

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-22

姓 名 刘定祥 性 别 男
出生年月 1958年8月 籍贯 湖北天门市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 哲学博士学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 Email dxliu0001@163.com
工作单位 群体微生物研究中心 邮政编码

主要研究重点包括冠状病毒的分子细胞生物学,病毒-宿主相互作用,复制机制和致病机理。早期的经典研究成果包括鉴定E蛋白作为冠状病毒病毒粒子的结构蛋白和阐明控制E蛋白表达的独特的核糖体内进入翻译机制,并成功完成了非结构多聚蛋白的蛋白水解酶加工图谱和新型切割产物的鉴定及功能研究。同时,对冠状病毒颗粒装配所必需的E和M蛋白的相互作用,冠状病毒感染诱导的细胞凋亡,冠状病毒N蛋白的结构和功能研究,E蛋白的离子通道活性等方面进行了深入地研究。最近几年的研究则侧重于研究冠状病毒-宿主相互作用,主要成果包括:1.揭示和阐明了冠状病毒诱导的内质网应激反应在冠状病毒-宿主细胞相互作用中的调节作用;2.首次分现并阐明了诱导和调节ATR激酶依赖性DNA应激反应及其在冠状病毒复制周期调控中的作用;3.首次分现并功能性研究冠状病毒RNA和MADP1蛋白的相互作用;4.在全基因组水平上筛选和分析宿主细胞因子对冠状病毒复制和致病机理的调控和影响。这些原始的研究成果已发表于一系列顶尖病毒学和分子生物学杂志,并被广泛引用。本人已发表SCI论文130余篇。总影响因子超400,H-指数为42,总引用次数超4100余次(Google Scholar)。

中国, 兰州, 兰州兽医研究所,客座教授, 博士生导师





英国剑桥大学病理学系病毒学专业 TDK Brown博士和I Brierley博士实验室博士后研究助理

英国剑桥大学医学系 UA Gompels博士实验室博士后研究助理


导师:SC Inglis 博士
学位: 哲学博士


证书: 检验士文凭
文凭授予日期: 1981年7月
1. 剑桥海外信托奖学金,1988-1991.
2. 新加坡卫生部五年服务奖,2015年10月。
学术兼职:2009年10月-2017年8月中国, 兰州, 兰州兽医研究所,客座教授, 博士生导师 2006年3月-2015年12月中国,四川,成都,四川大学客座教授2004年5月-2010年5月新加坡南洋理工大学生物科学学院兼职副教授2003年9月-2010年5月新加坡国立大学生物科学系兼职副教授学术编委:1. PLoS ONE学术编委,2008年-2016年。2. World Journal of Virology编辑委员会成员, 2010年-2016年。3. Journal of Biowar & Defence编辑委员会成员, 2013年-2016年。4. 微生物学和免疫学进展(中国)编辑委员会成员, 2015年-现在。
1.1996年1月-2002年1月, 动物病毒学研究,每年固定拨款45万新元资助两名博士后研究员,两名初级研究人员和两名研究助理,新加坡国立大学分子农业生物学研究院。
2. 2003年9月-2010年5月, 分子病毒学和病毒致病机理研究, 每年固定拨款85万新元资助三名博士后研究员,四名初级研究人员和四名研究助理,新加坡分子与细胞生物学研究院。
3. 冠状病毒的装配和形态发生过程的分子研究-病毒包膜蛋白的重要作用,10万新元,2002年6月-2003年6月,新加坡南洋理工大学启动基金 (SUG15/02)。申请人:刘定祥。
4. 冠状病毒核壳体装配及其与宿主细胞相互作用的功能与结构研究,160万新元,2003年7月-2009年6月,新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会合作基金,主要申请人: 刘定祥,合作申请人: J Lescar 和TDokland博士。
5. Epstein-Barr病毒Rta蛋白的结构,10万新元,2002年5月-2004年5月,新加坡南洋理工大学启动基金 (SUG14/02),主要申请人: J. Lescar 博士,合作申请人: 刘定祥。
6. 乙型肝炎病毒与宿主相互作用:抗病毒药物策略上的应用,85万新元,2003年7月-2006年8月, 新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会合作基金, 主要申请人: WN Chen博士,合作申请人: EC Ren博士和 刘定祥。
7. 静电效应对DNA紧凑性的研究:基因传输和转录调控上的应用,60万新元,2003年7月-2008年2月,Singapore 新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会合作基金, 主要申请人:L Nordenskold博士,合作申请人: JP Tam博士和 刘定祥。
8. SARS冠状病毒主要蛋白质的表达和潜在抑制剂的筛选,53万4千新元,2003年12月-2006年5月,Singapore新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会SARS基金,主要申请人: SQ Yao博士,合作申请人: J Lescar博士和 刘定祥等。
9. 以SARS-CoV S蛋白为基础的药物研发,44万9千新元,2003年8月-2005年7月,新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会SARS基金, 主要申请人: JP Tam博士,合作申请人: 刘定祥。
10. SARS-CoV E protein用于膜蛋白的特异性标记,由一个嵌合细菌发夹样结构构建的模拟跨膜肽递送系统的优化。在体外和体内应用于SARS冠状病毒E蛋白的结构和功能的研究。115万新元,2005年5月-2010年1月, 新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会合作基金, 主要申请人: J Torres博士, 合作申请人: 刘定祥。
11. SARS-CoV E蛋白结构和功能特征及其对病毒形态发生和细胞凋亡的贡献的计算机模拟,体外和体内研究。70万8千新元,2005年6月-2008年5月,新加坡教育部学术研究基金, 主要申请人:J Torres博士, 合作申请人: 刘定祥
12. 冠状病毒核壳体装配及复制酶:结构和功能。62万新元,2009年1月-2012年6月, 新加坡科技局生物医药研究理事会合作基金, 主要申请人:J Lescar博士,合作申请人: 刘定祥。
13. 冠状病毒和登革热病毒复制机制,病毒与宿主相互作用和致病机制的分子研究。40万新元,2010年7月-2014年2月,新加坡南洋理工大学启动基金 。申请人: 刘定祥。
14. 登革热病毒对炎症小体的激活和调控。19万6千5百新元,2013年11月-2016年10月,新加坡教育部学术研究第1层次基金。申请人: 刘定祥
15. 开发具有成本效益和可持续水产养殖的病毒控制生物技术。964万6千新元(53万新元分给LiuDX),2012年3月-2017年2月,新加坡国立研究基金, 主要申请人: 新加坡国立YH Hong博士,合作申请人: 刘定祥。
16. 全基因组RNAi筛选和分析宿主因子在冠状病毒复制中的作用。60万3千新元,2014年11月-2017年10月,新加坡教育部学术研究第2层次基金。申请人: 刘定祥
17. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒宿主嗜性及新型细胞疫苗的合作研究。人民币175万,2014年4月-2017年3月,国家国际科技合作专项项目(2014DFA31890), 申请人:孙世祺 (中方) , 刘定祥 (外方).
(* 通讯作者)
1.D. X. Liu, D. Cavanagh, P. Green, and S. C. Inglis*.(1991). A Polycistronic mRNA specified by the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Virology 184, 531-544.
2.D. X. Liu, and S. C. Inglis*.(1991). Association of the infectious bronchitis virus 3c protein with the virion envelope. Virology 185, 911-917.
3.D. X. Liu, and S. C. Inglis*.(1992). Identification of two new polypeptides encoded by mRNA5 of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Virology 186, 342-347.
4.D. X. Liu, and S. C. Inglis*.(1992). Internal entry of ribosomes on a tricistronic mRNA encoded by infectious bronchitis virus. Journal of Virology66, 6143-6154; and D. X. Liu (1992).Internal entry of ribosomes on a tricistronic mRNA encoded by infectious bronchitis virus (Correction).Journal of Virology66, 6840.
5.D. X. Liu, U. A. Gompels*, J. Nicholes, and C. Lelliott.(1993). Identification and expression of the human herpesvirus-6 glycoprotein H and interaction with an accessory 40K glycoprotein.Journal of General Virology74, 1847-1857.
6.D. X. Liu, U. A. Gompels*, L. Foa-Tomasi, and G. Campadelli-Fiume. (1993). Human herpesvirus-6 glycoprotein H and L homologs are components of the gp100 complex and the gH external domain is the target for neutralizing monoclonal antibodies.Virology197, 12-22.
7.D. X. Liu*, I. Brierley, K. W. Tibbles, and T. D. K. Brown. (1994). A 100K polypeptide encoded by open reading frame (ORF) 1b of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus is processed by ORF1a products.Journal of Virology68, 5772-5780.
8.D. X. Liu*, K. W. Tibbles, D. Cavanagh, T. D. K. Brown, and I. Brierley. (1995). Identification, expression and processing of an 87K polypeptide encoded by ORF1a of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.Virology208, 48-57.
9.D. X. Liu*, and T. D. K. Brown.(1995). Characterization and mutational analysis of an ORF1a-encoding proteinase domain responsible for proteolytic processing of the infectious bronchitis virus 1a/1b polyprotein.Virology209, 420-427.
10.D. X. Liu*, I. Brierley, and T. D. K. Brown. (1995). Identification of a trypsin-like serine proteinase domain encoded by ORF1a of the coronavirus IBV.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology380, 405-411.
11.D. X. Liu*, K. W. Tibbles, D. Cavanagh, T. D. K. Brown, and I. Brierley. (1995). Involvement of viral and cellular factors in processing of polyprotein encoded by ORF 1a of the coronavirus IBV.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology380, 413-421.
12.R. A. Anderson, D. X. Liu, and U. A. Gompels*.(1996). Definition of a human herpevirus-6 Betaherpesvirus-specific domain in glycoprotein gH that governs interaction with glycoprotein gL: substitution of human cytomegalovirus glycoproteins permits group-specific complex formation.Virology217, 517-528.
13.D. X. Liu*, H. Y. Xu, and T. D. K. Brown.(1997).Proteolytic processing of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 1a polyprotein:Identification of a 10 kDa polypeptide and determination of its cleavage sites.Journal of Virology71, 1814-1820.
14.L. F. P. Ng, and D. X. Liu*.(1998). Identification of a 24 kDa polypeptide processed from the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 1a polyprotein by the 3C-like proteinase and determination of its cleavage sites.Virology243, 388-395.
15.K. P. Lim, and D. X. Liu*.(1998). Characterization of the two overlapping papain-like proteinase domain encoded in gene 1 of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus and determination of the C-terminal cleavage site of an 87 kDa protein.Virology245, 303-312.
16.D. X. Liu*, S. Shen, H. Y. Xu, and S. F. Wang.(1998).Proteolytic mapping of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 1b polyprotein:Evidence for the presence of four cleavage sites of the 3C-like proteinase and identification of two novel cleavage products.Virology246, 288-297.
17.D. X. Liu*, S. Shen, H. Y. Xu, and T. D. K. Brown.(1998).Proteolytic processing of the polyprotein encoded by ORF1b of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology440, 149-159.
18.L. F. P. Ng, and D. X. Liu*.(1998).Further characterization of the coronavirus IBV ORF1a products encoded by the 3C-like proteinase domain and the flanking regions.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology440, 161-171.
19.K. P. Lim, and D. X. Liu*.(1998). Characterization of a papain-like proteinase domain encoded by ORF1a of the coronavirus IBV and determination of the C-terminal cleavage site of an 87 kDa protein.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology440, 174-184.
20.D. X. Liu*, H. Y. Xu, and K. P. Lim.(1998).Regulation of mRNA1 expression by the 5’-untranslated region (5’-UTR) of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology440, 303-311.
21.S. Shen, T. A. McKee, Z. D. Wang, U. Desselberger, and D. X. Liu*. (1999). Sequence analysis and in vitro expression of genes 6 and 11 of an ovine group B rotavirus isolate KB63: Evidence for nondefective, C-terminally truncated NSP1 and a phosphorylated NSP5.Journal of General Virology80, 2077-2085.
22.K. P. Lim, L. F. P. Ng, and D. X. Liu*.(2000). Identification of a novel cleavage activity of the first papain-like proteinase domain encoded by open reading frame 1a of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus and characterization of the cleavage products.Journal of Virology 74, 1674-1685.
23.S. Shen, J. Kwang, W. Liu, and D. X. Liu*.(2000). Determination of the complete nucleotide sequence of a vaccine strain of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and identification of the NSP2 gene with a unique insertion.Archives of Virology145, 871-883.
24.Lisa F. P. Ng, and D. X. Liu*. (2000). Further characterization of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 3C-like proteinase and determination of a new cleavage site.Virology272, 27-39.
25.P. Feng, E. C. Ren, D. X. Liu, S. H. Chan, and H. Z. Hu*. (2000). Expression of Epstein-Barr virus lytic gene BRLF1 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: potential usage for diagnosis.Journal of General Virology81, 2417-2423.
26.C. Tan, L. Chang, S. Shen, D. X. Liu, and J. Kwang*.(2001).Comparison of the 5’ leader sequences of North American isolates of reference and field strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV).Virus Genes22, 209-217.
27.L. F. P. Ng, H. Y. Xu, and D. X. Liu*. (2001). Further identification and characterization of products processed from the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) 1a polyprotein by the 3C-like proteinase. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology494, 291-298.
28.K. P. Lim, H. Y. Xu, and D. X. Liu*.(2001). Physical interaction between the membrane (M) and envelope (E) proteins of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 494, 595-602.
29.S. Shen, and D. X. Liu*.(2001). Characterization of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology494, 557-562.
30.K. P. Lim, and D. X. Liu*.(2001). The missing link in coronavirus assembly: retention of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus envelope protein in the pre-Golgi compartments and physical interaction between the envelope and membrane proteins.Journal of Biological Chemistry276, 17515-17523.
31.P. Feng, S. H. Chan, M. Y. R. Soo, D. X. Liu, M. Guan, E. C. Ren, and H. Z. Hu*.(2001). Antibody response to Epstein-Barr virus Rta protein in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a new serological parameter for diagnosis.Cancer 92, 1872-1880.
32.C. Liu, H. Y. Xu, and D. X. Liu*.(2001).Induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis in cultured cells by the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.Journal of Virology75, 6402-6409.
33.H. Y. Xu, K. P. Lim, S. Shen, and D. X. Liu*. (2001). Further identification and characterization of novel intermediate- and mature-cleavage products released from the ORF 1b region of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus1a/1b polyprotein.Virology288, 212-222.
34.D. C-Y Koh, D. X. Liu* and S-M Wong*.(2002). A six-nucleotide segment within the 3’UTR of hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus plays an essential role in translational enhancement.Journal of Virology 76, 1144-1153.
35.L. F. P. Ng, and D. X. Liu*.(2002). Membrane association and dimerization of a cysteine-rich, 16-kDa polypeptide released from the C-terminal region of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 1a polyprotein.Journal of Virology 76, 6257-6267.
36.S. Shen, Z. L. Wen, and D. X. Liu*.(2003). Emergence of an avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) mutant with a truncated 3b gene: functional characterization of the 3b gene in pathogenesis and replication. Virology311, 16-27.
37.D. C-Y Koh, S-M Wong, and D. X. Liu*.(2003). Synergism of the 3’ UTR and an internal ribosome entry site differentially enhances the translation of a plant virus coat protein.Journal of Biological Chemistry 278, 20565-20573.
38.S. Shen, Y. C. Law and D. X. Liu*.(2004).A Single Amino Acid Mutation in the Spike Protein of Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Hampers Its Maturation and Incorporation into Virions at the Nonpermissive Temperature.Virology326, 288-298.
39.Y. Liao, J. Lescar, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*. (2004). Expression of SARS-Coronavirus Envelope Protein in Escherichia coli Cells Alters Membrane Permeability.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325, 374-380.
40.J. Torres*, J. Wang, K. Parthasarathy and D. X. Liu.(2005). The transmembrane oligomers of coronavirus protein E.Biophysical Journal.88, 1283-1290.
41.F. Q. Li, H. Xiao, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*. (2005). Sumoylation of the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome associated coronavirus. FEBS Letters579, 2387-2396.
42.S. G. Fang, S. Shen, F. P. L. Tay, and D. X. Liu*.(2005).Selection of and recombination between minor variants lead to the adaptation of an avian coronavirus to primate cells.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications336, 417-423.
43.H. Fan, A. Ooi, Y. W. Tan, S. Wang, S. G. Fang, D. X. Liu* and J. Lescar*.(2005).Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain from the nucleocapsid protein of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.Structure13, 1859-1868.
44.T. Xu, A. Ooi, H. C. Lee, R. Wilmouth, D. X. Liu and J. Lescar*.(2005). Structure of the SARS coronavirus main protease as an active C2 crystallographic dimer.Acta Crystallographica F 61, 964-966.
45.X. Wang, Y. Liao, S.-M. Wong, and D. X. Liu*. (2006). Identification and characterization of a unique ribosomal frameshifting signal in SARS-CoV ORF3a.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology581, 89-92.
46.F. Q. Li, X. Han, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*.(2006).Sumoylation of the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus by interaction with Ubc9.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology581, 121-126.
47.Y. Liao, J. P. Tam, and D. X. Liu*. (2006). Viroporin activity of SARS-CoV E protein.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology581, 199-202.
48.L. Wang, J. P. Tam, and D. X. Liu*. (2006). Biochemical and functional characterization of Epstein-Barr Virus-encoded BARF1 protein: interaction with human hTid1 protein facilitates its maturation and secretion.Oncogene 25, 4320-4331.
49.Y. Liao, Q. Yuan, J. Torres, J. P. Tam, and D. X. Liu*.(2006).Biochemical and functional characterization of the membrane association and permeabilizing activity of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus envelope protein.Virology 349, 264-275.
50.X. Wang, S-M Wong, and D. X. Liu*.(2006).Identification of hepta- and octo-uridine stretches as sole signals for programmed +1 and -1 ribosomal frameshifting during translation of SARS-CoV ORF 3a variants.Nucleic Acids Research 34, 1250-1260.
51.J. Torres*, K. Parthasarathy, X. Lin, S. Tong, K. Pervushin and D. X. Liu.(2006).Model of a putative pore: the pentameric ?-helical bundle of SARS coronavirus E protein in lipid bilayers.Biophysical Journal91, 938-947.
52.Q. Yuan, Y. Liao, J. Torres, J. P. Tam, and D. X. Liu*.(2006).Biochemical evidence for the presence of mixed membrane topologies of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus envelope protein expressed in mammalian cells.FEBS Letters580, 3192-3200.
53.D. C.-Y. Koh, X. Wang, S.-M. Wong, and D. X. Liu*.(2006).Translation initiation at an upstream CUG codon regulates the expression of hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus coat protein.Virus Research122, 35-44.
54.Y. W. Tan, S. G. Fang, H. Fan, J. Lescar and D. X. Liu*.(2006). Amino acid residues critical for RNA-binding in the N-terminal domain of the nucleocapsid protein are essential determinants for the replication and infectivity of coronavirus in cultured cells.Nucleic Acids Research34, 4816-4825.
55.S. G. Fang, B. Chen, F. P. L. Tay, B. S. Ng and D. X. Liu*.(2007).An arginine-to-proline mutation in a domain with undefined function within the RNA helicase protein (NSP13) is lethal to the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in cultured cells.Virology358, 136-147.
56.Q. Li, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*.(2007). Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in the absence of p53. Virology365, 435-445.
57.D. X. Liu*, Q. Yuan and Y. Liao.(2007).Coronavirus envelope protein: a small membrane protein with multiple functions (invited review).Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences64, **.
58.J. Torres*, U. Maheswari, K. Parthasarathy, L. Ng, D. X. Liu and X. Gong.(2007). Conductance and amantadine binding of a pore formed by a lysine-flanked transmembrane domain from SARS coronavirus envelope protein.Protein Science16, 2065-2071.
59.T. M. Le, H. H. Wong, F. P. L. Tay, S. G. Fang, C. T. Keng, Y. J. Tan and D. X. Liu*. (2007). Expression, post-translational modification and biochemical characterization of proteins encoded by subgenomic mRNA 8 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.FEBS Journal274, 4211-4222.
60.S.-M. Wong, D. C.-Y. Koh, and D. X. Liu*.(2008). Identification of plant virus IRES.Methods in Molecular Biology 451, 125-133.
61.H. Xiao, L. H. Xu, Y. Yamada, and D. X. Liu*.(2008). Coronavirus Spike Protein Inhibits Host Cell Translation by Interaction with eIF3f. PloS ONE 2008 Jan 30;3(1):e1494.
62.Y.-N. Lu, D. X. Liu and J. P. Tam*.(2008). Lipid rafts are involved in SARS-CoV entry into Vero E6 cells.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications369, 344-349.
63.Y.-N. Lu, T. L. Neo, D. X. Liu and J. P. Tam*.(2008). Importance of SARS-CoV spike protein Trip-rich region in viral infectivity.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications371, 356-360.
64. A. M. A. Nasirudeen, L. Wang, and D. X. Liu*.(2008). Induction of p53-dependent apoptosis by dengue virus infection of human and animal cells.Microbes and Infection10, 1124-1132.
65.S. G. Fang, H. Shen, J. Wang, F. P. L. Tay, and D. X. Liu*.(2008).Proteolytic processing of polyproteins 1a and 1ab between non-structural proteins 10 and 11/12 of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus is dispensable for virus replication in cultured cells.Virology379, 175-180.
66.K. Parthasarathy, L. Ng, X. Lin, D. X. Liu, K. Pervushin, X. Gong and J. Torres*.(2008).Structural flexibility of the pentameric SARS coronavirus envelope protein ion channel.Biophysical Journal95, L39-L41.
67.D. X. Liu*. (2008). Novel and re-emerging respiratory viral diseases. Novartis Foundation Symposium 290, 87 Discussion.
68.B. Chen, S. G. Fang, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*.(2009).Formation of stable homodimer via the C-terminal ? helical domain of coronavirus non-structural protein 9 is critical for its function in viral replication.Virology383, 328-337.
69.P.G. Loh, H-S Yang, M. Walsh, Q. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Cheng, D. X. Liu and H. Song*.(2009).Structural basis for translational inhibition by the tumour suppressor Pdcd4.The EMBO Journal28, 274-285.
70.J. Wang, S. G. Fang, H. Xiao, B. Chen, J. P. Tam, and D. X. Liu*.(2009).Interaction of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus M protein with actin and its implication in virion assembly and budding.Plos ONE4(3):e4908.
71. A. M. A. Nasirudeen and D. X. Liu*. (2009). Gene expression profiling by microarray analysis reveals an important role for caspase 1 in dengue virus-induced, p53-mediated apoptosis.Journal of Medical Virology 81, 1069-1081.
72.H.-Y. Shen, S. G. Fang, B. Chen, G. Chen, F. P. L. Tay and D. X. Liu*. (2009). Towards construction of viral vectors based on the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus for gene delivery and vaccine development.Journal of Virological Methods160, 48-56.
73.K. Pervushin, E. Tan, K. Parthasarathy, X. Lin, F. L. Jiang, D. Yu, A. Vararatannavech, G. S. Wan, T. W. Soong, D. X. Liu and J. Torres*.(2009).Structure and inhibition of the SARS coronavirus envelope protein ion channel.PLoS Pathogens 5(7):e**.
74.Y. Yamada, and D. X. Liu*.(2009).Proteolytic activation of the spike protein at a novel RRRR/S motif is implicated in furin-dependent entry, syncytium formation and infectivity of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in cultured cells.Journal of Virology 83, 8744-8758.
75.Y. Yamada, X. B. Liu, S. G. Fang, F. P. L. Tay, and D. X. Liu*.(2009).Acquisition of cell-cell fusion activity by amino acid substitutions in spike protein determines the infectivity of a coronavirus in cultured cells.PLoS ONE 4(7):e6130.
76.X. Wang Y. Liao, P. L. Yap, K. J. Png, J. P. Tam, and D. X. Liu*.(2009).Inhibition of protein kinase R activation and up-regulation of GADD34 expression play a synergistic role in facilitating coronavirus replication by maintaining de novo protein synthesis in virus-infected cells.Journal of Virology 83, 12462-12472.
77.S. G. Fang, H. Y. Shen, J. B. Wang, F. P. L. Tay, and D. X. Liu*.(2010).Functional and genetic studies of the substrate specificity of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 3C-like proteinase.Journal of Virology 84, 7325-7336.
78.L. H. Xu, S. Khadijah, S. G. Fang, L. Wang, F. P. L. Tay and D. X. Liu*. (2010). The cellular RNA helicase DDX1 interacts with coronavirus nonstructural protein 14 and enhances viral replication.Journal of Virology 84, 8571-8583.
79. A. M. A. Nasirudeen, H. H. Wong, P. L. Thien, S. Xu, K-P. Lam and D. X. Liu*.(2011).RIG-I, MDA5 and TLR3 synergistically play an important role in restriction of dengue virus infection.PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 5, e926.
80.Y. Liao, X. Wang, M. Huang, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*. (2011). Regulation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and dual-specificity phosphatase 1 feedback loop modulates the induction of interleukin 6 and 8 in cells infected with coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Virology 420, 106-116.
81.L. H. Xu, M. Huang, S. G. Fang and D. X. Liu*. (2011). Coronavirus Infection Induces DNA replication stress partly through interaction of its nonstructural protein 13 with the p125 subunit of DNA polymerase delta. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286, 39546-59.
82.Y. Zhong, Y. Liao, S. G. Fang, J. P. Tam and D. X. Liu*. (2012). Up-regulation of Mcl-1 and Bak by coronavirus infection of human, avian and animal cells modulates apoptosis and viral replication. PLoS ONE 7(1):e30191.
83.Y. W. Tan, W. Hong and D. X. Liu*. (2012). Binding of the 5’-untranslated region of coronavirus RNA to zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA binding motif 1 enhances viral replication and transcription. Nucleic Acids Research 40 (11):5065-5077.
84.K-G Lee, S. Xu, Z-H Kang, J. Huo, M. Huang, D. X. Liu, O. Takeuchi, S. Akira, and K-P. Lam*. (2012). Bruton's tyrosine kinase phosphorylates Toll-like receptor 3 to initiate anti-viral response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 5791-5796.
85.Yanxin Zhong, Yong Wah Tan and D. X. Liu*. (2012). Recent progress in studies of arterivirus- and coronavirus-host interactions (review). Viruses 4, 980-1010.
86.Felicia P. L. Tay, Mei Huang, Li Wang, Yoshiyuki Yamada and D. X. Liu*. (2012). Characterization of cellular furin content as a potential factor determining the susceptibility of cultured human and animal cells to coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus infection. Virology 433, 421-430.
87.Hui-Chen Guo, Shi-Qi Sun, Ye Jin, Shun-Li Yang, Shuang-Hui Yin, Jun-Wu Ma, Zai-Xin Liu, Jian-Hong Guo, Jian-Xiong Luo, Hong Yin, Xiang-Tao Liu* and D. X. Liu*. (2013). Foot-and-mouth disease virus-like particles produced by a SUMO fusion protein system in Escherichia coli induce potent protective immune responses in guinea pigs, swine and cattle. Veterinary Research 44, 48.
88.Xiaobing He, Huaijie Jia, Zhizhong Jing* and D. X. Liu*. (2013). Recognition of pathogen-associated nucleic acids by endosomal nucleic acid-sensing toll-like receptors (review). Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 45, 241-258.
89.Hui-Chen Guo, Shi-Qi Sun, De-Hui Sun, Yan-Quan Wei, Jin Xu, Mei Huang, Xiang-Tao Liu, Zai-Xin Liu, Jian-Xiong Luo, Hong Yin and D. X. Liu*. (2013). Viroporin activity and membrane topology of classic swine fever virus p7 protein. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 45, 1186-1194.
90.Ying Liao, To Sing Fung, Mei Huang, Shou Guo Fang, Yanxin Zhong and D. X. Liu*. (2013). Up-regulation of CHOP/GADD153 during Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Infection Modulates Apoptosis by Restricting Activation of the Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway. Journal of Virology 87, 8124-8134.
91.Shouguo Fang, Linghui Xu, Mei Huang, Frank Qisheng Li and D. X. Liu*. (2013). Identification of two ATR-dependent phosphorylation sites on coronavirus nucleocapsid protein with nonessential functions in viral replication and infectivity in cultured cells. Virology 444, 225-232.
92.Hemu X, Taichi M, Qiu Y, D. X. Liu, Tam JP*. (2013). Biomimetic synthesis of cyclic peptides using novel thioester surrogates. Biopolymers: Peptide Science 100, 492-501.
93.Yuqi Huo, Ailing Cai, Hui Yang, Mingli Zhou, Jiaxing Yan, D. X. Liu and Shuo Shen*. (2014). Complete nucleotide sequence of a norovirus GII.4 genotype: evidence for the spread of the newly emerged pandemic Sydney 2012 strain to China. Virus Genes 48(2):356-60.
94.Yan-Quan Wei, Hui-Chen Guo, Hu Dong, Hai-Ming Wang, Jin Xu, De-Hui Sun, Shou-Guo Fang, Xue-Peng Cai, D. X. Liu*, and Shi-Qi Sun*. (2014). Development and characterization of a recombinant infectious bronchitis virus expressing the ectodomain region of S1 gene of H120 strain. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98(4):1727-35.
95.Ying Liao, To Sing Fung, Mei Huang, Shou Guo Fang, Yanxin Zhong and D. X. Liu*. (2014). RNA Isolation and Northern Blot Analysis. Bio-Protocol 4 (issue 6).http://www.bio-protocol.org/wenzhang.aspx?id=1077
96.To Sing Fung and D. X. Liu*. (2014). Coronavirus infection, ER stress, Apoptosis and Innate Immunity (review). Frontiers in Microbiology Volume: 5, Article Number: 296. Published: JUN 17 2014.
97.D. X. Liu*, To Sing Fung, Kelvin Kian Long Chong, Aditi Shukla and Rolf Hilgenfeld. (2014). Accessory proteins of SARS-CoV and other coronaviruses (review). Antiviral Research 109: 97-109.
98.Yibo Qiu, Xinya Hemu, D. X. Liu and James P. Tam*. (2014). Selective Bi-directional Amide Bond Cleavage of N-Methyl Cysteinyl Peptide. European Journal of Organic Chemistry20: 4370-4380 Published: JUL 2014.
99.Yan Li, Janet To, Carmina Verdià-Baguena, Silvia Dossena, Wahyu Surya, Mei Huang, Markus Paulmichl, D. X. Liu, Vicente Aguilella, and Jaume Torres*. (2014). Inhibition of the human respiratory syncytial virus small hydrophobic protein and structural variations in a bicelle environment. Journal of Virology 88(20):11899-11914.
100.To Sing Fung, Ying Liao and D. X. Liu*. (2014). The ER stress sensor IRE1α protects cells from apoptosis induced by coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Journal of Virology88(21):12752-12764.
101.To Sing Fung, Mei Huang and D. X. Liu*. (2014). Coronavirus-induced ER stress response and its involvement in regulation of coronavirus-host interactions. Virus Research 194:110-123.
102.Ao D, Guo HC, Sun SQ, Sun DH, Fung TS, Wei YQ, Han SC, Yao XP, Cao SZ, D. X. Liu, Liu XT. (2015). Viroporin Activity of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Non-structural 2B Protein. PLos ONE10(5):e**.
103.To Sing Fung, Jaume Torres and D. X. Liu*. (2015). The emerging roles of viroporins in ER stress response and autophagy induction during virus infection (review). Viruses 7, 2834-2857.
104.Jaume Torres*, Wahyu Surya, Yan Li and D. X. Liu. (2015). Protein-protein interactions of viroporins in coronaviruses and paramyxoviruses: new targets for antivirals (review). Viruses 7, 2858-2883.
105.Guo HC, Jin Y, Han SC, Sun SQ*, Wei YQ, Liu XJ, Feng X, D. X. Liu, Liu XT. (2015). Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of BHK-21 Cells Infected with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Serotype Asia 1. PLos ONE 10(7):e**.
106.Hui Hui Wong, Pankaj Kumar, Felicia Tay, Dimitri Moreau, D. X. Liu*, and Frederic Bard*. (2015). Genome-wide screen reveals VCP requirement for coronavirus exit from endosomes. Journal of Virology 89, 11116-11128.
107.Phuong Quoc Thuc Nguyen, Justin Seng Geap Ooi, Ngan Thi Kim Nguyen, Shujing Wang, Mei Huang, D. X. Liu and J. P. Tam*. (2015). Antiviral Cystine Knot α-Amylase Inhibitors from Alstonia scholaris. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015 Nov 6. pii: jbc.M115.654855. [Epub ahead of print].
108.Shi-Chong Han, Hui-Chen Guo1, Shi-Qi Sun*, Ye Jin, Yan-Quan Wei, Xia Feng, Xue-Ping Yao, Sui-Zhong Cao, D.X. Liu, Xiang-Tao Liu. (2015). Productive entry of foot-and-mouth disease virus via macropinocytosis independent of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Scientific Reports 6:19294. doi: 10.1038/srep19294.
109.Fung TS, Liao Y, D. X. Liu*. (2016). Regulation of Stress Responses and Translational Control by Coronavirus. Viruses 4;8(7). pii: E184. doi: 10.3390/v**.
110.D. X. Liu*. (2016). Guest editor’s introduction to human coronaviruses. DiseasesSpecial Issue "Advances in Coronaviruses Research: Important Emerging Human Pathogens”.
111.Yvonne Xinyi Lim, Yan Ling Ng,James P. Tam andD. X. Liu*. (2016). Human Coronaviruses: A Review of Virus–Host Interactions. Diseases 4(3), 26.
112.To J, Surya W, Fung TS, Li Y, Verdià-Bàguena C, Queralt-Martin M, Aguilella VM, D. X. Liu*, Torres J. (2017). Channel inactivating mutations and their revertant mutants in the envelope protein of the infectious bronchitis virus. Journal of Virology 2017 Feb 14;91(5). pii: e02158-16.
113.Guo H, Huang M, Yuan Q, Wei Y, Gao Y, Mao L, Gu L, Tan YW, Zhong Y, Liu D, Sun S. (2017). The Important Role of Lipid Raft-Mediated Attachment in the Infection of Cultured Cells by Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Beaudette Strain. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 12;12(1):e**. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.**.
114.Jie Zheng, Yoshiyuki Yamada,To Sing Fung, Raymond Chia, Mei Huang, and D.X. Liu*. (2017). Identification of N–linked glycosylation sites in the spike protein and their functional impact on the replication and infectivity of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in cell culture. Virology In Press.
115.Yong Wah Tan, To Sing Fung, Hongyuang Shen, Mei Huang, and D. X. Liu*. (2017). Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Non-structural Proteins 8 and 12 Form Stable Complex Independent of the Non-translated Regions of Viral RNA and Other Viral Proteins. Virology In Press.
1. Yoon Ho Sup, D. X. Liu and Nguyen Quoc Toan. (2014). Anti-viral methods and the use of an anti-viral agent. PCT Patent Application No. PCT/SG2013/000329.
10.SP0056人体是怎样工作的,非生物专业本科生课程,新加坡南洋理工大学生物科学学院,教授专题:病毒和我们 (2014年-2015年)。
11.BS411当代微生物学和病毒学课题,本科和研究生课程,新加坡南洋理工大学生物科学学院,课程协调人并教授四个专题:RNA病毒和翻译调控; 病原体识别和先天免疫(1); 病原体识别和先天免疫(2); 病毒受体和入侵 (2011年-2015年)。

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