

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-22

1994年在东北农业大学获得兽医学博士学位,此后在南京农业大学兽医学院、美国阿肯色州大学等从事博士后研究。 2000年被晋升为教授。
学历及培训经历:(本科以上学历和博士后,时间倒序编写)2000年02月-2002 年12月 University of Arkansas, Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, University of Arkansas,USA 博士后 (Research associate)
1995 年 10 月-1998 年.02.月 南京农业大学动物医学院兽医博士后流动站 博士后
1992年 09月-1995年 06 月 东北农业大学动物医学系 博士研究生
1985 年09月-1988 年06 月 中国农业大学动物医学院 硕士研究生
1979年 09月-1983年 06 月 安徽农业大学畜牧兽医系 本科生
2000年01月~2000 年12月:访问****, University of Arkansas, Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, University of Arkansas,USA

研究领域:? 动物营养代谢病和中毒病
? 线粒体功能与代谢调控
? 小动物临床疾病诊断与治疗
承担科研项目情况:(请填写项目编号)? 主持国家自然科学基金项目“线粒体自噬在高铜诱导病理损伤中的作用”(**)(2016~2019)
? 主持国家自然科学基金项目“铜对肉鸡线粒体硫氧还蛋白代谢作用的研究”(**)(2009~2011)
? 主持国家自然科学基金项目“不同铜源对肉鸡肝线粒体代谢和功能的影响”(**)(2007~2009)
? 主持国家自然科学基金项目“线粒体代谢变化在反刍动物内毒素血症中的作用”(批准号**)(2004~2006)
? 主持国家自然科学基金项目“一氧化氮在反刍动物内毒素血症的作用”(批准号**)(2000~2003)
? 主持国家自然科学基金项目“自由基在反刍兽内毒素性休克致病中作用”(批准号**)(1996~1998)
? 主持教育部博士学科点专项科研项目“内毒素对肉鸡线粒体功能影响的研究”(项目编号)(2004~2006)
? 主持国家人事部中国博士后科学基金项目“内毒素对生物膜损伤机制的研究”(1996~1997)
? 主持广东省农业科技攻关项目“黄曲霉毒素对肉鸡线粒体代谢和细胞凋亡的影响”(2009~2010)
? 主持广东省科技攻关项目“矿物元素调控奶牛肢蹄病的研究”(2006~2007)
代表论著:(*通讯作者)1.Su R, Cao H, Pan J, Li C, Chen Y, Tang Z*.The Protective Roles of Selenium on Hepatic Tissue Ultrastructure and Mitochondrial Antioxidant Capacity in Copper-Overloaded Rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2015 Sep;167(1):110-4.
2.Shi D1, Liao S, Guo S, Li H, Yang M, Tang Z*.Protective effects of selenium on aflatoxin B1-induced mitochondrial permeability transition, DNA damage, and histological alterations in duckling liver. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2015 Feb;163(1-2):162-8.
3.Liao S1, Shi D, Clemons-Chevis CL, Guo S, Su R, Qiang P, Tang Z*.Protective role of selenium on aflatoxin b1-induced hepatic dysfunction and apoptosis of liver in ducklings. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2014 Dec;162(1-3):296-301.
4.Qin Zhang, Long Chen, Kai Guo, Liangyan Zheng, Bitao Liu, Wenlan Yu, Cuili Guo, Zhengwei Liu, Ye Chen, and Zhaoxin Tang*Effects of Different Selenium Levels on Gene Expression of a Subset of Selenoproteins and Antioxidative Capacity in Mice Biol Trace Elem Res. 2013 Aug; 154(2): 255–261.
5.Yan C, Wang K, Chen L, He YM, Tang ZX*. Effects of feeding an herbal preparation to sows on immunological performance of offspring. J Anim Sci. 2012, 90(11):3778-3782. (SCI=2.096)
6.Jia X, Chen L, Li J, Su R, Shi D, Tang Z*.Effect of copper chloride exposure on the membrane potential and cytosolic free calcium in primary cultured chicken hepatocytes. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012 , 148(3):331-5. (SCI=1.923)
7.Jin-Long Li,Hui-Xin Li, Xue-Jiao Gao, Jiu-Li Zhang, Shu Li, Shi-Wen Xu, Zhao-Xin Tang*. Priority in Selenium Homeostasis Involves Regulation of SepSecS Transcription in the Chicken Brain. PLoS One,2012,7(4):e35761 (SCI=4.411)
8.Xuexia Jia, Long Chen, Jingtao Li,Rongsheng Su, Dayou Shi & Zhaoxin Tang*. Effect of Copper ured CChloride Exposure on the Membrane Potential and Cytosolic Free Calcium in Primary Culthicken Hepatocytes.Biol Trace Elem Res (2012) 148:331-335 SCI=1.923
9.Li JL, Li HX, Li S, Gao XJ, Xu SW, Tang ZX*. Effects of Selenoprotein W gene e­xpression by selenium involves regulation of mRNA stability in chicken embryos neurons.Biometals. 2012 SCI=2.823
10.Shining Guo, Dayou Shi, Shenquan Liao, Rongsheng Su, Yuanchao Lin, Jiaqiang Pan, Zhaoxin Tang*. Influence of Selenium on Body Weights and Immune organ Indexes in Ducklings Intoxicated with Aflatoxin B1 . Biological Trace Element Research , 2012, 146(2): 167-170 SCI=1.923
11.Dayou Shi, Shining Guo, Shenquan Liao, Rongsheng Su, Mingsheng Guo, Nian Liu, Pengfei Li, Zhaoxin Tang*. Protection of Selenium on Hepatic Mitochondrial Respiratory Control Ratio and Respiratory Chain Complex Activities in Ducklings Intoxicated with Aflatoxin B1. Biological Trace Element Research . 2012, 145(3) : 312-317 SCI=1.923
12.Dayou Shi, Shining Guo, Shenquan Liao, Rongsheng Su, Jiaqiang Pan, Yuanchao Lin, Zhaoxin Tang* . Influence of Selenium on Hepatic Mitochondrial Antioxidant Capacity in Ducklings Intoxicated with Aflatoxin B1 . Biological Trace Element Research , 2012, 145(3) : 325-329 SCI=1.923
13.Guo SN ,Liao, SQ , Su, RS ,Lin, RQ , Chen, YZ , Tang, ZX* , Wu, H ,Shi, DY , Influence of Longdan Xiegan Decoction on Body Weights and Immune organ Indexes in Ducklings Intoxicated with Aflatoxin B-1 . JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, 2012, 11( 8) : 1162-1165 SCI=0.39
14.Shi, DY, Liao, SQ , Su, RS ,Lin, RQ , Guo SN, Lin, YC , Tang, ZX*. Influence of Selenium on Hepatic Antioxidant Capacity in Ducklings Intoxicated with Afatoxin B-1. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, 2012 , 11(7) : 1052-1055 SCI=0.39
15.Tang Z, Iqbal M, Cawthon D and Bottje W G. Heart and breast muscle mitochondrial dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension syndrome in broilers. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,2002, A132 : 527~540
16.Tang Z, Cawthon D and Bottje W G. Defects in heart and breast muscle mitochondrial electron transport of broilers with pulmonary hypertension syndrome. Free Rad Biol Med, 2000, 29:s25(abstract)
17.Iqbal M, Pumford NR, Tang ZX, Lassiter K, Ojano-Dirain C, Wing T, Cooper M, Bottje W. Compromised liver mitochondrial function and complex activity in low feed efficient broilers are associated with higher oxidative stress and differential protein e­xpression.Poult Sci. 2005, 84(6):933-41.
18.Iqbal M, Pumford N R, Tang Z, Lassiter K, Wing T, Cooper M, Bottje W. Low feed efficient boilers within a single genetic line exhibit higher oxidative stress and protein e­xpression in breast muscle with lower mitochondrial complex activity. Poultry Science, 2004,83 : 474~484
19.Bottje W, Tang Z X, Iqbal M, Cawthon D, Okimoto R, Wing T, Cooper M. Association of Mitochondrial function with feed efficiency within a single genetic line of male broilers. Poultry Science, 2002, 81: 546~555
20.Li JL, Li S, Tang ZX*,Xu SW. Oxidative stress-mediated cytotoxicity of cadmium in chicken splenic lymphocytes. Toxicology Letters, 2010,196(S1):S122. (SCI 收录,IF 3.479)
21.Li JL, Gao R, Li S, Wang JT, Tang ZX*, Xu SW. Testicular toxicity induced by dietary cadmium in cocks and ameliorative effect by selenium, Biometals. 2010,23(4):695-705. (SCI 收录,IF 3.172)
22.Jing Liua, Fengming Wu, Yuqing Liu, Tao Zhang and Zhaoxin Tang. The Effect of Melatonin on Mitochondrial Function in Endotoxemia Induced by Lipopolysaccharide. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci,2011, 24( 6 ): 857 – 866
23.Li JL, Li HX, Li S, Jiang ZH, Xu SW, Tang ZX*. Selenoprotein W Gene Expression in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Chicken is Affected by Dietary Selenium. BioMetals. 2010. DOI 10.1007/s10534-010-9395-0.(SCI 收录,IF 3.172)
24.Li JL, Ruan HF, Li HX, Li S, Xu SW, Tang ZX*. Molecular cloning, characterization and mRNA e­xpression analysis of a novel selenoprotein: avian selenoprotein W from chicken. Mol Biol Rep. 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s11033-010-0520-5.(SCI 收录,IF 2.038)
25.Rongsheng Su, Rongmei Wang , Huabin Cao。Jiaqiang Pan,Lijun Chen,Chengmei Li Dayou Shi,Zhaoxin Tang*. High Copper Levels Promotes Broiler Hepatocyte Mitochondrial Permeability Transition In Vivo and In Vitro. Biol Trace Elem Res,DOI 10.1007/s12011-011-9015-z
26.Rongsheng Su,Rongmei Wang, Shining Guo,Huabin Cao,Jiaqiang Pan,Chengmei Li,Dayou Shi,Zhaoxin Tang*. In Vitro Effect of Copper Chloride Exposure on Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Respiratory Chain Complex Activities of Mitochondria Isolated from Broiler LiverBiol Trace Elem Res,DOI 10.1007/s12011-011-9039-4
27.Cao HB, Li HP, Su RS, Guo JY, Li CM, Tang ZX*. Effect of high copper diet on activities of respiratory chain complexes in liver mitochondria of broilers. Chinese Veterinary Science, 2008 , 38(2) :155~159

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