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Oscar DahlstenGoogle Scholar ResearcherID

副教授 物理系
Oscar is an associate professor in the department of physics at SUSTech. He earned his master and PhD from the Imperial College London and then worked at ETH Zurich, NUS Singapore and Oxford University. Focusing on the role of information in statistical mechanics and the foundations of quantum theory, Oscar is one of the pioneers of the nascent single-shot approach to statistical mechanics. He is a proud father of three boys.
个人简介Research Interest
Quantum Information Theory
Information Thermodynamics
Energy Harvesting
Quantum Machine Learning
Foundations of Quantum Theory
Educational Background
2008 Ph.D. Physics Imperial College, London
2004 M.Sc. Physics Imperial College, London (first class honours)
1999 Bilingual International Baccalaureate Kungsholmens Gymnasium, Stockholm
Professional Experience
Jun 2017-Present Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Physics, SUSTech
Oct 2016-Apr 2017 Res. Assoc. QOLS, Physics Dept, Imperial College
Jan 2014- Apr 2017 Research Fellow Wolfson College, Oxford University (OU)
Jan 2013- Apr 2017 Lecturer St. Catherine’s College, OU.
Sep 2015- Apr 2017 Fellow London Inst. for Math. Sci.
Jan 2014-Sep 2016 Res. Assoc. Atomic and Laser Physics, OU.
Aug 2010-Dec 2013 Research Fellow, NUS Singapore and OU.,
Dec 2007-Aug 2010 Wissenschaftl.Mitarb. R. Renner group ITP, ETH Zurich
?2015 Fellow of London Institute for Mathematical Sciences
2014 Research Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford University
2003 Nuffield foundation grant for summer project in high-energy physics, Imperial/CERN
2002/3 Prize, Imperial’s Ideas Challenge & 3rd place team, Lee Kuan Yew global business plan competition
1999 Scholarship for academic excellence, Kungsholmens Gymnasium, Stockholm
Selected Publications
Lin, Y. L. and O. Dahlsten (2016). Tunnelling necessitates negative Wigner function. arXiv, arXiv:1607.01764.
Browne, C., T. Farrow, O. Dahlsten, and V. Vedral (2016). Organic molecule fluorescence as an experimental test-bed for quantum jumps in thermodynamics. Sent by editor of Nature Communications to referees.
Vidrighin, M. D., O. Dahlsten, M. Barbieri, M. S. Kim, V. Vedral, and I. A. Walmsley (2016). Photonic Maxwell’s Demon. Phys. Rev. Lett., Editors Sugg. 116 (5), 050401.
Dahlsten, Choi, Braun, Garner, and Vedral (2015). Equality for worst-case work at any protocol speed. Conditionally accepted in NJP, arXiv:1504.05152.
Dahlsten, O. C. O., A. Garner, and V. Vedral (2014). How uncertainty enables non-classical dynamics in an interferometer. Nature Communications (5), 4592.
Garner, A., M. Mueller, and O. Dahlsten (2014). The quantum bit from relativity of simultaneity on an interferometer. e-print, arXiv:1412.7112.
Yunger-Halpern, N., A. Garner, O. Dahlsten, and V. Vedral (2014). Unification of fluctuation theorems and one-shot statistical mechanics. e-print, arXiv:1409.3878.
Yunger-Halpern, N., A. Garner, O. Dahlsten, and V. Vedral (2015). Introducing one-shot work into fluctuation relations. New J. Phys. 17, 095003.
Dahlsten, O., C. Lupo, S. Mancini, and A. Serafini (2014). Entanglement Typicality. J.Phys. A. Math. Theor. 47, 363001.
Browne, C., A. Garner, O. Dahlsten, and V. Vedral (2013). Guaranteed energy efficient bit reset in finite time. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 100603.




学术成果 查看更多[34] Liu F, Zhang Y, Dahlsten O, et al. On intelligent energy harvesting. Eprint Arxiv, 2018, 1806.10989.
[33] Wan K H, Liu F, Dahlsten O, et al. Learning Simon’s quantum algorithm. Eprint Arxiv, 2018, 1806.10448.
[32] Halpern N, Garner A, Dahlsten O, et al. Maximum one-shot dissipated work from Rényi divergences. Physical Review E, 2018, 97(5).
[31] Akil A, Dahlsten O, Modesto L.Entanglement swapping in black holes: restoring predictability. Eprint Arxiv, 2018, 1805.09573.
[30] Akil A, Dahlsten O, Modesto L. A Firepoint at the Black Hole Singularity. Eprint Arxiv, 2018, 1805.04368.
[29] Lin Y, Dahlsten O. Tunnelling necessitates negative Wigner function. Eprint Arxiv, 2017, 1607.01764.
[28] Wan K, Dahlsten O, Kristjánsson H, et al. Quantum generalisation of feedforward neural networks. npj Quantum Information, 2017, doi: 10.1038/s41534-017-0032-4.
[27] Browne C, Farrow T, Dahlsten O, et al. Organic molecule fluorescence as an experimental test-bed for quantum jumps in thermodynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A – Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences, 2017, 473(2204).
[26] Dahlsten O, Choi M, Braun D, et al. Entropic equality for worst-case work at any protocol speed. New Journal of Physics, 2017, 19(043013).
[25] Vidrighin M, Dahlsten O, Barbieri M, et al. Photonic Maxwell’s Demon. Physical Review Letters, 2016, 116(5):050401.
[24] Garner A, Müller M, Dahlsten O. The quantum bit from relativity of simultaneity on an interferometer. Eprint Arxiv, 2016, 1412.7112.
[23] Halpern N, Garner A, Dahlsten O, et al. Introducing one-shot work into fluctuation relations. New Journal of Physics, 2015, 17(095003).
[22] Dahlsten O, Lupo C, Mancini S, et al. Entanglement Typicality. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 2014, 47(36):628-640.
[21] Browne C, Garner A, Dahlsten O, et al.Guaranteed energy-efficient bit reset in finite time. Physical Review Letters, 2014, 113(10):100603.
[20] Dahlsten O, Garner A, Vedral V.The uncertainty principle enables non-classical dynamics in an interferometer. Nature Communications, 2013, (5):4592.
[19] Dahlsten O. Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics inspired by modern information theory. Entropy, 2013, 15(12):5346-5361.
[18] Plesch M, Dahlsten O, Goold J, et al. Comment on “quantum Szilard engine”. Physical Review Letters, 2013, 111(18):188901.
[17] Dahlsten O, Garner A, Thompson J, et al. Particle exchange in post-quantum theories. Eprint ArXiv, 2013, 1307.2529.
[16] Garner A, Dahlsten O, Nakata Y, et al. A framework for phase and interference in generalized probabilistic theories. New Journal of Physics, 2013, 15(14):3925-3938.
[15] Egloff D, Dahlsten O, Renner R, et al. A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical mechanics. New Journal of Physics, 2012, 17(7).
[14] Müller M, Oppenheim J, Dahlsten O. The black hole information problem beyond quantum theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012, 2012(9):1-32.
[13] Plesch M, Dahlsten O, Goold J, et al. Measurement and Particle Statistics in the Szilard Engine. Eprint Arxiv, 2012, 4:6995.
[12] Dahlsten O, Lercher D, Renner R. Tsirelson’s bound from a Generalised Data Processing Inequality. New Journal of Physics, 2012, 14(6).
[11] Müller M, Dahlsten O, Vedral V. Unifying typical entanglement and coin tossing: on randomization in probabilistic theories. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2012, 316(2):441-487.
[10] Dahlsten O, Renner R, Rieper E, et al. Inadequacy of von Neumann entropy for characterising extractable work. New Journal of Physics, 2011, 13(5):053015.
[9] Del Rio L, Dahlsten O, Vedral V, et al. The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy. Nature, 2011, 474(7349):61.
[8] Gross D, Mueller M, Dahlsten O, et al. All reversible dynamics in maximally nonlocal theories are trivial. Physical Review Letters, 2010, 104(8):080402.
[7] Plato A, Dahlsten O, Plenio M. Random circuits by measurements on weighted graph states. Physical Review A, 2008, 78(4):144.
[6] Barnum H, Dahlsten O, Leifer M, et al. Nonclassicality without entanglement enables bit commitment. Information Theory Workshop, 2008. ITW ’08. IEEE. IEEE, 2008:386-390.
[5] Dahlsten O, Oliveira R, Plenio M. Emergence of typical entanglement in two-party random processes. Journal of Physics A General Physics, 2007, 40(28):8081-8108.
[4] Serafini A, Dahlsten O, Gross D, et al. Canonical and micro-canonical typical entanglement of continuous variable systems. Journal of Physics A General Physics, 2007, 40(31):9551-9576.
[3] Dahlsten O, Plenio M, et al. Entanglement probability distribution of bi-partite randomised stabilizer states. Quantum Information & Computation, 2006, 6(6):527-538.
[2] Oliveira R, Dahlsten O, Plenio M. Tunnelling necessitates negative Wigner functionReview Letters, 2007, 98(13):130502.
[1] Serafini A, Dahlsten O, Plenio M. Teleportation fidelities of squeezed states from thermodynamical state space measures. Physical Review Letters, 2006, 98(17).

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加入团队 物理系
?????? 南方科技大物理系于2011年与学校同时成立,致力于提供一流的物理学教育和顶尖的物理学研究。目前,物理系已具有物理学和应用物理学学士学位授予资格,并已获得物理学硕士、博士学位授权点,同时与北京大学、哈尔滨工业大学、香港大学、香港科技大学、新加坡国立大学等国内外知名高校长期联合培养硕士、博士研究生,与北京大学、复旦大学、武汉大学等高校长期联合设立博士后工作站。
?????? 物理系有一支年轻的科研教学队伍,含专职教师37人,其中讲席教授6人,教授6人,副教授17人,助理教授8人,另有研究序列教授20余位。有4位中科院院士(含双聘),3位国家****科学基金获得者,5位鹏城****。教师全部有国外与境外T100大学与研究所学习、工作的经历,全部具有博士学位。物理系现有二级学科凝聚态物理、理论物理、计算物理、光学,同时正在组建生物物理、天体物理、粒子物理。研究领域涉及物理各个方向,包括量子输运及调控、表面物理、计算物理、凝聚态物理理论、量子信息与量子计算等。
?????? 近年来,我系教师积极开展科研工作,发表高水平学术论文,逐步积累国际影响力。物理系教师共承担国家自然科学基金项目61项,科技部/教育部项目12项,广东省自然科学基金项目16项,深圳市项目52项,科研经费累计31481.73万元。另外,我系教师在 《Physics Review Letters》《Nature Nanotechnology》《Nature Physics》《Nature Materials》《Advanced Materials》《Journal of the American Chemical Society》等学术刊物上累计发表论文660余篇,其中以南科大为第一或通讯作者单位的文章333篇,体现了我系科研人员深厚的学养和突出的科研能力。南方科技大学承载了我国高校教育改革的历史重任,正向着国际化、高水平、研究型大学的方向快速发展,物理系紧跟学校步伐,做好中长期发展规划,努力奋进,不断增强自身的软硬件综合实力,力争保持前进势头,早日建设成为有世界一流水准的物理系。(数据截至2018年12月)


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