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王锐Google Scholar ResearcherID

副教授 电子与电气工程系 课题组网站
Dr. Wang received his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2004. Then he got Ph.D. degree in wireless communications at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2008. From 2009 to 2012, he was a senior research engineer in Huawei Technologies, Co., Ltd. Since 2012, he has joined the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) as associate professor.
Dr. Wang has research experience in both academia and industry. He has published over 30 papers in top-level IEEE journals and flagship international conferences, especially in the area of wireless radio resource optimization and interference management. Moreover, he also involved in the development of interference mitigation technology for 5G systems, and has contributed 20+ US patent application and 30+ Chinese patent application (20 of them have been granted).
个人简介Dr. Wang received his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2004. Then he got Ph.D. degree in wireless communications at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2008. From 2009 to 2012, he was a senior research engineer in Huawei Technologies, Co., Ltd. Since 2012, he has joined the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) as associate professor.
Dr. Wang has research experience in both academia and industry. He has published over 30 papers in top-level IEEE journals and flagship international conferences, especially in the area of wireless radio resource optimization and interference management. Moreover, he also involved in the development of interference mitigation technology for 5G systems, and has contributed 20+ US patent application and 30+ Chinese patent application (20 of them have been granted).



学术成果 查看更多I. Massive MIMO
[1] R. Wang, Yifan Chen, Qingfeng Zhang and Hai Wang, “A Stochastic Geometry Based Performance Analysis Framework for Massive MIMO systems with Data-Assisted Uplink Detection Scheme”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing.
[2] R. Wang, Y. Chen, H. Tan, and Q. Zhang “Data-assisted massive MIMO uplink transmission with large backhaul cooperation delay: scheme design and system-level analysis”, in 2015 IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (Globecom), pp. 1–7, Dec. 2015.
[3] Y. Li, R. Wang, Y. Chen, and S. Zhu “Exploiting Temporal Channel Correlation in Data-Assisted Massive MIMO Uplink Detection”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 430-433, Feb. 2017.
[4] Y. Li, R. Wang, H. Tan, Y. Chen, and Q. Zhang, ” Massive MIMO Uplink Scheme Design and System-Level Performance Analysis,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 3212-3230, 2018.
II. Stochastic Optimization of Info. & Commun. Systems
[1] Z. Han, H. Tan, G. Chen, R. Wang, Y. Chen, and F. Lau, ” Energy-efficient Virtual Machine Management in Cloud Data Centers via Approximate Markov Decision Process”, IEEE INFOCOM’16.
[2] R. Wang and V. K. N. Lau, “Delay-Aware Two-Hop Cooperative Relay Communications via Approximate MDP and Stochastic Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, pp. 7645-7670, Nov. 2013.
[3] R. Wang, V. K. N. Lau, and Y. Cui, “Queue-Aware Distributive Resource Control for Delay-Sensitive Two-Hop MIMO Cooperative Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, pp. 341-350, Jan. 2011.
[4] Y. Cui, V. K. N. Lau, R. Wang, H. Huang, and S. Q. Zhang, “A Survey on Delay-Optimal Resource Control for Wireless Systems — Large derivation Theory, Stochastic Lyapunov Drift and Approximate MDP using Distributive Stochastic Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 58, pp. 1677 – 1701, March 2012.
III. Robust Wireless System Design
[1] R. Wang, V. K. N. Lau, and Y. Cui, “Decentralized Fair Scheduling in Two-Hop Relay-Assisted Cognitive OFDMA Systems”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 5, pp. 171-181, Feb. 2011.
[2] R. Wang, V. K. N. Lau, and H. Huang, “Opportunistic Buffered Decode-Wait-and-Forward (OBDWF) Protocol for Mobile Wireless Relay Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, pp. 1224-1231, April 2011.
[3] R. Wang and V. K. N. Lau, “Closed-loop Cross-layer SDMA Designs with Outdated CSIT”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, pp. 1322-1328, March 2009.
[4] R. Wang, V. K. N. Lau, L. J. Lv and B. Chen, “Joint Cross-Layer Scheduling and Spectrum Sensing for OFDMA Cognitive Radio Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, pp. 2410-2416, May 2009.
[5] Y. Cui, V. K. N. Lau and R. Wang, “Distributive Subband Allocation, Power and Rate Control for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Cellular System with Imperfect System State Knowledge”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, pp. 5096-5102, Oct. 2009.
[6] R. Wang and V. K. N. Lau, “Combined Cross-Layer Design and HARQ for Multiuser Systems with Outdated CSIT in Slow Fading Channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, pp. 2771-2777, July 2008.
[7] R. Wang and V. K. N. Lau, “Robust Optimal Cross-Layer Designs for TDD-OFDMA Systems with Imperfect CSIT and Unknown Interference: State-Space Approach Based on 1-bit ACK/NAK Feedbacks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 56, pp. 754-761, May 2008.
[8] R. Wang and V. K. N. Lau, “Cross Layer Design of Downlink Multi-antenna OFDMA Systems with Imperfect CSIT for Slow Fading Channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, pp. 2417-2421, July 2007.
IV. Other Areas
[1] H. Zhao, Y. Chen, R. Wang, and H. Malik, “Anti-Forensics of Environmental-Signature-Based Audio Splicing Detection and Its Countermeasure via Rich-feature Classification”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1603-1617, July 2016.
[2] H. Zhao, Y. Chen, R.Wang, and H. Malik, “Audio splicing detection and localization using environmental signature”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 76, no. 12, pp. 13897-13927, June 2017.
[3] X. Xiao, H. Tang, T. Zhang, W. Chen, W. Chen, D. Wu, R. Wang, and K. Wang, “Improving the Modulation Bandwidth of LED by CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots for Visible Light Communication”, Optics Express, vol. 24, no. 19, pp. 21577-21586, 2016.

新闻动态 更多新闻
Sept., 2019: Joint works with Prof. Kai Wang "Effects of Injection Current on the Modulation Bandwidths of Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes" and "Modeling and analysis for modulation of light-conversion materials in visible light communication" are accepted by IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices and IEEE Photonics Journal, respectively.2019-09-18

August, 2019: Dr. Rui Wang joined the editorial board of IEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society.2019-08-18

June, 2019: Work "Optimal Caching Designs for Perfect, Imperfect and Unknown File Popularity Distributions in Large-Scale Multi-Tier Wireless Networks" led by Prof. Ying Cui is published on IEEE TCOM.2019-06-18

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