
南方科技大学理学院, 数学系导师教师师资介绍简介-李景治

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李景治Google Scholar ResearcherID

教授 理学院, 数学系
◆ 2009年,香港中文大学,数学系,获应用数学哲学博士学位;
◆ 2004年,武汉大学,计算机学院,获计算机科学硕士学位;
◆ 2001年,武汉大学,数学与统计学院,获数学学士学位。

◆ 2020年1月至今,南方科技大学,数学系,教授;
◆ 2012年6月至2019年12月,南方科技大学,数学系,副教授;
◆ 2011年9月至2012年5月,中国科学院,深圳先进技术研究院,助理研究员;
◆ 2009年9月至2011年8月,苏黎世联邦理工大学,数学系,博士后;
◆ 2004年9月至2009年8月,香港中文大学,助教。

◆ 2020年,南方科技大学,“双优”项目奖励
◆ 2019年,南方科技大学,“亮点”项目奖励
◆ 2016年,南方科技大学,“优秀科研奖”
◆ 2016年,南方科技大学,“优秀导师奖”
◆ 2013年,入选深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”(B类)
◆ 2012年,国家重点人才计划青年项目,数理学科
◆ 2011年,香港数学会,最佳博士论文奖

研究领域◆ 科学计算
◆ 有限元方法
◆ 反问题理论与计算方法
◆ 形状优化与微分形式统一理论
◆ 计算金融

教学2020 春 MA206 数学建模
2020 秋 MA216 计算金融

学术成果 查看更多43. Li, J.; Liu, H. & Ma, S.,
Determining a random schroedinger operator: both potential and source are random,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021. accepted
42. Li M.; Zhu L.; Li, J.*, Zhang K.,
Design optimization of interconnected porous structures using extended triply periodic minimal surfaces,
Journal of Computational Physics,?2021, 425, 109909(24pp).
41. Zhang, D.; Wang, Y.; Guo, Y. & Li, J.*,
Uniqueness in inverse cavity scattering problems with phaseless near-field data,
Inverse Problems, 2020, 36, 025004 (10pp).
40. Hu, G. & Li, J.*,
Inverse Source Problems in an Inhomogeneous Medium with a Single Far-Field Pattern,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2020, 52, pp. 5213-5231.
39. Klibanov, M. V.; Li, J.* & Zhang, W.,
Convexification for an inverse parabolic problem,
Inverse Problems, 2020, 36, 085008 (32pp).
38. Li, J.; Liu, H. & Sun, H.,
On an inverse elastic wave imaging scheme for nearly incompressible materials,
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2019, 84, pp. 229-257.
37. Li, J.; Liu, H. & Ma, S.,
Determining a random schroedinger equation with unknown source and potential,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2019, 51, pp. 3465-3491.
36. Klibanov, M. V.; Li, J.* & Zhang, W.,
Convexification of electrical impedance tomography with restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann map data,
Inverse Problems, 2019, 35, 035005 (33pp).
35. Klibanov, M. V.; Li, J.* & Zhang, W.,
Convexification for the Inversion of a Time Dependent Wave Front in a Heterogeneous Medium
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2019, 79, pp. 1722-1747.
34. Wang, G.; Ma, F.; Guo, Y. & Li, J.,
Solving the multi-frequency electromagnetic inverse source problem by the Fourier method,
Journal of Differential Equations, 2018, 265, pp. 417-443.
33. Hao, Y.; Kang, F.; Li, J.* & Zhang, K.,
Computation of moments for Maxwell’s equations with random interfaces via pivoted low-rank approximation,
Journal of Computational Physics, 2018, 371, pp. 1-19.
32. Zhang, D.; Guo, Y.; Li, J. & Liu, H.
Retrieval of acoustic sources from multi-frequency phaseless data
Inverse Problems, 2018, 34, 094001 (21pp).
31. Hiptmair, R. & Li, J.*,
Shape derivatives for scattering problems,
Inverse Problems, 2018, 34, 105001 (25pp).
30. Li, X.; Li, J.; Liu, H. & Wang, Y.,
Electromagnetic interior transmission eigenvalue problem for inhomogeneous media containing obstacles and its applications to near cloaking,
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2017, 82, pp. 1013-1042.
29. Li, J.; Liu, H. & Wang, Y.,
Recovering an electromagnetic obstacle by a few phaseless backscattering measurements,
Inverse Problems, 2017, 33, 035011 (20pp).
28. Wang, X.; Guo, Y.; Li, J. & Liu, H.,
Mathematical design of a novel input/instruction device using a moving acoustic emitter,
Inverse Problems, 2017, 33, 105009 (19pp).
27. Wang, Q.; Hou, Y. & Li, J.*,
Numerical design of FSHL-based approximate cloaks with arbitrary shapes,
Journal of Computational Physics, 2017, 333, pp. 142-159.
26. Guo, Y.; Hoemberg, D.; Hu, G.; Li, J.* & Liu, H.,
A time domain sampling method for inverse acoustic scattering problems,
Journal of Computational Physics , 2016, 314, pp. 647-660.
25. Jiang, X.; Li, J.*; Xia, T. & Yan, W.
Robust and efficient estimation with weighted composite quantile regression
Physica A, 2016, 457, pp. 413-423.
24. Chen, H.; Li, J. & Qiu, W.,
Robust a posteriori error estimates for HDG method of convection-diffusion equations,
IMA Numer. Anal., 2016, 36, pp. 437-462.
23. Li, J.; Li, P.; Liu, H. & Liu, X.,
Recovering multiscale buried anomalies in a two-layered medium,
Inverse Problems, 2015, 31, 105006(26pp).
22. Li, H.; Li, J. & Liu, H.,
On Quasi-static Cloaking Due to Anomalous Localized Resonance in $R^3$,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2015, 75, pp. 1245-1260.
21. Li, J. & Liu, H.,
Recovering a convex polyhedral obstacle by a few backscattering measurements,
Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, 259, pp. 2101-2120.
20. Li, J.; Liu, H.; Rondi, L. & Uhlmann, G.,
Regularized Transformation-Optics Cloaking for the Helmholtz Equation: From Partial Cloak to Full Cloak,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2015, 335, pp. 671-712.
19. Hu, G.; Li, J.* & Liu, H., & Sun H.,
Inverse Elastic Scattering for Multiscale Rigid Bodies with a Single Far-Field Pattern,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2014, 7, pp. 1799-1825.
18. Li, J.* Liu, H., & Wang, Q.,
Ground Detection by A Single Electromagnetic Far-field Measurement,
Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, 273, pp. 472-487.
17. Hu, G.; Li, J.* & Liu, H.,
Recovering complex elastic scatterers by a single far-fieldeld pattern,
Journal of Differential Equations, 2014, 257, pp. 469-489.
16. Li, J.; Liu, H. & Zou, J.,
Locating Multiple Multiscale Acoustic Scatterers,
Multiscale Modeling and Simulations, 2014, 12, pp. 927-952.
15. Li, J., Liu, H. & Wang, Q.,
Enhanced multilevel linear sampling methods for inverse scattering problems,
Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, 257, pp. 554-571.
14. Li, J., Liu, H., Shang, Z. & Sun, H.,
Two Single-Shot Methods for Locating Multiple Electromagnetic Scatterers,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2013, 73(4), pp. 1721-1746.
13. Li, J., Liu, H. & Wang, Q.,
Multiscale one-shot method for inverse scattering problems,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2013, 6, pp. 2285-2309.
12. Harbrecht, H. & Li, J.*,
First order second moment analysis for stochastic interface problems based on low-rank approximation,
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2013, 47, pp. 1533-1552.
11. Hiptmair, R. & Li, J.*,
Shape derivatives in differential forms I: an intrinsic perspective,
Annali di Matematica Puraed Applicata, 2013, 192, pp. 1077-1098.
10. Hiptmair, R., Li, J.* & Zou, J.,
Universal extension for Sobolev spaces of differential forms and applications,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2012, 263(2), pp. 364-382.
9. Hiptmair, R., Li, J. & Zou, J..
Convergence analysis of finite element methods for H(curl; Omega)-elliptic interface problems,
Numerische Mathematik, 2012, 122(3), pp. 557-578.
8. Hiptmair, R., Li, J. & Zou, J.,
Real interpolation of spaces of differential forms,
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2012, 270(1), pp. 395-402.
7. Li, J., Liu, H. & Sun, H.,
Enhanced approximate cloaking by SH and FSH lining,
Inverse Problems, 2012, 28(7), 075011 (21pp), Selected as ”Insights” article.
6. Li, J., Liu, H., Sun, H. & Zou, J.,
Reconstructing acoustic obstacles by planar and cylindrical waves,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2012, 53(10), 103705 (19pp), Selected as Cover article.
5. Li, J., Xie, J. & Zou, J.,
An adaptive finite element reconstruction of distributed fluxes,
Inverse Problems, 2011, 27(7), 075009 (25pp).
4. Li, J., Melenk, J. M., Wohlmuth, B. & Zou, J.,
Optimal a priori estimates for higher order finite elements for elliptic interface problems,
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2010, 60(1-2), pp. 19-37.
3. Li, J., Liu, H. & Zou, J.,
Strengthened linear sampling method with a reference ball,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2009, 31(6), pp. 4013-4040.
2. Li, J., Liu, H. & Zou, J.,
Multilevel linear sampling method for inverse scattering problems,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2008, 30(3), pp. 1228-1250.
1. Li, J. & Zou, J.,
A multilevel model correction method for parameter identification,
Inverse Problems, 2007, 23(5), pp. 1759-1786.

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