2019

F Tao, K K Lai, “Joint Pricing and Inventory Strategies in a Supply Chain Subject to Inventory Inaccuracy”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 57, Issue 9, 2019, Feb 2019

T Shu, Y Wang, S Chen, S Y Wang, K K Lai & Y Yang, “Analysis of Evolutionary Game in Structural Formation of Market Power in Remanufacturing Supply Chains”, Applied Economics, Vol. 51, No. 20, 2019, p2195-2220

F Tao, T Fan, X Jia & K K Lai, “Optimal Production Strategy for a Manufacturing and Remanufacturing System with Return Policy”, to appear, Operational Research – International Journal, Jan 2019

F Tao, H Shao & K K Lai, “Pricing and Modularity Decisions under Competition”, to appear, Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, June 2018
F Tao & K K Lai, “Inventory Management under Power Structures with Consignment Contract Subject to Inventory Inaccuracy”, to appear, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, June 2018
J Wang, J Du & K K Lai, “Chinese Currency Exchange Rates Forecasting with EMD-Based Neural Network”, to appear, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Nov 2018

J Du, R Yu & K K Lai, “Identification and Prediction of Currency Crisis: Markov Switching-Based Approach”, to appear, Singapore Economic Review, March 2018
F Tao & K K Lai, “Determinant on RFID Technology Investment for Dominant Retailer Subject to Inventory Misplacement”, to appear, International Transactions in Operations Research, Feb 2018

X Chen, L Zhao, H Liang & K K Lai, “Matching Patients and Healthcare Service Providers: a Novel Two-stage Method Based on Knowledge Rules and OWA-NSGA-II Algorithm”, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 37, Issue 1, Jan 2019, p221-247

J Chai, l Xing, Y Zhou, S Li, K K Lai & S Y Wang, “ Impact of Healthcare Insurance on medical Expenses in China: New Evidence form Meta-Analysis”, Soft Computing, Vol. 22, Issue 16, Aug 2018, p5201-5213

T Shu, Q Liu, S Chen, S Y Wang & K K Lai, “Pricing Decision of CSR Closed-Loop Supply Chains with Carbon Emission Constraints”, Sustainability, Vol. 10, No. 4430, 2018

T Shu, C Huang, S Chen, S Y Wang & K K Lai, “Trade-old for Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chains with Carbon Tax and Government Subsidies”, Sustainability, Vol. 10, No. 3935, 2018

J Bian, K K Lai, Z Hua, X Zhao & G Zhou, “Bertrand vs Cournot Competition in Distribution Channels with Upstream Collusion”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 204, 2018, p278-289

T Shu, X Yang, S Chen, S Y Wang, K K Lai & H Yang, “Retailers’ Order Strategies in Transshipments in Disruption Risks of Supply Chains”, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 31, Issue 5, Oct 2018, p1273-1301

Y Wei, S Sun, K K Lai & G Abbas, “A KELM-based Ensemble Learning Approach for Exchange Rate Forecasting”, Journal of Systems Science and Information, Vol. 6, No. 4, Aug 2018, p289-301

T Zhang, G Li, K K Lai & J Leung, “Information Disclosure Strategies for the Intermediary and Competitive Sellers”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 271, Issue 3, Dec 2018, p1156-1173

W Chen, K K Lai & Y Cai, “Topic Generation for Chinese Stocks: a Cognitively Motivated Topic Modeling Method Using Social Media Data”, Quantitative Finance and Economics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2018, p279-293

T Shu, J Xu, S Chen, S Y Wang & K K Lai, “Remanufacturing Decisions with WTP Discrepancy and Uncertain Quality of Product Returns”, Sustainability, Vol. 10, No. 2123, June 2018

J N Wang, J Du & K K Lai, “The Importance of Hedging Currency Risk: Evidence from CNY and CNH”, Economics Modelling, Vol. 75, Nov 2018, p81-92

H Shen, L Hu & K K Lai, “A Mathematical Programming Model to Determine Objective Weights for the Interval Extension of TOPSIS”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2018, Article ID **, June 2018

J Chai, P Cao, X Y Zhou, K K Lai, X F Chen & S Su, “The Conductive and Predictive Effect of Oil price Fluctuations on China’s Industrial Development Based on Mixed Frequency Data”, Energies, Vol. 6, No 6, 2018, p1372

C Tang, H Yang, E Cao & K K Lai, “Channel Competition and Coordination of a Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Demand and Cost Disruption”, Applied Economics, Vol. 50, Issue 46, 2018, p4999-5016

J Chai, T Liang, K K Lai, Z Zhang & S Y Wang, “The Future Natural Gas Consumption in China: Based on the LMDI-STIRPAT-PLSR Framework and Scenario Analysis”, Energy Policy, Vol. 119, Aug 2018, p215-225

J Han, B Li, H Liang & K K Lai, “A Novel Two-sided Matching Decision Method for Technological Knowledge Supplier and Demander Considering the Network Collaboration Effect”, Soft Computing, Vol. 22, Issue 16, Aug 2018, p5439-5451

S Wu, Y Fu, K K Lai & J Leung, “A Weighted Least-Square Dissimilarity Approach for Multiple Criteria ABC Inventory Classification”, Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2018

J Chai, Q Lu, Y Hu, S Y Wang, K K Lai & H Liu, “Analysis and Bayes Statistical Probability Inference of Crude Oil Price Change Point”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 126, Jan 2018, p271-283

A Huang, H Qiao, K K Lai, S Y Wang & Z Zhang, “Does Interval Knowledge Sharpen Forecasting Models? Evidence From China’s Typical Ports”, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol. 17, Issue 02, March 2018, p467-483

Y Ding, Y Fu, K K Lai & J Leung, “Using Ranked Weights and Acceptability Analysis to Construct Composite Indicators: A Case Study of Regional Sustainable Society Index”, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 139, Issue3, October2018, p871-885

J Shi, K K Lai, P Hu & G Chen, “Factors dominating Individuals’ Information sharing Behavior on Social Networking Sites”, Information Technology & Management, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2018, p121-139

J Shi, P Hu, K K Lai & G Chen, “Determinants of Users Information Dissemination Behavior on Social Networking Sites: an Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective”, Internet Research, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2018, p393-418

D Yan, Y Hu & K K Lai, “A Nonlinear Interval Portfolio Selection Model and its Applications in Banks”, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 31, Issue 3, June 2018, p696-733

F Tao, T Fan & K K Lai, “Optimal Inventory Control Policy and Supply Chain Coordination Problem with carbon Footprint Constraints”, International Transactions in Operations Research, Vol. 25, Issue 6, Nov 2018, p1831-1853

K K Lai, M T Cheung & Y Fu, “Resource Allocation in Public Healthcare: a Team-DEA Model”, Journal of System Sciences and Complexity, Vol. 31, Issue 2, April 2018, p463-472

T Shu, Y Zheng, S Y Wang, S Chen, K K Lai & L Gan, “Analysis of Product Return Rate and Price Competition in Two Supply Chains”, Operational Research: International Journal, Vol. 18, Issue 2, July 2018, p469-496

Y Wei, Q Wei, S Y Wang & K K Lai, “A Hybrid Approach for Studying the lead-lag Relationship Between China’s Onshore and Offshore Exchange Rates Considering the Impact of Extreme Events”, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2018, p734-749

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