本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-24
通讯地址:广州石牌华南师范大学激光生命研究所(邮编 510631)
陈文利,博士生导师、三级教授。2002年获光学博士学位。2002.5—2003.1德国国际生物物理研究所(合作教授Fritz-Albert Popp & Roeland Van Wijk)从事生物光子学的研究,在柏林自由大学的生物化学与分子生物学研究所(合作教授Werner Reutter & Hua Fan)从事分子生物学方面的实验研究(作为访问****获DAAD资助);2011.12—2013.4在美国杜克大学环境学院(Nicholas School of the Environment) Xinnian Dong实验室访学;2013.5—2016.2在美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UNC at Chapel Hill)生物学系Alan M. Jones实验室、生物化学与生物物理系Hengming Ke实验室从事合作研究。近年在超敏反应初期自噬在NPR1代谢中的角色,自噬在糖诱导的RGS1代谢中的作用, 纳米转基因治疗病害等研究领域做过系列研究。在Autophagy, Biology of the Cell, Cell Transplantation, Frontiers in plant science等期刊上发表30余篇SCI收录的研究论文,承担并结题了国家自然科学基金项目2项。《生物光子学的基础与应用研究》获2005年度广东省科学技术奖一等奖(排名第四)。
2013.5—2014.4美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UNC at Chapel Hill)生物学系从事自噬在饥饿与糖诱导下在G蛋白信号转导调节因子(RGS)合成和降解的作用研究。访问****
2011.12—2013.4美国杜克大学环境学院(Nicholas School of the Environment)从事植物抗病过程中自噬基因功能的合作研究 。访问****
2002. 5—2003.1德国国际生物物理研究所从事生物光子学的研究,在柏林自由大学生物化学与分子生物学研究所从事分子生物学方面的实验研究(作为访问****获DAAD资助)
曾担任国际刊物Journal of Chromatography A,Luminescence,Human and Experimental Toxicology,Molecular Biotechnology等的审稿人。
Published main papers:
1. Wenjun Gong, Bingcong Li, Baihong Zhang, Wenli Chen* ATG4 Mediated Psm ES4326/AvrRpt2-induced Autophagy Dependent on Salicylic Acid in Arabidopsis thaliana. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(14):5147. (Correspondence author)
2. Wen-xue Lei, Zi-shuai An, Bai-hong Zhang, Qian Wu, Jin-Ming Li and Wen-li Chen*. Construction of Gold-siRNANPR1 nanoparticles for effective and quick silencing of NPR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. RSC Advances, 2020,10, 19300 –19308. (Correspondence author)
3. Yue Jiao, Miroslav Srba,Jingchun Wangand Wenli Chen. Correlation of Autophagosome Formation with Degradation and Endocytosis Arabidopsis Regulator of G-Protein Signaling (RGS1) through ATG8a. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2019,20(17), 4190 (Correspondence author)
4. Zhang S, Xu W, Gao P, Chen W, Zhou Q. Construction of dual nanomedicines for the imaging and alleviation of atherosclerosis. Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol. 2020 Dec;48(1):169-179.
5. Wan Xu, Shuihua Zhang, Quan Zhou, Wenli Chen.VHPKQHR peptide modified magnetic mesoporous nanoparticles for MRI detection of atherosclerosis lesions. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 2019, 4(1), 2440–2448 (Correspondence author)
6. Yue Jiao, Wenxue Lei, Wan Xu & Wen-Li Chen: Glucose signaling, AtRGS1 and plant autophagy, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2019,e** 1-3(Correspondence author)
7. Zhang W,Xu W,Chen W*,Zhou Q. Interplay of Autophagy Inducer Rapamycin and Proteasome Inhibitor MG132 in Reduction of Foam Cell Formation and Inflammatory Cytokine Expression. Cell Transplant.2018, 27(8):1235-1248. (Correspondence author)
8. Quanquan Yan, Jingchun Wang, Zheng Qing Fu, Wenli Chen*(2017)Endocytosis of AtRGS1 is Regulated by the Autophagy Pathway after D-glucose Stimulation. Frontiers in plant science. 2017; 8: 1229. (Correspondence author)
9. Zhang W,Zhang S,Xu W,Zhang M,Zhou Q,Chen W*. The function and magnetic resonance imaging of immature dendritic cells under ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO)-labeling. Biotechnol Lett.2017, 39(7):1079-1089. (Correspondence author)
10. Gao YY, Wang XD, Ma C, Chen WL*. EDS1-mediated activation of autophagy regulates Pst DC3000 (AvrRps4)-induced programmed cell death in Arabidopsis. Acta Physiol Plant 2016, 38:150 (Correspondence author)
11. Wang XD, Gao YY, Yan QQ, Chen WL*. Salicylic Acid promotes Autophagy via NPR3 and NPR4 in Arabidopsis Senescence and Innate Immune Response. Acta Physiol Plant 2016, 38: 241(Correspondence author)
12. Liu HB, Wang XD, Zhang YY, Dong JJ, Ma C,Chen WL*.NADPH oxidase RBOHD contributes to autophagy and hypersensitive cell death during the plant defense response in arabidopsis thaliana. Biologia Plantarum. 2015, 59(3): 570-580. (Correspondence author)
13. Wang J, Ma C, Zhang M, Yang L,Chen W*. ATG5 is required to limit cell death induced by Pseudomonas syringae in Arabidopsis and may be mediated by the salicylic acid pathway. Acta Physiol Plant. 2015, 37:1731-5(Correspondence author)
14. Zhang M,Zhou J,Wang J,Zhou Q,Fang J,Zhou C,Chen W*. Superparamagnetic iron oxide labeling limits the efficacy ofrabbitimmaturedendriticcell vaccination by decreasing their antigen uptakeabilityin alysosome- dependentmanner. Biotechnol Lett 2015, 37(2): 289-298(Correspondence author)
15. Yu M,Wang J,Liu W,Qin J,Zhou Q,Wang Y,Huang H,Chen W,Ma C. Effects of tamoxifen on the sex determinationgeneand the activation ofsexreversalin thedevelopinggonadof mice. Toxicology.2014, 321: 89-95.
16. Jing Zhou, Fuyuan Yang, Quan Zhou, Kanrong Yang and Wenli Chen*.Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tracking of Ultra Small Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Labeled Rabbit Dendritic Cells.Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2014, 239(1):13-23. (Correspondence author)
17. Junjian, Dong, Wenli Chen*. The Role of Autophagy in Chloroplast Degradation andChlorophagy in Immune Defenses during Pst DC3000 (AvrRps4) Infection. PLOS ONE, 2013,8(8):e73091 1-16. (Correspondence author)
18. Liang MJ,Zhou Q,Yang KR,Yang XL,Fang J,Chen WL, Huang Z. Identify changes of brain regional homogeneity in bipolar disorder and unipolar depression using resting-state fMRI. PLoS One.2013, 8(12): e79999 1-8
19. Fuyuan Yang, Mingxi Yu, Quan Zhou, Wenli Chen*, Peng Gao,Zheng Huang. Effects of iron oxide nanoparticle labeling on human endothelial cells. Cell Transplantation. 2012, 21(9): 1805-1820. (Correspondence author)
20. Wenli Chen (one of authors). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy, 2012,8(4): 445-544.
21. Quan Zhou, Kanrong Yang,Peng Gao,Wenli Chen, Dayan Yang, Minjie Liang, and Lin Zhu.An Experimental Study on MR Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque With SPIO Marked Endothelial Cells in a Rabbit Model.Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,2011, 34(6):1325-32.
22. Weina Zhang,Wenli Chen*.Role of salicylic acid in alleviating photochemical damage and autophagic cell death induction of cadmium stress in Arabidopsis thaliana.Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011,10(6): 947-955. (Correspondence author)
23. Lijuan Yun,Wenli Chen*. SA and ROS are involved in methyl salicylate-induced programmed cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant Cell Rep. 2011, 30(7): 1231–1239. (Correspondence author)
24. Chen Zhiqiang,Chen Wenli*, Yang Chengwei. Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Photosynthesis in Arabidopsis Leaves Based on Fluorescence Spectra and Delayed Fluorescence Technique.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2009, 29(8): 2208-2212.
25. Liu Yang, Junjian Dong,Wenli Chen*. Autophagy and declined photosynthesis in Arabidopsis during pathogenic Pst DC3000 infection. Acta Biophysica Sinica. 2011, 27(6):517-527.
26. Gao Lin, Zhang Weina,Chen Wenli*. Cadmium toxicity and autophagy in Arabidopsis seedlings.Acta Biophysica Sinica. 2011, 27(8):676-686.
27. Mingxi Yu.,Wenli Chen*,Zhou Q,Gao P. Study on ASTC-a-1 cells labeled with superparamagnetic iron oxide and its magnetic resonance imaging.Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2010,235(9):1053-61. (Correspondence author)
28. YuHua Bi,WenLi Chen*, WeiNa Zhang, Quan Zhou, LiJuan Yuan and Da Xing,Production of reactive oxygen species, impairment of photosynthetic function and dynamic changes of mitochondria are early events in cadmium induced cell death inArabidopsis thaliana. Biology of the Cell, 2009,101(11):629-643. (Correspondence author)
29. Quan Zhou, Yang Dong, Li Huang, Shihua Yang,Wenli Chen. Study of cerebrovascular reserve capacity by magnetic resonance perfusion weighted imaging and photoacoustic imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2009, 27: 155-162.
30. Wenli Chen*, Da Xing and Roeland Van Wijk.Chemiluminescence during rice seed imbibition at different temperatures.Luminescence2006, 21(1): 31-35. (Correspondence author)
31. Wenli Chen, Da Xing* and Weigui Chen.Rapid Detection of Aspergillus flavus Contamination in Peanut with Novel Delayed Luminescence Spectra. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2005,81(6):1361-1365.
32. Wenli Chen*, Roeland Van Wijk and Da Xing. Effects of isoflurane on measurements of delayed lumininescence inAcetabularia acetabulum, Luminescence2005, 20: 16-19. (Correspondence author)
33. Wenli Chen, Da Xing, Shici Tan, et al.Imaging of ultra-weak bio-chemiluminescence and singlet oxygen generation in germination soybean in response to wounding. Luminescence, 2003, 18(1): 37-41.
34. Wenli Chen, Da Xing, Juan Wang and Yonghong He. Rapid determination of rice seed vigour by spontaneous chemiluminescence and singlet oxygen generation during early imbibition, Luminescence, 2003, 18(1): 19-24.
35. Wenli Chen, Da Xing et al.Determination of Rice Seed Vigor with Different Aging Degrees by Ultraweak Chemiluminescence during Early Imbibition. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2002, 44(11): 1376-1379.
1. 自噬与NPR1、NPR3和NPR4之间的相互作用研究(**),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.1-2019.12;75万(直接费用63万,间接费用12万),主持
2.超小超顺磁性氧化铁标记树突状细胞对兔动脉粥样硬化的磁共振成像研究(**),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015.1-2018.12; 73万,[合作课题,华南师大负责人]
4. Pst DC3000(avrRps4/avrB)侵染植株引起超敏反应初期自噬在NADPH氧化酶途径和叶绿体降解中的角色(**),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012.1-2015.12; 55万,主持
在Alan Jones实验室自己洗瓶子
在Xinnian Dong实验室庆祝她当选为美国科学院院士
在Alan Jones教授家里庆祝圣诞节
在Hengming Ke实验室
相关话题/华南师范大学 生物
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姓名:张涛学历:博士职称:研究员职务:硕士生导师研究方向:生物功能分子探针联系电话:-8503电子邮箱:zt@scnu.edu.cn;zhangtao2013@scnu.edu.cn通讯地址:个人主页:http://faculty.scnu.edu.cn/zhangtao个人简历发表论文出版著作科研 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-邓小元
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姓名:邢晓波学历:博士职称:教授职务:科研教学研究方向:纳米光子学联系电话:-8509电子邮箱:xingxiaobo@scnu.edu.cn通讯地址:个人主页:个人简历发表论文出版著作科研项目主要获奖会议论文个人空间邢晓波,工学博士,生物医学工程专业博士后,研究员,2008年毕业于中山大学,获光学工 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-胡家铭
姓名:胡家铭学历:博士职称:研究员博士生导师职务:科研教学研究方向:生物医学传感与分子诊断联系电话:-8405电子邮箱:jmhu@m.scnu.edu.cn通讯地址:广州市天河区中山大道西55号华南师范大学生物光子学研究院510631个人主页:https://www.x-mol.com/groups ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-邹争志
姓名:邹争志学历:博士职称:副教授职务:科研教学研究方向:肿瘤分子靶向治疗联系电话:-8404电子邮箱:zouzhengzhi@scnu.edu.cn通讯地址:广州天河区中山大道西55号华南师范大学生物光子学研究院(510631)个人主页:-个人简历发表论文出版著作科研项目主要获奖会议论文个人空间邹 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈伟强
姓名:陈伟强学历:博士职称:教授职务:研究方向:非线性光学和超快光学探针材料联系电话:电子邮箱:wqchen1990@163.com通讯地址:个人主页:个人简历发表论文出版著作科研项目主要获奖会议论文个人空间广东省青年珠江****,2016年获得新加坡国立大学博士学位,主要研究新型材料及结构的非线性 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-庄正飞
姓名:庄正飞学历:博士职称:高级实验师职务:实验室管理与科研研究方向:光生物安全、多模式混合成像与光谱技术在生命科学中的应用联系电话:-8705电子邮箱:zhuangzf@scnu.edu.cn通讯地址:广州石牌华南师范大学生物光子学研究院(510631)个人主页:-个人简历发表论文出版著作科研项目 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘汉平
姓名:刘汉平学历:博士职称:副研究员(硕士生导师)职务:副院长研究方向:经穴光学特性及针灸作用机理研究研究、干细胞用于皮肤再生的研究联系电话:-8712电子邮箱:liuhp@scnu.edu.cn通讯地址:广州天河华南师范大学生物光子学研究院个人主页:-个人简历发表论文出版著作科研项目主要获奖会议论 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-24华南师范大学生物光子学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-王希朝
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