

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-05

姓 名 邓飞其 性 别 男
出生年月 1961年12月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 民盟
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 所长 Email aufqdeng@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 自动化科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510641


历任华南理工大学工业技术总院院长、国家大学科技园主任、IEEE SMC Guangzhou Chapter主席、中国系统工程学会理事、中国系统仿真学会控制系统仿真专业委员会委员;现任华南理工大学学术委员会委员、系统工程研究所所长;IEEE CSS Guangzhou Chapter主席、中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会(TCCT)委员、广东省物联网技术标准委员会主任、广东省第六届学位委员会学科评议组成员、广州工程管理学会会长;国际刊物IEEE Access 副编(Associate Editor)、《华南理工大学学报》(自然科学版)副主编、《控制理论与应用》、SCI收录刊物《系统工程与电子技术》、《系统工程学报》、《系统与控制纵横》等刊编委、《系统科学与数学》客座主编、《南京信息工程大学学报》客座主编、《中国科学》客座编辑、CCC-中国科学张贴论文奖评奖委员会委员、2020 IEEE SMC Conference 候任技术主席;TCCT随机系统控制学组主任。
1997.07—至今 华南理工大学, 自动化科学与工程学院,教授
2012.07-2012.08: 美国伊利诺伊州立大学进修
2002.05 -- 2002.07:香港中文大学,自动化与计算机辅助工程学系,访问教授
2001.05 -- 2001.07:香港中文大学,自动化与计算机辅助工程学系,副研究员
2000.03 -- 2000.05: 香港中文大学,自动化与计算机辅助工程学系, 博士后、副研究员
1983.08-1995.08:东北重型机械学院, 副教授
1995.09-1997.06:华南理工大学 控制理论与应用专业 工学博士
1979.09-1983.08:湖南大学 应用数学专业 理学学士
[1] 2016年,中国自动化学会优秀博士生导师。
[2] 2015年,南粤优秀教师。
[3] 2015年,华南理工大学优秀博士生导师。
[4] 2014年,华南理工大学第六届“我最喜爱的导师”。
[5] 2014年,获得华南理工大学2014年研究生教学优秀奖。
[6] 2010年,广东省科技进步三等奖,排名第三,2010。
[7] 2008年,华南理工大学建校30周年百名杰出教工。
[8] 2002年,享受国家特殊津贴。
[9] 2003年,丁颖科技奖。
[10] 2001年,中国高校科技进步二等奖 (教育部科技进步二等奖)。
[11] 1999年,广东省自然科学三等奖, 1999。
[12] 1996年,广东省自然科学二等奖, 排名第三。
[1] 2015.01 -- 至今: 中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会第一届随机系统控制学组主任
[2] 2013.02 -- 至今: 中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员
[3] 2004.02 -- 2013.01:中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员
[4] IEEE SMC 广州分会主席
[5] IEEE CSS 广州分会主席
[6] IEEE Access 副编(Associate Editor)、《华南理工大学学报》(自然科学版)副主编、《控制理论与应用》、《系统工程与电子技术》(中、英文刊)、《系统与控制纵横》、《系统工程学报》编委等
[7] IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control、IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems、IEEE Transactions on SMC, Part A、Automatica、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization、Int. J. of Systems Science、Systems & Control Letters等期刊审稿人
[1]国家自然科学基金-重点项目,**,含随机连接的网络化系统基本特性分析,2018/01-2022/12, 在研,主持(与清华大学合作)。
[6] 企业委托项目, x2zdd**,广州市标准化研究院TBT信息库建设之欧盟Eup指令能效监测系统建设项目,2010/01-2011/12,已结题,主持。
[10] 国家自然科学基金项目,**,随机系统的变结构控制,1999/01-2001/12,20万,已结题,主持。
1.Shiguo Peng, Feiqi Deng, New criteria on pth moment Input-to-State stability of Impulsive stochastic delayed differential systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(7): 3573-3579, 2017.
2.Zhipei Hu, Feiqi Deng, Mali Xing, Junhui Li, Modeling and control of It? stochastic networked control systems with random packet dropouts subject to time-varying sampling, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(8): 4194-4201, 2017.
3.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng, Operator-type stability theorem for retarded stochastic systems with application, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(12): 4203-4209, 2016.
4.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng, A new type of stability theorem for stochastic systems with application to stochastic stabilization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(1): 240-245, 2016.
5.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng, Divided State Feedback Control of Stochastic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (7): 1870-1885, 2015.
6.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng. Moment Stability of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Time- delays Based on H-Representation Technique, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014, 59(3): 814-819.
7.Lirong Huang and Feiqi Deng, Razumikhin-type theorems on stability of neutral stochastic functional differential equations, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53(7), p1718-1723, 2008.
8.Qiuxia Wu, Zhiyong Wang, Feiqi Deng, Zheru Chi and David D. Feng. Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multi-modal Feature Selection and Fusion, IEEE Trans on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Part A: Regular paper, 43(4), p875-885, July 2013.
9.Lirong Huang, Xuerong Mao and Feiqi Deng, Stability of hybrid stochastic retarded systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 55(11), p3413-3420, 2008.
10.Mali Xing and Feiqi Deng, Sampled-data consensus for Multi-agent systems with time delays and packet losses, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 1-8, 2018.
11. Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng. Moment Stability of Nonlinear Discrete Stochastic Systems with Time-delays Based on H-Representation Technique, Automatica, 2014, 50(2): 530-536.
12.Feiqi Deng, Qi Luo and Xuerong Mao, Stochastic Stabilization of Hybrid Differential Equations, Automatica, 48(9), p2321-2328, 2012.
13.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng. New Type Stability Criteria for Stochastic Functional Differential Equations via Lyapunov Functions, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,2014, 52(4), 2319-2347.
14.Shiguo Peng, Feiqi Deng and Yun Zhang, A unified Razumikhin-type criterion on input-to-state stability of time-varying impulsive delayed systems, Systems and Control Letters, 116: 20-26, 2018.
15.Feiqi Deng, Qi Luo, Xuerong Mao, and Sulin Pang Noise suppresses or expresses exponential growth, Systems & Control Letters, 57(3), p262-270, 2008.
16.Pei Cheng, Feiqi Deng and Fengqi Yao, Almost sure exponential stability and stochastic stabilization of stochastic differential systems with impulsive effects, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 30: 106-117, 2018.
17.Shixian Luo, Feiqi Deng and Wuhua Chen, Stability analysis and synthesis for linear impulsive stochastic systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. In press, 2018.
18.Shixian Luo and Feiqi Deng, Unified dwell-time-based stability and stabilization criteria for switched linear stochastic systems and their application to intermittent control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28:2014–2030, 2018.
19.Mengling Li, Feiqi Deng, Almost sure stability with general decay rate of neutral stochastic delayed hybrid systems with Lévy noise, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 24: 171-185, 2017.
20.Mali Xing, Feiqi Deng, Xueyan Zhao, Synchronization of stochastic complex dynamical networks under self-triggered control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear, 27: 2861–2878, 2017.
21.Chaolong Zhang, Feiqi Deng, Xueyan Zhao, Hongwei Ren, Stability of multi group-coupled models by stochastic perturbations, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear, 27: 4478–4491, 2017.
22.Zhipei Hu, Feiqi Deng, Robust H-infty control for networked systems with transmission delays and successive packet dropouts under stochastic sampling, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear, 27: 84-107, 2017.
23.Zhipei Hu and Feiqi Deng, Robust exponential stability of uncertain stochastic systems with probabilistic time-varying delays, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 28: 3273-3291, 2018.
24.Mingang Hua, Dandan Zheng and Feiqi Deng, Partially mode-dependent filtering for discrete-time nonhomogeneous Markov jump systems with repeated scalar nonlinearities, Information Sciences, 451–452: 223–239, 2018.
25.Shixian Luo, Feiqi Deng, Wuhua Chen. Multiple switching-time-dependent discretized Lyapunov functions/functionals methods for stability analysis of switched time-delay stochastic systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 355(2): 949-964, 2018.
26.Shixian Luo, Feiqi Deng, Wuhua Chen, Pointwise-in-space stabilization and synchronization of a class of reaction–diffusion systems with mixed time delays via aperiodically impulsive control, Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(4): 2899-2914, 2017.
27.Shuangyun Xing and Feiqi Deng, Delay-dependent H∞filtering for discrete singular Markov jump systems with Wiener process and partly unknown transition probabilities, Journal of the Franklin Institute. In press, 2018.
28.Bo Zhang, Feiqi Deng, Shiguo Peng and Shengli Xie, Stabilization and destabilization of nonlinear systems via intermittent stochastic noise with application to memristor-based system, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 355: 3829–3852, 2018.
29.Mengling Li, Linna Liu, Feiqi Deng, Input-to-state stability of switched stochastic delayed systems with Lévy noise, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 335(1): 314-331, 2018.
30.Zhipei Hu, Feiqi Deng, Modeling and stabilization of networked control systems with bounded packet dropouts and occasionally missing control inputs subject to multiple sampling periods, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354(12): 4675-4696, 2017.
31.Weihua Mao, Feiqi Deng *, Anhua Wan, A novel result on stability analysis for uncertain neutral stochastic time-varying delay systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 221, 132-143, 2013.
32.Hongwei Ren, Feiqi Deng, Yunjian Peng, Bo Zhang, Chaolong, Zhang, Exponential consensus of non-linear stochastic multi-agent systems with ROUs and RONs via impulsive pinning control, IET Control Theory and Applications, 11(2): 225-236, 2017.
33.Birong Zhao, Yunjian Peng, Feiqi Deng, Consensus tracking for general linear stochastic multi-agent systems: a sliding mode variable structure approach, IET Control Theory & Applications, 11(16): 2910-2915, 2017.
34.Li, Mengling, and Feiqi Deng. Moment exponential input-to-state stability of nonlinear switched stochastic systems with L\'evy noise. IET Control Theory & Applications. DOI:10.1049/iet-cta.2017.1229.
35.Hongwei Ren, Feiqi Deng, Mean square consensus of leader-following multi-agent systems with measurement noises and time delays, ISA transactions, 71: 76-83, 2017.
36.Bo Zhang, Feiqi Deng, Xueyan Zhao, Chaolong Zhang, Hybrid control of stochastic chaotic system based on memristive Lorenz system with discrete and distributed time-varying delays, IET Control Theory and Applications, 10(13): 1513-1523, 2016.
37.Shuangyun Xing and Feiqi Deng, Delay-dependent filtering for singular Markov jump systems with Wiener process and generally uncertain transition rates, International Journal of Systems Science.In press, 2018.
38.Haoyi Mo, Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng, Exponential mean-square stability of the θ-method for neutral stochastic delay differential equations with jumps, International Journals of Systems Science, 48(3): 462-470, 2017.
39.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng, Non-monotonicity of Lyapunov functions for functional differential equations with enlightenments for related research methods, International Journal of Systems Science, 47(9): 2111-2118, 2016.
40.Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng. New Type Stability Theorem for Stochastic Functional Differential Equations with Application to SFDSs with Distributed Delays, International Journal of Systems Science, 2014, 45(5):1156–1169.
41.Bo Zhang, Feiqi Deng, Shengli Xie, Shixian Luo, Exponential synchronization of stochastic time-delayed memristor-based neural networks via distributed impulsive control. Neurocomputing, 286: 41-50, 2018.
42.Hongwei Ren, Feiqi Deng, Yunjian Peng, Finite time synchronization of Markovian jumping stochastic complex dynamical systems with mix delays via hybrid control strategy, Neurocomputing, 272: 683–693, 2018.
43.Mali Xing, Feiqi Deng, Distributed event-triggered observer-based tracking control of leader–follower multi-agent systems, Neurocomputing, 273: 650-658, 2018.
44.Chaolong Zhang, Feiqi Deng, Xueyan Zhao, Bo Zhang, p-th exponential synchronization of Cohen-Grossberg neural network with mixed time-varying delays and unknown parameters using impulsive control method, Neurocomputing, 218: 432-438, 2016.
45.Linna Liu and Feiqi Deng, Mean square stability of two classes of theta methods for numerical computation and simulation of delayed stochastic Hopfield neural networks, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 343: 428-447, 2018.
46.Linna Liu and Feiqi Deng, Stability analysis of time varying delayed stochastic Hopfield neural networks in numerical simulation, Neurocomputing, in press, 2018.
47.Linna Liu, Mengling Li, Feiqi Deng, Stability equivalence between the neutral delayed stochastic differential equations and the Euler–Maruyama numerical scheme, Applied Numerical Mathematics 127: 370–386, 2018.
48.Linna Liu and Feiqi Deng, Almost sure exponential stability of implicit numerical solution for stochastic functional differential equation with extended polynomial growth condition, Applied Mathematics and Computation, in press, 2018.
49.Haoyi Mo, Feiqi Deng, Chaolong, Zhang, Exponential stability of the split-step theta-method for neutral stochastic delay differential equations with jumps, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 315: 85-95, 2017.
50.Chaolong Zhang, Feiqi Deng, Yunjian Peng, Bo Zhang, Adaptive synchronization of Cohen-Grossberg neural network with mixed time-varying delays and stochastic perturbation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 269: 792-801, 2015.
51.Haoyi Mo, Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng, Mean-square stability of the backward Euler–Maruyama method for neutral stochastic delay differential equations with jumps, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(5): 1794-1803, 2017.
52.Mali Xing, Feiqi Deng, Scaled consensus for multi-agent systems with communication time delays, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 40(2): 1-9, 2017.
53.Xiaodi Li, Feiqi Deng, Razumikhin method for impulsive functional differential equations of neutral type, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 101: 41-49, 2017.
54.Dianqaing Li, Pei Cheng, Feiqi Deng, Exponential Stability and Delayed Impulsive Stabilization of Hybrid Impulsive Stochastic Functional Differential Systems, Asian Journal of Control, 20(5): 1–14, 2018.
55.Wenhui Liu, Chunjie Yang, Feiqi Deng, Jiarong Liang, Synchronization of general linear Multi-agent systems with measurement noises, Asian Journal of Control, 19(2): 510-520, 2017.
56.Mali Xing and Feiqi Deng, Tracking control for stochastic multi-agent systems based on hybrid event-triggered mechanism, Asian Journal of Control. In press, 2018.
57.Weihua Mao, Feiqi Deng, Anhua Wan, Robust H2/H∞ global linearization filter design for nonlinear stochastic time-varying delay systems, Science China Information Sciences, 59(3): 032204: 1-032204: 17, 2016.
58.Hoyi Mo and Feiqi Deng, Exponential stability of the Euler-Maruyama method for neutral stochastic functional differential equations with jumps, Science in China F: Information Science, in press, 2018.
59.Chaolong Zhang and Feiqi Deng, Stabilization for multi-group coupled stochastic models by delay feedback control and nonlinear impulsive control, Science in China F: Information Science, July 2018, Vol. 61 070212:1–070212:11.
60.Li, Mengling, Feiqi Deng, and Xuerong Mao. Basic theory and stability analysis for neutral stochastic functional differential equations with pure jumps. Science in China Series F-Information Sciences (2017).(DOI:10.1007/s11432-017-9302-9)
61.Mali Xing, Feiqi Deng,Event-triggered Sampled-data Consensus of Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems with Control Input Losses,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, in press, 2018.
62.Shuangyun Xing, Feiqi Deng, Delay-dependent dissipative filtering for nonlinear stochastic singular systems with time-varying delays, Science in China Press, 60: 1-18, 2017.
63.Zhipei Hu, Feiqi Deng, Xueyan Zhao, Hongwei Ren, Quantized H-infty control for stochastic systems with packet losses, 36th Chinese Control Conference, 1838-1843, 2017.
64.Hongwei Ren and Feiqi Deng et al, Impulsive pinning control algorithm of stochastic multi-agent systems with unbounded distributed delays, Nonlinear Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4138-9.
65.Hongwei Ren, Feiqi Deng et al, Stochastic Bounded Consensus of Second-order Multi-agent Systems in A Noisy Environment, Chinese Physics B, in press, 2018.
66.Chengjun Guo, Donal O'Regan, Feiqi Deng and Ravi P. Agarwal,Moment stability for uncertain stochastic differential equations,Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 20(4); 523-538, 2015.
67.Chengjun Guo, Donal O’Regan, Feiqi Deng, and Ravip.Agarwal, Fixed points and exponential stability for uncertain stochastic neural networks with multiple mixed time-delays, Communications in Applied Analysis, 19, pp. 191–208, 2015.
68.Yajun Li, Feiqi Deng and Jingzhao Li, Guaranteed performance state estimation of stochastic neural networks with Markovian jump parameters and mixed time delays,Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, in press, 2018.
69.Yajun Li and Feiqi Deng, Robust H_\infty filtering for uncertain discrete-time stochastic neural networks with Markovian jump and mixed time-delays, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, in press, 2018.
专著: 刘永清,邓飞其:随机系统的变结构控制 (大型动力系统的理论与应用,卷10),华南理工大学出版社,1998。
1. 本科生课程:《数值分析》
2. 博士研究生课程:《系统工程高级专题》
3. 硕士研究生课程:《系统辨识、建模与仿真技术》
4. 博士研究生课程:《复杂系统的建模、优化与控制》
1. 已指导硕士研究生109名,其中在读17名。
2. 已指导博士生70名,其中在读10名。
相关话题/系统 控制 华南理工大学 博士 科学

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    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-05
  • 华南理工大学研究生导师简介-康文雄
    更新日期:2019年4月3日 姓 名 康文雄 性 别 男 出生年月 1976年5月 籍贯民 族 汉族 政治面貌 党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 系副主任 Email auwxkang@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 自动化科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510641 通讯地址 广州市天河区华南理工大学3号楼 单位电话个人主页 http:// ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-05
  • 华南理工大学研究生导师简介-黄道平
    更新日期: 姓 名 黄道平 性 别 男 出生年月 1961年10月 籍贯民 族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-05
  • 华南理工大学研究生导师简介-李向阳
    更新日期:2018年9月16日 姓 名 李向阳 性 别 男 出生年月 1969年10月 籍贯 湖南资兴市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 副教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务Email xyangli@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510641 通讯地址 广州市天河区五山路381号华南理工大学3号楼自动化学院 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-05