
南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Narendra Singh

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Narendra Singh singhn at sustech.edu.cn

Brief Biography
Narendra Singh received his PhD degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University. Prior to joining SUSTech, Singh worked at Shenzhen University as a Postdoctoral researcher. His research work focuses on the recycling of waste electronics (e-waste), life cycle analysis (LCA), and to develop techniques for recovery of precious and critical metals from e-waste. He has published numerous science index journal paper in the field of environmental pollution and e-waste management.
2012-2016: PhD, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
2010-2012: MSc, Department of Environmental Science, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, India
2006-2010: BSc, School of Environment and Forestry, CSA University of Agriculture & Technology, India
Employment History
2019-Present, Research Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2016-2018, Postdoc researcher, Shenzhen University, China
Academic Awards
2016 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation grant
2016 Outstanding PhD Graduates in School of Environment, Tsinghua University
2012 Higher Study Scholarship (for Foreign Country) from Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
2012 Chinese government scholarship (CSC) award
2019 Excellent paper award, ICWMT-14. Beijing, China, Mar.20-24.
2018 Excellent oral presentation Award, ICWMT-13. Beijing, China, Mar.21-24.
2017 Excellent oral presentation and paper award, IconSWM, Hyderabad, India
2014 Excellent oral presentation and paper award, IconSWM, Hyderabad, India
Research interests
Hazardous waste management; Human health; Metal recycling; Sustainability; and Circular economy

10 Representative Publications
(ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Narendra_Singh48;
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=yS5jIGQAAAAJ&hl=en)
1. Narendra Singh, Huabo Duan, Oladele A. Ogunseitan and Jinhui Li. 2019. Toxicity trends in E-Waste: A comparative analysis of metals in discarded mobile phones. Journal of hazardous materials 380, 120898. (IF = 7.65)
2. Narendra Singh, Tang Yuanyuan and Jinhui Li. 2019. Uncovering Material Flow Analysis of Waste Cathode Ray Tubes Television in China.Waste Management and Research. 38(3), 871600 (IF = 2.015)
3. Narendra Singh, Huabo Duan, Fengfu Yin, Qingbin Song, and Jinhui Li. 2018. Characterizing the materials composition and recovery potential from waste mobile phones: A comparative evaluation of cellular and smart phones. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018, 6, 13016−13024 (IF = 6.14, citation = 1)
4. Narendra Singh and Jinhui Li. 2017. An efficient extraction of lead metal from waste Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) through mechano-thermal process by using carbon as a reducing agent. Journal of Cleaner Production. 148, 103-110. (IF = 5.7, citation = 5)
5. Narendra singh, Jinhui Li., Environmental Impacts of Lead Ore Mining and Smelting. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 878 (2014) pp 338-347 (citation= 8)
6. Narendra Singh, Jinhui Li & Xianlai Zeng. 2016. An Innovative method for the extraction of metal from waste cathode ray tubes through mechano-chemical process using 2[Bis(carboxymethyl) amino] acetic acid chelating reagent. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4, 4704-4709 (IF = 6.14, Citation = 7)
7. Narendra Singh, Jinhui Li & Xianlai Zeng. 2016. Global responses for recycling waste CRTs in e-waste. Waste Management 57, 187-197. (IF = 4.8, citation = 30)
8. Narendra Singh, Jinhui Li & Xianlai Zeng, 2016. Solutions and challenges in recycling waste cathode-ray tubes. Journal of Cleaner Production 133, 188-200. (IF = 5.7, citation 21)
9. Narendra Singh, Jiecong Wang & Jinhui Li. Waste cathode rays tube: an assessment of global demand for processing. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 31, 465-474. 2016. (Citation = 15)
10. Xianlai Zeng, Jinhui Li & Narendra Singh, 2014. Recycling of Spent Lithium-ion Battery: A Critical Review., Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 44, 1129-1165. (IF = 5.7, citation = 259)

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