姓 名 李育奇 性 别 男
出生年月 1983年11月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务Email liyuqi@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 设计学院 邮政编码
李博士2015年毕业于台湾国立清华大学工业工程与工程管理系,主修人因工程并专精在三维足部人体计测、创新产品开发与评估、生物力学与老人福祉等方向,2015-2017 为新加坡南洋理工大学机械与航太系的博士后研究员,2013年曾赴日本东京『产业技术综合研究院』(AIST) 当访问学者一年,目前拥有10篇SCI/SSCI期刊论文、6篇专书章节论文、30篇国内外研讨会论文与7项台湾发明/新型专利。曾执行过17个纵/横向项目(其中2个为主持人),跟许多产业密切合作并共同开发出创新的产品,如半导体科技业、寝具、鞋具等,并且拥有3年以上的实际教学经验。目前研究方向为人因工程,智慧老人福祉产品开发与设计,蒐集与建立老人人体计测资料,并应用于后续的智慧银髮商品的设计与开发。
2015.07-2018.07 Research Fellow of school of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
2015.02-2015.07 国立清华大学工业工程系博士后研究员
1. 國立清華大學工業工程與工程管理研究所人因工程與安全管理學程 博士(2008.09~2015.01)
2. 明志科技大學工業工程與管理研究所 碩士(2006.09~2008.06)
3. 真理大學工業管理學系 學士(2002.09~2006.06)
1. 中國工業工程學會103年度年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE 2014),獲選「最佳論文獎」。文章:“台灣與日本女性足部尺寸差異與現行尺碼系統比較”,2014。
2. 榮獲The 2ed Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (SEANES) conference 的「First Best Paper Award」,文章:“Foot shape classification using 3D scanning data”, 2012。
1. 人因工程(人类工效学)
2. 三维足部人体测计与模型
3. 创新产品设计与评估
4. 生物力学
1. Chen YL, Lee YC (2017) “Effect of an auxiliary device for chopstick operations on the chopstick-use performance of foreign novices” Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 640-645 (SCI).
2. Lee YC, Kouchi M, Mochimaru M, Wang MJ (2015) “Comparing 3D foot shape models between Taiwanese and Japanese females” Journal of Human Ergology, Vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 11-20.
3. Lee YC, Lin G, Wang MJ (2014) “Comparing 3D foot scanning with conventional measurement methods” Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7:44, DOI: 10.1186/s13047-014-0044-7 (SCI).
4. Lee YC, Wang MJ (2014) “Taiwanese adult foot shape classification using 3D scanning data” Ergonomics, Vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 513-523. DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.974683 (SCI).
5. Lee YC, Chen DJ, Wang MJ, Chen SJ (2014) “Developing an innovative insole- A case study of Isotech Products Inc.” Management Review, Special Issue in Management Cases, pp. 113-132 (TSSCI).
6. Lee YC, Chen YL (2012) “Optimal combination of auxiliary device size and its location on chopsticks for food-gripping performances” Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 115, no. 1, pp. 187-196 (SSCI).
7. Chen YL, Lee YC (2012) “Sex differences in static lifting strengths at full range exertion heights in a young Taiwanese sample” Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 938-994 (SSCI).
8. Lee YC, Lin G, Wang MJ (2012) “Evaluating insole design with joint motion, plantar pressure and rating of perceived exertion measures”, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, pp. 1114-1117 (SSCI).
9. Chen YL, Lee YC, Hsu TC (2011) “Isometric push and pull strengths of young Taiwanese males”, Industrial Health. Vol. 49, pp. 696-702 (SCI).
10. Chen YL, Lee YC, Chen CJ (2011) “Differences in lifting strength profiles between experienced workers and novices at various exertion heights”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 41, pp. 53-58 (SCI).
11. Chen YL, Lee YC (2010) “A follow-up study on utilization of a chopsticks training device”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 111, pp. 701-706 (SSCI).
12. Chen YL, Jang RL, Hsu TC, Lee YC, Chen CJ (2009) "A preliminary study of the effects of exertion heights and horizontal distances on static horizontal pulling forces", Mingchi University of Technology Journal, Vol. 40.2, pp. 63-68.
13. Lee YC, Chen YL (2008) "An auxiliary device for chopsticks operation to improve the food serving performance", Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 39.6, pp. 737-742 (SCI/SSCI).
14. 張淑如、李育奇、陳玟伶(2007)加油站員工噪音暴露與聽力損失初探,工業安全衛生月刊,第220期,頁16-22。
1.Lee YC, Chao WY and Wang MJ (2013), Developing a new foot shape and size system for Taiwan females, In Qi E, Shen J and Dou R (Eds.), The 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 959-968), Springer Berlin Heidelberg Press. (EI)
2.Lee YC, Lin G and Wang MJ (2012), Evaluating arch dimensions differences by using 3-D foot scanning data, In Shih YC and Liang SF Max (Eds.), Ergonomics In Asia: Development, Opportunities, and Challenges (pp. 223-226), Taylor & Francis group, London: CRC Press. (EI)
3.Chen YL and Lee YC (2012), Differences in lifting strengths and postures between workers and novices of Taiwanese females, In Shih YC and Liang SF Max (Eds.), Ergonomics In Asia: Development, Opportunities, and Challenges (pp. 201-207), Taylor & Francis group, London: CRC Press. (EI)
4.Lee YC, Lin G, and Wang MJ (2011), Evaluating the differences among the four foot dimension measurement methods, In S Chen, N Mastorakis, FR Echeverria and V Mladenov (Eds.), Recent Researches in Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (IMCAS) (pp. 51-55), WSEAS Press.
5.Lee YC, Lin G, and Wang MJ (2010), Evaluating gender differences in foot dimensions, In Lin DY and Chen HC (Eds.), Ergonomics for All: Celebrating PPCOE’s 20 years of Excellence (pp. 9-13), Taylor & Francis group, London: CRC Press.
6.Chen YL, Chen JC and Lee YC (2010), Differences in lifting postures at various exertion heights between workers and novices, In Lin DY and Chen HC (Eds.), Ergonomics for All: Celebrating PPCOE’s 20 years of Excellence (pp. 37-42), Taylor & Francis group, London: CRC Press.
1. Lei MK, Cheng KYB and Lee YC, “The Validity of using Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display for Agility Training”, The 36th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, New Zealand, 2018.
2. Lee YC and Lee CH, “Customer Experience Evaluation on Innovative Shopping Mall Services”, the 2018 INFORMS International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.
3. Lee CH, Chen CH, Lee YC, Wang ZX, “An Integrated Computer-aided Design Environment for Customizing Product/Service Systems”, International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE), Italy, 2018.
4. Lee YC, Wang MJ and Chen CH, “The insole padding system effect on muscle activity, plantar pressure and subjective responses”, International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE), Singapore, 2017.
5. Lee CH, Chen CH, Lee YC, Xu G, Li F and Zhao X, “Accelerating retail-innovation design for smart services via foresight approach and case-based design”, International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE), Singapore, 2017.
6. Li QY, Lee CH, Chen CH, Lee YC, and Li F, “Dynamic enhancement for customer experience by incorporating customer experience journey map and service assembly concept”, International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE), Singapore, 2017.
7. Xu G, Li F, Chen CH, Lee CH and Lee YC, “Toward resilient vessel traffic service: a sociotechnical perspective”. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE), Singapore, 2017.
8. Lee YC, Chen CH and Khoo LP, “A pilot study of gender differences on anthropometric measurements in Singapore population”, 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Los Angeles, USA, 2017.
9. Li Fan, Lee YC, Chen CH, and Khoo LP, “Identifying casual factors of human fatigue in vessel traffic management”, 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Los Angeles, USA, 2017.
10. Lee YC, Lee CY and Wang MJ, “Evaluating the effect of mattress topper thickness and firmness combination on pressure and temperature distribution”, The 19th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Melbourne, Australia, 2015.
11. 李育奇、Makiko Kouchi、Mochimaru Masaaki、王茂駿,” 台灣與日本女性足部尺寸差異與現行尺碼系統比較”,中國工業工程學會103年年會(CIIE 2014),明志科技大學,新北市,2014。
12. Lee YC, Kouchi M, Mochimaru M and Wang MJ, “Foot Dimension Differences between Taiwanese and Japanese Females”, The 3rd International Digital Human Modeling (DHM) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
13. Lee YC, Chao WY and Wang MJ, “Foot shape classification using 3D scanning data“, The 2ed Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (SEANES) conference, Langkawi, Malaysia, 2012.
14. Lee YC, Chen DJ and Wang MJ, ”Ergonomics intervention of lower extremity MSDs in semiconductor industry”, The 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP), Bilbao, Spain, 2012.
15. 陳一郎、李育奇,”握筷輔助器對提升外國人新手之用筷績效評估”,人因工程學會101年年會,高雄第一科技大學,高雄,2012。
16. 李育奇、陳一郎,”小學生與外國人操作筷子之特性調查”,人因工程學會100年年會,中山醫藥大學,台中,2011。
17. 林宜婕、李育奇、王茂駿,”利用三維足部資料設計符合使用者之足弓支撐”, 人因工程學會100年年會,中山醫藥大學,台中,2011。
18. 李育奇、陳一郎,”握筷輔助器尺寸與位置對模擬用餐績效的影響”, 人因工程學會99年年會,大同大學,台北,2010。
19. Lee YC, Chen YL, Wang MJ, Hsiung YH, "Optimal combination of auxiliary size and its location on chopsticks for food-serving performance", The 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Beijing, China, 2009.
20. Chen YL, Lee YC, Hsu TC, "Push and pull strengths at full-range exertion heights for the Taiwanese", The 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Beijing, China, 2009.
21. Chen YL, Lee YC, "Gender differences in static-lifting strengths compared with the NIOSH strength limits", Proceedings of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (EST) Annual Meeting, Kouhsiung, Taiwan, 2009.
22. 陳一郎、李育奇,"握筷輔助器之效用追蹤評估",技術與教學研討會,明志科技大學,台北,2008。
23. Chen YL, Lee YC, Chen CJ, "Differences in lifting force profiles between experienced workers and novices at full-range exertion heights", Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Meeting, Touyuan (CIIE), Taiwan, 2008.
24. 陳一郎、李育奇,"以輔助器提升生手用筷績效之效用評估",第七屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會,長庚大學,台北,2008。
25. 陳一郎、李育奇、陳嘉榮,"靜態抬舉肌力在不同施力方式下之高度效應分析",第七屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會,長庚大學,台北,2008。
26. Lee YC, Chen YL, "An auxiliary device for chopsticks operation to improve the food serving performance", Proceedings of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (EST) Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, (2008).(學生論文競賽研究生組特優論文獎)。
27. 陳一郎、張仁履、許庭誌、李育奇、陳嘉榮,"靜態水平拉力之施力高度與水平距離效應初探",人因工程學會97年年會,聖約翰科技大學,台北,2008。
28. 陳一郎、李育奇、陳嘉榮,"男女國人靜態提舉肌力之高度效應分析",人因工程學會97年年會,聖約翰科技大學,台北,2008。
29. 李育奇、陳一郎,"鉗式握筷輔助器之效用評估",技術與教學研討會,明志科技大學,台北,2007。
30. 張淑如、李育奇,"加油站員工噪音暴露初步研究",工業衛生暨環境職業醫學國際學術研討會,p.327-328,高雄,2007。
1. 發明專利:王茂駿、李育奇、張春、王緒斌,「智慧鞋墊」,申請號:** (已通过)。
2. 新型專利:王茂駿、李育奇、彭文杰、黃民華、葉人豪,「趴睡用枕具構造」,證書號:M427092,2012.04.21~2021.12.08。
3. 發明專利:王茂駿、李育奇、林宜婕,「足弓鞋墊製品分類暨提供給顧客之方法」,證書號:I544436,2016.08~2030.12。
4. 新型專利:王茂駿、李育奇、林宜婕,「具有足弓支撐部之鞋墊結構」,證書號:M391862,2010.11.11~2020.06.20。
5. 新型專利:王茂駿、李育奇、林宜婕,「具有足跟杯之鞋墊結構」,證書號:M391317,2010.11.01~2020.06.20。
6. 新型專利:王茂駿、林志隆、李育奇,「通風式鞋墊結構」,證書號:M388860,2010.09.21~2020.04.15。
7. 新型專利:李育奇、陳嘉榮、陳一郎,「筷子輔助器」,證書號:M328838,2008.03.21~2017.10.07。
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-05
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中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院2019年科技与创新、梦想与未来大学生夏令营招生简章 为提供大学生暑期学习交流平台,深入了解科研机构,激发大学生科研兴趣,2019年深圳先进院继续面向全国高校招收夏令营学员,现将有关事项公告如下: 一、招生计划 先进院2019年科技与创新、梦想与未来大学 ...深圳先进技术研究院 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-032019年广州生物医药与健康研究院攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试复试基本要求及时间安排
一、复试基本要求 1、 生物学一级学科各专业 总分不低于307分,外语、政治不低于46,各门业务课不低于81; 2、 基础医学一级学科各专业 总分不低于305分,外语、政治不低于43,业务课不低于129; 3、 生物工程 总分不低于270分,外语、政治不低于39,各门业务课不低于59; 4、 药物化学 总 ...广州生物医药与健康研究院 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-03广州生物医药与健康研究院2019年拟录取博士生名单公示
根据2019年博士招生申请-考核制考核结果、转博考核结果,经我院教育委员会批准,2019年我院拟录取35名博士研究生(含转博生),名单公示如下: 序号 考生姓名 考生编号 报考专业名称 备注 1 陈亚 ...广州生物医药与健康研究院 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-032019年广州生物医药与健康研究院拟录取统考硕士研究生名单公示
根据参加2019年全国硕士研究生统一入学考试考生初试、复试成绩,经我院教育委员会审核通过,2019年我院拟录取32名统考硕士(硕博连读)研究生,名单如下: ...广州生物医药与健康研究院 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-03仲恺农业工程学院2019年硕士研究生招生复试拟录取结果公示(第二批)
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各位考生:现将我校2019年硕士研究生复试第一批拟录取名单予以公示,公示期内若对拟录取名单有异议的,请以真实姓名书面向我校研招办提供相关信息。 研究生处 ...仲恺农业工程学院 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-03仲恺农业工程学院各学院2019年硕士生招生考试复试工作方案(更新完毕)
1、化学化工学院(含第二批、第三批)2、何香凝艺术设计学院3、农业与生物学院(含第二批、第三批、第四批)4、环境科学与工程学院(含第二批、第三批)5、经贸学院6、管理学院7、园艺园林学院(含第二批、第三批)8、机电工程学院(含第二批)9、信息科学与技术学院(含第二批)10、动物科技学院(含第二批、第三批、第四批) ...仲恺农业工程学院 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-03