

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12

王俊坚 wangjj at sustech.edu.cn

王俊坚博士于2015年获美国克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)植物与环境科学博士学位,随后两年在加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)环境核磁共振中心从事环境化学领域博士后工作。多年来一直从事环境地球化学方面研究,致力于开发并利用前沿的天然有机质与污染物分析方法,关注于全球变化与人为干扰对土壤与水体环境质量的影响机理。曾参与多项美国、加拿大、中国等国家级研究项目十余项,在全球变暖影响下的北极暖化、森林火灾频发、海平面上升等研究领域取得了一些创新性成果。在Environmental Science & Technology,Water Research,New Phytologist等环境生态类SCI期刊上发表论文26篇,其中一作或通讯18篇(17篇为JCR 1区),单篇平均影响因子大于5,引用>400次,H指数13,担任过美国自然科学基金评审人,长期担任20多个国际期刊审稿人。
2011-2015:美国克莱姆森大学—R.C. Edwards 杰出研究生奖学金、职业提升基金旅行资助奖学金、美国Phi Kappa Phi学会会员
2004-2008:华南理工大学—优秀毕业生、****志愿者、新大禹环境保护企业奖学金、优秀三好学生 、优秀共青团员、环境学院团委学生会之星

土壤学(Soil Science)
高级环境化学(Advanced Environmental Chemistry)
发表SCI论文26篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文18篇(17篇为JCR 1区),单篇平均影响因子大于5,引用>400次,H指数13(更新至2018年7月)。
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=Jr716AYAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
36. Kong, D.L.*#, Wang, J.J.#, Yang, F. and Shao, P.S. (2018) Rhizosheaths stimulate short-term root decomposition in a semiarid grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 640-641, 1297–1301.
35. Cao, C., Zhang, Q., Ma, Z. B., Wang, X. M., Chen, H.*, Wang, J. J.*, Fractionation and mobility risks of heavy metals and metalloids in wastewater-irrigated agricultural soils from greenhouses and fields in Gansu, China. Geoderma, 2018, 328, 1-9.
34. Wang, J.J., Lafrenière, M., Lamoureux, S., Simpson, A.J., Gélinas, Y., Simpson, M.J.*, Differences in riverine and pond water dissolved organic matter composition and sources in Canadian High Arctic watersheds affected by active layer detachments. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52 (3), 1062-1071.
33. CAO C., LIU S.Q., MA Z.B., LIN Y., SU Q., CHEN H.*, WANG J.J.*, Dynamics of multiple elements in fast decomposing vegetable residues. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616-617, 614-621.
32. WANG J.J., PISANI O., LIN L.H., LUN O.O.Y., LAJTHA K., BOWDEN R.D., SIMPSON A.J. and SIMPSON M.J.*, Long-term litter manipulation alters soil organic matter turnover in a temperate deciduous forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 607–608, 865-875.
31. ZHAND D., WANG J.J., NI H.G., ZENG H.*, Spatial-temporal and multi-media variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a highly urbanized river from South China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 581-582, 621-628.
30. KONG D.L.*, WANG J.J., ZENG H., LIU M.Z., MIAO Y., WU H.F., KARDOL P., The nutrient absorption-transportation hypothesis: optimizing structural traits in absorptive roots. New Phytologist, 2017, 213, 1569-1572.
29. CHOW A.T.*, PITT A.L., BALDWIN R.F., SUHRE D.O., WANG J.J., Water quality dynamics of ephemeral wetlands in the Piedmont ecoregion, South Carolina, USA. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 94, 555-563
28. WANG J.J., DAHLGREN R.A., ERSAN M.S., KARANFIL T., CHOW A.T.*, Temporal variations of disinfection byproduct precursors in wildfire detritus. Water Research, 2016, 99, 66-73.
27. CAO C., CHEN X.P., MA Z.B., JIA H.H. and WANG J.J.*, Greenhouse cultivation mitigates metal-ingestion-associated health risks from vegetables in wastewater-irrigated agroecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 560, 204-211.
26. KONG D.L.*, WANG J.J., KARDOL P., WU H.F., ZENG H., DENG X.B., DENG Y., Economic strategies of plant absorptive roots vary with root diameter. Biogeosciences, 2016, 13, 415-424.
25. WANG J.J., JIAO Y., RHEW R.C., CHOW A.T.*, Haloform formation in coastal wetlands along a salinity gradient at South Carolina, United States. Environmental Chemistry, 2016, 13(4) 745-756.
24. ZHANG D., WANG J.J., ZENG H.*, Differentiation of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons across urban density zones in Shenzhen, China: Mass inventory, source apportionments, and spatial risk assessment. Pedosphere, 2016, 26(5): 676-686.
23. WANG J.J., DAHLGREN R.A., CHOW A.T.*, Controlled burning of forest detritus altering spectroscopic characteristics and chlorine reactivity of water extractable organic matter: Effects of temperature and oxygen availability. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(24):14019-14027.
22. WANG J.J., DAHLGREN R.A., ERSAN M.S., KARANFIL T., CHOW A.T.*, Wildfire altering terrestrial precursors of disinfection byproducts in forest detritus. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49: 5921-5929.
21. MAJIDZADEH H.#, WANG J.J.#, CHOW A.T.*, Prescribed fire altered dissolved organic matter and disinfection by-product precursors in forested watersheds - Part I. A Controlled Laboratory Study. Book chapter in “Recent Advances in Disinfection By-Products”, 2015, pp271-292.
20. WANG J.J.*, THARAYIL N., CHOW A.T., SUSEELA V., ZENG H., Phenolic profile within the fine‐root branching orders of an evergreen species highlights a disconnect in root tissue quality predicted by elemental‐ and molecular‐level carbon composition. New Phytologist, 2015, 206: 1261-1273. (New Phytologist Editors' choice; commentary)
19. YU X.B., HAWLEY-HOWARD J., PITT, A.L., WANG J.J., BALDWIN R.F., CHOW A.T.*, Water quality of small seasonal wetlands in the Piedmont Ecoregion, South Carolina, USA: Effects of land use and hydrological connectivity. Water Research, 2015, 73:98-108.
18. DAI J.N., WANG J.J.*, CHOW A.T. CONNER W.H., Electrical energy production from foliar detritus in forested wetland using microbial fuel cell. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy, 2015, 7(2): 7: 244–252.
17. WANG J.J., CHOW A.T.*, SWEENEY J., MAZET J., Trihalomethanes in marine mammal aquaria: Occurrence, source and health Risks. Water Research, 2014, 59:219-228.
16. WANG J.J., LIU X., NG T.W., XIAO J.W., CHOW A.T.*, WONG P.K.*, Disinfection byproducts formation from chlorination of pure bacterial cells and pipeline biofilms. Water Research, 2013, 47(8):2701-2709.
15. ZHOU J., WANG J.J., Baudon A., CHOW A.T.*, Improved fluorescence excitation-emission matrix regional integration to quantify spectra for fluorescent dissolved organic matter. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2013, 42(3):925-930.
14. GUO Y.Y.#, WANG J.J.#, KONG D.L, GUO D.L., WANG Y.B., XIE Q.L., LIU Y.S.*, ZENG H.*, Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(20), 11465-11472.
13. CHOW A.T.*, DAI J.N., CONNER, W.H., HITCHCOCK D.R, WANG J.J., Dissolved organic matter and nutrient dynamics of a coastal freshwater forested wetland in Winyah Bay, South Carolina. Biogeochemistry, 2013, 112(1):571-587.
12. WANG J.J., NG T.W., ZHANG Q., YANG X.B., DAHLGREN R.A., CHOW A.T.*, WONG P.K.*, Reactivity of C1 and C2 organohalogens formation – from plant Litter to bacteria. Biogeosciences, 2012, 9(10): 3721-3727.
11. WANG J.J., GUO Y.Y., GUO D.L., YIN S.L., KONG D.L., LIU Y.S.*, ZENG H.*, Fine root mercury heterogeneity: Metabolism of lower-order roots as an effective route for mercury removal. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(2):769-777.
10. WANG J.J., ZHAO H.W., ZHONG X.P., KONG S.F., LIU Y.S.*, ZENG H.*, Investigation of mercury levels in soil around a municipal solid waste incinerator in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 64(4):1001-1010.
9. 朱文舟, 王俊坚, 曾辉*. 森林火灾对土壤及水体重金属浓度水平的潜在影响研究进展[Potential impact of forest fire on soil and water heavy metal concentrations: A review]. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36 (9), 2641-2649.
8. 刘泽睿, 王俊坚, 万师强, 曾辉. 氮素输入与降水增加对温带草原土壤金属元素库存的影响[Effects of nitrogen addition and increased precipitation on metal pools in temperate steppe, northern China]. 生态学杂志, 2016, 35 (5): 1125-1131.
7. 王俊坚, 赵宏伟, 钟秀萍, 刘阳生, 曾辉. 垃圾焚烧厂周边土壤重金属浓度水平及空间分布[concentration levels and spatial distribution of heavy metals in soil surrounding a municipal solid waste incineration plant (Shenzhen)]. 环境科学, 2011 (1): 276-282.
6. 贾慧慧, 王俊坚, 高梅, 魏建兵, 曾辉. 湿地水环境质量时空分异的影响因子[Factors affecting the spatiotemporal differentiation of wetland water environmental quality]. 生态学杂志, 2011, 30 (7): 1551-1557.
5. 李英汉, 王俊坚, 陈雪, 孙建林,曾辉. 深圳市居住区绿地植物冠层格局对微气候的影响[Effects of green space vegetation canopy pattern on the microclimate in residential quarters of Shenzhen City]. 应用生态学报, 2011, 22 (02):343-349.
4. 李英汉, 王俊坚, 李贵才, 曾辉. 居住区植物绿量与其气温调控效应的关系[Effects of green space vegetation canopy pattern on the microclimate in residential quarters of Shenzhen City]. 生态学报, 2011, 31 (3):830-838.
3. 王俊坚, 曾辉, 刘阳生. 甲烷液相制甲醇技术及机制研究进展[Recent advances in technologies and mechanism of catalytic oxidation of methane to methanol in liquid phase]. 环境工程, 2010 (S28): 351-355.
2. 钟秀萍, 王俊坚, 赵宏伟, 刘阳生, 曾辉. 垃圾焚烧厂周围优势植物的重金属污染特征研究——以深圳市清水河垃圾焚烧厂为例[Investigation of heavy metals pollution in predominant plants around a municipal solid waste incineration plant: A case study in Shenzhen Qingshuihe MSWI Plant]. 北京大学学报 (自然科学版), 2010, 46 (4):674-680.
1. 赵宏伟, 钟秀萍, 刘阳生, 王俊坚, 洪渊, 招康赛, 曾辉. 深圳市清水河垃圾焚烧厂周围地区优势植物的汞污染研究[Mercury pollution investigation in predominant plants surrounding Shenzhen Qingshuihe Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plant]. 环境科学, 2009, 30 (9): 2786-2791.
15. Wang J.J., Lafrenière M.J., Lamoureux S.F., Simpson A.J., Simpson M.J. Different dissolved organic matter characteristics between rivers and ponds in Cape Bounty, Canadian High Arctic. Poster in 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference, 2017.
14. Wang J.J., Pisani O., Lin L.H., Lun O.O.Y., Bowden R.D., Lajtha K., Simpson A.J., Simpson M.J., Long-term litter manipulation alters soil organic matter turnover in a temperate forest. Poster in Gordon Research Conference-Organic Geochemistry, 2016.
13. Wang J.J., Dahlgren R.A., Ersan M.S., Karanfil T., Chow A.T., Short-term temporal variation of disinfection byproduct precursors in wildfire-affected watershed. Poster in The Water Quality Technology Conference® and Exposition, 2016.
12. Jiao Y., Wang J.J., Chow A.T., Rhew R.C., Volatile halocarbons emissions through the interaction of saltwater intrusion and terrestrial organic matter along a salinity gradient in coastal southeast United States. Poster in ACS Fall Meeting, 2015.
11. Suhre D.O., Wang J.J., Miller D., Chow A.T., Conner W.H., Use of citizen scientists in sea level rise research. Poster in ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, 2015.
10. Wang J.J., Diaz F., Dahlgren R.A., Chow A.T., Temporal variation of chemical characteristics of soil and dissolved black carbon in surface soils after wildfire. Oral in ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, 2015.
9. Tharayil N., Wang J.J., Iversen C.M., Suseela V., Childs J., Chow A.T., Zeng H., Molecular-level phenolic composition of fine roots is modulated by soil resource environment and is decoupled from morphological and macro-elemental root traits. Oral in ESA Annual Meeting, 2015.
8. Liu Z.R., Wang J.J., Zeng H., Soil metal pool responds to experimental climate changes in a temperate steppe. Oral in AAG Annual Meeting, 2015.
7. Wang J.J., Chow A.T., Sweeney J., Mazet J., Monitoring trihalomethane levels in marine mammal aquaria. Poster in ACS Fall Meeting, 2014.
6. Wang J.J., Dahlgren R.A., Chow A.T., Impacts of the Rim Fire on disinfection byproduct precursors in forested watersheds. Oral in ACS Fall Meeting, 2014. (最佳研究生报告奖第一名)
5. Joe-Wong C., Chow A.T., Wang J.J., Rhew R.C., Myneni S.C.B., Sea level rise produces abundant organobromines in affected coastal environments. Goldschmidt 2014.
4. Wang J.J., Ng T.W., Chow A.T., Wong P.K., Photo bleaching of dissolved organic matter enhances abiotic greenhouse gas emissions but inhibits biotic emissions. Poster in AGU Fall Meeting, 2013.
3. Chow A.T., Conner W.H., Rhew R.C., Suhre D., Wang J.J., Sea level rise modifies biogeochemical cycles in forested wetlands in Winyah Bay, South Carolina. Oral in AGU Fall Meeting, 2013.
2. Chow A.T., Wang J.J., Conner W.H., Quantifying Fenton reaction contribution to greenhouse gas emission from coastal wetland soils. SWS annual meeting, 2012.
1. Wang J.J., Ng T.W., Zhang Q., Chow A.T., Wong P.K., Bacterial cellular materials as precursors of chloroform. Poster in AGU Fall Meeting, 2011.

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