张国庆 特聘研究员 性别: 男
邮箱: zhanggq@szu.edu.cn
办公室: 机电大楼s707室
人才称号: 深圳市“孔雀计划”海外高层次人才,深圳市南山区 “领航人才”
最终学位: 博士
导师资格: 硕士生导师
研究领域: 超精密加工工艺与装备、机器人与智能装备
主讲本科课程: 轨道交通车辆工程、机械工程专业英语等
主讲研究生课程: 应用数学、精密/超精密加工技术
教育背景: 2011–2014,香港理工大学,工业与系统工程学系,博士学位;
工作履历: 2019–至今,深圳大学,机电学院,特聘研究员;
代表期刊论文 : SCI 论文:
1. Zhang G, To S, Xiao G. A novel spindle inclination error identification and compensation method in ultra-precision raster milling[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, 78: 8-17.
2. Zhang G, To S, Xiao G. The relation between chip morphology and tool wear in ultra-precision raster milling[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, 80: 11-17.
3. Zhang G, To S, Zhang S. Evaluation for tool flank wear and its influences on surface roughness in ultra-precision raster fly cutting[J], International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 118:125-134.
4. Zhang G, To S. A novel surface quality evaluation method in ultra-precision raster milling using cutting chips[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 219: 328-338.
5. Zhang G, To S, Xiao G. Novel tool wear monitoring method in ultra-precision raster milling using cutting chips[J]. Precision Engineering, 2014, 38(3): 555-560.
6. Zhang G, To S, Zhang S, Zhu Z. Case study of surface micro-waves in ultra-precision raster fly cutting[J], Precision Engineering, 2016, 46:393-398.
7. Zhang G, To S, Zhang S. Relationships of tool wear characteristics to cutting mechanics, chip formation, and surface quality in ultra-precision fly cutting[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 83(1-4): 133-144.
8. Zhang G, To S. An in-process tool wear evaluation approach for ultra-precision fly cutting[J], International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(1-4): 169-177.
9. Zhang G, Du J, To S. Study of the workspace of a class of universal joints[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2014, 73: 244-258.
10. Zhang G, Du J, To S. Calibration of a small size hexapod machine tool using coordinate measuring machine[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 230(3):183-197.
11. Zhang G, To S. Relation between tool wear and workpiece modal vibration in ultra-precision raster fly cutting[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(9-12):3505-3515.
12. To S, Zhang G*. Study of cutting force in ultra-precision raster milling of V-groove[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 75(5-8): 967-978.
13. Du J, Zhang G*, Liu T, To S. Improvement on load performance of externally pressurized gas journal bearings by opening pressure-equalizing grooves[J]. Tribology International, 2014, 73: 156-166.
14. Cheng CT, Zhang G, To S. Wetting characteristics of bare micro-patterned cyclic olefin copolymer surfaces fabricated by ultra-precision raster milling[J], RSC Advances, 2016, 6(2):1562-1570.
15. Xiao G, To S, Zhang G. Molecular dynamics modelling of brittle–ductile cutting mode transition: Case study on silicon carbide[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 88: 214-222.
16. Zhang SJ, To S, Zhang GQ, Zhu ZW. A review of machine-tool vibration and its influence upon surface generation in ultra-precision machining[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 91: 34-42.
17. Xiao G, To S, Zhang G. The mechanism of ductile deformation in ductile regime machining of 6H SiC[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 98: 178-188.
18. Zhang SJ, To S, Zhang GQ. Diamond tool wear in ultra-precision machining[J], The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016. doi:10.1007/s00170-016-8751-9.
19. Zhang SJ, To S, Zhu ZW, Zhang GQ. A review of fly cutting applied to surface generation in ultra-precision machining[J], International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2016, 103:13–27.
20. Zhang Q, To S, Zhao Q, Guo B., Zhang G. Impact of material microstructure and diamond grit wear on surface finish in micro-grinding of RB-SiC/Si and WC/Co carbides[J]. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2015, 51: 258-263.
21. Zhang SJ, To S, Wang SJ, Zhang GQ. A new representation with probability distribution for nanometric surface roughness in ultra-precision machining[J]. Precision Engineering, 2016, 45:445-449.
22. Zhu Z, To S, Xiao G, Zhang G. Rotary spatial vibration-assisted diamond cutting of brittle materials[J]. Precision Engineering, 2015, 44:211-219.
23. Zhang GQ, To S, Xiao GB. Cutting Force Evolution and its Power Spectrum Analysis with Tool Wear Progress in Ultra-Precision Raster Milling[C]. Key Engineering Materials,2014, 625: 20-25.
24. Zhang GQ, To S. Diamond tool wear detection method using cutting force and its power spectrum analysis in ultra-precision fly cutting[C]. 7th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2014). International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014: 928105-928105-10.
25. Zhang GQ, To S. A Novel Tool Wear Measurement Method in Ultra-Precision Raster Milling[J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2016, 679:123-127.
26. Xiao G, To S, Zhang G. A study of chip formation in ductile-regime machining of 6H silicon carbide by molecular dynamics[J]. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2015, 11(1-2): 64-77.
27. 张国庆, 杜建军. 精密装配用并联机器人标定及机构误差分析[J], 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2013, 45(02):47-52.
28. 张国庆, 杜建军. 精密小型Hexapod并联机器人标定实验及精度分析[J], 纳米技术与精密工程, 2013, 11(1):34-40. (EI)
29. 杜建军, 张国庆, 刘 暾. 均压槽与静压气体轴颈轴承承载特性的关系研究[J], 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(15): 106-112.
代表专利: 已授权中国发明专利
1. 张国庆,?赵智明. 减速机构:中国, ZL 0.9[P]. 2015.02.04.
2. 赵智明, 张国庆. 万向节: 中国, ZL 9.7[P]. 2014-04-30.
3. 张国庆. 机器人臂部件: 中国, ZL 2.1[P]. 2014-03-26.
4. 赵智明,?张国庆,?戴家鹏. 减速机构: 中国, ZL 2.2[P]. 2014-03-26.
5. 张国庆,?赵智明. 球头关节: 中国, ZL 8.8[P]. 2014-03-26.
6. 张国庆, 赵智明. 减速机构: 中国, ZL 5.8[P]. 2014-03-26.
7. 张国庆,?戴家鹏. 磁齿轮: 中国, ZL 9.7[P]. 2014-02-19.
8. 张国庆,?赵智明,?周炯. 并联机器人: 中国, ZL 3.0[P]. 2014-01-22.
9. 张国庆;?王其军. 码垛机器人: 中国, ZL 7.1[P]. 2014-01-22.
10. 张国庆,?戴家鹏,?徐晓明. 六自由度运动平台: 中国, ZL 6.7[P]. 2013-12-11.
11. 周炯,?赵智明,?张国庆. 减速机构及其采用的传动装置: 中国, ZL 0.4[P]. 2013-11-20.
12. 张国庆,?赵智明,?冯勇. 并联机构: 中国, ZL 8.4[P]. 2013-11-20.
13. 张国庆,?徐晓明. 行星齿轮传动机构: 中国, ZL 5.2[P]. 2013-11-20.
14. 张国庆,?赵智明.并联机器人: 中国, ZL 3.8[P]. 2013-08-28.
15. 张国庆,?徐晓明. 偏心摆线型减速机构: 中国, ZL 7.1[P]. 2013-06-05.
16. 张国庆. 连接机构: 中国, ZL 1.3[P]. 2013-01-09.
1. Zhou J, Zhao Z M, Zhang G Q. Deceleration mechanism and transmission device utilized thereby: U.S. Patent 8,820,183[P]. 2014-9-2.
2. Zhang G Q. Robotic arm assembly: U.S. Patent 8,607,659[P]. 2013-12-17.
3. Zhao Z M, Zhang G Q, Day C P. Deceleration mechanism: U.S. Patent 8,601,898[P]. 2013-12-10.
4. Zhang G Q, Zhao Z M. Deceleration mechanism: U.S. Patent 8,596,159[P]. 2013-12-3.
5. Zhang G Q. Robot arm system: U.S. Patent 8,511,198[P]. 2013-8-20.
6. Zhang G Q, Zhao Z M. Motion transmitting mechanism: U.S. Patent 8,511,187[P]. 2013-8-20.
7. Zhang G Q, Day C P, Xu X M. Mobile platform with six degrees of freedom: U.S. Patent 8,505,392[P]. 2013-8-13.
8. Zhang G Q, Wang Q J. Palletizing robot: U.S. Patent 8,491,250[P]. 2013-7-23.
9. Zhang G Q, Xu X M. Planetary gear transmission mechanism: U.S. Patent 8,475,318[P]. 2013-7-2.
10. Zhao Z M, Zhang G Q. Universal joint: U.S. Patent 8,469,830[P]. 2013-6-25.
11. Zhang G Q, Zhao Z M, Zhou J. Parallel robot: U.S. Patent 8,418,579[P]. 2013-4-16.
12. Zhang G Q, Zhao Z M. Universal ball joint: U.S. Patent 8,353,776[P]. 2013-1-15.
13. Zhang G Q, Zhao Z M. Parallel robot: U.S. Patent 8,272,290[P]. 2012-9-25.
14. Zhang G Q. Connecting mechanism: U.S. Patent 8,267,615[P]. 2012-9-18.
获得荣誉: 1.2019年度中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖,排名第一
主要学术兼职: 中国机械工程学会设计分会理事,中国机械工程学会高级会员,美国精密工程学会会员。
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