本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-23
理学博士/教授 博士生导师 地理科学学院
研究方向: 旅游发展与规划;城市形态理论与方法;社会文化地理
2005年12月经国家留学基金委的遴选,获国家公派访问****资格。2006年8月至2007年8月,在英国伯明翰大学地理、地球和环境科学学院,师从国际城市形态研究学会ISUF的著名****、国际学术期刊《城市形态》Urban Morphology主编Jeremy Whitehand教授,关注西方历史城镇的保护理论与实践,开展了“旅游发展、遗产保护和城市形态”跨学科的研究工作。2007年7月由于出色的工作被伯明翰大学聘为Honorary Research Fellow。在访学交流过程中,与欧洲城市形态研究的两大主要流派康泽恩流派和卡尼基亚流派的主要成员建立了良好的学术联系,并成为康泽恩流派的城市形态研究小组UMRG的成员。
本人长期从事旅游地理学、城市形态学、社会文化地理学的理论与案例研究,尝试跨学科和后学科的研究范式,对遗产地的保护与可持续发展、旅游发展与影响、旅游目的地规划和管理、旅游规划与区域发展、历史城镇和传统村落的保护、历史城镇和传统聚落的空间分析和社会文化变迁等领域进行着探索,取得了较为丰硕的成果。在全球化城市、巨型城市和历史文化名城(镇)三个层面上,集中关注了城市游憩系统空间结构中最典型的空间类型“游憩商业区”的空间结构形态,总结了其发展演化模式和相关影响因素等;从遗产分区、遗产解说和聚落形态演化的角度开展了当代中国旅游业高速增长过程中历史城镇和传统村落的遗产保护研究,构建了旅游研究、遗产保护和城市形态学的跨学科的研究范式;在社会文化地理学的研究中运用了城市形态学的研究方法,将文化的空间分析与空间的文化研究融入到微观形态分析的范式中,揭示了历史城镇和传统村落物质形态变迁中的文化观念表征和空间形态重构过程中的社会文化逻辑,丰富了社会文化地理学的空间语言,拓展了新文化地理学在国内的研究议题。2014年旅游学刊发表的《近十年我国旅游学术共同体成果的 h 指数测度与评价》中,H 指数(h 指数=10)在国内旅游学术共同体成员中位列第29位。根据2019年知网H指数,H指数为34。2016年荣获“中国人民大学书报资料中心”和“中国人民大学人文社会科学学术成果评价研究中心”首次发布的《复印报刊资料重要转载来源作者(2016年版)》证书,根据2013-2015年度复印报刊资料学术专题刊转载数据与同行专家综合评价,在地理学专业中名列全国TOP5。至今为止,已有13篇署名为第一作者的学术论文被中国人民大学复印资料全文转载。2017年荣登“中国人文社会科学评价研究中心”颁布的中国哲学社会科学最有影响力****一级学科排行榜。
城市游憩系统空间结构发展研究——以粤、港、澳城市为例 (2003.1-2005.12,主持人)
广州的城市形态与历史文化内涵研究 (2008-2010,主要参加者)
[7] 陶伟. 岭南乡村聚落形态研究,列入图书出版计划,将由商务印书馆出版.
Tao wei. Lingnan settlement morphology research, The commercial press published.
[6] Tian yinsheng, Gukai, Taowei. Urban Morphology, Architectural Typology and Cities in Transition. Beijing: Science Press, 2014.3.
[5] 保继刚, 陶伟等. 旅游区规划与策划案例. 广州: 广东旅游出版社, 2005, 2.
Bao Jigang, Tao Wei. Tourist Area Planning and Design Case. Guangzhou: Guangdong Tourism Press, 2005,2.
[4] 保继刚, 陶伟等. 城市旅游原理.案例. 天津: 南开大学出版社, 2005.
Bao Jigang, Tao Wei. Urban tourism principle cases. Tian Jing: Nankai University Press, 2005.
[3] 保继刚, 陶伟等. 旅游规划案例. 广州: 广东旅游出版社, 2003.
Bao Jigang, Tao Wei. Tourism planning case. Guang Zhou: Guangdong tourism press, 2003.
[2] 陶伟. 中国世界遗产的旅游可持续发展研究. 北京:中国旅游出版社.2001.6
Tao wei. China's world heritage tourism sustainable development research. Beijing: China travel press. 2001.6
[1] 赵国文, 陶伟等. 中国近代建筑. 天津: 天津科技出版社, 1997.
Zhao Guowen, Tao Wei. Chinese Modern Architecture. Tianjin: tianjin science and technology press, 1997.
[92]Yongqi Zhao , Ning An , Huiling Chen , Wei Tao(communication author). Politics of urban renewal: An anatomy of the conflicting discourses on the renovation of China's urban village[J]. Cities,2021,111:103075.
[91]古恒宇,陶伟(通讯作者). 空间视角下旅游休闲场所的主客关系——以广州白天鹅宾馆大堂为例[J]. 热带地理,2021,41(01):82-92.
Gu Hengyu, Tao Wei. Host-guest Relationship of Tourism and Leisure Places from the Spatial Perspective -- A Case Study of the Lobby of Guangzhou White Swan Hotel [J]. Tropical Geography, 201,41(01):82-92.
[90] 陶伟,林可枫,古恒宇,廖超铭,刘仕影,欧倩怡. 句法视角下广州市沙湾古镇空间形态的时空演化[J]. 热带地理,2020,40(06):970-980.
Tao Wei, Lin Kefeng, Gu Hengyu, Liao Chaoming, Liu Shiying, Ou Qianyi. Spatial and temporal evolution of Shawan Ancient Town in Guangzhou from the syntactic perspective [J]. Tropical Geography,2020,40(06):970-980.
[89]陶伟,任建造. 国内人文地理学的空间认知研究进展[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,52(05):1-10.
Tao Wei, Ren Jianzao. Research progress of spatial cognition of human geography in China [J]..Journal of south China normal university (natural science edition),2020,52(05):1-10.
[88] 陶伟,蔡浩辉,高雨欣,张楚婧,江映珍. 身体地理学视角下非物质文化遗产的传承与实践[J]. 地理学报,2020,75(10):2256-2268.
Tao Wei, CAI Haohui, Gao Yuxin, Zhang Chujing, Jiang Yingzhen. Inheritance and Practice of intangible cultural Heritage from the perspective of physical geography [J]. Acta Geographica Sinica,2020,75(10):2256-2268.
[87] 陶伟,柴雪瑞,卢俊.傣族民居研究:主要论题与未来展望[J].贵州省党校学报,2020(04):113-121.
Tao Wei, Chai Xuerui, Lu Jun. Research on dai Nationality: Main Topics and future Prospects [J]. Journal of Guizhou Province Party School,2020(04):113-121.
[86] 陶伟,蔡浩辉,廖健豪.粮食地理学视角下乡村本土农业的社会建构——元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统案例[J].地理科学,2020,40(04):637-645.
TAO Wei, CAI Hao-hui, LIAO Jianhao. Social construction of rural indigenous agriculture from the perspective of food geography -- a case study of rice cropping system in yuanyang hani terraced fields [J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica,2020,40(04):637-645
[85] 蔡少燕,陶伟(通讯作者).从漠视到觉醒:西方旅游研究对身体的再认识[J].人文地理,2019,34(04):1-12.
CAI Shaoyan,TAO Wei.From indifference To awakening:the rethink Of western tourism studies On body [J].HumanGeography,2019,34(04):1-12.
[84]陶伟,蔡少燕,余晓晨. 流动性视角下流动家庭的空间实践和情感重构[J]. 地理学报, 2019, 74(6): 1252-1266.
TAO Wei,CAI Shaoyan,YU Xiaochen. The emotional reconstruction and spatial practices of mobilizing family: A perspective from mobility[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019, 74(6): 1252-1266.
[83] 蔡少燕, 陶伟(通讯作者). 身体:一个研究和解决城市问题的重要视角[J].国际城市规划,2018,33(06):13-20.
Cai Shaoyan, Tao Wei. Bringing Bodies into Urban Studies: A Critical Perspective for Solving Urban Problems.[J].Urban Planning International,2018,33(06):13-20.
[82]陶伟,王绍续,朱竑.广州拾荒者的身体实践与空间协商. 地理学报, 2017,72(12):2199-2213.
Tao Wei, Wang Shaoxu, Zhu Hong.Scavengers' bodily practices and spatial construction in Guangzhou.Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(12):2199-2213.
[81]杨俊龙, 陶伟(通讯作者). 从空间到地方:国外地理老年学的发展脉络与主题分析. 人文地理, 2017,32(6): 24-31.
YangJunlong,Tao Wei(communication author).From Space to Place: Progress in Geographical Gerontology of Western Countries. Human Geography, 2017,32(6): 24-31.
Tang Pei, Tao Wei(communication author), Ding Chuanbiao, Cheng Mingyang. Home in Literatures of Western Human Geography. Areal Research and Develoment, 2017,36(06):165-170.
[79]Chen Huiling, Tao Wei(communication author). The Revival and Restructuring of a Traditional Folk Festival: Cultural Landscape and Memory in Guangzhou, South China. Sustainability, 2017, 9(10):1767.
[78]丁传标,赵永琪,陶伟(通讯作者). 城市化进程中家屋空间重构的过程、内容与逻辑——以广州珠村为例. 地理科学,2017,37(9):1326-1336.
Ding Chuanbiao, Zhao Yongqi, Tao Wei(communication author). The Reconstruction of Household of Zhucun in Guangzhou in the Process of the Rapid Urbanization. Scientia Geographica Sinica,2017,37(9):1326-1336.
[77]赵永琪, 陶伟(通讯作者). 权力空间的研究进展:理论视角与研究主题. 世界地理研究, 2017, 26(4):1-10.
ZHAO Y, TAO W. Progress and prospects of power space: Theoretical perspective and research topics. World Regional Studies, 2017,26(4):1-10.
[76]程明洋, 丁传标,陶伟(通讯作者).平遥票号传统建筑空间研究:基于空间句法的分析. 地域研究与开发, 2017, 36(2):175-180.
Cheng Mingyang,Ding Chuanbiao,Tao Wei(communication author).Space Research on Traditional Dwellings of Pingyao Draft Banks:Based on the Analysis of Space Syntax. Areal Research And Development, 2017, 36(2):175-180.
[75]陶伟, 古恒宇, 张良,等. 句法视角下城市道路交通的预测研究——以广州市人民路高架桥拆除问题为例. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 49(1):80-86.
TaoWei,GuHengyu,ZhangLiang.Study on the Prediction of Urban Road Traffic from the Perspective of Syntax:A Case Study on Renmin Viaduct Demolition in Guangzhou. Journal of South China Normal University( Natural Science Edition), 2017,49(1):80-86.
[74]赵永琪, 田银生, 陶伟(通讯作者). 1994—2014年西方乡村研究:从乡村景观到乡村社会. 国际城市规划, 2017, 32(1):74-81.
Zhao Yongqi, Tian Yinsheng, Tao Wei(communication author).Western Rural Research Between 1994 and 2014: From Rural Landscape to Rural Society. International Urban Planning, 2017,32(1):74-81.
[73]余晓晨, 陶伟(通讯作者). 都市非正式神圣场所中的地方依恋——广州青年家庭教会MT小家案例. 热带地理, 2017, 37(1):91-101.
YuXiaochen,TaoWei(communication author).Place Attachment in the Urban Unofficially Sacred Sites:A Case Study of the MT Youth House Church in Guangzhou[J].Tropical Geography,2017,37(1):91-101.
[72]杨槿, 徐辰, 陶伟(通讯作者). 平遥民俗旅馆居住形态演变及动力机制研究. 现代城市研究, 2016, 31(9): 53-59.
YANG Jin,XU Chen, TAO Wei(communication author). Housing Morphology Innovation and Dynamics Research of Traditional Hotels in Pingyao. Modern Urban Research,2016, 31(9): 53-59.
[71]陶伟, 程明洋, 符文颖. 快速城市化进程中广州城中村传统宗族文化的重构. 地理学报, 2015, 70(12): 1987-2000.
Tao Wei, Cheng Mingyang, Fu Wenying. Reconstruction of Guangzhou urban villages' traditional lineage culture in the context of rapid urbanization:From spatial form of ancestral hall to behavioral patterns of villagers. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(12): 1987-2000.
Cheng Mingyang,Tao Wei,He Tianci.Space Syntax and Building Space Study. AREAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT,2015,34(3):45-52.
[69]丁传标,古恒宇,陶伟(通讯作者).空间句法在中国人文地理学研究中的应用进展评述.热带地理, 2015, 35(4):515-521.
Ding Chuanbiao,Gu Hengyu,Tao Wei.Progress in the Application of Space Syntax in Human Geography Research in China.Tropical Geography,2015, 35(4):515-521.
[68]丁传标,张涵,程明洋,王绍续,陶伟(通讯作者). 城中村空间形态对居民居住安全感的影响——以广州珠村为例. 地域研究与开发,2015,34(4):68-73.
Ding Chuanbiao, Zhang Han, Cheng Mingyang, Wang Shaoxu, Tao Wei.Analysis of the Sense of Residents Living Safety from the Perspective of Spatial form in Zhucun Village, Guangzhou City.Areal Research And Development,2015,34(4):68-73.
[67]陶伟,古恒宇,陈昊楠.路网形态对城市酒店业空间布局的影响研究:广州案例. 旅游学刊,2015, 30 (10):99-108.
Tao Wei , GuHengyu, ChenHaonan. Guangzhou’s Spatial Distribution under the Effect of the Urban RoadNetwork on the Hotel Industry. Tourism Tribune, 2015, 30 (10):99-108.
[66]陶伟,丁传标,古恒宇.空间句法理论在城市游憩系统空间规划中的运用. 规划师, 2015, 31(8):26-31.
Tao Wei,Ding Chuanbiao,Gu Hengyu.Spatial Equality of Fitness Facilities and Improvement. Forum, 2015, 31(8):26-31.
Tao Wei,Lin Pingping,Wang Shaoxu.Interpret Film“So Young”Based on the Perspective of Body Geography.Tropical Geography, 2015,35(4):522-531.
[64]陶伟,丁传标. 家的解码:空间句法对家空间研究的内容与方法. 地理科学2015,35(11):1364-1371.
Tao Wei, Ding Chuanbiao. Decoding Homes: Application of Space Syntax to Content and Methods of Home Space.SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2015, 35(11):1364-1371.
[63] 陶伟, 王绍续, 朱竑(通讯作者).身体,身体观以及地理学对身体的研究.地理研究,2015, 34(6):1173-1187.
Tao Wei, WangShaoxu, Zhu Hong. The body, the view of body, and the study of body in human geography. Geographical research, 2015, 34(6):1173-1187.
[62]陶伟, 程梓源. 他者凝视下粤剧粤曲展演空间分析:广州荣华楼曲艺茶座个案研究. 人文地理, 2015, 142(2):50-57.
Tao Wei,CHENG Ziyuan.Theanalysisofperpormingspaceundergaze oftheother: A casestudyofquyiteahousein guangzhouronghualou.HumanGeography,2015, 142(2):50-57.
[61]陶伟,叶颖.定制化原真性:广州猎德村改造的过程及效果. 城市规划, 2015, 332(2):85-93.
TaoWei, Ye Ying.Customized Authenticity: Processes and Effects of Liede Village Reconstruction in Guangzhou. City Planning, 2015, 332(2): 85-93.
[60]陶伟,蒋伟, 何新.平遥古城民居之门的形态变迁及其家的观念表征. 地理研究, 2014, 33(12):2418-.2426.
TaoWei, Jiang Wei, He Xin.The morphological change of vernacular dwelling gate andconceptual representation of home:A case study of Pingyao. Geographical Research,2014, 33(12): 2418-2426.
[59]徐辰, 杨槿, 陶伟(通讯作者). 历史文化街区居住形态更新研究—以平遥明清街为例.天津:天津市滨海国际会展中心, 2014(第九届)城市发展与规划大会论文集,2014.09.23-2014.09.24.
Xu Chen, Yang Jin, Tao Wei(corresponding author). Residential Form Renovation Research of Historical and Cultural Blocks: Taking PingyaoMing and Qing Street as An Example. Tianjin: Tianjin Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center, the Conference Proceedings of 2014(the Ninth) Conference on Urban Development and Planning. September 23-24, 2014.
[58]陶伟, 何新, 蒋伟. 平遥古城传统民居形态特征的变迁及其类型: 基于堪舆学的微观探察.人文地理, 2014, 29(5): 40-48.
Tao Wei,He Xin,Jiang Wei. TheEvolution and Types of Traditional House Morphological Characteristics ofPingyao Ancient City:AMicro View of Fengshui Study. Human Geography, 2014, 29(5): 40-48.
[57]林清清, 朱竑, 陶伟(通讯作者). 1987年来国家自然科学基金资助中的旅游地理学. 地理学报,2014, 69(8): 1159-1176.
Lin Qingqing, Zhu Hong, Tao Wei. Tourism geography research funded by NSFC over the past 30 ears.Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(8): 1159-1176.
[56]陶伟, 陈慧灵, 蔡水清. 岭南传统民俗节庆重构对居民地方依恋的影响——以广州珠村乞巧节为例. 地理学报, 2014, 69(4): 553-556.
Tao Wei, ChenHuiling, CaiShuiqing. Influence of Lingnan traditional folk festival reconstructionon residents' place attachment: A case study on Qiqiao Festival in Guangzhou Zhucun.Acta Geographica Sinica. 2014, 69(4): 553-556.
[55]陶伟, 程明洋. 地方性空间与旅游发展中的地方性研究: 从空间与空间句法谈起. 旅游学刊, 2013, 28(4): 15-17.
Tao Wei, ChengMingyang. Local space and local research in tourism development: Starting from space and space syntax. Tourism Tribune, 2013, 28(4): 15-17.
[54]陶伟, 徐辰. 旅游地居民职业转换中社会资本的影响与重塑: 平遥案例. 地理研究, 2013, 32(6): 1143-1155.
Tao Wei, Xu Chen. The influence and reconstruction of social capital in thetransformation of residents' occupations in tourism destination Pingyao. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(6): 1143-1155.
[53]陶伟, 陈红叶, 林杰勇. 句法视角下广州传统村落空间形态及认知研究. 地理学报, 2013, 68(2): 209-218.
TaoWei, ChenHongye, LinJieyong. Spatial form and spatial cognition of traditional villagein syntactical view: A case study of Xiaozhou Village, Guangzhou. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(2): 209-218.
[52]陶伟, 王花妮. 遗产旅游地平遥古城本土小企业的空间聚集. 旅游学刊, 2012, 27(12): 88-94.
TaoWei, WangHua-ni. Spatial Agglomeration of Local Small Businesses in Heritage Tourist Destination of Pingyao. Tourism Tribune, 2012, 27(12): 88-94.
[51]徐辰, 陶伟(通讯作者). 康乐园历史建筑形态演变分析. 华中建筑. 2012, 29(1): 186-189.
Xu Chen, Tao Wei. The Analysis of the Architecture Form Evolution in Hong Lok Campus Huazhong Architecture. 2012, 29(1): 186-189.
[50]陶伟, 黄秀波. 2000—2009年广东省入境游客时空分布格局及其变化研究. 人文地理, 2012, 27(1): 113-118+106.
TaoWei, Huang Xiu-bo. Research on Temporal and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Inbound Tourists and its Evolution in GuangDong Province from 2000 to 2009. Human Geography,2012, 27(1) : 113-118+106.
[49] 陶伟, 蒋伟. 平遥古城形态研究:西方视野中的探索,分析与发现. 城市规划学刊,2012 , 55(2): 112-119.
TaoWei, JiangWei. Exploration,Analysis and Discovery: A Morphological Study of Pingyao Histoic City. Urban Planning Forum,2012, 55(2): 112-119.
[48]陶伟, 汤静雯. 西方历史城镇景观保护与管理: 康泽恩流派的理论与实践.国际城市规划, 2010, 25(5): 108-114.
Tao Wei, Tang Jingwen. Conservation and Management of Western Historic Townscape:Ideas and Practices of the Conzenian School. International Urban Planning,2010, 25(5): 108-115.
[47]陶伟, 倪明. 中西方旅游需求预测对比研究: 理论基础与模型. 旅游学刊, 2010, 25(8): 12-17.
Tao Wei, Ni Ming. Study on the Comparison of Tourism Demand Forecast between China and Western Countries: Basic Theory and Models. Tourism Tribune, 2010, 25(8): 12-17.
[46]田银生, 谷凯, 陶伟. 城市形态研究与城市历史保护规划. 城市规划, 2010, 34(4): 21-26.
Tian Yingsheng, Gu Kai. Tao Wei. Urban morphology research and urban historical protection planning. City Planning, 2010, 34(4): 21-26.
[45]陶伟, 戴光全. 城市游憩系统规划纳入城市总体规划内容的思考. 规划师, 2009,25(10): 94-96.
Tao Wei, Dai Guangquan. Incorporating Recreational System Plan with City Master Plan. Planner, 2009, 25(10): 94-96.
[44]陶伟, 洪艳, 杜小芳. 解说: 源起, 概念, 研究内容和方法. 人文地理, 2009, 24(5): 101-106.
Tao Wei, Hong Yan, Du Xiaofang. Interpretation:its origin concepts, research contentsand methods. Human Geography, 2009, 24(5): 101-106.
[43]陶伟, 杜小芳. 解说:一种重要的遗产保护策略. 旅游学刊, 2009,24(8): 47-52.
Tao Wei, Du Xiaofang. Interpretation: An Important Tactics for Heritage Conservation. Tourism Tribune, 2009, 24(8): 47-52.
[42]陶伟, 徐辰. 中国历史城镇保护研究的三维体系. 建筑学报, 2009, 55(9): 60-63.
Tao Wei. Xu Chen. Three-dimensional System of Researches on Conservation of Chinese Historic Cities and Towns. Architectural Journal, 2009, 55(9): 60-63.
[41] 陶伟, 杜小芳. 旅游解说对园林遗产地游客的影响研究--以广东四大名园之一余荫山房为例. 热带地理, 2009, 29(4): 384-388.
Tao Wei, Du Xiaofang. Study on the Impact of Tourism Interpretation to Tourists in the Garden Heritage Site: A Case Study of Yuyin Garden in Guangdong Province. Tropical Geography, 2009, 29(4): 384-388.
[40]陶伟, 郑春霞. 女性日常休闲行为的时空间结构特征---以广州高校女性教职工为例. 地域研究与开发, 2009, 28(3): 80-83.
Tao Wei, Zhen Chunxia. The Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of the Everyday Leisure Behavior of Career Women of University—A Case Study of Guangzhou. Regional research and development, 2009, 28(3): 80-83.
[39]陶伟, 邓路平. 旅游发展与资源型城市转型:“基于焦作现象”的解读. 云南师范大学学报, 2009, 41(4): 114-119.
Tao Wei, Deng Luping. Tourism Development and Transformation of the Resource-based City: An Interpretation of "Jiaozuo Phenomenon". Yunnan Normal University Journal, 2009, 41(4): 114-119.
[38]岑倩华, 陶伟(通讯作者). 城市发展建设与遗产保护: 从《濒危世界遗产名录》中得到的启示. 城市规划, 2007, 31(9): 71-75.
Cen Qianhua, Tao Wei. Urban development and construction and heritage conservation: lessons from the world heritage in danger list. Urban Planning, 2007, 31(9): 71-75.
[37]郑春霞, 陶伟. 高校女性教职工日常休闲行为探析—以广州高校为例. 人文地理, 2007, 22(3): 65-68.
Zhen Chunxia, Tao Wei. Study on the daily leisure behaviour of women staff in university.Human Geography, 2007, 22(3): 65-68.
[36]陶伟, 林敏慧, 刘开萌. 城市大型连锁超市的空间布局模式探析. 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 45(2): 97-100.
Tao Wei, Ling Minghui, Liu Kaimeng. Spatial Distribution Pattern of Urban Big Chain Store—A case study of Trust-Mart in Guangzhou. Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, 45(2): 97-100.
[35] 陶伟, 岑倩华. 历史城镇旅游发展模式比较研究: 威尼斯和丽江. 城市规划, 2006, 30(5): 76-82.
Tao Wei, Cen Qianhua. Comparative study on tourism development model of historic towns :Venice and Lijiang. Urban Planning, 2006, 30(5): 76-82.
[34]陶伟, 黄荣庆. 城市游憩商业区空间结构的发展演变及其相关影响因素研究.人文地理, 2006, 21(3): 10-13.
Tao Wei, Huang Rongqing. Urban recreation business district and its related factors: Acase study of Guangzhou . Human Geography, 2006, 21(3): 10-13.
[33]洪艳, 陶伟. 游客对解说媒体的需求研究--以西汉南越王博物馆为例. 旅游学刊, 2006, 21(11): 43-48.
Hong Yan, Tao Wei. Tourists Demands for Interpretative Media: A Case Study of the Museum of the Mausoleum of the Nanyue King. Tourism Tribune, 2006, 21(11): 43-48.
[32]陶伟, 李丽梅. 香港城市游憩商业区空间结构演变模式. 城市规划,2005, 29(6): 69-75.
Tao Wei, Li Limei. Spatial structure evolution model of urban recreation business district in Hong Kong. Urban planning, 2005, 29(6): 69-75.
[31]陶伟, 胡盈盈. 国外游憩研究进展. 地理与地理信息科学, 2005, 21(3): 88-92.
TaoWei, Hu Yingying. Oversea Research and Progress in Recreation. GEography and Geo - In formation Science, 2005, 21(3): 88-92.
[30]陶伟, 钟文辉. 基于区域视野的城市旅游研究体系的建构. 规划师, 2005, 21(9): 92-95.
Tao Wei, Zhong Wenhui. Establishment of the Study System for Urban Tourism Based on Regional Vision-With Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao as an Example. Planner, 2005, 21 (9): 92-95.
[29]陶伟, 黎碧茵. 国外游憩需求研究20年. 热带地理, 2005, 25(2): 128-132+137.
Tao Wei, Li Biyin. A summary of overseas tourism demand research in the past twenty years. Tropical Geography, 2005, 25(2): 128-132+137.
[28] Tao Wei, Zhong W, Hong Y. Urban tourism research methodology. Chinese Geographical Science, 2005, 15(2): 173-178.
[27]罗秋菊, 陶伟. 会展与城市经济社会发展关系研究. 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2004, 25(3): 30-37.
Luo Qiuju,Tao Wei. Study on exhibition and urban economic social development relationship. The Beijing second foreign language college journal, 2004, 25(3): 30-37.
[26]陶伟, 岑倩华. 国外遗产旅游研究17年. 城市规划汇刊, 2004, 15(1): 66-72.
Tao Wei, Cen Qianhua. 17-Year-Study of Heritage Tourism in Oversea: Urban planning forum, 2004, 15(1): 66-72.
[25]LiLi-mei, TaoWei(communication author). Spatial Structure Evolution of the System of Recreation Business District. Chinese Geographical Science, 2003, 13(4): 370-377.
[24]Li Zhen, He Fang, Wu Qiaojun, Tao Wei.Analysis on sensitivity and landscape ecological spatial structure of site resources. Journal ofEnvironmental Science, 2003, 15(2): 215-221.
[23]陶伟, 李丽梅. 城市游憩商业区系统SRBD的生长研究--以历史名城苏州为例. 旅游学刊, 2003, 18(3): 43-48.
Tao Wei, Li Limei. The Spatial Structure Evolution of the System of Recreation Business District(SRBD)—Taking Suzhou as an Example. Tourism Tribune, 2003, 18 (3): 43-48.
[22]陶伟, 钟文辉. 国外城市旅游研究进展——AnnalsofTourism Research所反映的学术态势. 城市规划, 2003, 27(8): 76-84.
Tao Wei, Zhong Wenhui. Overseas progress on the study of urban tourism- physical reflects the academic situation. Urban Planning, 2003, 27(8): 76-84.
[21]陶伟, 郑海燕. 城市旅游的文化视点--以历史文化名城荆州为例. 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 41(5): 21-26.
Tao Wei, Zhen Haiyan. The Cultural Perspective of Urban Tourism--A Case Study on Famous History-culture City of Jingzhou. Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, 41(5): 21-26.
[20]陶伟, 田银生. 世界遗产中古城研究方法与内容初探. 地理研究, 2002, 21(2): 210-218.
Tao Wei, Tian Yingsheng. Methodologies on the study of ancient cities in world heritage. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(2): 210-218.
[19]陶伟, 戴光全. “世界遗产地苏州”城市旅游空间结构研究. 经济地理, 2002, 22(4): 487-491.
Tao Wei, Dai Guangquan. An analysis on the spatial structure with the urban tourism in world heritage destination Suzhou city. Economic Geography, 2002, 22(4): 487-491.
[18] 陶伟. 中国世界遗产地的旅游研究进展. 城市规划汇刊, 2002, 13(3): 54-56.
Tao Wei. Review the Tourism Research of the World Heritages in China. Urban planning forum, 2002, 13(3): 54-56.
[17]陶伟, 戴光全. 区域旅游发展的“竞合模式”探索: 以苏南三镇为例. 人文地理, 2002, 17(4): 29-33.
Tao Wei, Dai Guangquan. The cooperation-competitive model of regional tourism development: A case study on three ancient towns in Southern Jiangsu Province. Human Geography, 2002, 17(4): 29-33.
[16] 陶伟. 旅游资源类型体系分类评价研究---以宁夏回族自治区为例. 干旱区地理, 2001, 24(2): 141-145.
Tao Wei. Study on Ningxia Huizu municipality tourists resource classification and evaluation. Geography and Territorial Research. Arid Land Geography, 2001, 24(2): 141-145.
[15] Xu Honggang,Tao Wei.Managing Side Effects of Cultural Tourism Development: The Case of Zhouzhuang. Chinese Geographical Science, 2001, 11(4): 356-365.
[14]田银生, 陶伟. “家世界”构成中的庭院价值——中国传统居家环境结构的”二元对立统一律”分析. 新建筑, 2001, 5(5): 15-17.
Tian Yingsheng, Tao Wei. The Value of Courtyard in "Family World" Structure--"The Law of the Unity of Opposites" in Traditional Chinese Dwelling Place. New Architecture, 2001, 5(5): 15-17.
[13]Tao Wei,Tian Yinsheng. Study of living fossil of historic cities -- taking historic city Ping Yao in world heritage list as an example. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2000, 10(3): 237-244.
[12]刘家明, 陶伟, 郭英之. 传统民居旅游开发研究—以平遥古城为案例. 地理研究, 2000, 19(3): 264-270.
Liu Jiaming, Tao Wei, Guo Yingzhi. Discussion on the tourism development of traditional dwelling-houses—A case study of pingyao ancient city. Geographical Research, 2000, 19(3): 264-270.
[11]陶伟. 中国“世界遗产”的可持续旅游发展研究. 旅游学刊, 2000, 15(5): 35-41.
Tao Wei. Research on the Sustainable Tourist Development of “World Heritage” in China. Tourism Tribune, 2000, 15(5): 35-41.
[10]陶伟, 郭来喜. 宁夏旅游资源及其功能分区评价研究. 地理学与国土研究, 2000, 16(1): 54-57.
Tao Wei, Guo laixi. Evaluation and Function Division of Ningxia Tourist Resources. Geography and Territorial Research, 2000, 16(1): 54-57.
[9]田银生, 陶伟. 城市环境的“宜人性”创造. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 49(1): 19-23.
Tian Yingsheng, Tao Wei. Creating of urban amenity. Journal of Tsinghua University (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 49(1):19-23.
[8]陶伟. 宁夏旅游资源与旅游环境保护研究. 桂林旅游高等专科学校学报, 2000, 11(1): 53-55.
Tao Wei. Study on Protection of Tourist Resources and Tourist Environment. Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism,2000, 11(1): 53-55.
[7]陶伟. 中国风景区旅游开发模式研究. 首届全国旅游业可持续发展研讨会论文集, 河北科技出版社, 1999.
Tao Wei. Study on tourism development model of Chinese scenic area. The 1st national workshop on tourism sustainable development, Hebei science and technology press, 1999.
[6]田银生, 陶伟. 场所精神的失落—10-20世纪西方城市空间的一点讨论. 新建筑, 1999, 16(4): 61-62.
Tian Yingsheng, Tao Wei. Discussing Urban Space of 10th~20th Century in the Western Countries. New Architecture, 1999, 16(4): 61-62.
[5]陶伟, 刘锋,刘家明. 宁夏回族民俗旅游资源开发研究. 地理科学进展, 1999, 18(3): 279-284.
Tao Wei, Liu Feng, Liu Jiaming. A Study on Exploiting the Folk Custom Tourist Resources of Ningxia Huizu. Progress in Geography, 1999, 18(3): 279-284.
[4]范业正, 陶伟, 刘锋. 国外旅游规划研究进展及主要思想方法. 地理科学进展, 1998, 17(3): 86-92.
Fan Yezheng, Tao Wei, Liu Feng. The foreign research progress and methodology of tourism planning. Progress in Geographic Science1998, 17(3): 86-92.
[3]陶伟. 康复建筑设计. 室内设计与装修, 1995, 9(5): 33-36.
Tao Wei. Rehabilitation of building design. Interior design and decoration, 1995, 9(5): 33-36.
[2]陶伟. 室内设计中光的运用. 河南装饰协会汇刊, 1995, (5): 23-25.
Tao Wei. The application of light in interior design. Henan decoration association remit publication, 1995, (5): 23-25.
[1]陶伟. 企业家应该提高他们的艺术修养. 河南装饰协会汇刊, 1994, (3): 12-15.
Tao Wei. Entrepreneurs should improve their artistic accomplishment. Henan decoration association remit publication, 1994, (3): 12-15.
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