姓 名 叶飞 性 别 男
出生年月 1974年10月 籍贯 江西进贤县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 管理学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务Email yefei@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 工商管理学院 邮政编码 510640
华南理工大学工商管理学院教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪人才入选者(2013年),广东省珠江学者特聘教授(2016年),华南理工大学优秀博士论文指导老师(2017)。长期从事供应链管理,服务科学与可持续运营等前沿学科的研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(4项)、国家自然科学基金重大项目专题、教育部博士点专项基金、广东省自然科学基金项目、广东省哲学规划项目、广东省软科学项目等20余项。在“Journal of Retailing”、“International Journal of Operations & Production Management ”、“International Journal of Production Research”、“European Journal of Operational Research”、“International Journal of Production Economics”、“Energy”、“Computers & Industrial Engineering”、“International Transactions in Operational Research”、“Knowledge-Based Systems”、“管理科学学报”、“系统工程理论与实践”、“中国管理科学”等国内外重要期刊共发表140余篇学术论文,其中SSCI及SCI检索论文30篇;论文引用4000余次,其中SSCI及SCI引用450余次,Google scholar引用1800余次。在科学出版社及机械工业出版社出版专著2部。研究成果三次获省级优秀成果奖。2017年入选中国哲学社会科学最有影响力学者排行榜。
2003.7—2005.9, 华南理工大学工商管理学院,讲师
1993.9—1997.6, 华侨大学,管理信息科学系,本科生
1998.9—2003.6, 华南理工大学,工商管理学院,博士研究生
14.The impact of institutional pressures,top manager's posture and reverse logistics on firm performance获the third international conference on operations& supply chain management最佳论文奖,2009 ;
4.《供应链伙伴间信息共享的价值及关键影响因素实证研究》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目批准号**, 2010-01至2012-12,项目负责人,评估为“优秀”);
6.《价格约束条款下“酒店+OTA”双渠道供应链定价与协调机制》,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金课题(批准号**029, 2014-01至2016-12,项目负责人);
8.《考虑企业异质性和消费者低碳意识的碳配额分配方法及交易机制研究》,广州市科技项目(批准号 **2,2017-05至2019-04,项目负责人);
30.Strategic choice of sales channel and business model for the hotel supply chain .Journal of Retailing.2018,94(1);33-44(SSCI &SCI Journal), with Li Zhang; Yina Li.
29.Linking green market orientation and performance: antecedents and processes.Journal of cleaner production.2018,192:924-931 (SSCI &SCI Journal), with Yina Li, Chwen Sheu, Qian Yang.
28. Managing bioethanol supply chain resiliency: A risk sharing model to mitigate yield uncertainty risk.Indusrial Management& Data Systems.with Gang Hou, Yina Li, Shouling Fu; 2018(SCI Journal),
27.Optimal overbooking decision for a "Hotel+OTA"dual-channel supply.International Transaction in Operational Research.2017 (SSCI &SCI Journal), with Murui, Lu; Yina Li.
26.Optimal online channel strategies for a hotel considering direct booking and cooperation with an online travel agent. International Transaction in Operational Research.2017(SSCI &SCI Journal), with Yan, Hui; Yongzhong Wu.
25.A Comparison of the Merchant Model and the Agency Model in the Hotel Industry. International Transaction in Operational Research.2017(SSCI &SCI Journal), with Liao, Peng; Xiaoli Wu.
24.Coordination for Contract Farming Supply Chain with Stochastic Yield and Demand under CVaR Criterion. Operational Research: International Journal,(SCI Journal).2017, with Qiang Lin, Yina Li
23.Carbon dioxide emissions quotas allocation in the pearl River Delta region: Evidence from the maximum deviation method. Journal of Cleaner Production.2018,177:207-217(SCI Journal), with Lixu Li, Yina Li
22.An improved grey model and scenario analysis for carbon intensity. Energies.2018,11(1):91(SCI Journal), with Xinxiu Xie, Zhang Li, Xiaoling Hu
21.Mechanisms of Collaboration in the Hotel Chain: Two-Stage Ordering Contract and Option Contract. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.2018,31(3):750-773(SCI Journal), with Li Zhang
20.Designing coordination contract for biofuel supply chain in China. Resource, Conservation &Recycling.2018,128:306-314(SCI Journal), with LI,Y., Yang,Q.
19.Modeling of china's cassava-based bioethanol supply chain operation and coordination .Energy.2017,120:217-228(SSCI &SCI Journal), with Li, Yina; Lin,Qiang;Zhan, yuanzhu.
18.Optimal introduction time decision for holiday products with uncertain market demand. International Journal of Production Research.2017,55(1):161-175( SCI/SSCI journal), with WANG, Jiang-tao; Li, Yina;Chen, Quan.
17. Optimal lead time policy for short life cycle products under Conditional Value-at-Risk criterion. Computers & Industrial Engineering( SCI journal). 2015,88:354-365 , with Li,Y. ,Lin, Q.
16.Harvesting Big Data to Enhance Supply Chain Innovation Capabilities: An Analytic Infrastructure on Deduction Graph. International Journal of Production Economics( SCI journal), 2015, 165:223~233,with Yuanzhu Zhan,Kimhua Tan, Chingter Chang, Guojun Ji .
15.Competition and Coordination in Online and Offline Hotel Distribution Channels under Commission Override Model. International Journal of Revenue Manaagement,2015,8(2):193- 217,with Peng Liao,Giri Tayi, Xiande Zhao .
14. Study and Evaluation on Sustainable Industrial Development in Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Journal of Cleaner Production.2015,86(1):389-402( SCI/SSCI journal), with Nguyen,G.C.
13. Effects of managerial ties and trust on supply chain information sharing and supplier opportunism. International Journal of Production Research.2014,52(23):7046-7061,( SCI/SSCI journal), , with Wang,Z., Tan,K
12. Social Capital, Information Sharing and Performance: Evidence from China. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 2014,34(11):1440-1462,(SSCI Journal), with Li,Y.&Sheu,C.
11. Pricing and promised deliver lead time decisions with a risk averse agent. International Journal of Production Research.2014,52(12):3518-3537( SCI journal),with Li,Y.&Lin,Q.
10. An extended TOPSIS model based on the Possibility theory under fuzzy environment. Knowledge-Based Systems.2014,67:263-269( SCI journal),with Li,Y.
9. The impact of institutional pressures, top managers posture and reverse logistics on firm performance —Evidence from China. International Journal of Production Economics. 2013,143(1):132-143(SSCI&SCI Journal) ,with Zhao,X., Prahinski, C., & Li, Y.
8. Effects of Information Technology Alignment and Information Sharing on Supply Chain Operational Performance .Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2013,65(3):370-377(SSCI&SCI Journal),with Wang, Z.
7. Order Decision Making Based on Different Statement Strategies under Stochastic Market Demand. Journal of System Science and System Engineering. 2013, 22(2): 171-190,(SCI journal). with Wang,J., Wang,L., Xu,X. ,& Yu,J.
6. Supply chain coordination with controllable lead time and asymmetric information. European Journal of Operational Research. 2012,(SSCI&SCI Journal),with Li,Y., Xu,X., Zhao,X.
5. Supply Chain Coordination Model with Controllable Lead Time and Service Level Constraint. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2011,61(3):858—864(SSCI&SCI Journal),with Li,Y.&Xu,X.
4. A Stackelberg single-period supply chain inventory model with weighted possibilistic mean values under fuzzy environment. Applied Soft Computing.2011,(11):5519-5527, (SCI journal). with Li,Y.
3. Cost Allocation Model for Optimizing Supply Chain Inventory with Controllable Lead Time. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2010,59(1):93-99(SSCI&SCI Journal),with Xu.X.
2. An Extended TOPSIS Method with Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers for Virtual Enterprise Partner Selection. Expert Systems with Applications.2010,37:7050-7055(SCI Journal).
1.Group Multiattribute Decision Model to Partner Selection in the Formation of Virtual Enterprise under Incomplete Information.
Expert Systems with Applications. 2009,36(5)(SSCI&SCI Journal).
生产运作管理(本科生);生产计划与控制(ME,本科生);物流与供应链管理(ME);运营与供应链管理(MBA); 供应链管理建模(全日制研究生);服务运营管理(硕士研究生)
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-05
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更新日期: 姓 名 曹晓丽 性 别 女 出生年月 1965年6月 籍贯民 族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导 行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话 ...华南理工大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-05华南理工大学研究生导师简介-朱文斌
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