电子邮件: min.yang@siat.ac.cn
通信地址: 广东省深圳市南山区学苑大道1068号中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
邮政编码: 518055
1. 自然语言处理(包括question answering, dialogue generation, machine reading comprehension, knowledge graph, text generation, relation extraction, sentiment analysis, topic model等);
2. 推荐系统 (sequential recommendation, knowledge-based recommendation, news recommendation等);
3. 多模态信息处理(例如image captioning, VQA, cross-modalimage-text retrieval等)。
在CCF A/B类学术会议或在JCR一/二区期刊上发表学术论文100余篇,多次担任ACL、AAAI、IJCAI、EMNLP、COLING、NAACL等国际著名学术会议的程序委员会委员,担任TACL、IEEE TOC、IEEE TMM、IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TKDE, TACL, WWWJ、JASIST等国际知名期刊评审人,与相关领域的国内外多所高校包括香港大学、美国宾夕法尼亚大学、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、香港中文大学、加拿大亚伯达大学、北京大学(深圳)、清华大学(深圳)、哈尔滨工业大学 (深圳)、浙江大学、华南理工大学等的学者保持着深度的学术合作。同时,与多个人工智能龙头企业有着深度科研合作,包括腾讯、阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服等。
2012年-2017年, 香港大学,博士
2019-01-01-今,审稿人, 担任IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Neurocomputing, World Wide Web Journal, GeoInformatica, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Acess等期刊审稿人.2018-01-01-今,PC Member, 担任AAAI, IJCAI, ACL, COLING, EMNLP, NAACL审稿人
2018 年暑假,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,讲师,数据挖掘 (40 课时)专利与奖励
(1) CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金优秀专利奖, 专项, 2019(2) 2019年全国青年人工智能创新创业大赛, 一等奖, 其他, 2019(3) 中国人工智能学会 2018 年度最佳青年科技成果奖, 特等奖, 其他, 2018(4) 深圳市海外高层次人才 (孔雀计划) C 类, , 市地级, 2018(5) 深圳市南山区“领航人才”C类, 市地级, 2018(6) AAAI’17 学生奖学金, 其他, 2017(7) SIGIR‘16 旅行奖学金, 其他, 2016(8) 香港大学研究生奖学金, 研究所(学校), 2016(9) AAAI‘15 学生奖学金, 其他, 2015专利成果
( 1 ) 一种基于多任务学习的方面级别文本情感转换方法, 发明, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN6.0( 2 ) 模型训练方法、对话生成方法、装置、设备及介质, 发明, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN6.9( 3 ) 实时事件摘要的生成方法、装置、设备及存储介质, 发明, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN0.7( 4 ) 少数类图片样本的生成方法、装置、计算设备及存储介质, 发明, 2017, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN5.0( 5 ) 一种基于注意力机制的推荐系统及推荐方法, 发明, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN6.8( 6 ) 一种基于多任务学习的社区问答系统、方法及电子设备, 发明, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN5.8( 7 ) 一种基于自动编码的文本表示学习方法、系统及电子设备, 发明, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN9.6( 8 ) 一种基于序列推荐系统的通用网络压缩框架和压缩方法, 发明, 2020, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN0.6( 9 ) 一种群组的项目推荐方法、智能终端以及存储装置, 发明, 2019, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN4.7( 10 ) 文本的查询方法、文本查询装置以及计算机存储介质, 发明, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN4.2( 11 ) 对抗网络架构的优化方法、图像描述生成方法和系统, 发明, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN9.X( 12 ) 一种基于自适应微调策略的跨领域序列推荐方法, 发明, 2019, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN7.5( 13 ) 一种图像描述方法、图像描述装置及计算机存储介质, 发明, 2019, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN6.8( 14 ) 中文分词方法、训练设备以及计算机可读存储介质, 发明, 2020, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN0.5( 15 ) 问答模型的训练方法、计算机设备以及可读存储介质, 发明, 2020, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN7.9出版信息
(1)Multi-Task Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Dialogue Generation: An Empirical Study,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (中科院一区, IF: 11.683),2020,第1作者(2)Modeling Relation Paths for Knowledge Graph Completion,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (通讯作者, CCF A),2020,第5作者(3)Be Relevant, Non-redundant, Timely: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-time Event Summarization,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCF A),2020,第1作者(4)Interactive Dual Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Captioning,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (通讯作者, CCF A),2020,第7作者(5)Improving Knowledge-aware Dialogue Generation via Knowledge Base Question Answering,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (通讯作者, CCF A),2020,第7作者(6)Attentive User-engaged Adversarial Neural Network for Community Question Answering,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCF A),2020,第4作者(7)Joint Learning of Answer Selection and Answer Summary Generation in Community Question Answering,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCF A),2020,第6作者(8)Convolutional Hierarchical Attention Network for Query-Focused Video Summarization,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCF A),2020,第5作者(9)A Generic Network Compression Framework for Sequential Recommender Systems,SIGIR (通讯作者,CCF A),2020,第3作者(10)Improving Neural Chinese Word Segmentation with Lexicon-enhanced Adaptive Attention,SIGIR (通讯作者,CCF A),2020,第2作者(11)Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification with Granger Causal Inference,SIGIR (CCF A),2020,第1作者(12)Bridging Hierarchical and Sequential Context Modeling for Question-driven Extractive Answer Summarization,SIGIR (CCF A),2020,第4作者(13)Enhancing Cross-target Stance Detection with Transferable Semantic-Emotion Knowledge,ACL (CCF A),2020,第2作者(14)Transition-based Directed Graph Construction for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction,ACL (CCF A),2020,第5作者(15)AILA: A Question Answering System in the Legal Domain,IJCAI (通讯作者, CCF A),2020,第4作者(16)Plausibility-promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Abstractive Text Summarization with Multi-task Constraint,Information Sciences (中科院一区, IF: 5.524),2020,第1作者(17)A Semi-Supervised Model for Knowledge Graph Embedding,Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (CCF B),2019,第3作者(18)NAIRS: A Neural Attentive Interpretable Recommendation System,ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (CCF B, 通讯作者),2019,第3作者(19)Answer-enhanced Path-aware Relation Detection over Knowledge Base,The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval (CCF A),2019,第2作者(20)An Advanced Deep Generative Framework for Temporal Link Prediction in Dynamic Networks,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (中科院一区, IF: 10.387),2019,第1作者(21)Hierarchical Human-like Strategy for Aspect-level Sentiment classification with Sentiment Linguistic Knowledge and Reinforcement Learning,Neural Networks (中科院一区, IF: 5.875),2019,第1作者(22)Discovering Author Interest Evolution in Order-sensitive and Semantic-aware Topic Modeling,Information Sciences (中科院一区, IF: 5.524),2019,第1作者(23)Neural Attentive Network for Cross-Domain Aspect-level Sentiment Classification,IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (中科院二区, IF: 6.288),2019,第1作者(24)Advanced Community Question Answering by Leveraging External Knowledge and Multi-task Learning,Knowledge-Based Systems (中科院二区, IF: 5.10),2019,第1作者(25)Leveraging Long and Short-term Information in Content-aware Movie Recommendation via Adversarial Training,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (通讯作者, 中科院一区, IF: 10.387),2019,第3作者(26)Knowledge-enhanced Hierarchical Attention for Community Question Answering with Multi-task and Adaptive Learning,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (CCF A),2019,第1作者(27)Exploring Human-Like Reading Strategy for Abstractive Text Summarization,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (CCF A),2019,第1作者(28)A Human-like Semantic Cognition Network for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (CCF A),2019,第3作者(29)Multi- Task Learning with Multi-View Attention for Answer Selection and Knowledge Base Question Answering,The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (CCF A),2019,第4作者(30)GCN-GAN: A Non-linear Temporal Link Prediction Model for Weighted Dynamic Networks,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM) (通讯作者,CCF A),2019,第5作者(31)TWCC: Automated Two-way Subspace Weighting Partitional Co-Clustering,Pattern Recognition (中科院二区, IF:3.692),2018,第2作者(32)PurTreeClust: A Clustering Algorithm for Customer Segmentation from Massive Customer Transaction Data,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (CCF A),2018,第3作者(33)Context-based prediction for road traffic state using trajectory pattern mining and recurrent convolutional neural networks,Information Sciences (中科院一区, IF: 4.305),2018,第3作者(34)A Novel Approach for Entity Resolution in Scientific Documents using a Context Graph,Information Sciences (中科院一区, IF: 4.305),2018,第4作者(35)Multi-task Learning for Author Profiling with Hierarchical Features,The 27th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) (CCF A, 通讯作者),2018,第3作者(36)Aspect and Sentiment Aware Abstractive Review Summarization,The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) (CCF B),2018,第1作者(37)Investigating Deep Reinforcement Learning Techniques in Personalized Dialogue Generation,The SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM) (CCF B),2018,第1作者(38)Investigating Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing for Text Classification,International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) (CCF B, 通讯作者),2018,第3作者(39)Spectral Clus- tering of Large-scale Data by Directly Solving Normalized Cut,The 24rd SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) (CCF A),2018,第5作者(40)Improving Automatic Source Code Summarization via Deep Reinforcement Learning,The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) (CCF A),2018,第3作者(41)Attentional Image Retweet Modeling via Multi-Faceted Ranking Network Learning,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (CCF A, 通讯作者),2018,第4作者(42)Ontology Evaluation with Path-based Text-aware Entropy Computation,The 41th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) (CCF A),2018,第3作者(43)Knowledge-aware Attentive Neural Network for Ranking Question Answer Pairs,The 41th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) (CCF A),2018,第3作者(44)A Multi-sentiment-resource Enhanced Attention Network for Sentiment Classification,The 56nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Compu- tational Linguistics (ACL) (CCF A),2018,第3作者(45)Knowledge as A Bridge: Improving Cross-domain Answer Selection with External Knowledge,The 27th Inter- national Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) (CCF B),2018,第3作者(46)Personalized Response Generation by Dual-learning based Domain Adaptation,Neural Networks (中科院一区, IF: 7.197),2018,第1作者(47)Multitask Learning for Cross-domain Image Captioning,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (中科院二区, IF: 3.977),2018,第1作者(48)Cross-domain Aspect/Sentiment-aware Abstractive Review Summarization by Combining Topic Modeling and Deep Reinforcement Learning,Neural Computing and Applications (IF: 4.213),2018,第1作者(49)MARES: Mul- titask Learning Algorithm for Web-scale Real-time Event Summarization,World Wide Web Journal (CCF B),2018,第1作者(50)Feature-enhanced At- tention Network for Target-dependent Sentiment Classification,Neurocomputing (中科院二区, IF:3.241),2018,第1作者(51)A Topic Drift Model for Authorship Attribution,Neurocomputing (中科院二区, IF:3.241),2018,第1作者(52)Investment Recommendation by Discovering High-quality Opinions in Investor based Social Networks,Information Systems (通讯作者, CCF B),2018,第2作者(53)PLASTIC: Pri- oritize Long and Short-term Information in Top-n Recommendation using Adversarial Training,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (CCF A, 通讯作者),2018,第5作者(54)A Multi- task Learning Approach for Image Captioning,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (CCF A, 通讯作者),2018,第4作者(55)Activity Recommendation with Partners,ACM Transactions on the Web (CCF B),2017,第4作者(56)Subspace Weighting Co-Clustering of Gene Expression Data,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CCF B),2017,第4作者(57)Personalized Response Generation via Domain Adaptation,The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) (CCF A),2017,第1作者(58)Attention-based LSTM for Target-dependent Sentiment Classification,The 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (CCF A),2017,第1作者(59)Detecting Review Spammer Groups,The29thAAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ) (CCF A),2017,第1作者(60)Identifying and Tracking Location-based Sentiment and Topic from Social Media Texts,International Conference on Em- pirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) (CCF B),2017,第1作者(61)Dual learning for Cross-domain Image Captioning,International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) (CCF B, 通讯作者),2017,第3作者(62)Learning Max- Margin GeoSocial Multimedia Network Representations for Point-of-Interest Suggesiton,The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) (CCF A),2017,第4作者(63)Directly Minimizing Normalized Cut for Large Scale Data,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (CCF A),2017,第4作者(64)Integrating Side Information for Boosting Machine Comprehension,International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) (CCF B),2017,第3作者(65)Discovering Author Interest Evolution in Topic Modeling,The 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Develop- ment in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) (CCF A),2016,第1作者(66)Investment Recommenda- tion using Investor Opinions in Social Media,The International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) (CCF A),2016,第4作者(67)Deep Markov Neural Network for Sequential Data Classification,The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (CCF A),2015,第1作者(68)Order-sensitive and Semantic-aware Topic Modeling,The Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (CCF A),2015,第1作者(69)LCCT: A Semi-supervised Model for Sentiment Classification,The 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL) (CCF C),2015,第1作者(70)A Topic Model for Building Fine-grained Domain-specific Emotion Lexicon,The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (CCF A),2014,第1作者(71)Learning Sentiment Lexicon with Supervised Sentiment-aware LDA,The 21st Erupean Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) (CCF B),2014,第1作者发表著作
( 1 ) 中科院深圳先进院-得理法律人工智能联合实验室, 主持,院级,2019-05--2022-05( 2 ) 基于多任务学习和知识图谱的开放域个性化智能聊天系统, 主持,院级,2018-11--2019-12( 3 ) 基于图割的线性无监督学习框架、扩展模型及大数据应用研究, 参与,国家级,2017-01--2021-12( 4 ) 推荐系统中垃圾信息的检测技术研究, 参与,省级,2019-01--2021-12( 5 ) 基于深度学习的端到端跨领域个性化任务型对话研究, 主持,国家级,2020-01--2022-12( 6 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会, 主持,部委级,2020-01--2023-12( 7 ) 面向高噪声海量新闻数据的实时无监督事件挖掘方法研究, 主持,省级,2020-01--2022-12( 8 ) 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院优秀青年创新基金, 主持,部委级,2018-10--2020-10合作情况
与香港大学、美国宾夕法尼亚大学、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、香港中文大学、美国伦斯勒理工学院、加拿大亚伯达大学、北京大学、清华大学、哈尔滨工业大学 (深圳)、浙江大学、华南理工大学、电子科技大学、腾讯、阿里的学者与专家保持着广泛的接触、交流与合作。指导学生
- Wei Zhao (SIAT, CAS -> Ph.D at TU Darmstadt)
- Linqing Liu (Tongji University -> PHD at UCL)
- Yao Lu (Fudan University -> PHD at UCL)
- Zhile Jiang (Sichuan University -> Ph.D at University of Aarhus)
- Junyu Luo (Sichuan University -> MSRA)
- Shuai Yu (Xi'an Jiaotong University -> Ph.D at Fudan University)
- Xintong Wang (South China University of Technology -> Ph.D at University of Hamburg)
- Siyao Wang (Tongji University -> master in Brown University)
- Yongbo Wang (Chongqing University -> Alibaba, Ant Financial)
- Zeyang Lei (Tsinghua University Shenzhen Graduate School -> Baidu)
- Yang Deng (Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School -> Ph.D at Chinese University Of Hong Kong)
- Daoyuan Chen (Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School -> Alibaba)
- Ziyu Wan (Xi'an Jiaotong University -> City University of Hong Kong)
2013 © 中国科学院大学,网络信息中心.