Andrew HutchinsGoogle Scholar ResearcherID
副教授(研究员) 生物系 课题组网站
Andrew Hutchins 博士毕业于英国东安格利亚大学,曾长时间任职于新加坡基因组研究所和日本大阪大学的免疫学前沿研究中心。在来南方科技大学之前,任职于中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,进行多能干细胞重编程的分子障碍和重编程途径的研究,长期从事干细胞、转座子研究,细胞命运调控和转换研究,在生物信息学、计算基因组学、诱导多能干细胞和表观遗传学领域做出了系统与创新性工作。对于多能干细胞的研究有着丰富的经验,近5年来以第一作者或者合作作者身份,在Nature Communications,Cell Stem Cell,Nature Cell Biology,Nucleic Acids Research,Stem Cells,Blood, Cell Research等知名国际期刊发表文章40多篇学术论文。
个人简介Andrew Hutchins 博士毕业于英国东安格利亚大学,曾长时间任职于新加坡基因组研究所和日本大阪大学的免疫学前沿研究中心。在来南方科技大学之前,任职于中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,进行多能干细胞重编程的分子障碍和重编程途径的研究,长期从事干细胞、转座子研究,细胞命运调控和转换研究,在生物信息学、计算基因组学、诱导多能干细胞和表观遗传学领域做出了系统与创新性工作。对于多能干细胞的研究有着丰富的经验,近5年来以第一作者或者合作作者身份,在Nature Communications,Cell Stem Cell,Nature Cell Biology,Nucleic Acids Research,Stem Cells,Blood, Cell Research等知名国际期刊发表文章40多篇学术论文。
研究领域我们团队在hESCs 基础研究,hESCs 分化巨噬细胞,细胞重编程,先天性免疫细胞、转座子和细胞分化机制有着丰富的研究经验和研究成果,同时专注于下一代测序生物学数据的计算分析,以及基因组学、生物信息学分析等。
教学2016/2017春季学期 General Biology (本科生课程)
2017春季学期 Bioinformatics and Genomics (博士、研究生课程)
2017春季学期 Scientific Writing and Communication (博士、研究生课程)
学术成果 查看更多发表的论文著作
1.He J, Fu X, Zhang M, He F, Li W, Abdul M, Zhou J, Sun L, Chang C, Li Y, Liu H, Wu K, Babarinde IA, Zhuang Q, Loh YH, Chen J, Esteban MA, Hutchins AP. (2019). Transposable elements are regulated by context-specific patterns of chromatin marks in mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications. 10(1);34.
2.Guo L, Lin L, Wang X, Gao M, Cao S, Mai Y, Wu F, Kuang J, Liu H, Yang J, Chu S, Song H, Li D, Liu Y, Wu K, Liu J, Wang J, Pang G, Hutchins AP, Liu J, Pei D, Chen J. (2019) Resolving Cell Fate Decisions during Somatic Cell Reprogramming by Single-Cell RNA-Seq. Mol Cell, 73(4)815-829.
3.Li J, Huang K, Hu G, Babarinde IA, Li Y, Dong X, Chen Y, Shang L, Guo W, Wang J, Chen Z, Hutchins AP, Yang Y, Yao H. (2019) An alternative CTCF isoform antagonizes canonical CTCF occupancy and changes chromatin architecture to promote cell apoptosis. Nature Communications. Accepted.
4.Zhuang Q*, Li W*, Benda C*, Huang Z, Ahmed T, Liu P, Guo X, Iba?ez D, Luo Z, Zhang M, Abdul M, Yang Z, Yang J, Huang Y, Zhang H, Huang D, Zhou J, Zhong X, Zhu X, Fu X, Fan W, Liu Y, Xu Y, Ward C, Khan M, Kanwal S, Mirza B, Tortorella M, Tse HF, Chen J, Qin B, Bao X, Gao S, Hutchins AP#, Esteban MA#. (2018) NCoR/SMRT co-repressors cooperate with c-MYC to create an epigenetic barrier to somatic cell reprogramming. Nature Cell Biology. 20(4):400-412. *Co-first, #Co-corresponding
5.Yao M. Zhou X. Zhou J. Gong S. Hu G. Li J. Huang K. Lai P. Shi G. Hutchins AP. Sun H. Wang H. Yao H. (2018) PCGF5 is required for neural differentiation of?embryonic?stem cells. Nature Communications. 9(1);1463
6.Bao X*, Guo X*, Yin M, Tariq M, Lai Y, Kanwal S, Zhou J, Li N, Lv Y, Pulido-Quetglas C, Wang X, Ji L, Khan M, Zhu X, Luo Z, Shao C, Lim D, Liu X, Li N, Wang W, He M, Liu Y, Ward C, Wang T, Zhang G, Wang D, Yang J, Chen Y, Zhang C, Jauch R, Yang Y, Wang Y, Qin B, Anko M, Hutchins AP, Sun H, Wang H, Fu X, Zhang B#. Esteban MA#. (2018) Capturing the Interactome of Newly Transcribed RNA. Nature Methods. 15(3)213-220. *Co-first, #Co-corresponding
7.Li D*, Liu J*, Yang X*, Zhou C, Guo J, Wu C, Qin L, He J, Yu S, Liu H, Wang X, Wu F, Kuang J, Hutchins AP#, Chen J#, Pei D# (2017) Chromatin accessibility dynamics during iPSC reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell. 21(6):819-833. *Co-first, #Co-corresponding
8.Zhou Z, Yang Y, He J, Liu J, Wu F, Yu S, Liu Y, Lin R, Liu H, Cui Y, Wang X, Cao S, Guo L, Lin L, Wang T, Peng X, Hutchins AP, Pei D#, Chen J#. (2017) Kdm2b regulates somatic reprogramming through variant PRC1 complex dependent function. Cell Reports. 21(8):2160-2170. #Co-corresponding
9.Fu X, He F, Li Y, Shahveranov A, Hutchins AP# (2017) Genomic and molecular control of cell type and cell type conversions. Cell Regeneration. 6:1. #Corresponding
10.Hutchins AP#, Yang Z, Li Y, He F, Fu X, Wang X, Li D, Liu K, He J, Wang Y, Chen J, Esteban MA, Pei D#. (2017) Models of global gene expression define major domains of cell type and tissue identity. Nucleic Acids Research. 45(5):2354. #Co-corresponding
11.Andrabi M, Hutchins AP, Miranda-Saavedra D, Kono H, Nussinov R, Mizugichi K, Ahmad S. (2017) Predicting conformational ensembles and genome-wide transcription factor binding from DNA sequences. Scientific Reports. 7(1):4071
12.Li Q*, Hutchins AP*, Chen Y, Li S, Shan Y, Liao B, Zheng D, Shi X, Li Y, Chan W, Pan G, Wei S, Shu X#, Pei D#. (2017) A sequential EMT-MET mechanism drives the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells towards hepatocytes. Nature Communications. 8:15166. *Co-first, #Co-corresponding
13.Yang J*, Wang Y*, Zhou T, Wong L, Tian X, Hong X, Lai W, Au K, Wei R, Liu Y, Cheng L, Liang G, Huang Z, Fan W, Zhao P, Wang X, Ibanez DP, Luo Z, Li Y, Chen S, Wang D, Li L, Lai L, Qin B, Hutchins AP, Siu C, Huang Y, Esteban MA#, Tse H#. (2017) Generation of Human Liver Chimeric Mice with Hepatocytes from Familial Hypercholesterolemia Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports. 8(3):605-618. *Co-first, #Co-corresponding
14.Li H*, Lai P*, Jia J*, Song Y, Xia Q, Huang K, He N, Ping W, Chen J, Yang Z, Li J, Yao M, Gong X, Zhao J, Hou C, Esteban MA, Gao S, Pei D, Hutchins AP, Yao H. (2017) RNA Helicase DDX5 Inhibits Reprogramming to pluripotency by miRNA-based repression of RYBP and its PRC1-dependent and -independent Functions. Cell Stem Cell. 20(4):462 *Co-first authors
15.Huang K*, Gao J*, Du J*, Ma N, Zhu Y, Wu P, Zhang T, Wang W, Li Y, Chen Q, Hutchins AP, Yang Z, Zheng Y, Shan Y, Li X, Liao B, Liu J, Wang J, Liu D, Pan G (2016) Generation and analysis of GATA2w/eGFP human ESCs reveal ITGB3/CD61 as a reliable marker for defining hemogenic endothelial cells during hematopoiesis. Stem Cell Reports. 7(5):854-868. *Co-first authors
16.Pugacheva E, Teplyakov E, Wu Q, Li J, Chen C, Meng C, Liu J, Robinson S, Loukinov D, Hutchins AP, Boukaba A, Lobanenkov V, Strunnikov AV. (2016) The cancer-associated CTCFL/BORIS protein targets multiple classes of genomic repeats, with a distinct binding and functional preference for humanoid-specific SVA transposable elements. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 9(1):35
17.Xu Y, Zhang M, Li W, Zhu X, Bao X, Hutchins AP#, Esteban MA#. (2016) Transcriptional control of somatic cell reprogramming. Trends in Cell Biology. 26(4):272-88 #Co-corresponding
18.Zheng Y, Cai J, Hutchins AP, Jia L, Liu P, Chen S, Ge L, Pei D, Wei S (2016) Remission for loss of odontogenic potential in a new micromilieu in vitro. PLoS ONE. 11(4):e**
19.Wang L, Li X, Huang W, Zhou T, Wang H, Lin A, Hutchins AP, Su Z, Chen Q, Pei D, Pan G. (2016) TGFβ signaling regulates the choice between pluripotent and neural fates during reprogramming of human urine derived cells. Scientific Reports. 6: 22484
20.Ying Z, Chen K, Zheng L, Wu Y, Li L, Wang R, Long Q, Yang L, Guo J, Yao D, Li Y, Bao F, Xiang G, Liu J, Huang Q, Wu Z, Hutchins AP, Pei D, Liu X. (2016) Transient Activation of Mitoflashes Modulates Nanog at the Early Phase of Somatic Cell Reprogramming. Cell Metabolism. 23(1):220-6
21.Hutchins AP#, Pei D#. (2015) Transposable elements at the center of the crossroads between embryogenesis, embryonic stem cells, reprogramming and long non-coding RNAs. Scientific Bulletin. 60(20):1722-1733. (Featured cover article) #Co-corresponding
22.Hutchins AP#, Robson P#. (2015) Transcriptional Intricacies of Stem Cells. Cell Systems. 1(2); 100-101. #Co-corresponding authors.
23.Liu J, Han Q, Peng T, Peng M, Wei B, Li D, Wang X, Yu S, Yang J, Cao S, Huang K, Hutchins AP, Liu H, Kuang J, Zhou Z, Chen J, Wu H, Lin G, Chen Y, Chen Y, Li X, Wu H, Liao B, He W, Song H, Yao H, Pan G, Chen J, Pei D. (2015) The oncogene c-Jun impedes somatic reprogramming. Nature Cell Biology. 17(7):856-67.
24.Hatzihristidis T, Desai N, Hutchins AP, Meng T, Tremblay ML, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2015) A Drosophila-centric view of protein tyrosine phosphatases. FEBS Letters. 589(9):951-966.
25.Hutchins AP#, Takahashi Y, Miranda-Saavedra D#. (2015) Genomic analysis of LPS-stimulated myeloid cells indicates a common pro-inflammatory response but divergent IL-10 anti-inflammatory responses. Scientific Reports. 5:9100. #Co-corresponding
26.Bao X, Wu H, Zhu X, Guo X, Hutchins AP, Luo Z, Song H, Chen Y, Lai K, Yin M, Xu L, Zhou L, Chen J, Wang D, Qin B, Frampton J, Pei D, Wang H, Zhang B, Esteban MA. (2015) The p53-induced lincRNA-p21 derails somatic cell reprogramming by sustaining H3K9me3 and CpG methylation at pluripotency gene promoters. Cell Research. 25(1):80-92.
27.Pike KA*, Hutchins AP*, Vinette V, Theberge J, Sabbagh L, Tremblay M, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2014) Protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B is a regulator of the IL-10 induced transcriptional program in macrophages. Science Signaling. 6;7(324)ra43. *Co-first authors
28.Hutchins AP#, Dyla M, Jauch R, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2014) glbase: a framework for combining, analyzing and displaying heterogeneous genomic and high-throughput sequencing data. Cell Regeneration. 3(1):1. #Corresponding author
29.Liu L, Xu Y, He M, Zhang M, Cui F, Lu L, Yao M, Tian W, Benda C, Zhuang Q, Huang Z, Li W, Li X, Zhao P, Fan W, Luo Z, Li Y, Wu Y, Hutchins AP, Wang D, Tse HF, Schambach A, Frampton J, Qin B, Bao X, Yao H, Zhang B, Sun H, Pei D, Wang H, Wang J, Esteban MA. (2014) Transcriptional Pause Release Is a Rate-Limiting Step for Somatic Cell Reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell. 15(5):574-88
30.Zheng H, Hutchins AP, Pan G, Li Y, Pei D, Pei G. (2014) Where cell fate conversions meet Chinese philosophy. Cell Research. 24(10):1162-3
31.Diez D, Hutchins AP, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2014) Systematic identification of transcriptional regulatory modules from protein-protein interaction networks. Nucleic Acids Research. 42(1); e6
32.Bussières-Marmen S, Hutchins AP, Schirbel A, Rebert N, Tiganis T, Fiocchi C, Miranda-Saavedra D, Tremblay ML. (2014) Characterization of PTPN2 and its use as a biomarker. Methods. 65(2);239-46
33.Hatzihristidis T, Liu S, Pryszcz L, Hutchins AP, Gabaldon T, Tremblay ML, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2014) PTP-central: A Comprehensive Resource of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Eukaryotic Genomes. Methods. 65(2);156-64
34.Hutchins AP#, Choo SW, Mistri TK, Rahmani M, Woon CT, Ng CKL, Jauch R, Robson P#. (2013) Co-motif discovery identifies an Esrrb-Sox2-DNA ternary complex as a mediator of transcriptional differences between mouse embryonic and epiblast stem cells. Stem Cells. 31(2):269-281. #Co-corresponding
35.Aksoy I*, Jauch R*, Chen J, Dyla M, Divakar U, Bogu GK, Ng CKL, Herath W, Hutchins AP, Robson P, Kolatkar PR, Stanton LW. (2013) Oct4 switches partnering from Sox2 to Sox17 to reinterpret the enhancer code and specify endoderm. EMBO Journal. 32(7);938-953. *As co-first authors
36.Clarke M, Lohan AJ, et al., … Hutchins AP, … Miranda-Saavedra D, … Loftus B. (40 authors in total) (2013) Genome of Acanthamoeba castellanii highlights extensive lateral gene transfer and early evolution of pattern recognition and tyrosine kinase signalling. Genome Biology. 14(2):R11
37.Hutchins AP, Diez D, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2013) The IL-10/STAT3-mediated anti-inflammatory response: recent developments and future challenges. Briefings in Functional Genomics. 12(6);489-98
38.Hutchins AP, Diez D, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2013) Genomic and computational approaches to dissect the mechanisms of STAT3’s universal and cell-type-specific functions. JAK-STAT. 2(4);e25097
39.Hutchins AP*, Liu S*, Diez D. Miranda-Saavedra D. (2013) The repertoires of ubiquitinating and deubiquitinating enzymes in eukaryotic genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 30(5);1172-1187. *As co-first authors
40.Hutchins AP, Diez D, Takahashi Y, Ahmad S, Jauch R, Tremblay M, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2013) Distinct transcriptional regulatory modules underlie STAT3’s cell type-independent and cell type-specific functions. Nucleic Acids Research. 41(4):2155-2170
41.Hutchins AP, Poulain S, Fujii H, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2012) Discovery and characterization of new transcripts from RNA-seq data in mouse CD4+ T cells. Genomics. 100(5):303-313
42.Hutchins AP, Poulain S, Miranda-Saavedra D. (2012) Genome-wide analysis of STAT3 binding in vivo predicts effectors of the anti-inflammatory response in macrophages. Blood. 119(13):e110-e119
43.Jauch R*, Aksoy I*, Hutchins AP*, Ng CK, Tian XF, Chen J, Palasingam P, Robson P, Stanton LW, Kolatkar PR.?(2011) Conversion of Sox17 into a Pluripotency Reprogramming Factor by Re-engineering its Association with Oct4 on DNA. Stem Cells. 29(6):940-951.?*Co-first authors
44.Hutchins AP, Robson P. (2009) Unraveling the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Phosphoproteome. Cell Stem Cell. 5(2):126-128
45.Bush MS, Hutchins AP, Jones AME, Naldrett MJ, Jarmolowski A, Browning K, Lloyd CW, Doonan JH. (2009) Selective recruitment of proteins to 5′ cap complexes during the growth cycle in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 59(3):400-412
46.Hutchins AP, Roberts GR, Lloyd CW, Doonan JH. (2004) In vivo interaction between CDKA and eIF4A: a possible mechanism linking translation and cell proliferation. FEBS Letters. 556(1-3):91-94
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南科大的“国际面孔” ——自带英式“冷幽默”的生物学家2019-11-25
我校生物系Andrew Hutchins课题组在权威核酸研究杂志Nucleic Acids Research在线发表最新成果2019-11-25
南科大生物系Andrew Hutchins实验小组在自然杂志子刊《Nature Cell Biology》发表干细胞研究成果2019-11-25
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? ? ? ? 南科大生物系成立于2012年,在短短7年多时间里,吸引了一批海内外高尖端人才加盟,已初步建成了以资深教授领军,科研活跃和发展势头强劲的副教授为中坚力量,年轻助理教授为前锋的一支国际化高水平的教研序列队伍。生物系引进的教授序列全部具有博士学位,毕业于国际一流大学,在海外知名大学或研究机构从事过博士后研究,或在国际一流大学获得教职。其中的资深教授在加入南科大之前已经在境外著名高校或科研机构获得了终身教授的职位。此外,南方科技大学生物系还吸引了以年轻的博士、博士后组成的工程师团队辅助教学和科研工作的展开。教学与科研辅助人员逾300人。研究方向涵盖分子细胞生物学、神经生物学、植物生物学、系统生物学、结构生物学等领域,侧重生命科学前沿领域的基础研究以及与生命科学相关的应用基础研究,积极鼓励学科交叉。
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包雪阳GoogleScholarResearcherID助理教授地球与空间科学系助理教授,2001年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球物理学专业,2005年获中国科学技术大学固体地球物理学硕士学位,2011年获美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校地质学博士学位。2011年至2019年先后在美国波士顿大学、布朗大学和罗 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学艺术中心导师教师师资介绍简介-毕宝仪
毕宝仪GoogleScholarResearcherID教授艺术中心毕宝仪,南方科技大学艺术中心教授。旅德女中音歌唱家,中央音乐学院歌剧中心****,“东师****”讲座教授,马来西亚沙巴艺术学院学术顾问,德国魏玛莱瑞克歌剧中心****。中国农工民主党第十六届中央专委会委员;WodunikeCi演出 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学|医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-卞劲松
卞劲松GoogleScholarResearcherID教授,药理学系执行主任|医学院课题组网站卞劲松教授于2020年5月1日起全职入职南方科技大学医学院,担任药理学系教授,执行主任。之前在新加坡国立大学医学院药理学系先后担任助理教授、副教授(终身教职)博士生导师。在此期间担任新加坡国立大学药物研发 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12