

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12



邮箱Email: zhangjh3@sustc.edu.cn; a_hong36@hotmail.com
中国南方科技大学,社会科学中心,副教授 Associate Professor, Social Science Centre, The Southern University of Science and Technology
2011, 澳大利亚国立大学博士学位(人类学)PhD (Anthropology), The Australian National University.
2004, 云南大学硕士学位(民俗学)Master of Arts (Folklore studies), Yunnan University.
1997, 云南大学学士学位(新闻学)Bachelor of Arts (Journalism), Yunnan University.
2015, 英文专著《普洱茶:古道马道和都市时尚》(华盛顿大学出版社2014) 获2015国际亚洲****大 会“最佳社会科学书奖”ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars), the Best Book in social sciences, July 2015, for Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic (University of Washington Press, Seattle and London, 2014).
Social and cultural anthropology (anthropology of food, material culture, globalization, cross-?? cultural identity)
Media and visual anthropology (history of visual anthropology and films; ethnographic filmmaking; integration of images and texts; anthropology of senses)
3、主要研究点:云南 、广东、台湾、澳大利亚
Areas: Yunnan, Guangdong, Taiwan, and Australia
2017年-今:中国南方科技大学社会科学中心副教授 Associate Professor, Social Science Centre, The Southern University of Science and Technology
2013-2016 澳大利亚国立大学中华全球研究中心博士后研究员Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University.
2004–2013 ?云南大学新闻系讲师Lecturer at Department of Journalism, Yunnan University.
1997–2001 昆明电视台记者编辑Reporter and editor, Kunming Television Station, Yunnan.
2014, Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press. (Awarded 2015 International Convention of Asia Scholars Book Prize, for the best book in social sciences.)
2017, (中文)已签订合同. 茶山、茶馆与江湖:关于普洱茶的人类学研究,北京:人民出版社
译作Translated book (from English to Chinese)
国家戏剧:埃及的电视政治 , 北京:商务印书馆 (第一译者) translated with Jianbin Guo 郭建斌, translated from Lila Abu-Lughod, Dramas of Nationhood: The Politics of Television in Egypt, 2005, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Accepted in December 2014.
期刊文章Journal Articles (已发表/接收,同行评审 Published, refereed)
2018, ‘A Transnational flow of art of tea: the paradox of cultural authenticity in Taiwan’. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 19 (1): 1-18.
2017, ‘Tasting tea and filming tea: the engaged sensory experience of the filmmaker’. Visual ? Anthropology Review 33 (2): 142-152.
2017, ‘茶會和葡萄酒會:中國當代消費之社會政治論述初探’. 中國飲食文化13 (1): 75-119.
2016, ‘流動、聚合與區隔:台灣茶藝發展中的矛盾和動力’. 台灣人類學刊 14 (1): 55-87.
2016, ‘重构的正宗性: 普洱茶跨时空的“风土”’. ?广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 48 (4): 22-33.
2012, The interaction between visual and written ethnography in subtitling, Visual Anthropology, 25 (5): 439-449.
2010, ‘正山茶的悔憾:從易武鄉的變遷看普洱茶價值的建構歷程’. 中國飲食文化6 (2):103-144.
2010, ‘Multiple visions of authenticity: Puer tea consumption in Yunnan and other places‘, Journal of ???? Chinese Dietary Culture, 6 (1): 63-106
2004, ‘田野合作中的期待:怒江茶马古道上的一次影视纪录分析’. 民族艺术研究3: 69-76.
2004, ‘神话的不完美崇拜’. 云南社会科学 3: 134-136.
期刊文章Journal Articles (已发表,非同行评审 Published, non-refereed)
2015, ‘Losses and gains to the anthropological soul’, The Newsletter no.72 Autumn: 31, Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies.
2014, ‘两次参与式教学的实践与反思’, 影视人类学论坛, no. 4: 17-22.
2012, ‘In between “the raw” and “the cooked”: the cultural speculation and debate on Puer tea in contemporary China’, Harvard Asia Quarterly, Spring/Summer, vol. XIV, no.1 & 2: 44-52
2003, ‘神话发展中的理性思維’, 玉溪师范学院学报, no. 5: 48-50.
书作章节Book Chapters
2012, Puer tea and rural transformation: a case study in Yiwu Yunnan [in English], Shiyuan Wang ed. Collected Works on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, vol.2, 80-97, Kunming: Yunnan ??? University Press.
2007, (中文)田野合作中的互视:怒江茶马古道上的一次影视纪录分析, 收录于郭建斌编辑,文化适应与传播, 第180- 198页,昆明:云南大学出版社,
网上发表Online Publications
2015, Wine-tasting Chinese Tourists in Australia’, The China Story Journal, Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU, 4 May, online at
2012, No good buttered tea, no good work’, New Mandala, 30 September, online at http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2012/09/30/no-good-buttered-tea-no-good-work/
2008, Puer tea: store with care’, New Mandala, 10 June, online at http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2008/06/10/puer-tea-store-with-care/
2006, Tea is a serious business, New Mandala, 14 July, online at http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2006/07/14/tea-is-a-serious-business/
书评Reviewed Articles
2015, Review of Cultural Heritage Politics in China, Tami Blumenfield and Helaine Silverman eds, New York: Springer, 2013, The China Journal, no. 73: 235-237
本人独立拍摄和制作的人类学电影Films shot and edited by me
2016, 放电影A Screening Journey, 60 minutes, 北京:民族音像出版社
2014a, Twice Puer Tea in Hong Kong, 15 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014b, Spring Harvest, 29 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014c, Visiting Yiwu, Tasting History, 30 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014d, Spring Tasting, 35 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014e, Authentic Tea, 24 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014f, Walking on Two Legs, 23 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014g, Tasting Ancient & Modern. 6 minutes. University of Washington Press.
2014h, Rough Production Process of Puer Tea in Yiwu, Stills Presentation. University of Washington ????? Press.
2014i, Fine Production Process of Puer Tea in Yiwu, Stills Presentation. University of Washington Press.
2012, The Taste of Puer Tea, 44 minutes, G?ttingen: G?ttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival, 9-14 May 2012.
2003, Action, Go! 39 minutes. Kunming: Yunnan University. M.A. Research Film.
(Films 2014a-i accompany my book Puer Tea, available to watch from the website of University of Washington Press: http://www.washington.edu/uwpress/books/Zhang_PUER_TEA_videos.html)
曾参与的电影项目Selected Film Projects I have participated
2012, 滇川藏大三角露天流动电影项目,调查及研究电影拍摄Researcher and filmmaker for Cinema and Social Change in the Triangle Area of Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet, Yunnan University.
2003, 2005, 2011. 云之南人类学影像展翻译、编辑及部分场次主持人Translator, editor and co-organizer for YUNFEST in Kunming, a leading film festival for documentary, ethnographic cinema and grassroots media activism in China.
2005, Project assistant and translator for film project Missionary Ancestors in Guizhou, directed by Andrew Pike, Ronin Films, Australia.
2003, 影片《德拉姆》场记Script clerk for Delamu, a documentary film about the Tea-Horse Road in Yunnan and Tibet directed by TIAN Zhuangzhuang, one of the 5th generation film directors in China.
2003-2004, Advisor, translator and second camera for The Art of Regret, a documentary by Judith MacDougall (a visual anthropologist from ANU) on contemporary photography practices in China.

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