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2017.12-2018.12,阿姆斯特丹自由大学,访问****,合作导师: 国际DNA光操控专家Wuits教授

2002/09-2005/06,江西师范大学,物理与通信电子学院应用物理系,硕士, 1998/09-2002/06,江西师范大学,物理与通信电子学院应用物理系,学士

通信原理, 现代通信实验,信号与系统,生物光子学导论等课程。

1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2016A,表面等离子多功能光镊在生物分子操纵、筛选及传感中的应用,2016/6-2019/6,10万元,已结题,主持
2. 广州市科技计划项目,6,基于光镊的金纳米棒生物传感器的实验研究,2016/4-2019/3,20万元,已结题,主持
3. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2014A,基于贵金属低聚体Fano共振增强双光子荧光生物传感器的理论和实验研究,2014/10-2017/10,10万元,已结题,参与

1. Jinyao Zhong, Zheng Xiao, Wenyue Liang, Yifei Wu, Qiaojue Ye, Haitao Xu, Haidong Deng, Liang Sheng, Xiliang Feng, and Yongbing Long*, Highly efficient and high peak transmittance colorful semitransparent organic solar cells with hybrid-electrode-mirror microcavity structure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(51) , 47992-48001 IF8.456, 工程技术类1区)
2. Zhengxun Xiang, Xiangshi Kong, Xubo Hu,Haitao Xu, Yongbing Long, and Haidong Deng*, Reconfigurable optical forces induced by tunable mode interference in gold core-silicon shell nanoparticles, Optical Materials Express, 2019, 9(3): 1105-1117IF2.4
3. Haidong Deng, Wenyue Liang, Yongbing Long, Broadband light harvesting enhancement of MoS2/Graphene bilayer solar cell via metal nanosquare arrays-dielectric-metal structure, Plasmonics, 2019, 14(3), 703-709IF2.3
4. Qiaofeng Dai, Min Ouyang, Weiguang Yuan, Jinxiang Li, Banghong Guo, Sheng Lan, Songhao Liu, Qiming Zhang, Guang Lu, Shaolong Tie, Haidong Deng, Yi Xu, Min Gu, Encoding random hot spots of a volume gold nanorod assembly for ultralow energy memory, Advanced Materials, 2018, 29(35), **IF25.8, 工程技术类1区)
5. Wenhao Huang, Shunfeng Li, Haitao Xu, Zhengxun Xiang, Yongbing Long, and Haidong Deng*, Tunable optical forces enhanced by plasmonic mode hybridization in optical trapping of gold nanorods with plasmonic nanocaviy, Optics Express, 2018, 26(5): 6202-6213IF3.6, 物理类2区)
6. Yongbing Long,Haidong Deng,Haitao Xu,Liang Shen,Wenbin Guo,Chunyu Liu,Wenhao Huang,Wentao Peng,Li Lixian,Hongji Lin,Chao Guo,Magnetic coupling metasurface for achieving broad-band and broad-angular absorption in the MoS2monolayer, Optical Materials Express, 2017, 7(1): 100-110
7. Yongbing Long,Liang Shen,Haitao Xu,Haidong Deng,Yuanxing Li,Achieving ultranarrow graphene perfect absorbers by exciting guided-mode resonance of one-dimensional photonic crystals, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 32312
1. 8. Haidong Deng, Xingyu Chen, Yi Xu*, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, Single protein sensing with asymmetric plasmonic hexamer via Fano resonance enhanced two-photon luminescence,Nanoscale, 2015, 7(48):20405-20413
2. Haidong Deng, Yuqi Yan, Yi Xu*,Tunable Flat-Top Bandpass Filter Based on Coupled Resonators on a Graphene Sheet,IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters, 2015, 27(11):1161-1164
3. 9. Haidong Deng,Jialing Xu, Yi Xu*, Refractive index sensing by using Fano resonance enhanced two-photon luminescence,Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2014, 8(5):427-430
4. 10. Haidong Deng*, Guangcan Li, Hai Li, Observation of the dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles induced by a focused laser beam by using dark-field microscopy,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2014, 363:103-107
5. 11.Haidong Deng,Guang-CanLi, Qiao-Feng Dai, Min Ouyang, Sheng Lan*, Vyacheslav A.Trofimov, Tatiana M.Lysak, Size dependent competition between second harmonic generation and two-photon luminescence observed in gold nanoparticles,Nanotechnology,2013,24(7):075201
6. 12.HaidongDeng*,HaiLi, Interaction and assembly of non-magnetic spheres and magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in magnetic fluid,Acta Physica Sinica, 2013, 62(12):127501-1-6
7. 13.Haidong Deng, Guangcan Li, Qiaoceng Dai, Min Ouyang, Sheng Lan*, Achanta Venu Gopal, Vyacheslav A.Trofimov, Tatiana M.Lysak, Role of interfering optical fields in the trapping and melting of gold nanorods and related clusters,Optics Express, 2012, 20(10):10963-10970
8. 14.Haidong Deng, Guangcan Li, Haicing Liu, Qiaofeng Dai, Lijun Wu, Sheng Lan*, Achanta Venu Gopal, Vyacheslav A.Trofimov, Tatiana M.Lysak, Assembling of three-dimensional crystals by optical depletion force induced by a single focused laser beam,Optics Express, 2012, 20(9):9616-9623
9. 15.Haidong Deng,Jin Liu, Weiren Zhao, Wei Zhang, Xusheng Lin, Ting Sun, Qiaofeng Dai, Lijun Wu, Sheng Lan*, Achanta Venu Gopal, Enhancement of switching speed by laser-induced clustering of nanoparticles in magnetic fluids,Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92(23): 2791
10. 16. Yongbing Long*, Yuanxing Li, Liang Shen, Wenyue Liang,Haidong Deng, Haitao Xu,Dually guided-mode-resonant graphene perfect absorbers with narrow bandwidth for sensors,Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics,2016,49(32):32T01
11. 17. Yi Xu*,Haidong Deng,Tunable Anderson localization in disorder graphene sheet arrays,Optics Letters, 2016, 41(3):567-570
12. YongxinLiu, Xuejun Yue*, Kun Cai,HaidongDeng, Ming Zhang, Microwave-assist hydrothermal synthesis and luminescence of NaGd(WO4):Tb3+phosphors: A case study for the energy saving in the synthesis of phosphors,Energy, 2015, 93:1413-1417
13. 18. Yi Xu*, Xiaomeng Wang,Haidong Deng,Kangxian Guo, Tunable all-optical plasmonic rectifier in nanoscale metal-insulator-metal waveguides,Optics Letters, 2014, 39(20):5846-5849
14. 19. Guangyin Liu,Haidong Deng,Guangcan Li,Lei Chen, QiaofengDai, Sheng Lan*, Shaolong Tie, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Large-Sized Gold Nanorods, Plasmonics, 2014, 9(6):1471-1480
15. 20. Fang Liu, Jingnan Wang, Pelin Huang, Qinyun Cao,Haidong Deng, Guang Shao*, David Y. B. Deng*, Wuyi Zhou*, One-step synthesis of magnetic hollow mesoporous (MHMS) nanospheres for drug delivery nanosystems via electrostatic self-assembly templated approach,Chemical Communications, 2014, 12(51):2357-2360
16. 21. Guangcan Li, Chengyun Zhang,Haidong Deng,Guangyin Liu, Sheng Lan*,QiQian, Zhongmin Yang, Achanta Venu Gopal, Efficient three-photon luminescence with strong polarization dependence from a scintillating silicate glass co-doped with Gd3+and Tb3+,Optics Express, 2013, 21(5): 6020-6027
17. 22. Lei Chen, Guangcan Li, Guangyin Liu, Qiaofeng Dai, Sheng Lan*,Shaolong Tie,Haidong Deng,Sensing the Moving Direction, Position, Size, and Material Type of Nanoparticles with the Two-Photon-Induced Luminescence of a Single Gold Nanorod, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117(39): 20146-20153
18. 23. Qiaofeng Dai,Haidong Deng,Weiren Zhao, Jin Liu, Lijun Wu, Sheng Lan*, Achanta Venu Gopal, All-optical switching mediated by magnetic nanoparticles,Optics Letters, 2010, 35(2):97-99
19. 24. Ting Sun, Zhicheng Fu, Weiren Zhao,Haidong Deng,Qiao-feng Dai, Lijun Wu, Sheng Lan*, Achanta Venu Gopal, Optical trapping and manipulation of magnetic holes dispersed in a magnetic fluid,Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107(9):094306

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