

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-28

姓名:Alessandro Simeone
April 2013 to present
Associate Professor, Shantou University
College of Engineering, Department of Mechatronic Engineering
· Principal investigator of “Eco-Intelligent Decision Making in Manufacturing Engineering”
· Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering MEC3407A (starting in September 2017)

July 2013 to January 2017
Research Associate, Loughborough University
The centre for Sustainable Manufacturing and Recycling Technologies (SMART), Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough Universityhttp://www.centreforsmart.co.uk/
Lead researcher on EPSRC Grant “Eco-Intelligent Manufacturing”, a research project aimed to embed the environmental considerations within various manufacturing decisions and to support a framework for eco-intelligent approach to short, medium and long-term planning, control and management activities.
Research highlights:
· Identification of metrics to support environmentally focused manufacturing decisions across a range of management and planning activities
· Development of technologies aimed at generating real-time information to support eco-aware decision making
· Implementation of an intelligent sustainable business management system for long-term strategic decision making
Involvement in the following courses and modules:
· Sustainable Energy Systems MMP423 – Tutorial, coursework assessment
· Sustainable Business Management MMP424 – Lecture, marking of student presentation
· MMP409 Sustainable Development: the Engineering Context – tutorial (SimaPro and Eco-intelligent Manufacturing)
· MMC602 Sustainable Manufacturing - laboratory supervision
Students’ Projects Supervision
· PhD mentoring – “A framework for heat energy recovery within manufacturing” (2015/16)
· Delfin Program – Mexican undergraduate summer placement student (2014 and 2015):
o 2014, Image acquisition and processing for monitoring of disassembled car components
o 2015 Clean-in-place monitoring: vision system for surface fouling detection in openable components
· Supervision of Ensure undergraduate student - Infrared monitoring of machining processes (July-September 2013)
Involvement in the following research proposals:
· Contribute to the successful application of High Speed, Energy Efficient Manufacturing of Cadmium Telluride Solar Cells ( EP/M014088/1), EPSRC Energy Resilient Manufacturing call 2014 (£282,948)
· Contribute to the successful application of Self Optimising CIP 2015 - Innovate UK Technology Inspired innovation Call (£143,573)
Industrial collaboration
· Martec Of Whitwell Ltd: development of Clean-in-place monitoring systems
· Unilever R&D: optimisation of production scheduling and changeover time minimisation
· Photofabrications Services Ltd: heat recovery feasibility study
· The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) Research Affiliate, September 2015

Business or sector Sustainable Manufacturing

October 2009 to February 2010
Post-graduate Research Associate

GE AVIO AERO (ex Aviogroup SpA), Viale Giuseppe Luraghi, 20, 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) - Italy

Design and setup of experimental tests in the shop floor for process optimisation in turning of Ni-based alloys:
· Multi-sensor system setup
· Materials preparation (workpieces and cutting tools)
· Material characterisation tests planning

Business or sector Aerospace propulsion

May 2009 to September 2009
Manufacturing Engineer within Erasmus Student Placement Scholarship

GKN Aerospace Sweden AB (ex Volvo Aero Corporation), Trollh?ttan, Sweden

Research, development and application of sensor monitoring systems for drilling processes optimisation.
· Process characterisation;
· Data acquisition;
· Signal Processing;
· Defects detection through signal analysis;
· Activities planning, scheduling and coordination.

Business or sector Aerospace Manufacturing

December 2008 to April 2009
Configuration Manager Trainee

Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA, Rome, Italy

Identifying components of an evolving solution, controlling changes of the solution components, and traceability throughout the process life cycle according to both international and Ericsson Standards
· SolCM
· Baseline Management
· Planning and Breakdown
· CQ4E (Change requests handling)
· Ericoll (EPP and Collaboration Areas)
· Ericsson Repositories (EriDoc, GASK2WEB)

Business or sector Telecommunications

June 2008 to November 2008
Post-graduate Research Associate

GE AVIO AERO (ex Aviogroup SpA), Viale Giuseppe Luraghi, 20, 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) - Italy

Design and realisation of experimental tests in the shop floor for process optimisation in turning of Ni-based alloys

Business or sector Aerospace propulsion


March 2010 – May 2013
PhD in Manufacturing Technology and Systems
EQF level 8

Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory of Excellence on Advanced Production Technology, J-LEAPT
(Fh-IWU Chemnitz & DIMP-UniNaples Federico II) at Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering Department, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Main Topics:
· Production systems management and optimisation;
· Modelling and simulation in production engineering;
· Sensors and signal analysis for intelligent monitoring systems;
· Nondestructive testing, inspection and evaluation;
Thesis work developed in conjunction with the activities of the EC FP7 Adaptive Control of Manufacturing Processes for a New Generation of Jet Engine Components (ACCENT) Project.
Most of the experimental activities were carried out at GE Avio SpA facilities, Pomigliano d’Arco, Naples; GE Avio SpA is an industrial partner in the EC FP7 ACCENT Project.
Thesis outline:
· The design and realization of an experimental campaign of turning tests on a nickel base alloy of aeronautical interest (Inconel 718) was carried out in an industrial environment. A multi sensor monitoring system, endowed with diverse sensing units was designed, assembled, calibrated and employed during machining tests in order to acquire different sensor signals on an online basis.
· Raw signals acquired were subjected to conventional and advanced signal analysis methods in order to extract significant features useful for decision making on process conditions.
· This thesis work includes material characterization tests carried out to investigate the surface integrity of the workpiece as well as the state of the tool wear with the scope of correlating these conditions to sensor signals features.
· By the implementation of a decision making support system, sensor signal features extracted by signal processing techniques were utilized for the identification of defects in the workpiece due to the machining process, as revealed by the material characterization tests.
· Decision making was carried out by diverse Neural Network pattern recognition paradigms, designed and implemented for the purpose.

September 2005 – May 2008
Master Degree in Management Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, final marks: 103/110
EQF level 7

Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Manufacturing technology and process optimisation; Management technologies for civil engineering (hydraulics, transportation systems, geotechnics and constructions); Optimisation, identification and programming of linear dynamic systems; Costing, decision making, fuzzy logic; Business Plan
Experimental Master Thesis on: “Optimisation in the machining of difficult-to-machine alloys: turning of Inconel 718”. Supervisor: Prof Roberto Teti. Industrial co-supervisor: Ing. Gaetano De Chiara, Avio SpA, Pomigliano d’Arco (NA), Italy.
Intra moenia training at LAPT (Laboratory for Advanced Production Technologies,www.jleapt-unina.fraunhofer.it), at the Department of Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Director: Prof. Roberto Teti.
Stage on-job at AVIO SpA facilities, Pomigliano d’Arco (NA), Italy, working on the optimisation of machining processes of difficult-to-machine alloys with experimental tests in the shop floor.

September 2001 – July 2005
Degree in Engineering Management of Projects and Infrastructures, Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, final marks: 100/110
EQF level 6

Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Hydraulics, transportation systems, geotechnique, constructions, Thesis “Contradictions between agricultural support politics and urban management constraints: a proposal for Minturno (LT)”. Supervisor: Prof Ferruccio Ferrigni. Non-academic co-supervisor: Arch. Antonio D’Angelo, Technical Department Chief, Municipality of Minturno (LT), Italy

September 2003 – January 2004
Exams within Socrates/Erasmus student exchange with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (written and oral, in Romanian language)

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca – Romania

Exams taken: Construction Management I, II – Project management – Applied geology


Mother tongue(s)

Other language(s)

Spoken interaction
Spoken production





Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills
· Good communication skills gained through my experience as a researcher by delivering presentations, lectures and seminars

Organisational / managerial skills
· Organisation and preparation of teaching material for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses
· Organisation and coordination of temporary students’ activities within Erasmus and Dolphin programmes
· Organisation and coordination of projects for university exams, such as the ones published on the websites:
· Organisation of group travels and excursions in Italy and Europe

Job-related skills
· Sensor systems setup and customisation. Profile projectors use and metrology application
· Supervision of post-graduate experimental activities
· Participation to Research Project Proposals preparation
· Reviewer for Textile Research Journal

Computer skills
· Windows Operating system, Office Pack
· Web design, multimedia, digital editing: Front Page, Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Premiere
· 3D CAD: Sketchup, CATIA, AUTOCAD
· Internet navigation, Hardware components

Other skills
· Accordion player in Folk Music Ensembles, since 1999
· Digital photography
· Slow food

Driving licence
· Full UK car driving license

International Conferences
Participation in the CIRP Winter Meeting 2016 as CIRP Research Affiliate
Participation to 4th CIRPe 2015 Global Web Conference “Understanding the life cycle implications of manufacturing” as co-author and presenter of the paper:
· Use of Laser Beam Diffraction for Non-invasive Characterisation of CdTe Thin Film Growth Structure
Participation in the CIRP CMS 2015 - 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems “ Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future” as co-author of the paper:
· A Material Flow Modelling Tool for Resource Efficient Production Planning in Multi-product Manufacturing Systems
Participation in the 22nd CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering “Efficiency to Effectiveness: Sustainability in Manufacturing” as first author and presenter of the paper:
· Tool State Assessment for Reduction of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Aluminium Machining Processes via Infrared Temperature Monitoring
Participation in the 8th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME ’12, Naples, Italy 18-20 July 2012. Member of Organising Committee and co-author of the papers:
· Multiple Sensor Monitoring in Nickel Alloy Turning for Tool Wear Assessment via Sensor Fusion
· Residual Stress Condition Monitoring via Sensor Fusion in Turning of Inconel 718
Participation in the 7th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME ’10, Naples, Italy 23-25 June 2010. Member of Organising Committee and co-author of the papers:
· Neural Network Model for Tool Wear Curve Reconstruction during Turning of Inconel 718;
· Adaptive Process Monitoring of Holemaking Operations.
Participation in the 6th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME ’08, Naples, Italy 22-25 July 2008. Member of Organising Committee and co-author & presenter of the paper:
· Neural Network Tool Wear Prediction in Turning of Inconel 718.

CIRP ICME ’16 - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Innovative and Cognitive Production Technology and Systems, 20- 22 July 2016, Gulf of Naples, Italy as Chairman of the Sustainability session and presenting the following papers:
· Eco-Intelligent Monitoring System for Fouling Detection in Clean-in-Place Processes
· Energy-efficient systems for the sensing and separation of mixed polymers
· Optimized assembly design for resource efficient production in a multiproduct manufacturing system
66th CIRP General Assembly, Guimar?es, Portugal 21-27 August 2016 presenting the following paper:
A decision support system for waste heat recovery in manufacturing
Forthcoming conferences
67th CIRP General Assembly, Lugano, Switzerland 20-26 August 2017


Journal Papers Cat. 11
1. Simeone, A., Luo, Y., Woolley, E., Rahimifard, S., Bo?r. C., 2016, A decision support system for waste heat recovery in manufacturing, CIRP Annals, Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 65/1, DOI 10.1016/j.cirp.2016.04.034
2. Luo, Y., Woolley, E., Rahimifard, S., & Simeone, A. (2015). Improving energy efficiency within manufacturing by recovering waste heat energy, Journal of Thermal Engineering, SPECIAL ISSUE 1 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ENTECH14, Year: 2015, Volume: 1, Issue: 5, (FEB 2015), pp:337-344
3. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., Principal component analysis for feature extraction and NN pattern recognition in sensor monitoring of chip form during turning, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 202-209, ISSN 1755-5817,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2014.04.005.
4. D’Addona, D., Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2011, ANN Tool Wear Modelling in the Machining of Nickel Superalloy Industrial Products, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Special Section on Innovative and Cognitive Manufacturing Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2011.07.003, 4/1: 33-37

Conference Papers Cat. 5
5. Woolley E., Simeone A., Rahimifard S. (2017) Eco-Intelligent Factories: Timescales for Environmental Decision Support. In: Campana G., Howlett R., Setchi R., Cimatti B. (eds) Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017. SDM 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68. Springer, Cham
6. Simeone, A., Watson, N., Sterritt, I., & Woolley, E. (2016). A multi-sensor approach for fouling level assessment in clean-in-place processes. Procedia Cirp, 55, 134-139.
7. Gould, O., Simeone, A., Colwill, J., Willey, R., Rahimifard, S., 2016, A Material Flow Modelling Tool for Resource Efficient Production Planning in Multi-product Manufacturing Systems, Procedia CIRP, Volume 41, Pages 21-26, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.139.
8. Goffin, N., Lisco, F., Simeone, A., Claudio, g., Tyrer, J., Woolley, E., Use of Laser Beam Diffraction for Non-invasive Characterisation of CdTe Thin Film Growth Structure, Procedia CIRP, Volume 37, 2015, Pages 101-106, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.08.077.
9. Simeone, A., Woolley, E.B., Rahimifard, S., Tool State Assessment for Reduction of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Aluminium Machining Processes via Infrared Temperature Monitoring, Procedia CIRP, Volume 29, 2015, Pages 526-531, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.02.070.

10. Segreto, T., Karam, S., Simeone, A., Teti, R., Residual Stress Assessment in Inconel 718 Machining Through Wavelet Sensor Signal Analysis and Sensor Fusion Pattern Recognition, Procedia CIRP, Volume 9, 2013, Pages 103-108, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2013.06.176.
11. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2012, Multiple Sensor Monitoring in Nickel Alloy Turning for Tool Wear Assessment via Sensor Fusion, 8th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘12, 18-20 July, Ischia, Italy
12. Simeone, A., Segreto, T., Teti, R., 2012, Residual Stress Condition Monitoring via Sensor Fusion in Turning of Inconel 718, 8th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘12, 18-20 July, Ischia, Italy
13. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2012, Chip form Classification in Carbon Steel Turning through Cutting Force Measurement and Principal Component Analysis, Procedia CIRP, Volume 2, 2012, Pages 49-54, ISSN 2212-8271, 10.1016/j.procir.2012.05.038 July 2012
14. Simeone, A., Segreto, T., Teti, R., 2012, Sensor Fusion for Tool State Classification in Nickel Superalloy High Performance Cutting, Procedia CIRP, Volume 1, 2012, Pages 593-598, ISSN 2212-8271, 10.1016/j.procir.2012.05.005 July 2012
15. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2011, Principal Component Analysis of Multiple Sensor Signals for Tool Wear Identification during Composite Materials Machining, X Convegno AITeM – Naples, 12-14 September 2011

16. D’Addona, D., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2010, Neural Network Model for Tool Wear Curve Reconstruction during Turning of Inconel 718, 7th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘10, 23-25 June, Capri, Italy, ISBN ISBN 978-88-95028-65-1
17. Cedergren, S., Simeone, A., Wretland, A, 2010, Adaptive Process Monitoring of Holemaking Operations, 7th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘10, 23-25 June, Capri, Italy, ISBN 978-88-95028-65-1
18. Teti, R., D’Addona, D., Segreto, T., Simeone, A., De Chiara, G. Gabriele, L., Marrone, R., 2008, Neural Network Tool Wear Prediction in Turning of Inconel 718, 6th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘08, Naples, ISBN 978-88-900948-7-3: 23-25 July: 199-203

In press
19. Simeone, A., Woolley, E.., Zendejas Rodriguez, A.N., Rahimifard, S., Eco-Intelligent Monitoring System for Fouling Detection in Clean-in-Place Processes, Procedia CIRP - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 20 - 22 July 2016.
20. Colwill, J., Simeone, A., Gould, O., Woolley, E.B., Mulvenna, C., Energy-efficient systems for the sensing and separation of mixed polymers, Procedia CIRP - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 20 - 22 July 2016.
21. Gould, O., Simeone, A., Colwill, J., Woolley, E.B., Willey, R., Rahimifard, S., Optimized assembly design for resource efficient production in a multiproduct manufacturing system, Procedia CIRP - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 20 - 22 July 2016.

教育背景March 2010 – May 2013
PhD in Manufacturing Technology and Systems
EQF level 8

Fraunhofer Joint Laboratory of Excellence on Advanced Production Technology, J-LEAPT
(Fh-IWU Chemnitz & DIMP-UniNaples Federico II) at Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering Department, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Main Topics:
· Production systems management and optimisation;
· Modelling and simulation in production engineering;
· Sensors and signal analysis for intelligent monitoring systems;
· Nondestructive testing, inspection and evaluation;
Thesis work developed in conjunction with the activities of the EC FP7 Adaptive Control of Manufacturing Processes for a New Generation of Jet Engine Components (ACCENT) Project.
Most of the experimental activities were carried out at GE Avio SpA facilities, Pomigliano d’Arco, Naples; GE Avio SpA is an industrial partner in the EC FP7 ACCENT Project.
Thesis outline:
· The design and realization of an experimental campaign of turning tests on a nickel base alloy of aeronautical interest (Inconel 718) was carried out in an industrial environment. A multi sensor monitoring system, endowed with diverse sensing units was designed, assembled, calibrated and employed during machining tests in order to acquire different sensor signals on an online basis.
· Raw signals acquired were subjected to conventional and advanced signal analysis methods in order to extract significant features useful for decision making on process conditions.
· This thesis work includes material characterization tests carried out to investigate the surface integrity of the workpiece as well as the state of the tool wear with the scope of correlating these conditions to sensor signals features.
· By the implementation of a decision making support system, sensor signal features extracted by signal processing techniques were utilized for the identification of defects in the workpiece due to the machining process, as revealed by the material characterization tests.
· Decision making was carried out by diverse Neural Network pattern recognition paradigms, designed and implemented for the purpose.

September 2005 – May 2008
Master Degree in Management Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, final marks: 103/110
EQF level 7

Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Manufacturing technology and process optimisation; Management technologies for civil engineering (hydraulics, transportation systems, geotechnics and constructions); Optimisation, identification and programming of linear dynamic systems; Costing, decision making, fuzzy logic; Business Plan
Experimental Master Thesis on: “Optimisation in the machining of difficult-to-machine alloys: turning of Inconel 718”. Supervisor: Prof Roberto Teti. Industrial co-supervisor: Ing. Gaetano De Chiara, Avio SpA, Pomigliano d’Arco (NA), Italy.
Intra moenia training at LAPT (Laboratory for Advanced Production Technologies, www.jleapt-unina.fraunhofer.it ), at the Department of Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Director: Prof. Roberto Teti.
Stage on-job at AVIO SpA facilities, Pomigliano d’Arco (NA), Italy, working on the optimisation of machining processes of difficult-to-machine alloys with experimental tests in the shop floor.

September 2001 – July 2005
Degree in Engineering Management of Projects and Infrastructures, Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, final marks: 100/110
EQF level 6

Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Hydraulics, transportation systems, geotechnique, constructions, Thesis “Contradictions between agricultural support politics and urban management constraints: a proposal for Minturno (LT)”. Supervisor: Prof Ferruccio Ferrigni. Non-academic co-supervisor: Arch. Antonio D’Angelo, Technical Department Chief, Municipality of Minturno (LT), Italy

September 2003 – January 2004
Exams within Socrates/Erasmus student exchange with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (written and oral, in Romanian language)

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca – Romania

Exams taken: Construction Management I, II – Project management – Applied geology


Mother tongue(s)

Other language(s)

Spoken interaction
Spoken production





Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills
· Good communication skills gained through my experience as a researcher by delivering presentations, lectures and seminars

Organisational / managerial skills
· Organisation and preparation of teaching material for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses
· Organisation and coordination of temporary students’ activities within Erasmus and Dolphin programmes
· Organisation and coordination of projects for university exams, such as the ones published on the websites:
o http://digilander.libero.it/sivinarom
o http://digilander.libero.it/gsut349
· Organisation of group travels and excursions in Italy and Europe

Job-related skills
· Sensor systems setup and customisation. Profile projectors use and metrology application
· Supervision of post-graduate experimental activities
· Participation to Research Project Proposals preparation
· Reviewer for Textile Research Journal

Computer skills
· Windows Operating system, Office Pack
· Web design, multimedia, digital editing: Front Page, Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Premiere
· 3D CAD: Sketchup, CATIA, AUTOCAD
· Internet navigation, Hardware components

Other skills
· Accordion player in Folk Music Ensembles, since 1999
· Digital photography
· Slow food

Driving licence
· Full UK car driving license

International Conferences
Participation in the CIRP Winter Meeting 2016 as CIRP Research Affiliate
Participation to 4th CIRPe 2015 Global Web Conference “Understanding the life cycle implications of manufacturing” as co-author and presenter of the paper:
· Use of Laser Beam Diffraction for Non-invasive Characterisation of CdTe Thin Film Growth Structure
Participation in the CIRP CMS 2015 - 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems “ Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future” as co-author of the paper:
· A Material Flow Modelling Tool for Resource Efficient Production Planning in Multi-product Manufacturing Systems
Participation in the 22nd CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering “Efficiency to Effectiveness: Sustainability in Manufacturing” as first author and presenter of the paper:
· Tool State Assessment for Reduction of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Aluminium Machining Processes via Infrared Temperature Monitoring
Participation in the 8th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME ’12, Naples, Italy 18-20 July 2012. Member of Organising Committee and co-author of the papers:
· Multiple Sensor Monitoring in Nickel Alloy Turning for Tool Wear Assessment via Sensor Fusion
· Residual Stress Condition Monitoring via Sensor Fusion in Turning of Inconel 718
Participation in the 7th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME ’10, Naples, Italy 23-25 June 2010. Member of Organising Committee and co-author of the papers:
· Neural Network Model for Tool Wear Curve Reconstruction during Turning of Inconel 718;
· Adaptive Process Monitoring of Holemaking Operations.
Participation in the 6th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME ’08, Naples, Italy 22-25 July 2008. Member of Organising Committee and co-author & presenter of the paper:
· Neural Network Tool Wear Prediction in Turning of Inconel 718.

CIRP ICME ’16 - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Innovative and Cognitive Production Technology and Systems, 20- 22 July 2016, Gulf of Naples, Italy as Chairman of the Sustainability session and presenting the following papers:
· Eco-Intelligent Monitoring System for Fouling Detection in Clean-in-Place Processes
· Energy-efficient systems for the sensing and separation of mixed polymers
· Optimized assembly design for resource efficient production in a multiproduct manufacturing system
66th CIRP General Assembly, Guimar?es, Portugal 21-27 August 2016 presenting the following paper:
A decision support system for waste heat recovery in manufacturing
Forthcoming conferences
67th CIRP General Assembly, Lugano, Switzerland 20-26 August 2017


Journal Papers Cat. 11
1. Simeone, A., Luo, Y., Woolley, E., Rahimifard, S., Bo?r. C., 2016, A decision support system for waste heat recovery in manufacturing, CIRP Annals, Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 65/1, DOI 10.1016/j.cirp.2016.04.034
2. Luo, Y., Woolley, E., Rahimifard, S., & Simeone, A. (2015). Improving energy efficiency within manufacturing by recovering waste heat energy, Journal of Thermal Engineering, SPECIAL ISSUE 1 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ENTECH14, Year: 2015, Volume: 1, Issue: 5, (FEB 2015), pp:337-344
3. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., Principal component analysis for feature extraction and NN pattern recognition in sensor monitoring of chip form during turning, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 202-209, ISSN 1755-5817, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2014.04.005.
4. D’Addona, D., Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2011, ANN Tool Wear Modelling in the Machining of Nickel Superalloy Industrial Products, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Special Section on Innovative and Cognitive Manufacturing Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2011.07.003, 4/1: 33-37

Conference Papers Cat. 5
5. Woolley E., Simeone A., Rahimifard S. (2017) Eco-Intelligent Factories: Timescales for Environmental Decision Support. In: Campana G., Howlett R., Setchi R., Cimatti B. (eds) Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017. SDM 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68. Springer, Cham
6. Simeone, A., Watson, N., Sterritt, I., & Woolley, E. (2016). A multi-sensor approach for fouling level assessment in clean-in-place processes. Procedia Cirp, 55, 134-139.
7. Gould, O., Simeone, A., Colwill, J., Willey, R., Rahimifard, S., 2016, A Material Flow Modelling Tool for Resource Efficient Production Planning in Multi-product Manufacturing Systems, Procedia CIRP, Volume 41, Pages 21-26, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.139.
8. Goffin, N., Lisco, F., Simeone, A., Claudio, g., Tyrer, J., Woolley, E., Use of Laser Beam Diffraction for Non-invasive Characterisation of CdTe Thin Film Growth Structure, Procedia CIRP, Volume 37, 2015, Pages 101-106, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.08.077.
9. Simeone, A., Woolley, E.B., Rahimifard, S., Tool State Assessment for Reduction of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Aluminium Machining Processes via Infrared Temperature Monitoring, Procedia CIRP, Volume 29, 2015, Pages 526-531, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.02.070.

10. Segreto, T., Karam, S., Simeone, A., Teti, R., Residual Stress Assessment in Inconel 718 Machining Through Wavelet Sensor Signal Analysis and Sensor Fusion Pattern Recognition, Procedia CIRP, Volume 9, 2013, Pages 103-108, ISSN 2212-8271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2013.06.176.
11. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2012, Multiple Sensor Monitoring in Nickel Alloy Turning for Tool Wear Assessment via Sensor Fusion, 8th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘12, 18-20 July, Ischia, Italy
12. Simeone, A., Segreto, T., Teti, R., 2012, Residual Stress Condition Monitoring via Sensor Fusion in Turning of Inconel 718, 8th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘12, 18-20 July, Ischia, Italy
13. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2012, Chip form Classification in Carbon Steel Turning through Cutting Force Measurement and Principal Component Analysis, Procedia CIRP, Volume 2, 2012, Pages 49-54, ISSN 2212-8271, 10.1016/j.procir.2012.05.038 July 2012
14. Simeone, A., Segreto, T., Teti, R., 2012, Sensor Fusion for Tool State Classification in Nickel Superalloy High Performance Cutting, Procedia CIRP, Volume 1, 2012, Pages 593-598, ISSN 2212-8271, 10.1016/j.procir.2012.05.005 July 2012
15. Segreto, T., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2011, Principal Component Analysis of Multiple Sensor Signals for Tool Wear Identification during Composite Materials Machining, X Convegno AITeM – Naples, 12-14 September 2011

16. D’Addona, D., Simeone, A., Teti, R., 2010, Neural Network Model for Tool Wear Curve Reconstruction during Turning of Inconel 718, 7th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘10, 23-25 June, Capri, Italy, ISBN ISBN 978-88-95028-65-1
17. Cedergren, S., Simeone, A., Wretland, A, 2010, Adaptive Process Monitoring of Holemaking Operations, 7th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘10, 23-25 June, Capri, Italy, ISBN 978-88-95028-65-1
18. Teti, R., D’Addona, D., Segreto, T., Simeone, A., De Chiara, G. Gabriele, L., Marrone, R., 2008, Neural Network Tool Wear Prediction in Turning of Inconel 718, 6th CIRP Int. Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ‘08, Naples, ISBN 978-88-900948-7-3: 23-25 July: 199-203

In press
19. Simeone, A., Woolley, E.., Zendejas Rodriguez, A.N., Rahimifard, S., Eco-Intelligent Monitoring System for Fouling Detection in Clean-in-Place Processes, Procedia CIRP - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 20 - 22 July 2016.
20. Colwill, J., Simeone, A., Gould, O., Woolley, E.B., Mulvenna, C., Energy-efficient systems for the sensing and separation of mixed polymers, Procedia CIRP - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 20 - 22 July 2016.
21. Gould, O., Simeone, A., Colwill, J., Woolley, E.B., Willey, R., Rahimifard, S., Optimized assembly design for resource efficient production in a multiproduct manufacturing system, Procedia CIRP - 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 20 - 22 July 2016.

工作背景April 2013 to presentAssociate Professor, Shantou UniversityCollege of Engineering, Department of Mechatronic Engineering Research· Principal investigator of “Eco-Intelligent Decision Making in Manufacturing Engineering”Teaching· Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering MEC3407A (starting in September 2017) July 2013 to January 2017Research Associate, Loughborough UniversityThe centre for Sustainable Manufacturing and Recycling Technologies (SMART), Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University http://www.centreforsmart.co.uk/Lead researcher on EPSRC Grant “Eco-Intelligent Manufacturing”, a research project aimed to embed the environmental considerations within various manufacturing decisions and to support a framework for eco-intelligent approach to short, medium and long-term planning, control and management activities. Research highlights:· Identification of metrics to support environmentally focused manufacturing decisions across a range of management and planning activities· Development of technologies aimed at generating real-time information to support eco-aware decision making· Implementation of an intelligent sustainable business management system for long-term strategic decision making TeachingInvolvement in the following courses and modules:· Sustainable Energy Systems MMP423 – Tutorial, coursework assessment· Sustainable Business Management MMP424 – Lecture, marking of student presentation· MMP409 Sustainable Development: the Engineering Context – tutorial (SimaPro and Eco-intelligent Manufacturing)· MMC602 Sustainable Manufacturing - laboratory supervision Students’ Projects Supervision· PhD mentoring – “A framework for heat energy recovery within manufacturing” (2015/16)· Delfin Program – Mexican undergraduate summer placement student (2014 and 2015):o 2014, Image acquisition and processing for monitoring of disassembled car componentso 2015 Clean-in-place monitoring: vision system for surface fouling detection in openable components· Supervision of Ensure undergraduate student - Infrared monitoring of machining processes (July-September 2013) FundingInvolvement in the following research proposals:· Contribute to the successful application of High Speed, Energy Efficient Manufacturing of Cadmium Telluride Solar Cells ( EP/M014088/1), EPSRC Energy Resilient Manufacturing call 2014 (£282,948)· Contribute to the successful application of Self Optimising CIP 2015 - Innovate UK Technology Inspired innovation Call (£143,573) Industrial collaboration· Martec Of Whitwell Ltd: development of Clean-in-place monitoring systems· Unilever R&D: optimisation of production scheduling and changeover time minimisation· Photofabrications Services Ltd: heat recovery feasibility study Membership· The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) Research Affiliate, September 2015Business or sector Sustainable Manufacturing October 2009 to February 2010Post-graduate Research Associate GE AVIO AERO (ex Aviogroup SpA), Viale Giuseppe Luraghi, 20, 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) - Italy Design and setup of experimental tests in the shop floor for process optimisation in turning of Ni-based alloys:· Multi-sensor system setup· Materials preparation (workpieces and cutting tools)· Material characterisation tests planning Business or sector Aerospace propulsion May 2009 to September 2009Manufacturing Engineer within Erasmus Student Placement ScholarshipGKN Aerospace Sweden AB (ex Volvo Aero Corporation), Trollhättan, SwedenResearch, development and application of sensor monitoring systems for drilling processes optimisation.· Process characterisation;· Data acquisition;· Signal Processing;· Defects detection through signal analysis;· Activities planning, scheduling and coordination.Business or sector Aerospace Manufacturing December 2008 to April 2009Configuration Manager TraineeEricsson Telecomunicazioni SpA, Rome, ItalyIdentifying components of an evolving solution, controlling changes of the solution components, and traceability throughout the process life cycle according to both international and Ericsson StandardsActivities:· SolCM· Baseline Management· Planning and BreakdownTools:· CQ4E (Change requests handling)· Ericoll (EPP and Collaboration Areas)· Ericsson Repositories (EriDoc, GASK2WEB)Business or sector Telecommunications June 2008 to November 2008Post-graduate Research AssociateGE AVIO AERO (ex Aviogroup SpA), Viale Giuseppe Luraghi, 20, 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) - ItalyDesign and realisation of experimental tests in the shop floor for process optimisation in turning of Ni-based alloysBusiness or sector Aerospace propulsion
科研项目Universal Multpurpose Satellite Platform CubeSat
Eco-Intelligent Decision Making in Manufacturing Engineering
科研论文Intelligent cloud manufacturing platform for efficient resource sharing in smart manufacturing networks
A coupled electrochemical-mechanical performance evaluation forsafety design of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles: An integrated cell and system level approach
Resource Efficiency Optimization Engine in Smart Production Networks via Intelligent Cloud Manufacturing Platforms
Collision damage assessment in lithium-ion battery cells via sensor monitoring and ensemble learning
Enhancement of clean-in-place procedures in powder production using ultraviolet-induced fluorescence
Fabrication, Experiments, and Analysis of an LBM Additive-Manufactured Flexure Parallel Mechanism
Enhanced Clean-In-Place Monitoring Using Ultraviolet Induced Fluorescence and Neural Networks
Industrial waste heat recovery: A systematic approach
A Novel Algorithm for Determining the Contextual Characteristics of Movement Behaviors by Combining Accelerometer Features and Wireless Beacons: Development and Implementation
Product features characterization and customers'preferences prediction based on purchasing data
Product features characterization and customers’ preferences prediction based on purchasing data
Topology Optimization of Spatial Compliant Mechanisms with Isomorphic Matrix of 3-UPC Type Parallel Prototype Manipulator
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