本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-21
教授 性别: 男
博士 博士
全日制 2009-08 2013-10
硕士 硕士
全日制 2007-08 2009-06
学士 大学本科 理学
全日制 2001-09 2005-07
1. Xi Fu, Dan Norb?ck, Qianqian Yuan, Yanling Li, Xunhua Zhu, Jamal Hisham Hashim, Zailina Hashim, Faridah Ali, Qiansheng Hu, Yiqun Deng, Yu Sun*. Association between indoor microbiome exposure and sick building syndrome (SBS) in junior high schools of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Science of the Total Environment. 2020(IF:6.6) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141904
2. Yu Sun*, Xi Fu, Yanling Li, Qianqian Yuan, Zheyuan Ou, Torsten Lindgren, Yiqun Deng, Dan Norb?ck. Shotgun Metagenomics of Dust Microbiome from Flight Deck and Cabin in Civil Aviation Aircraft. Indoor Air.2020 https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12707(IF:4.7)
3. Xi Fu, Yu Sun*. Indoor microbiome and the rising asthma prevalence. EMJ Microbiol Infect Dis. 2020;1[1];51-56.
4. Xi Fu, Yanling Li, Qianqian Yuan, Gui-hong Cai, Yiqun Deng, Xin Zhang, Dan Norb?ck*, Yu Sun*. Continental-scale microbiome study reveals different environmental characteristics determining microbial richness and composition/quantity in hotel rooms.mSystems.2020 (IF:6.5) DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00119-20
5. Xi Fu, Yanling Li, Yi Meng, Qianqian Yuan, Zefei Zhang, Dan Norb?ck, Yiqun Deng, Xin Zhang, Yu Sun*. Associations Between Respiratory Infections and Bacterial Microbiome in Student Dormitories in Northern China. Indoor Air (2020) https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12677(IF:4.7)
6. Xi Fu, Dan Norb?ck, Qianqian Yuan, Yanling Li, Xunhua Zhu, Jamal Hisham Hashim, Zailina Hashim, Faridah Ali, Yi-Wu Zheng, Xu-Xin Lai, Michael Dho Spangfort, Yiqun Deng, Yu Sun*. Indoor microbiome, environmental characteristics and asthma among junior high school students in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Environment International. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2020.105664(IF:7.9)
7. Xi Fu, Qianqian Yuan, Yanling Li, Yu Sun*. A novel strategy to identify asthma-associated microbial clusters. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2020.01.007. (IF:14.1)
8. Ruqin Lin, Yu Sun, Peiqiang Mu, Ting Zheng, Haibin Mu, Fengru Deng, Yiqun Deng, Jikai Wen. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG supplementation modulates the gut microbiota to promote butyrate production, protecting against deoxynivalenol exposure in nude mice. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcp.2020.113868. (IF:4.8)
9. Zhangsheng Hu+, Yu Sun+, Jiongjie Chen, Yurong Zhao, Han Qiao, Ruohong Chen, Xianhui Wen, Yiqun Deng, Jikai Wen (2020) Deoxynivalenol globally affects the selection of 3’ splice sites in human cells by suppressing the splicing factors, U2AF1 and SF1, RNA Biology, 17:4, 584-595, https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**(IF:5.5)
10. Di Wu, Junhong Yan, Xia Shen, Yu Sun, M?ns Thulin, Yanling Cai, Lotta Wik, Qiujin Shen, Johan Oelrich, Xiaoyan Qian, K. Louise Dubois, K. G?ran Ronquist, Mats Nilsson, Ulf Landegren, Masood Kamali-Moghaddam. Profiling surface proteins on individual exosomes using a proximity barcoding assay. Nat Commun 10,3854 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-11486-1(IF: 12.1, 生物1区)
11. Yu Sun*, Yanling Li, Qianqian Yuan, Xi Fu. Identifying Composition Novelty in Microbiome Studies: Improvement for Prediction Accuracy. mBio. 2019:10. DOI: 10.1128/mbio.00892-19. (IF: 6.7)
12. Ruqin Lin, Yu Sun, Wenchu Ye, Ting Zheng, Jikai Wen, Yiqun Deng. T-2 toxin inhibits the production of mucin via activating the IRE1/XBP1 pathway. Toxicology2019: 424, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tox.2019.06.001. (IF: 3.5)
13. Yu Sun, Jikai Wen, Ruohong Chen, & Yiqun Deng. (2019). Variable protein homeostasis in housekeeping and non-housekeeping pathways under mycotoxins stress. Scientific reports2019, 9(1), 7819. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44305-0(IF:4.0)
14. Gao X, Mu P, Wen J, Sun Y, Chen Q, Deng Y. Detoxification of trichothecene mycotoxins by a novel bacterium, Eggerthella sp. DII-9.Food and Chemical Toxicology 2017: 112 (310-319) doi:10.1016/j.fct.2017.12.066. (IF: 3.78, 工程技术2区)
15. Yu Sun+, Jesper Svedberg+, Markus Hiltunen, Padraic Corcoran, Hanna Johannesson. Large-scale suppression of recombination predates genomic rearrangements in Neurospora tetrasperma. Nature Communications2017: doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01317-6. (IF: 12.1, 生物1区)
16. Yu Sun, Daniel Damarit, Siv GE Andersson. Switches in Genomic GC Content Drive Shifts of Optimal Codons under Sustained Selection on Synonymous Sites. Genome Biology and Evolution2016 Oct; 9(10): 2560-2579. (IF: 3.98, 生物2区)
17. Padraic Corcoran, Jennifer L Andersson,David Jacobson,Yu Sun,Peixiang Ni,Martin Lascoux,Hanna Johannesson. Introgression maintains the genetic integrity of the mating-type determining chromosome of the fungus Neurospora tetrasperma. Genome Research2016 26(4): 486-498. (IF: 11.9, 生物1区)
18.Yu Sun,Carrie A Whittle, Padraic Corcoran, Hanna Johannesson. Intron evolution in Neurospora: the role of mutational biases and selection. Genome Research2015 25(1): 100-110.(IF: 11.9, 生物1区)
19. Corcoran P, Dettman J, Sun Y, Luque E, Corrochano L, Taylor J, Lascoux M, Johannesson H. A global multilocus analysis of the model Neurospora reveals a single recent origin of a novel genetic system. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution2014 78:136-147.(IF: 4.4, 生物2区)
20. Carrie A Whittle, Yu Sun, Hanna Johanneson. Dynamics of transcriptome evolution in the model eukaryote Neurospora. Journal of Evolutionary Biology2014 Jun 26(6).(IF: 2.79, 生物3区)
21. Samils N, Gioti A, Karlsson M, Sun Y, Kasuga T, Zheng W, Li N, Townsend J, Johannesson H. Sex-linked transcriptional divergence in the hermaphrodite fungus Neurospora tetrasperma. Proc. R. Soc. B.2013 Jun: 280(1764).(IF: 4.94, 生物2区)
22. Yu Sun+, Padraic Corcoran+, Audrius Menkis, Carrie A Whittle, Siv GE Andersson, Hanna Johannesson. Plos Genetics. 2012 July; 8(7): e**. (IF: 6.1, 生物1区) (* co-first author)
23. Whittle CA, Sun Y, Johanneson H. Genome wide selection on codon usage at the population level in the fungal model organism Neurospora crassa. Mol Biol Evol. 2012 Aug; 29(8): 1975-86. (IF: 6.2, 生物1区)
24. Guy L, Nystedt B, Sun Y, N?slund K, Berglund E, Andersson SGE. A genome-wide study of recombination rate variation in Bartonella henselae.BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2012 May 11; 12(1): 65. (IF: 3.22, 生物2区)
25. Whittle CA, Sun Y, Johannesson H. Degeneration in Codon Usage within the Region of Suppressed Recombination in the Mating-Type Chromosomes of Neurospora tetrasperma. Eukaryotic Cell. 2011 Apirl 10;4;594-603.(IF: 2.99, 生物3区)
26. Whittle CA, Sun Y, Johannesson H. Evolution of synonymous codon usage in Neurospora tetrasperma and Neurospora discreta.Genome Biology and Evolution. 2011;3:322-43.(IF: 3.98, 生物2区)
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