本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-28
2019.07-至今 汕头大学土木工程系,教授。
1.Gao Minling, Yu Liu, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo, 2021. Effect of polyethylene particles on dibutyl phthalate toxicity in lettuce (Lactuca sativaL.).Journal of Hazardous Materials401, 123422. (中科院1区, IF: 9.038)
2.Gao Minling, Xu Yalei, Yu Liu, Shengli Wang, Chengwei Wang, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo, 2021. Effect of polystyrene on di-butyl phthalate (DBP) bioavailability and DBP-induced phytotoxicity in lettuce.Environmental Pollution268, 115870. (中科院1区, IF: 6.792)
3.Xu Yalei, Song Zhengguo, Chang Xipeng, Guo Zeyang,Gao Minling*, 2021. Effects of Fe-Mn oxide-modified biochar composite applications on phthalate esters (PAEs) accumulation in wheat grains and grain quality under PAEs-polluted brown soil.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety208(15), 111624. (中科院2区, IF: 4.872)
4.Gao Minling, Xu Yalei, Song Zhengguo. 2021. Fe-Mn oxide modified biochar decreases phthalate uptake and improves grain quality of wheat grown in phthalate-contaminated fluvo-aquic soil.Chemosphere270, 129428 (中科院2区, IF: 5.778)
5.Gao Minling, Xu Yalei, Chang Xipeng, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo, 2020. Effects of foliar application of graphene oxide on cadmium uptake by lettuce.Journal of Hazardous Materials697, 133981. (中科院1区, IF: 9.038)
6.Gao Minling, Zhang Ze, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo, Dai, Huaxin, 2020. Responses of bacterial communities in wheat rhizospheres in different soils to di-n-butyl and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate contamination.Geoderma362, 114126. (中科院1区中, IF: 4.848)
7.Gao Minling, Dong Youming, Zhang Ze, Song, Zhengguo, 2020. Effect of dibutyl phthalate on microbial function diversity and enzyme activity in wheat rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils.Environmental Pollution265, 114800. (中科院1区, IF: 6.792)
8.Gao Minling, Chang Xipeng, Yang Yujuan, Song Zhengguo, 2020. Foliar graphene oxide treatment increases photosynthetic capacity and reduces oxidative stress in cadmium-stressed lettuce.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry and Biochemistry154, 287-294. (中科院2区)
9.Chang Xipeng, Song Zhengguo, Xu Yalei,Gao Minling*, 2020. Effects of carbon nanotubes on growth of wheat seedlings and Cd uptake.Chemosphere240, 124931. (中科院2区)
10.Gao Minling, Yang Yujuan, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Toxicity of cadmium to wheat seedling roots in the presence of graphene oxide.Chemosphere223, 9-16. (中科院2区)
11.Gao Minling, Xu Yalei, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo, Liu, Ying. 2019. Accumulation and metabolism of di(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP) and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in mature wheat tissues and their effects on detoxification and the antioxidant system in grain.Science of the Total Environment697, 133981.(中科院1区,IF: 6.551)
12.Gao Minling,Guo Zeyang, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Effects of di-n-butyl phthalate on photosynthetic performance and oxidative damage in different growth stages of wheat in cinnamon soils.Environmental Pollution250, 357-365.(中科院1区, WOS:038)
13.Gao Minling, Dong Youming, Zhang Ze, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Metabolism and distribution of dibutyl phthalate in wheat grown on different soil types.Chemosphere236, 124293.(中科院2区,WOS:004)
14.Gao Minling,Zhang Ze, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Effects of di-n-butyl phthalate on rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil microbial communities at different growing stages of wheat.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety174, 658-666. (中科院2区, WOS:075)
15.Gao Minling, Yang Yujuan, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Effects of graphene oxide on cadmium uptake and photosynthesis performance in wheat seedlings.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety173, 165-173. (中科院2区, WOS:020)
16.Gao Minling,Liu Yu, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Effects of polyethylene microplastic on the phytotoxicity of di-n-butyl phthalate in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. ramosa Hort).Chemosphere237, 124482 (中科院2区, WOS:054)
17.GaoMinling,Liu Yu, Dong Youming, Song Zhengguo. 2019. Physiological responses of wheat planted in fluvo-aquic soils to di (2-ethylhexyl) and di-n-butyl phthalates.Environmental Pollution244, 774-782. (中科院1区,WOS:082)
18.Minling Gao, Yu Liu, Youming Dong, Zhengguo Song*. 2018. Photosynthetic and antioxidant response of wheat to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) contamination.Chemosphere209, 258-267. (中科院2区, WOS:029)
19.Minling Gao, Yujuan Yang, Mengting Lv, Wenhua Song, Zhengguo Song*. 2018. Oxidative stress and DNA damage in zebra?sh liver due to hydroxyapatite nanoparticles-loaded cadmium.Chemosphere202, 498-505. (中科院2区, WOS:056)
20.Mining Gao, Ze Zhang, Mengting Lv, Wenhua Song, Yuhua Lv. 2018. Toxic e?ects of nanomaterial-adsorbed cadmium onDaphnia magna.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety148, 261–268. (中科院2区, WOS:029)
21.Mining Gao, Mengting Lv, Yu, Liu, Zhengguo Song*. 2018. Transcriptome analysis of the e?ects of Cd and nanomaterial-loaded Cd on the liver in zebra?sh.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety164, 530-539. (中科院2区, WOS:062)
22.Minling Gao, Yue Zhang, Xiaolei Gong, Zhengguo Song*, Zeyang Guo. 2018. Removal mechanism of di- n -butyl phthalate and oxytetracycline from aqueous solutions by nano-manganese dioxide modified biochar.Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 25 (8) , 7796-7807. (中科院3区, WOS:067)
23.Gao Minling*, Dong Youming, Zhang Ze, Song Wenhua, Qi Yun. 2017. Growth and antioxidant defense responses of wheat seedlings to di-n-butyl phthalate and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate stress.Chemosphere172, 418-428. (中科院2区, WOS:048)
24.Minling Gao*, Mengting Lv, Xiaolei Gong, Wenhua Song, Yun Qi, and Zhen Li. 2017. Effect of temperature and aging on the adsorption and desorption of menadione in soil.Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy36, 997-1004.(中科院4区, WOS:003)
25.Lina Lin1,Minling Gao1, Weiwen Qiu, Di Wang, Qing Huang, Zhengguo Song*. 2017. Reduced arsenic accumulation in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar with ferromanganese oxide impregnated biochar composites amendments.Environmental Pollution231, 479-486.(中科院2区, WOS:0004**)
26.Minling Gao*, Yun Qi, Wenhua Song, Haoran Xu. 2016. Effects of di-n-butyl phthalate and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the growth, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll fluorescence of wheat seedlings.Chemosphere151, 76-83. (中科院2区, WOS: 048)
27.Gao Minling*, Gong Xiaolei, Lv Mengting, Song Wenhua, Ma Xiaojun, Qi Yun, Wang, Lin. 2016. Effect of temperature and pH on the sorption of dibutyl phthalate on humic acid.Water Air and Soil Pollution227(2), 1-12. (中科院4区, WOS:013)
28.Gao Minling*, Lv Mengting,Han Meng, Song Wenhua, Wang Dong. 2016. Avoidance behavior ofEisenia fetidain oxytetracycline- and heavy metal-contaminated soils.Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology47, 119-123. (中科院4区, WOS:014)
29.Gao Minling*, Qi Yun, Song Wenhua, Zhou Qian. 2015. Biomarker analysis of combined oxytetracycline and zinc pollution in earthworms (Eisenia fetida).Chemosphere139, 229-234. (中科院2区, WOS:030)
30.Minling Gao*, Xiaojun Ma, Wenhua Song, Yun Qi, Lin Wang. 2015. Adsorption mechanism of di-n-butyl phthalate easter on brown soil and red soil.International Journal of Environmental Research9(2), 605-612. (中科院4区, WOS:023)
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个人简介:黎澄生岩土工程博士汕头大学工学院土木与环境工程系讲师办公室:工北319邮箱:chengshengli@stu.edu.cn教育背景:2015.9-2020.10直博岩土工程中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所(导师:孔令伟)2011.9-2015.6本科勘查技术与工程西北大学研究方向:特殊土力学数 ...汕头大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-28汕头大学工学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王震
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职称:教授/博士生导师工学院院长办公电话:Email:shensl@stu.edu.cn教育背景1986年毕业于同济大学隧道与地下工程专业获学士学位;1989年毕业于同济大学结构工程专业获硕士学位;1998年毕业于日本佐贺大学获博士学位。工作经历先后在上海市城市建设设计院(1989-1995年);日 ...汕头大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-28汕头大学工学院导师教师师资介绍简介-叶智航
个人简介:叶智航土木工程博士汕头大学工学院土木与环境工程系讲师办公室:工东308邮箱:zhhye@stu.edu.cn教育背景:2012.09-2020.04直博土木工程东南大学(导师:吴刚教授)2018.03-2019.03联合培养博士土木工程美国俄亥俄州立大学2008.09-2012.06本科土 ...汕头大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-28