南方科技大学创新创业学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张煜群 助理教授 智能科学与工程
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
Fall 2016 Ph.D. in Software Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.
Dissertation: Modeling and Predicting Data for Business Intelligence
Spring 2010 M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA.
Thesis: Receiver-based Protocol Enhancements for Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
Fall 2008 B.S. in Communications Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.
Technical Skills
Systems: Windows, Linux
Languages: Java, C/C++, Python, R, Perl, XML, BPEL, SQL
Tools: Google App Engine, Eclipse, Git, Visual Studio, Matlab, Opnet Simulator, Om- net++ Simulator, Mathematica, NS2 Simulator, Tmote Sky Testbed
Academic Experience
2010-Present Research Assistant, The University of Texas at Austin.
In Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory under Dr. Dewayne E. Perry’s supervision. Conducting research projects in services computing.
2008-2010 Research Assistant, The University of Rochester.
In Wireless Networking and Communications Group under Dr. Wendi Heinzelman’s supervision. Conducted research projects in mobile ad-hoc networks and wireless sensor networks.
2011-Present Teaching Assistant, The University of Texas at Austin.
In the courses: Algorithms (undergraduate level), Data Structures (undergraduate level), Introduction to Software Engineering (undergraduate level), Software Metrics and Measurements (graduate level)
Awarded “Outstanding Teaching Award” in Spring 2014
Selected Projects
2015-Present Framework to Predict Inventory Metrics (R/Python).
Developed a framework that analyzes the data extracted from information system (e.g., ERP) logs. This framework applies data mining techniques to predict the future stock statistics by mining the historical logs of information systems.
2013–2015 Simulator of Data-Centric Business Process (Java).
Developed a tool that simulates real business processes by automatically generating data and formalizing them into flows. This simulator provides platform for end-users to evaluate their methods of improving the quality of data-centric business processes. One application of it is to evaluate an algorithm that realizes temporal improvement of business processes, indicating that it contributes more in heavy-load scenarios than in light-load scenarios
(averagely 20-50%)
2012–2013 Oracle ERP and BI Developments (Java, SQL, BPEL).
Designed the procurement, inventory, and order management processes of the ERP project in Oracle EBS systems for food industry. Designed and implemented over 30 forms and tables and their flow logics using Oracle Fusion Middleware. Further implemented the order management module of the BI project in Oracle BIEE. Built analyses and dashboards for interactive visualization.
2010–2012 Cross-Layer Energy-Efficient Protocol of WSNs (C/C++).
Developed Cross-layer protocols to realize energy efficiency for wireless sensor networks in both static and mobile scenarios. This protocol saves battery life (averagely 35%) and achieves better latency performance (averagely 28-46%) of wireless nodes by intelligently adjusting their duty cycles after they learn their instantaneous traffic patterns.
2009–2010 Stateless Routing Protocol of WSNs (C/C++).
Developed a routing protocol that operates without maintaining routing tables for wireless sensor networks. This protocol incorporates the information of wireless nodes in packet headers and builds network topology through packet switching. By designing specific collision-handling mechanisms, It can achieve desirable performance of packet delivery ratio, latency and overhead.
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