
中国科学院南海海洋研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-张锦昌 副研究员

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-06



电子邮箱: jzhang@scsio.ac.cn


张锦昌,1983年9月生,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目入选者。2002年至2009年在中国海洋大学攻读本科、硕士研究生,研习地球物理学相关专业;2009年至2014年在美国德州农工大学攻读博士研究生,2014年获美国德州农工大学海洋学专业博士学位。2014年6月起在中国科学院南海海洋研究所担任助理研究员、副研究员。2016、2020年分别在美国休斯顿大学、德州农工大学做访问学者。近年来主持国家级、省部级、国际合作等10项科研项目。主持/参与国内外海洋科学调查航次6次,包括2015年作为联合首席科学家主持西太平洋中美国际合作调查航次。已发表包括<Nature Geoscience>、<EPSL>、<ScienceBulletin>、<JGR>、<GSA Special Papers>等在内的学术论著25篇,其中SCI论文19篇(JCR一区6篇、二区11篇,累计影响因子73.46)、国外英文专著2章节。地球最大火山“大塔穆火山”相关研究成果曾获“Nature年度十大科学新闻”。曾在《北京日报》、《海洋世界》等多家科普平台撰稿传播海洋科学知识,并在多所高校以及多次公众科学日活动中举办海洋科普讲座。已联合培养硕士研究生2名、博士研究生6名。

1. 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目:洋中脊三联点与地幔柱相互作用的4D地球动力学模拟-以西太平洋沙茨基海隆为例(编号:2021B),2021-2024,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:俯冲带深部构造和岩浆活动数值模拟(编号:2018YFC),2018-2021,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:西太平洋沙茨基海隆次生海山形态结构与时空分布特征以及残留岩浆喷发机制(编号:**),2018-2021,主持。

1. HuangY*, Sager WW*,Zhang J*, Tominaga M, Greene JA, Nakanishi M, 2021. Magnetic anomaly map of Shatsky Rise and its implications for oceanic plateau formation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth126, e2019JB019116.
2. Zhang J, Zhou Z*, Ding M, Lin J, 2021. Three-dimensional mantle flow and temperature structure beneath the Shatsky Rise ridge-ridge-ridge triple junction. Journal of Ocean University of China, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-021-4578-6.
3. Zhang J, Luo Y, Xing J*, 2021. Seismic images of shallow waters over the Shatsky Rise in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ocean University of China, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-021-4581-6.
4. Zhang J, Luo Y, Chen J*, 2020. Oceanic plateau formation implied by Ontong Java Plateau, Kerguelen Plateau and Shatsky Rise. Journal of Ocean University of China19, 1-10.
5.罗怡鸣,张锦昌,林间*, 2020. 全球三大洋底高原重力异常与地壳厚度特征及对比研究.热带海洋学报39,100-115.
6. Sager WW*, Huang Y*, Tominaga M, Greene JA, Nakanishi M, Zhang J*, 2019. Oceanic plateau formation by seafloor spreading implied by Tamu Massif magnetic anomalies. Nature Geoscience12,661-666.
7. Zhang J, Chen J*, Huang Y*, 2019. Secondary cones of the Shatsky Rise and implications for late-stage volcanism atop oceanic plateau. Journal of Ocean University of China,18, 1115-1122.
8. Zhang J, Chen J*, Huang Y, 2019. Moho structure of the southwest sub-basin, South China Sea, from a multichannel seismic reflection profile NH973-1. Journal of Ocean University of China,18, 1105-1114.
9.罗怡鸣, 张锦昌, 林间*, 2019. 太平洋大塔穆火山研究进展及对巨型洋底火山成因的启示. 地球物理学进展34, 781-795.
10. Larsen, HC*, Mohn, G*, Nirrengarten, M., the Expeditions367/368 Scientists, 2018. Rapid transition from continental breakup to oceanic crust at South China Sea rifted margin. Nature Geoscience11, 782-789.
11. Huang Y, Sager WW*, Tominga M, Greene JA, Zhang J, Nakanishi M, 2018. Magnetic anomaly map of Ori Massif and its implications for oceanic plateau formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters501, 46-55.
12. Clark RW, Sager WW*,ZhangJ, 2018. Seismic stratigraphy of the Shatsky Rise sediment cap, Northwest Pacific, and implications for pelagic sedimentation atop submarine plateaus. MarineGeology397, 43-59.
13. Yu J, Yan P*, Wang Y, Zhang J, Qiu Y, Pubellier M, Delescluse M, 2018. Seismic evidence for tectonically dominated seafloor spreading in the southwest sub-basin of the South China Sea. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems19, 3459-3477.
14. Feng Y, Zhan W, Chen H, Jiang T, Zhang J, Osadczuk A, Yao Y*, Li W*, Sun J, Guo L, Huang W, Li S, Zhang W, 2018. Seismic characteristics and sedimentary record of the late Pleistocene delta offshore southwest Hainan Island, northwestern South China Sea. Interpretation6, 1-13.
15. Tang Q, Zhang J, Feng Y, Li J, Yao Y, Sun J, Zhan W*, 2018. Numerical simulation for shallow strata stability of the coral reef in the southwest of Yongshu Reef (South China Sea). Journal of Ocean University of China17, 763-772.
16. Zhang J, ChenJ*, 2017. Geophysical implications for the formation of the Tamu Massif-the Earth’s Largest Single Volcano-within the Shatsky Rise in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Science Bulletin62, 69-80.
17. Zhang J*,Sager WW, Durkin WJ, 2017. Morphology of Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau from high resolution bathymetry. Marine Geophysical Research38, 169-185.
18. ChenJ, Zhang J*, 2017. Tectonics of the Indo-Australian Plate near the Ninetyeast Ridge constrained from marine gravity and magnetic data. Journal of Ocean University of China16, 403-410.
19.Guo L, Zhan W*, Zhang F, Zhang J, Yao Y, Li J, Feng Y, Chen M, Cheng G, 2017. The influence of earthquakes on Zhubi Reef in the Nansha Islands of the South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica36, 99-108.
20. Zhang J*, Sager WW. Korenaga J, 2016. The seismic Moho structure of Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau, northwest Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters441, 143-154.
21. Zhang J, Sager WW, Korenaga J, 2015. The Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau structure from two-dimensional multichannel seismic reflection profiles and implications for oceanic plateau formation. Geophysical Society of America Special Papers511, 103-126.
22. VuongAK, Zhang J, Gibson RL, Sager WW, 2015. Application of the two-dimensional continuous wavelet transforms to imaging of the Shatsky Rise plateau using marine seismic data. Geophysical Society of America Special Papers511, 127-146.
23. Sager WW*, Zhang J, Korenaga J, Sano T, Koppers AAP, Widdowson M, Mahoney JJ, 2013. An immense shield volcano within the Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau, northwest Pacific Ocean. Nature Geoscience 6, 976-981.
24. 张会星*, 何兵寿, 姜效典, 张锦昌, 2010. 利用地震波在双相介质中的衰减特性检测油气. 石油地球物理勘探45, 343-349.
25. 刘怀山*, 马光华, 张锦昌, 2006. 海底天然气水合物识别特征研究. 第二届国家安全地球物理学术研讨会会议论文集 189-193.



担任<International Geology Review>、<Geological Journal>、<Marine Geophysical Research>、<Journal of Ocean University of China>等SCI学术刊物、以及《海洋科学》、《热带海洋学报》等中文核心期刊的特邀审稿专家;

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