

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-28

SCI 论文数: 34; 引用量: 364; h-指数:14; i-10指数 : 15

1. 地面改良的生物工程技术
2. 绿色基础设施的现场监测

1、助理教授,土木工程系,印度理工学院(IIT),古瓦哈提,印度(2015年4月- 2017年4月)
4、访问****,土木工程系,英国利兹大学(2016年11月28日-2016 12月5日)
1. 改善土壤的天然纤维:不同土壤条件下天然纤维的降解机理,汕头大学启动研究补助金。
2. 土壤水葫芦相互作用的加固机理研究,印度科技部快轨项目(首席研究员,2016-2017)。
3. 植被类型及其特征对土体沉降的影响,印度理工学院资助(首席研究员,2015-2017)。
4. 生物炭对生长水葫芦的土壤改良研究,印度斯里兰卡研究旅游局 (2016)
Citations: 368; h-index:14; i-10 index: 15
Das, G, Hazra, * Garg, A B, Ng, C.W.W. (2018). Stochastic hydro-mechanical stability of vegetated slopes: An integrated copula based framework. Journal of Catena. Accepted. Vol 160 (In press). (Impact factor: 3.7)
Bordoloi , S, *Garg, A, Yasmani, S and Sreedeep S. (2014). Critical assessment of infiltration measurements for soils with varying fine content using mini disk infiltrometer. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM (Accepted. In press)
Gaurav Das, Budhaditya Hazra, *Garg, A and Ng ,Charles (2017). Impact of hydrological and mechanical correlations on the reliability of vegetated slopes. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. ASCE. (Accepted. In Press). DOI: 10.1061/AJRUA6.**.
Gadi, V, Priya I, *Garg,A and Sreedeep S (2017). Understanding soil compaction state using light reflection theory: Demonstration of a simple non-intrusive and cost effective colour analysis technique. Geotechnique (Accepted with revision) (Impact factor: 3.1)
Gadi, V, Priya I, *Garg,A , Berretta, C and Sreedeep S (2017). novel colour analysis technique for investigating heterogeneity in grass cover in green infrastructures. Advances in Civil Engineering, ASTM (In Press)
Garg, A. and Ng, C.W.W. (2015). Investigation of soil density effect on suction induced by root water uptake. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.DOI: 10.1002/jpln.. (Impact factor: 1.7; Class A)
Garg, A., Coo, J.L. and Ng, C.W.W. (2015). Field investigations on suction distributions in slopes vegetated with Cynodon dactylon and Schefflera heptaphylla. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3743 (Impact factor: 3.6; Class A)
Garg, A., Ng, C.W.W., and Leung, A.K., (2015) New transpiration reduction and root distribution functions for Schefflera heptaphylla. Catena 135, 78-82 . (Class A;Impact factor: 3.5)
B Hazra, V Gadi, *A Garg, CWW Ng, GK Das (2017). Probabilistic analysis of suction in homogeneously vegetated soils. Journal of Catena, 149, 394-401 (Impact factor: 3.5; Class A)
V Gadi, Tang, YR, Das, Monga, C, *Garg, A, Berretta,C, Sahoo, L. (2017). Spatial and temporal variation of hydraulic conductivity and vegetation growth in green infrastructures using infiltrometer and visual technique. Journal of Catena. 20, 155-209 (Impact factor: 3.5; Class A)
*Garg, Ankit, Li, J, Berretta, C and Garg, Akhil (2017). A New Computational Approach for Estimation of Wilting Point for Green Infrastructure. Journal of Measurement (Accepted: Impact factor: 2.3; Class A)
Garg, A. Leung, A.K., and Ng, C.W.W. (2015). Comparisons of suction induced by evapotranspiration and transpiration of S. heptaphylla. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 52 (999), 1-7. (Class A; Impact factor: 1.2)
Garg, A, Garg, A., Zhou Huan-Wan, Tai, K. and Deo C M. (2015). A new simulation approach of genetic programming in modelling of soil water retention property of unsaturated soil. Engineering Computations. 32 (3), 914-930 (Impact factor = 1.2; Class A in Engineering)
Ankit Garg, Akhil Garg, K. Tai, (2015). Study of soil water retention behavior under different crop root content using new heuristic genetic programming approach. Engineering computations. Vol. 32 Iss: 3. doi/abs/10.1108/EC-05-2014-0110 (Impact factor = 1.2; Class A in Engineering)
Ankit Garg, Akhil Garg, K. Tai, Barontini, S, Stokes, A. (2014). A computational intelligence based genetic programming approach in simulation of hydraulic property of the three different soils. Transport in porous media, 103 (3), 497-513. (Impact factor: 1.46; Class A)
Ankit Garg, Akhil Garg, Sreedeep S, Kang Tai (2014). Estimation of pore water pressure of soil using genetic programming. Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering , 32 (4), 765-772. DOI: 10.1007/s10706-014-9755-6(Impact factor: 1.1; Class B)
Garg, A., Garg, Ankit., Tai, K., Sreedeep S. (2014). An integrated SRM-multi-gene genetic programming approach for prediction of factor of safety of 3-D soil nailed slopes ", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30,pp. 30-40. (Impact factor: 2.5; Class A)
Garg, Ankit., Garg, Ankit., Tai, K., Sreedeep S. (2014). Estimation of factor of safety of rooted slope using an evolutionary approach. Ecological Engineering., 64, 314-324. (Impact factor: 3.7, Class A )
Garg, Ankit., Garg, A., & Tai, K. (2013). A multi-gene genetic programming model for estimating stress-dependent soil water retention curves. Computational Geosciences, 18 (1), 45-56. (Impact factor: 1.6, Class A )
Zhou, W, Garg, A and Garg, A. (2017). Computation of coupled effects of root and shoot characteristics on transpiration based on optimization approach. Journal of Engineering Computations. 34 (3). Accepted: Impact factor: 1.2)
Zhou, W, Zhao,L,S, Garg, A and Yuen, KV (2017). Generalized Analytical Solution for the Consolidation of Unsaturated Soil under Partially Permeable Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE. 17 (9). Accepted: Impact factor: 0.9)
Vardhan, H., Bordoloi, S., *Garg, A and Garg, A. (2017). Compressive strength analysis of soil reinforced with fiber extracted from water hyacinth. Journal of Engineering Computations. 34 (2). Accepted: Impact factor: 1.2)
Bordoloi, S., *Garg, A and Sreedeep S (2017). A review of physio-biochemical properties of natural fibers and their application in soil reinforcement. Advanced in Civil Engineering Materials, ASTM. (accepted)
Das, G, Hazra, B, *Garg, A, Ng, C.W.W., Lateh, H, Nazi, A. (2017). Bivariate probabilistic modelling of hydro-mechanical properties of vegetated soils. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, ASTM. (accepted)
Gadi, V.K, Bordoloi, S, *Garg, A, Kobayashi, Y and Sahoo, L (2016). Improving and correcting unsaturated soil hydraulic properties with plant parameters for agriculture and bioengineered slopes. Journal of Rhizosphere, 1, 58-78.
Wan-Huan Zhou, *Ankit garg, Akhil Garg (2016) Study of the volumetric water content based on density, suction and initial water content Measurement. Vol. 94, 531-537 (Impact factor: 3.23; Class A)
Wan-Huan Zhou, Xu Xu, Ankit Garg (2016). Measurement of unsaturated shear strength parameters of silty sand and its correlation with unconfined compressive strength. Measurement. Vol 93, 351-358
Dazhi Jiang, Wan-Huan Zhou, Ankit Garg, Akhil Garg (2016). Model development and surface analysis of a bio-chemical process. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. Vol 157, 133-139
Vardhan, K., Bordoloi, S., Garg, A., Garg, A., Sreedeep S (2016). Compressive strength Analysis of soil reinforced with fiber extracted from water hyacinth. Engineering computations (Accepted on 17th May)
Vardhan, K., Garg, A., *Garg, A., Li. Jinhui (2016). Measurement of Stress Dependent Permeability of Unsaturated Clay. Measurement (Accepted on 18th May)
Ng, C.W.W., Garg, A*.,Leung, A.K and Hau, B.C.H (2016). Relationships between leaf and root area indices and soil suction induced during drying-wetting cycles. Journal of Ecological Engineering. 91, 113-118
Bordoloi S, Yasmani S, Garg, A*, Sreedeep S,Borah, S. (2015) Study on the efficacy of harmful weed species Eicchornia crassipes for soil reinforcement. Journal of Ecological Engineering. Vol. 85, 218-222 (Impact factor: 3.23; Class A )
Leung, A.K., Garg, A., Ng, C.W.W (2015). Effects of S. heptaphylla on energy interception, water retention ability and their influences on induced soil suction. Engineering Geology. 193, 183-197 (Impact factor: 2.2; Class A)
Leung, A.K., Garg, A., Ng, C.W.W, and Hau, B.C.H (2015). Field study of infiltration rates and suctions in different vegetated ground. Hydrological Processes.DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10452 (Impact factor: 3.1; Class A)
Ng, C.W.W., Leung, A..K., Kamchoom, V., and Garg, A. (2014). A Novel Root System for Simulating Transpiration-induced Soil Suction in Centrifuge. Geotechnical Testing Journal 37 (5), 1-15. (Impact factor: 0.7; Class A )
Akhil Garg Ankit Garg and Jasmine lam (2015) Evolving Functional Expression of Permeability of Fly Ash by a New Evolutionary Approach. Transport in porous media, 107 (2), 555-571(Impact factor: 1.46; Class A)
Garg, A., Malaya, C. and Sreedeep, S. (2010). "A study on the influence of soil-water characteristic curve on the seepage modeling of unsaturated soil" International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 40-46. (Impact factor: NA, Class C)

K. Harsha Vardhan , Shubhankar Jha , Sanandam Bordoloi, Ankit Garg, Sreedeep S (2015). Compressive Strength Model of Soil Reinforced with Polypropylene Fiber. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, Pune, India
Bordoloi, S.,Yamsani, S. K., Sreedeep,S., Garg, A (2015). Unconfined compressive strength of natural fiber reinforced soil. Tech Expo 2015, Techniche, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, India.
Bordoloi, S., Mourya, S., Paramar, S., Sreedeep,S., Garg, A (2015). Soil reinforced with harmful Eichornia Crasspes fiber as a cheap alternative for rural infrastructure. Proceedings of IISF 2015 (India International Science Festival), New Delhi, India.
Bordoloi, S., Mourya, S., Kashyap, V., Sreedeep,S., Garg, A (2015).Effect of variation in soil density on the strength characteristics of soil reinforced with Eichornia crassipes fiber. 19th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & 2nd AGSSEA Conference (19SEAGC & 2AGSSEA) KualaLumpur 31 May – 3 June 2016.
Ng, C.W.W., Leung, A.K., Garg, A., Woon, K.X., and Hau, B.C.H (2013). Soil suction induced by grass and tree in an atmospheric-controlled plant room. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013
Garg, A., Leung, A.K., Ng, C.W.W. and Hau, B.C.H (2012). Effects of Plant Transpiration on Suction Distribution in a Vegetated Soil Slope. Proceedings of EUNSAT 2012 (Europeon conference on unsaturated soils), Napoli, Italy.
Garg, A., Malaya, C. and Sreedeep, S. (2010). "Influence of different suction measuring procedures on SWCC and seepage modeling in unsaturated soils" 6ICEG 2010 (International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics), New Delhi,India.
Garg, A., Malaya, C. and Sreedeep, S. (2009). "A study on the influence of soil-water characteristic curve on the seepage modeling of unsaturated soil" International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering, BITS Pilani, India.


?土壤-植物-大气相互作用的机理研究。南京大学,2016 12月30日
·土壤-根-水-大气相互作用:边坡智力中的挑战。浙江大学,2016 12月29日
?对生物工程边坡的智能监测:利用彩色技术监测植被生长。汕头大学, 2016年12月25日
?跨学科的研究和国际合作研究会议:受邀主讲人, 印度理工学院,古瓦哈提,2016年3月19日
?植被和天然纤维在岩土工程中的应用,汕头大学, 2016年6月13日
?植被和非饱和土壤相互作用:我们了解一切吗?英国利兹大学, Time ??
Journal of Earth and Environmental Science. Proceedings of International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS2015)
Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Journal of geological resource and Engineering

Geotechnique letters
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Soil Science Society of America
Journal of Hydrologic engineering
Canadian Geotechnical Journal
Computer and Geotechnics
Ecological Engineering
Environmental Geotechnics
Journal of Measurement
Journal of Cleaner production
Engineering Computations
International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS2015).
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering (ISSN 2328-2193)
European journal of Soil Science
Neural Computing and Applications
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Zhejiang University,
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering
Neural Computing and Applications


1、 在印度理工学院古瓦哈提分校指导本科生6名。
2、在香港科技大学指导8名本科生和3名硕士生。 其中3名本科的毕业论文获得香港科技大学总统杯,1名本科生获得由香港工程师学颁发的最佳本科岩土工程奖。
在中国香港攻读博士期间,获得了香港博士学位奖学金。该奖项面向所有学科,共110人获奖 (2010年)。
在印度理工学院古瓦哈提分校攻读本科学位期间,获得MCM(Merit cum mean)奖学金。


学历 (专业)
毕业院校 (国家)

2010-2015 哲学博士 (土木与环境工程) 香港科技大学 (香港)

学士 (土木工程)


A Study on Soil-Water hyacinth interaction for reinforcement
科研论文 Influence of fiber from waste weed Eichhornia Crassipes on water retention and cracking characteristics of vegetated soils
Influence of fiber from waste weed Eichhornia Crassipes on water retention and cracking characteristics of vegetated soils
Modeling soil-plant-water interaction: Effects of canopy and root parameters on soil suction and stability of green infrastructure"
Investigation of cracking and water availability of soil-biochar composite synthesized from invasive weed water hyacinth
Critical assessment of infiltration measurements for soils with varying fine content using mini disk infiltrometer
Monitoring soil cracking and plant parameters for mixed grass species
Influence of soil variability on single and competitive interaction of ammonium and potassium: experimental study on seven different soils
Understanding the retention and fate prediction of copper ions in single and competitive system in two soils: An experimental and numerical investigation
Investigation of fly ash for sorption of copper ions in multiple contaminant system: An implication on re-use of waste material under concept of sponge city
Exploring potential of fly ash- bentonite mix as a environment friendly liner material under concept of sponge city
Long-term health monitoring for deteriorated bridge structures based on Copula theory
Improvement of the cavity expansion theory for the measurement of strain softening in over consolidated saturated clay
Computation of coupled effects of root and shoot characteristics on transpiration based on optimization approach
Chemically Altered Natural Fiber Impregnated Soil for Improving Subgrade Strength of Pavements
A new computational approach for estimation of wilting point for green infrastructure
A Novel Color Analysis Technique for Differentiation of Mix Grass Cover under Shade and without Shade in Green Infrastructures
Monitoring soil cracking and plant parameters for a mixed grass speciesQ1
Effect of Shoot Parameters on Cracking in Vegetated Soil
Impact of Hydrological and Mechanical Correlations on the Reliability of Vegetated Slopes
Stochastic hydro-mechanical stability of vegetatedslopes: An integrated copula based framework
Stochastic hydro-mechanical stability of vegetated slopes: An integrated copula based framework
A review of physio-biochemical properties of natural fibers and their application in soil reinforcement
A non-intrusive image analysis technique for measurement of heterogeneity in grass species around tree vicinity in a green infrastructure
Measurement of mechanical characteristics of fiber from a novel invasive weed: A comprehensive comparison with fibers from agricultural crops
Infiltration characteristics of natural fiber reinforced soil
Bivariate probabilistic modelling of hydro-mechanical properties of vegetated soils
Spatial and temporal variation of hydraulic conductivity and vegetation growth in green infrastructures using infiltrometer and visual technique
Generalized Analytical Solution for the Consolidation of Unsaturated Soil under Partially Permeable Boundary Conditions
Probabilistic analysis of suction in homogeneously vegetated soils


生态岩土学(Geo-Ecology)是一门新兴的跨专业学科, 它综合了土力学、岩石力学、土壤学、景观生态学、植物学和大气学等学科的知识, 研究生物因子(如植物、真菌、细菌、生物炭等)与岩土体之间相互关系及其作用机理。

目前在生态岩土工程(Geo-ecological Engineering/Soil Bioengineering)领域研究的知名****包括英国皇家工程院院士、香港科技大学吴宏伟(Charles W.W. Ng)教授, 英国皇家工程院院士、英国南安普顿大学William Powrie教授,澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学Buddhima Indraratna教授, 英国皇家工程院院士、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Sarah M. Springman教授等。

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