

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-05

姓 名 吴凯 性 别 男
出生年月 1981年6月 籍贯 江西抚州市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 九三
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 医学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务Email kaiwu@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 材料学院生物医学工程系 邮政编码 510006
通讯地址 广州大学城华南理工大学B12-504
个人主页 http://www.scholat.com/wukai






担任Scientific Reports、Human Brain Mapping、Neuroimage、Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience、PLoS ONE、Frontiers in Human Neuroscience、Brain and Language、CNS Neuroscience &Therapeutics、Clinical Interventions in Aging、Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment、International Journal of Nanomedicine、Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing、Medical Devices: Evidence and Research、Reports in Medical Imaging等国际期刊及OHBM等国际会议审稿人,《中国医疗设备》、《中国医学物理学杂志》、《临床医学工程》编委。

2013/10 – 至今 ,华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院生物医学工程系,副教授;
2007/10 – 2013/09,华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院生物医学工程系,讲师;
2004/07 – 2007/09,华南理工大学,生物科学与工程学院生物医学工程系,助教。
2008/04 – 2011/03,日本东北大学,医学院,博士;
2001/09 – 2004/07,华南理工大学,生物科学与工程学院,硕士;
1997/09 – 2001/07,中国农业大学,工学院,学士。
1. 2013.02 Research Award of IDAC, Tohoku University;
2. 2010.03 Poster Presentation Award, 12th International Symposium of GCOE “Nano-BME”;
3. 2014-2015学年度本科教学优秀二等奖;
4. 2015年度学生科技创新优秀指导教师二等奖;
5. 2016年度学生科技创新优秀指导教师三等奖;
6. 2018年广州市基层科普工作优秀科普工作者。

1. 吴凯.可穿戴健康监护设备在心脏康复中的应用.第五届中国心血管疾病康复与预防学术年会.中国天津,2015年5月9-10日。
2. 吴凯.可穿戴设备在心脏康复中的前景展望.第四届中国心脏重症大会.中国北京,2015年6月12-14日。
3. 吴凯.穿戴式监护在心脏康复中的前景展望.2015广东省医学会第五次行为与心身医学学术会议.中国广州,2015年11月28日。
4. 吴凯.穿戴式健康监护设备 在心脏康复中的前景展望.2015粤港澳三地测控与计量仪器学术会议.中国广州,2015年12月19日。
5. 吴凯.可穿戴设备在心脏康复中的应用.第119届广交会设计创新论坛——“互联网+时代的生物医学信息技术创新”论坛.中国广州,2016年5月1日。
6. 吴凯.首发及慢性精神分裂症多模态MRI研究.MICS2016第三届医学图像计算青年研讨会.中国广州,2016年7月17日。
7. 吴凯.神经影像与微生物组学技术在脑重大疾病中的应用.第四届全国意识障碍高峰论坛.中国广州,2016年11月5-6日。
8. 吴凯.穿戴式健康监护设备在脑重大疾病中的应用.2016年国际生物医学工程与医疗仪器学术产业大会.中国北京,2016年11月29-30日。
9. 吴凯.穿戴式健康监护设备在脑重大疾病中的应用.2016华南心脑重大疾病预治高峰论坛.中国中山,2016年12月10日。
10. 吴凯.神经影像与微生物组学技术在脑重大疾病中的应用.2017中国生物医学工程学会北戴河青年论坛.中国秦皇岛, 2017年8月6日。
11. 吴凯.神经影像与微生物组学技术在精神分裂症中的应用.第一届深圳云计算精准医疗平台研讨会.中国深圳, 2017年11月11-12日。
12. 吴凯.神经影像与微生物组学技术在精神分裂症中的应用.中国生物医学工程学会医学物理分会第一届青年委员会青年论坛.中国上海, 2017年12月16日。
13. 吴凯.神经影像与微生物组学技术在精神分裂症中的应用.2018第四届肠道微生态与健康国际研讨会.中国上海, 2018年3月30-31日。
14. 吴凯.基于多维度信息融合的精神分裂症人工智能辅助诊断系统.2018国际精准放疗瓯江论坛&中国生物医学工程学会医学物理分会青年委员会年会.中国温州, 2018年5月26-27日。
15. 吴凯.基于多维度信息融合的精神分裂症人工智能辅助诊断系统.2018智能医学影像分析研讨会.中国北京, 2018年6月15日。
16. 吴凯.人脑连接组学与微生物组学研究进展.2018广东省生物医学工程学会血液血管分会研讨会.中国深圳, 2018年7月12日。
17. 吴凯.精神分裂症人脑连接组学与微生物组学研究.2018粤港澳大湾区物理学会联合年会.中国澳门, 2018年7月28日。
18. 吴凯.神经影像与肠道菌群分析技术在精神分裂症中的应用.2018中国生物医学工程学会天津青年论坛.中国天津, 2018年8月3-5日。
20. 吴凯.人脑连接组学与微生物组学研究进展.2018中国数字医学高峰论坛——人工智能与临床医疗.中国海南博鳌,2018年11月18日.
21. 吴凯.人脑连接组学与微生物组学研究进展.2018广东省肝脏病学会影像诊断专业委员会年会.中国广州,2018年11月24日.
22. 吴凯.神经影像与肠道菌群分析技术在运动与健康研究中的应用.2018第四届运动辅具与健康促进国际学术会议暨粤港澳大湾区运动与健康协同创新论坛.中国广州,2018年12月1-2日.
1. 研究智能医疗器械、生物医学信号处理、移动医疗等技术在慢性病管理、重大疾病预防及康复中的应用,开发了系列可穿戴式健康信息监护设备、基于移动互联网的健康监护系统等产品。
1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目, “双相情感障碍和精神分裂症脑复杂网络异常与肠道菌群失调相关性初探 ”, 2018.1-2021.12。
2. 广东省科技发展专项资金-重大科技专项,“老年痴呆预防及康复移动医疗服务平台的开发与示范”,2016.1-2018.12。
3. 广州市科技计划-产学研协同创新重大专项, “精神分裂症精准诊断技术研发与临床示范”,2017.5-2020.4。
4. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,“抑郁症共病焦虑障碍的人脑复杂网络特征与认知功能异常研究”,2015.1-2017.12。
5. 广东省科技发展专项资金-重大疾病防治相关支撑关键技术项目,“首发精神分裂症的神经影像及认知功能数据库构建”,2016.1-2018.12。
6. 广东省自然科学基金-博士启动项目,“基于多模态磁共振影像的青少年脑结构及功能网络研究”,2012.10-2014.10。
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费-重点项目,“基于多模态磁共振影像的老年期痴呆脑网络特征及药物干预评价技术研究” ,2015.1-2016.12。
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费-面上项目,“基于多模态磁共振影像的脑网络发育研究” ,2013.1-2014.12。
9. 广东省经信委委托项目,“广东省医药产业调研、分析等服务项目”,2017.10-2018.1。
10. 企业委托项目,“基于穿戴式检测技术的心音监护及健康服务系统”,2014.1-2015.12。
11. 企业委托项目,“穿戴式生理参数检测系列装置样机研发”,2014.6-2017.6。
12. 企业委托项目,“基于移动互联网的脑电监护及诊断系统”,2014.11-2017.10。
13. 企业委托项目,“健康服务机器人”,2015.6-2017.5。
14. 企业委托项目,“生物电刺激系列装置样机研发”,2016.1-2016.12。
15. 企业委托项目,“精神压力客观评价技术研究”,2016.1-2016.12。
16. 企业委托项目,“基于穿戴式EEG-NIRS的老年痴呆早期检测系统研制”,2016.8-2018.8。

1. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,语音训练对腭裂代偿性构音障碍的异常神经网络重塑脑成像研究,2019.1-2021.12。
2. 广东省重点领域研发计划-脑科学与类脑科学研究,自闭症诊疗方法研究,2019.1-2021.12。
3. 广州市科技计划-产学研协同创新重大专项,“基于多模态MR的肝硬化结节早期癌变人工智能辅助分析系统”,2019.4-2021.12。
4. 广州市科技计划-对外科技合作专题,“精神分裂症精准医学大数据研究平台的研究与临床应用”,2018.4-2020.12。
5. 广州市科技计划-产学研协同创新重大专项,“适用于救护车的移动式智能医用高压氧供系统研制及测试技术研究”,2018.4-2020.12。
6. 广州市科技计划-产学研协同创新重大专项, “老年认知障碍测评及干预关键技术及设备研制”,2016.4-2018.12。
7. 广州市科技计划,“老年痴呆症认知功能检测及训练仪”,2014.5-2015.04。
8. 广州市科技计划, “老年痴呆预防及康复移动医疗服务平台”,2016.5-2017.04。
9. 广州市科技计划,“物理刺激睡眠辅助与睡眠质量评估方法及装置研究”,2013.2-2016.12。
10. 广东省科技计划,“睡眠时相检测与睡眠质量评估方法研究”,2013.9-2015.12。
11. 广东省自然科学基金,“同步EEG-fMRI探讨EMDR治疗PTSD的疗效及脑网络机制”,2015.8-2018.8。

1. 日本文部科学省,Grant for JSPS-GCOE Fellow,“Structural brain networks derived from regional gray matter volume using structural MRI”,50万日元,2008.4-2009.03。Role on project: PI。
2. 日本文部科学省,Grant for JSPS-GCOE Fellow,“Structural brain networks with normal aging studied with structural MRI ”,50万日元,2009.4-2010.03。Role on project: PI。
3. 日本文部科学省,JSPS基盘A(重大项目),“脳MR画像を用いたグラフ理论に基づくヒト脳の包括的ネットワーク构造解析 ”,3133万日元,2011.4-2014.03。Role on project: Core member。
4. 日本文部科学省,JSPS新学术领域研究,“脳画像データベースに基づく计算解剖学的手法による年代?性别正常脳构造モデルの作成 ”,702万日元,2010.4-2012.03。Role on project: Core member。
5. 日本文部科学省,JSPS新学术领域研究,“正常脳构造モデルに基づく加齢脳疾患自动诊断システムの开発 ”,728万日元,2012.4-2014.03。Role on project: Core member。
6. 日本文部科学省,JSPS挑戦的萌芽研究,“解剖学的标准化の変换ベクトル场で脳萎缩を表现する方法の开発とその応用”,190万日元,2008.4-2009.03。Role on project: Core member。
Refereed Journal Article: (First author △, Corresponding author*)
(1) Wu K*, Taki Y, Sato K, Sassa Y, Inoue K, Goto R, Okada K, Kawashima R, He Y, Evans AC, Fukuda H. Overlapping community structure of structural brain network in young healthy individuals, PLoS ONE, 6(5): e19608, May 2011. (2011IF: 4.092/ Cited: 41)
(2) Wu K*, Taki Y, Sato K, Kinomura S, Goto R, Okada K, Kawashima R, He Y, Evans AC, Fukuda H. Age-related changes in topological organization of structural brain networks in healthy individuals, Human Brain Mapping, 33(3): 552-568, Mar 2012. (2012IF: 6.878/ Cited: 123)
(3) Wu K*, Taki Y, Sato K, Kinomura S, Hashizume H, Sassa Yuko, Takeuchi H, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Topological organization of functional brain networks in healthy children: Differences in relation to age, sex, and intelligence, PLoS ONE, 8(2): e55347, Feb 2013. (2013IF: 3.534/ Cited: 91)
(4) Wu K*, Taki Y, Sato K, Qi HC, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study of structural brain network changes with normal aging, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:113, Apr 2013. (2013IF: 2.895/ Cited: 30)
(5) Peng HJ *, Wu K*, Li J, Qi HC, Guo SW, Chi MY, Wu XM, Guo YB, Yang YL, Ning YP. Increased suicide attempts in young depressed patients with abnormal temporal-parietal-limbic gray matter volume, Journal of Affective Disorders, 165: 69-73, Aug 2014. (2014IF: 3.383/ Cited: 26)
(6) Qi HC△, Ning YP△, Li J, Guo SW, Chi MY, Gao MJ, Guo YB, Yang YL,Peng HJ*, Wu K*. Gray matter volume abnormalities in depressive patients with and without anxiety disorders. Medicine, 93(29):e345, Dec 2014. (2014IF: 5.723/ Cited: 12)
(7) Minyue Chi, Shengwen Guo, Yuping Ning, Jie Li, Haochen Qi, Minjian Gao, Jiexin Wang, Xiaowei Hu, Yangbo Guo, Yuling Yang, Hongjun Peng *, Kai Wu*. Using support vector machine to identify imaging biomarkers of major depressive disorder and anxious depression. Bio-Inspried Computing - Theories and Applications, Communication in Computer and Information Science, 472: 63-67, Oct 2014. (EI/ Cited: 6)
(8) Minyue Chi, Shengwen Guo, Yuping Ning, Jie Li, Haochen Qi, Minjian Gao, Xiuyong Wu, Junwei Xue, Xin Du, Jiexin Wang, Xiaowei Hu, Yangbo Guo, Yuling Yang, Hongjun Peng *, and Kai Wu*. Discriminative Analysis of Major Depressive Disorder and Anxious Depression Using Support Vector Machine. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 12(7), 1395-1401, July 2015. (2015IF:1.666)?
(9) Xiaobing Lu△, Yongzhe Yang△, Fengchun Wu, Minjian Gao, Yong Xu, Yue Zhang, Yongcheng Yao, Xin Du, Chengwei Li, Lei Wu, Xiaomei Zhong, Yanling Zhou, Ni Fan, Yingjun Zheng, Dongsheng Xiong, Hongjun Peng, Javier Escudero, Biao Huang, Xiaobo Li, Yuping Ning*, Kai Wu*. Discriminative analysis of schizophrenia using support vector machine and recursive feature elimination on structural MRI images. Medicine, 95:30(e3973), July 2016. (2016IF:2.028/ Cited: 10)
(10) Wanqun Yang△, Bin Liu△, Biao Huang*, Ruiwang Huang, Lijuan Wang, Yuhu Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Kai Wu*. Altered resting-state functional connectivity of the striatum in Parkinson's disease after levodopa administration. PLoS ONE, 11(9): e**. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**, Sep 2016. (2016IF: 2.766/ Cited: 9)
(11) Peng Xie△, Kai Wu△, Yingjun Zheng, Yangbo Guo, Yuling Yang, Jianfei He, Yi Ding, Hongjun Peng*. Prevalence of childhood trauma and correlations between childhood trauma, suicidal ideation, and social support in patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia in southern China. Journal of Affective Disorders,228 (2018), 41-48.(2017IF: 3.786)
(12) Wu F△, Zhang Y△, Yang Y, Lu X, Fang Z, Huang J, Kong L, Chen J, Ning Y, Li X, Wu K*. Structural and functional brain abnormalities in drug-naive, first-episode, and chronic patients with schizophrenia: a multimodal MRI study. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2018:14 2889–2904.(2017IF: 2.195)
(13) Xiaobo Li*,Kai Wu*, Yue Zhang, Lingyin Kong, Lynn E. DeLisi. Altered Topological Characteratics of Morphological Brain Network Relate to Language Impairment in Genetic High-risk Subjects and Schizophrenia Patients. Schizophrenia Research, In Press. (2017IF: 3.958)

Refereed Journal Article: (co-author)
(1) Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Correlation between gray matter density-adjusted brain perfusion and age using brain MR images of 202 healthy children, Human Brain Mapping, 32(11): 1973-1985, 2011. (IF: 5.969)
(2) Taki Y, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between degree of white matter hyperintensities and global gray matter volume decline rate, Neuroradiology, 53(6): 397-403, 2011. (IF: 2.485)
(3) Taki Y, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between baseline regional gray matter volume and global gray matter volume decline rate, Neuroimage, 54 (2): 743-749, 2011. (IF: 6.357)
(4) Taki Y, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between gray/white matter volume and cognition in healthy elderly people, Brain and Cognition, 75(2): 170-176, 2011. (IF: 2.477)
(5) Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Gender differences in partial-volume corrected brain perfusion using brain MRI in healthy children, Neuroimage, 58(3): 709-716, 2011. (IF: 6.357)
(6) Taki Y, Thyreau B, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Sleep duration during weekdays affects hippocampal gray matter volume in healthy children, NeuroImage, 60(1): 471-475, 2012. (IF: 6.357)
(7) Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Asano M, Asano K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Wu K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Correlation among body height, intelligence, and brain gray matter volume in healthy children, Neuroimage, 59(2): 1023-1027, 2012. (IF: 6.357)
(8) Taki Y, Hashizume H, Thyreau B, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Linear and curvilinear correlations of brain gray matter volume and density with age using voxel-based morphometry with the Akaike information criterion in 291 healthy children, Human Brain Mapping, 34(8): 1857-1871, 2013. (IF: 5.969)
(9) Taki Y, Thyreau B, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Linear and curvilinear correlations of brain white matter volume, fractional anisotropy, and mean diffusivity with age using voxel-based and region-of-interest analyses in 246 healthy children, Human Brain Mapping, 34(8): 1842-56, 2013. (IF: 5.969)
(10) Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study of age- and gender-related annual rate of volume changes in regional gray matter in healthy adults, Human Brain Mapping, 34(9): 2292-2301, 2013. (IF: 5.969)
(11) Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kakizaki M, Tsuji I, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and brain gray matter volume in healthy elderly subjects, Human Brain Mapping, 34(10): 2418-2424, 2013. (IF: 5.969)
(12) Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study of the relationship between personality traits and the annual rate of volume changes in regional gray matter in healthy adults, Human Brain Mapping, 34(12): 3347-3353, 2013. (IF: 5.969)
(13) Li X, Thermenos HW, Wu Z, Momura Y, Wu K, Keshavan M, Seidman L, DeLisi LE. Abnormal interactions of verbal- and spatial-memory networks in young people at familial high-risk for schizophrenia. Schizophr Res, 176(2-3): 100–105, Oct 2016. (IF: 4.453)
(14) Zhan Chenyang, Liu Yuhong, Wu Kai, Gao Yu, and Li Xiaobo. Structural and Functional Abnormalities in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Focus on Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Brain Connectivity. March 2017, 7(2): 106-114.

International conference or symposium:
1. Li Lao, Xiaoming Wu, Kai Wu, Xuefeng Zhu, Graph theory with Modify-edge Clustering Algorithm Based on Maximum Weighted Entropy. The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA’06).June 21-23,2006. (EI/ISTP indexed, EI **413)
2. Kai Wu, Xiaoming Wu. A wireless mobile monitoring system for home healthcare and community medical services. 1st IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE2007). July 6-8, 2007. (EI indexed, EI **369)
3. Qi Zhao, Kai Wu, Jianbo Wu, Xiaoming Wu. Design of Physiological Parameter Acquisition and Communication Module Based on CC2430. 7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE2008) . April 22 - 25, 2008. (ISTP indexed)
4. Yanhui Chen, Junnan Han, Kai Wu, Xiaoming Wu, Jing Zhou. A GPRS-based Wrist Type Pulse Wave and Body Temperature Monitor for Children Healthcare. 7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE2008). April 22 - 25, 2008. (ISTP indexed)
5. Lili Zhang, Li Lao, Kai Wu, Qiong Liu and Xiaoming Wu. Research in Development on Wireless Health Care of Infants. 7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE2008) . April 22 - 25, 2008. (ISTP indexed)
6. Kai Wu, Shigeo Kinomura, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Human brain aging studied with Japanese brain MRI database——Anatomical Networks Analysis using regional gray matter volume. 7th International Symposium on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, 16-17 October, 2008, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN. (Oral presentation)
7. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Shigeo Kinomura, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Anatomical Networks in the Human Brain Revealed by Regional Gray Matter Volume with Japanese Brain MRI Database. NUS-Tohoku Graduate Student Conference in Bioengineer, December 9-10, 2008, National Singapore University, Singapore.
8. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Shigeo Kinomura, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Sex differences on anatomical networks using regional gray matter volume with Japanese brain MR image database. 9th International Symposium of Tohoku University GCOE, 27-28th March, 2009, Sendai, Japan.
9. Kai Wu, Shigeo Kinomura, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Anatomical networks in the human brain revealed by regional gray matter volume with Japanese brain MRI database. 4th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, April 14-17, 2009, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Oral presentation)
10. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, and Hiroshi Fukuda. Changes on properties of human brain structural networks with normal aging. 3rd East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, December 21-22, 2009, National Singapore University, Singapore.
11. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, and Hiroshi Fukuda. Sex effects on small-world organization of structural brain networks in young healthy individuals. 12th International Symposium of Tohoku University GCOE, 25-26th March, 2010, Sendai, Japan. (Poster Presentation Award)
12. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, and Hiroshi Fukuda. Sex effects on small-world organization of structural brain networks in young healthy individuals. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 6-10, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
13. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Age-related changes on properties of structural brain networks in healthy individuals . 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, August 1-6, 2010, Singapore. (Oral presentation)
14. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Overlapping community structure of structural brain network in young healthy individuals. 4th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, December 15-16, 2010. National Singapore University, Singapore. (Oral presentation)
15. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Shigeo Kinomura, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Changes on properties of human brain structural networks with normal aging. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 26-30, 2011. Quebec City, Canada.
16. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Hiroshi Fukuda. Graph theoretical analysis of human structural brain networks. 5th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, December 15-16, 2011. National Singapore University, Singapore. (Oral presentation)
17. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Hiroshi Hashizume, Yuko Sassa, Hikaru Takeuchi, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. Age-related differences in small-world functional brain networks in healthy children. 18th International Symposium of Tohoku University GCOE, 5-6th March, 2012, Sendai, Japan. (Oral presentation)
18. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Hiroshi Hashizume, Yuko Sassa, Hikaru Takeuchi, Yong He, Alan C. Evans, Hiroshi Fukuda, Ryuta Kawashima. Age-related differences in small-world functional brain networks in healthy children. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 10-14, 2012, Beijing, China.
19. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Fukuda. Development and aging of human brain networks studied with multimodal MRI. 1st International Symposium on Computational Brain Science—Development and Aging of the human brain. March 26, 2013, Sendai, Japan. (Oral presentation)
20. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Haochen Qi, Ryuta Kawashima, Hiroshi Fukuda. A longitudinal study of structural brain network changes with normal aging. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 16-20, 2013, Seattle, USA.
21. Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study on the relationship between educational level and the annual rate of volume change in regional gray matter in healthy adults. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 16-20, 2013, Seattle, USA.
22. Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Fukuda. Human brain functional and structural networks. 2nd International Symposium on Computational Brain Science—Challenges to Human Brain Connectomics. December 9, 2013, Sendai, Japan. (Oral presentation)
23. Haochen Qi, Minyue Chi, Shengwen Guo, Kai Wu. A longitudinal study of structural brain hubs with normal aging. 2nd International Symposium on Computational Brain Science—Challenges to Human Brain Connectomics. December 9, 2013, Sendai, Japan. (Oral presentation)
24. Minyue Chi, Haochen Qi, Kai Wu, Shengwen Guo. Spontaneous brain activity in healthy children revealed by regional homogeneity. 2nd International Symposium on Computational Brain Science—Challenges to Human Brain Connectomics. December 9, 2013, Sendai, Japan. (Oral presentation)
25. Chihiro Kondo, Koichi Ito, Kai Wu, Kazunori Sato, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Fukuda, Takafumi Aoki. Age Estimation Method Using Brain Local Features for T1-Weighted Images. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBS 2015) , pp. 666--669, August 2015. (EI indexed, EI **731)
26. Junwei Xue, Yueshan Huang, Xin Du, Xiuyong Wu, Weijie Zeng, Yusheng Xi, Yimin Chen, Yu Zhao, Kai Wu. Design of a Wearable Device for Monitoring SpO2 Continuously. The 12th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2015). August 10-14, 2015, Beijing China.
27. Yue Zhang, Li Lin, Kai Wu, Hang Wei, Xia Li, Zhi Li, Longkai Qi. RFE-SVM for discrimination of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae through chromatography. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 2016, 10-13 July, Jeju Island, South Korea.
28. Ryuichi Fujimoto, Chihiro Kondo, Koichi Ito, Kai Wu, Kazunori Sato, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Fukuda and Takafumi Aoki. Age Estimation Using Effective Brain Local Features from T1-Weighted Images. The 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2016), 2016, 16-20 Augest, Orlando, Florida, USA.
29. XiaobingLu, YongzheYang, FengchunWu, Biao Huang, Yue Zhang, XinDu, YupingNing, Kai Wu. Discriminative analysis of schizophrenia using SVM and RFE on structural MRI images. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 26-30, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
30. FengchunWu, YongzheYang, YueZhang, XinDu, Kai Wu, YupingNing. Disrupted structural brain networks underlying cognitive impairments in schizophrenia. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 26-30, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
31. Chunren Lai, Shengwen Guo, Lina Cheng, Wensheng Wang, Kai Wu. Evaluation of Feature Selection Algorithms for Classification in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Based on MR Images2016 8th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2016), 2016, 29-31 Oct, Tokyo, Japan.
32. F. Ryuichi, I. Koichi, W. Kai, S. Kazunori,T. Yasuyuki, F. Hiroshi, A. Takafumi. An Age Estimation Method Using Brain Local Features of T1-Weighted Images and Its Performance Evaluation. International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2017, pp. 63--66, January 2017.
33. R. Fujimoto, K. Ito, K. Wu, K. Sato, Y. Taki. Brain Age Estimation From T1-Weighted Images Using Effective Local Features. 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 3028--3031, July 2017.

Journal paper (in Japanese):
1.Hiroshi Fukuda, Yasuyuki Taki, Kai Wu, Ryuta Kawashima. Analysis of Normal Brain Aging using Brain MRI Database of Japanese Subjects. IEICE technical report. 110(195), 61-64, 2010-08-27. (http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/**0)
2. Kazunori Sato, Kai Wu, Hiroshi Fukuda. Inter-subject Variability of Brain shapes: An Analysis of Deformation Matrices. IEICT technical report. 2012-07.
3. Kazunori Sato, Kai Wu, Hiroshi Fukuda. Detection of Structural Changes of Human Brain along with Aging: An Analysis of Deformation Matrices. IEICT technical report. 2013-07.
4. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则, 泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.ADNIデータベースの脳ネットワーク解析に関する検讨.电子情报通信学会医用画像研究会, Vol. 115, No. 301, pp. 67--72, November2015.
5. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则, 泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳局所特徴量に基づく年齢推定手法とADNIデータベースを用いた性能评価.电子情报通信学会医用画像研究会, Vol. 115, No. 139, pp. 79--84, July 2015.
6. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则, 泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.経时変化のある脳MRI画像データベースを用いた年齢推定手法の性能评価.电子情报通信学会医用画像研究会, Vol. 114, No. 482, pp. 23--28, March 2015.
7. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则,泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳MRI画像の局所特徴量に基づく年齢推定手法と縦断データベースを用いた性能评価.情报処理学会 第77回全国大会, pp. 2-359--2-360, March 2015.
8. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则, 泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳MRI画像の局所特徴量に基づく年齢推定手法とその评価.电子情报通信学会医用画像研究会, Vol. 114, No. 311, pp. 11--16, November 2014.
9. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则, 泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳MRI画像の局所特徴量に基づく年齢推定手法の検讨.平成26年度电気関系学会东北支部连合大会, No. 2H01, p. 208, August 2014.
10. 近藤千裕, 伊藤康一, 呉凯, 佐藤和则, 泷靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳局所特徴量に基づく年齢推定手法と脳MRI画像データベースを用いた性能评価.映像情报メディア学会技术报告, Vol. 38, No. 32, pp. 15--18, August 2014.
11. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文, 脳局所特徴量を用いた年齢推定とその高精度化に関する検討.サマーセミナー 2016, Vol. 40, No. 28, pp. 31--34, August 2016.
12. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳局所特徴量を用いた年齢推定手法の高精度化に関する検討.平成28年 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会, August 2016.
13. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.年齢推定に有効な脳局所特徴量の効率的な選択方法に関する検討.電子情報通信学会,医用画像研究会, Vol. 116, No. 160, pp. 13--18, July 2016.
14. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳 MRI 画像からの年齢推定に関する検討. 第20回 画像の認識?理解シンポジウム, August 2017.
15. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.アルツハイマー病のための脳局所特徴量を用いた MR 画像解析に関する検討.第36回日本医用画像工学会大会, pp. 298--302, July 2017.
16. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文.脳 MRI 画像を用いた脳局所特徴量に基づく年齢推定手法とその性能評価. 電子情報通信学会 医用画像研究会, Vol. 117, No. 47, pp. 67--70, May 2017.
17. 藤本竜一, 伊藤康一, 呉凱, 佐藤和則, 瀧靖之, 福田寛, 青木孝文. 脳 MRI 画像からの年齢推定に関する検討, 第20回画像の認識?理解シンポジウム, August 2017.

Journal paper (in Chinese):
1. Wukai, Cenrenjing, Wuxiaoming. An Approach to Dynamic Simulation Technology in Computer Graphics based on LabWindows/CVI. Computer Applications and Software. 2003,01:63-64
2. Wuxiaoming, Wukai, Cenrenjing. Development and Research of the Telemedicine System on B/S Mode. Modern Scientific Instruments. 2003,04:49-51
3. Wuxiaoming, Wukai, Cenrenjing. Development of a multi-parametric remote monitoring system for heart function. Chinese Medical Equipment Journal. 2004,04:17-18
4. Wukai, Wuxiaoming. Research and implementation of real-time dynamic display of multiple physiological parameters. Chinese Medical Equipment Journal.2005,07:8-9
5. Laoli, Wukai, Wuxiaoming. A new method for automatic measuring of tumour in MRI. Control & Automation. 2005,21(11) :94-95
6. Wukai, Wuxiaoming. The Design and Implementation of Multiple Physiological Parameter Remote Virtual Measurement Instrument. Control & Automation.2006,01(1):145-146,179
7. Zhangyanru, Wukai, Wuxiaoming. Network Laboratory of Medical Virtual Instrument based on Campus Network. Information of Medical Equipment.2006,05:25-27
8. Sunshoujun, Wukai, Wuxiaoming. A wireless mobile monitoring system based on Bluetooth. Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation. 2006,05:349-351
9. Zhubin, Wukai, Wuxiaoming. The application of MCU and CPLD on the frequency detection of quartz crystal DNA sensor. Control & Automation.2006, 12(1):149-150
10. Lixiaoqiang, Cenrenjing, Wuxiaoming, Wukai. Medical image compression based on two dimensional discrete cosine transform and implemented on FPGA. Chinese Journal of Medical Physic. 2006.11, 23(6):442-445
11. Wukai, Linshaojie, Wuxiaoming, Zhanglili. Design of virtual instrument for measuring phonocardiogram based on LabVIEW. Chinese Medical Equipment Journal. 2007.03:19-21
12. Luwei, Wuxiaoming, Xiongdongsheng, Wukai, Sunshoujun. Design and implement of multi-parameter mobile monitor based on GPRS. Control & Automation. 2007,08:112-114
13. Wukai, Wuxiaoming. Development of digital health care and BME education in engineering university. Information of Medical Equipment. 2007,08:59-61
14. Wangchaohong, Wukai, Wuxiaoming. Research and application of wearable physiological detecting technology. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research. 2007,22:4383-4387
15. WU Kai, WU Xiaoming. Research of Teaching Reformation of Medical Electronic Instruments and Investigate of Personnel Training. Chinese Journal of Medical Physics.2007,06:461
16. Wukai, Wuxiaoming. Exploration and practice on training of innovative talents in biomedical engineering. Chinese Medical Equipment Journal. 2007.09:80-81
17. LIN Shao-jie, ZHANG Pan-deng, WU Kai, WU Xiao-ming. An Algorithm for Extracting ECG Feature based on Empirical Mode Decomposition. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH. 2007, 26(4).
18. ZHAO Qi, Wu Kai, WU Xiao-ming. Try to Analyze Impacts of Five Competitive Forces over Medical Instrument Industrial Structure in China. CHINESE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS. 2009, 26(1).
19. ZHANG Li-li, WU Kai, WU Xiao-ming. New Challenges of Wireless Biomedical Sensor Network. JOURNAL PRESS OF CHINA MEDICAL DEVICES. 2009, 24(4).
20. WU Xiao-ming, ZHANG Li-li, LAO Yong-hua, GUO Sheng-wen, WU Kai. Strengthen Experimental and Practical Education System and Culture Integrated Talents in Science and Engineering Field. CHINESE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT JOURNAL. 2010, 31(2).
21. 吴秀勇,吴效明, 彭红军,宁玉萍, 吴凯.抑郁症及焦虑障碍的磁共振影像学研究进展.航天医学与医学工程,2015,28(3): 229-234.
22. 郭圣文,赖春任,汪文胜,成丽娜,吴凯,岑桂英,池敏越.颞叶癫痫病患者的脑皮层多特征分类.东南大学学报,2015,45(6):1057-1060 (EI index).
23. 薛俊伟,黄岳山,杜欣,吴秀勇, 曾伟杰,席玉胜,陈益民,赵毓,吴凯.蓝牙低功耗可穿戴血氧监测设备的设计.中国生物医学工程学报,2015,34(6): 701-707.
24. 杜欣,曾伟杰, 李承炜, 薛俊伟,吴秀勇, 刘寅佳,万宇欣, 张忆茹,冀俞容,吴磊,杨勇哲, 张越,朱滨, 黄岳山,吴凯.基于移动医疗的孕产妇健康监护系统.生物医学工程杂志,2016, 33(1): 2-7 (EI index).
25. 吴秀勇,吴效明,彭红军,宁玉萍,吴 凯.抑郁症共病焦虑障碍患者脑结构网络拓扑属性研究.生物医学工程杂志,2016, 33(3) (EI index).
26. 姚永成,杨勇哲,黄彪,冀泓锞,吴逢春,陆小兵,宁玉萍,吴凯.双相障碍的MR研究进展.中国医学影像技术,2016,32(6):164-167.
27. 杨勇哲,黄彪,冀泓锞,姚永成,张越,吴逢春,陆小兵,宁玉萍,吴凯.精神分裂症的磁共振影像学研究进展.中国医学物理学杂志, 2016, 33(8):848-854.
28. 张越,杨勇哲,吴逢春,陆小兵,宁玉萍,杜欣,李承炜,王凯曦,吴凯.基于多模态磁共振影像的精神分裂症患者多特征分类研究.中国医学物理学杂志, 2017, 34(1):99-104.
29. 李承炜,韩俊南,杜欣,王凯曦,黄义成,林飞熊,钟伟国,刘亚,吴效明,宁玉萍,陈军,吴凯.基于ADS1293的穿戴式心电检测装置设计与实现.电子技术与应用,2017,43(9):8-12.
30. 杨勇哲,张越, 吴逢春,陆小兵,宁玉萍,黄飚,杜欣,李承炜,王凯曦,吴效明,吴凯.基于多模态磁共振影像的首发未用药精神分裂症自动分类研究,生物医学工程杂志, 2017,34(5):674-680 (EI index).
Chapter of book (in English):
1. Kai Wu, Hiroshi Fukuda. Analysis of Anatomical Networks using regional gray matter volume with Japanese brain MRI database. Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2009,Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Centre of Excellence Programme, 207-212. Imperial College Press.2009, 3. (available by: http://books.google.com/)
2. Kai Wu, Hiroshi Fukuda. Graph theoretical analysis of human structural brain networks. Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2012, Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Centre of Excellence Programme, 325-330. Imperial College Press. 2012, 3.
3. Hiroshi Fukuda, Yasuyuki Taki, Kai Wu, Kazunori Sato, Ryoi Goto, Kentaro Inoue, Ken Okada, Ryuta Kawashima. Development and aging of the human brain studied with brain magnetic resonance image. Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2012, Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Centre of Excellence Programme, 179-190. Imperial College Press. 2012, 3.
4. Kai Wu. Understanding medical images based on computational anatomy models (Chapter 3, 151-285).In: Hidefumi Kobatake, Yoshitaka Masutani. Computational anatomy based on whole body imaging (Basic principles of computer-assisted diagnosis and therapy. Springer, 2017. (ISBN 978-4-431-55974-0)

1. 余学飞,叶继伦(主编),张宁,吴凯,卢广文(副主编). 现代医学电子仪器原理与设计(第四版,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材).华南理工大学出版社,2018.
1. **8.5,蓝牙无线心功能参数监护系统及其应用 ,发明专利;
2. **3.X,基于可穿戴装置的心电检测装置,发明专利,**;
3. **9.9,基于可穿戴装置的脑电检测装置,发明专利,**;
4. **5.X,基于可穿戴装置的血氧饱和度检测装置,发明专利,**;
5. **2.X,基于移动互联网的老年痴呆症监护系统, 发明专利,**;
6. **2.4,基于移动互联网的孕产妇健康监护系统,发明专利,**;
7. **0.8,一种可实现血氧饱和度检测的健康服务机器人,发明专利,**;
8. **2.8 ,一种可实现脑电检测的健康服务机器人,发明专利,**;
9. **7.7 ,一种基于多功能智能电子药箱的健康服务机器人,发明专利,**;
10. **0.0,基于健康服务机器人的老年痴呆症监护系统,发明专利,**;
11. **8.8, 一种可实现心电检测的健康服务机器人,发明专利,**;
12. **9.9,基于健康服务机器人的老年人健康服务系统,发明专利,**;
13. **0.6,面向大学生的精神压力评估及高危人群干预系统,发明专利,**;
14. **9.3,基于可穿戴式NIRS-EEG的精神分裂症早期检测评估系统,发明专利,**。

1. **6.3,基于可穿戴装置的脑电检测装置,实用新型,**;
2. **5.X,基于可穿戴装置的血氧饱和度检测装置,实用新型,**;
3. **6.7,基于可穿戴装置的心电检测装置,实用新型,**;
4. **6.5,基于移动互联网的孕产妇健康监护系统 ,实用新型,**;
5. **0.X,基于移动互联网的老年痴呆症监护系统, 实用新型,**;
6. **4.7,一种基于多功能智能电子药箱的健康服务机器人,实用新型,**;
7. **9.X,一种可实现脑电检测的健康服务机器人,实用新型,**;
8. **6.6,一种可实现心电检测的健康服务机器人,实用新型,**;
9. **3.8,一种可实现血氧饱和度检测的健康服务机器人,实用新型,**;
10. **2.9,基于健康服务机器人的老年痴呆症监护系统,实用新型,**;
11. **5.2,基于健康服务机器人的老年人健康服务系统,实用新型,**;

1. **7.6,基于NIRS的穿戴式脑功能检测装置,发明专利;
2. **6.1,基于NIRS-EEG的穿戴式多模态脑功能检测装置,发明专利;
3. **7.3,基于虚拟现实技术与生理参数检测的精神类疾病辅助诊断系统,发明专利;
4. **1.7,生物反馈式意识障碍检测及治疗系统,发明专利;
5. **9.9,基于可穿戴式NIRS-EEG的精神分裂症早期检测评估系统,实用新型;
6. **0.1,面向大学生的精神压力评估及高危人群干预系统,实用新型;
7. **7.3,基于虚拟现实技术与生理参数检测的精神类疾病辅助诊断系统,实用新型;
8. **1.7,生物反馈式意识障碍检测及治疗系统,实用新型。

指导学生获奖 :
1. 戚昊成, 池敏越, 冯晓明, 陈愿君. 2014年阳普杯生物医疗与健康产业创新创业大赛特等奖, 201312.
2. 戚昊成. 2014年研究生国家奖学金, 201410.
3. 杜欣, 黄义成, 万宇欣, 冀余蓉, 张忆茹, 孙嵩岚. 2015年阳普杯生物医疗与健康产业创新创业大赛三等奖, 210505.
4. 杜欣. 第五届全国可穿戴式计算学术会议优秀论文三等奖, 201505.
5. 杜欣. 优秀硕士新生入学奖, 201509.
6. 杜欣, 李承炜. 第四届赢在广州大学生创业比赛优胜奖, 201509.
7. 杜欣, 冀余蓉, 薛俊伟, 吴秀勇, 吴涵, 曾令优, 万宇欣, 杨汇尚, 刘寅佳, 谢杨洁, 彭艳, 姚永成. 首届中国互联网+大学生创新创业大赛华南理工大学一等奖, 201509.
8. 杜欣. 2016年共青团中央中国光华科技基金会医学奖学金, 201605.
9. 万宇欣, 张忆茹, 冀余蓉, 孙嵩岚. 2016年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划优秀项目(二项之一), 201606.
10. 李承炜, 杜欣, 王凯曦. 2016年全国大学生生物医学工程创新设计竞赛三等奖, 201610.
11. 张越. 2017年广东省生物医学工程学会首届青年学术论坛二等奖, 201705.
12. 张越. 第六届磁共振分子影像研究与应用高层论坛, 优秀论文奖, 201710.
13. 张越. 第六届磁共振分子影像研究与应用高层论坛, 优秀青年学者奖, 201710.
14. 杜欣. 2017年研究生国家奖学金, 201711.
15. 李承炜. 2017年PPG奖学金, 201711.
16. 张越. 2017年温氏筠诚奖学金, 201711.
教 授:吴效明
讲 师:周 静
助理研究员:黄 侠、李君懿、潘嘉瑜
杜 欣、李承炜、杨勇哲(2015级)
张 越、王凯熙(2016级)
李嘉慧、刘 亚、王鹏(2017级)

杜 欣,广州金控资产管理有限公司(2018);
相关话题/健康 系统 发明专利 生物 科技