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吴健苹Google Scholar ResearcherID

研究副教授 前沿与交叉科学研究院
吴健苹博士拥有25年澳大利亚大学学习, 工作和博士生导师的经历。在西澳大利亚大学和科廷大学共指导了5位博士研究生顺利完成学业。引领了研究团队顺利完成多项澳大利亚国家级项目。她的研究方向主要集中于微创医疗诊断技术,3D成像和计算机智能识图技术的医学应用,关节骨骼肌及病理,听觉平衡系统及病理等。并在该领域有多个独创的成果。在博士期间成功开发利用了3D成像和计算机图像量化技术用于研究关节软骨微组织的机械性能和构建骨关节炎计算机量化及识别系统。得到同行专家的称赞和好评。出色的博士研究成果使她于 2006获得了竞争激烈的澳大利亚国家健康与医学研究委员会基金,成为该基金资助的研究员(NHMRC fellowship)和科廷大学高级研究员。她和与之合作的微创医学图像研究开发公司(Optiscan Pty Ltd of Asutralia)开发了高分辨率共聚焦关节内窥镜,用于无活体采样的实时早期关节炎和肌腱炎等的诊断。该显微镜技术以远超传统关节内窥镜,MRI,CT 和B超的分辨率而受同行专家好评。并成功用于诊断早期肌腱病。
2001-2006 西澳大利亚大学机械与化工学院生物工程博士
1983-1987 昆明理工大学机械工程学院机械工程学士
2018至今 ? ??
Associate professor, Academy of Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies & Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, China.
Adjunct senior research fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Western Australia.
澳大利亚科廷大学土木和机械工程学院兼职高级研究员, 博士生导师。
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, PhD supervisor, Curtin University, Australia.
2015 -2018
澳大利亚科廷大学土木和机械工程学院高级研究员, 博士生导师, 三维成像和生物工程实验室副主任。
Senior Research Fellow/Deputy Laboratory Supervisor, PhD supervisor, the laboratory of 3D Imaging and Bioengineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University.
Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UWA.
2012 - 2015??? ??
澳大利亚科廷大学土木和机械工程学院研究员, 博士生导师, 三维图像和生物工程实验室副主任。
Research Fellow/Deputy Laboratory Supervisor, PhD supervisor, the laboratory of 3D Imaging and Bioengineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University.
Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UWA.

2011 - 2012??? ??
西澳大利亚大学机械与化学工程学院研究员, 博士生导师, 三维图像实验室主任。
Research Fellow/Lab Supervisor, PhD supervisor, 3D Image laboratory, the School of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, UWA.
2006 - 2011
澳大利亚国家卫生和医学研究基金研究员, 博士生导师, 西澳大利亚大学机械与材料工程学院三维图像实验室副主任。 ???
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Research Fellow, PhD supervisor, Deputy Laboratory Supervisor of the 3D Image Laboratory, the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, UWA.
1995 - 2000??????????
Research Assistant, 3D Image Laboratory, the School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, UWA.
1987 - 1994??????????
Mechanical Engineer, Kunming Precious Metal Research Institute, Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation of China.
2017 – 2019 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Development Grant (associate investigator), project title: Superior surgical fixation using a novel orthopaedic expandable fastener, $414,000
2011 – 2014 Australian Research Council, Linkage Awarded $840,000 from the ARC and $667,633 from Orthocell, EBonz, and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital as an Australian Research Council Linkage grant for the project title: Bioengineered bioscaffolds for Achilles tendinopathy treatment” in partnership with UWA, University of Auckland and Griffith University. (Intensively participated in writing the grant and the only named research fellow in the grant), total $1,507,633.
2006 – 2010 NHMRC Industry Fellowship (sole investigator), project title: Developing confocal arthroscopy for in vivo visualizing the internal microstructure of articular cartilage for assessing early osteoarthritis, $362,000.
2010 UWA Research Development Award (sole investigator), project title: Studying Altered Mechanical Behaviour of Articular Cartilage in Relation to Disruption of the Articular Surface and the Collagen Matrix, $13,500.
2007 UWA Research Grant Scheme (sole investigator), project title: The Role of the Surface of Articular Cartilage in Maintaining Cartilage Matrix Integrity and Healthy Joints”, $25,000.
2006 Travel Grant Award, ANZORS.
2003 Travel Award, International Society of Biomechanics.
2001 – 2005 A PhD scholarship (UPA) with stipend & Dr Julian Hunka top up Scholarship, UWA.
1993 Award for Scientific and Innovative Achievement (Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Cooperation of China, formerly the Ministry of Mining and Metallurgy of China).
Citation: “this award was given to those who have made a great contribution in developing science and technology in China”.
Invited talks 邀请报告
The 4th Australia-China Biomedical Research Conference (ACBRC) and 2013 International Symposium on Ageing Biology and Diseases held in Hangzhou China, 2013.
Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Unit, Canberra Hospital, Australia, 2013.
The Key Laboratory of Space Biology in the Northwest Polytechnology University in China, 2012.
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Australia, 2012.
The 4th Japan-Australia-China Forum on Healthy Science and Bioengineering held in Kobe University, Japan, 2011.
The Department of Bioengineering at University of California at San Diego, USA, 2010.
Centre for Orthopaedic and Molecular Research, the School of Surgery, UWA, Australia, 2009.
Optiscan Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, 2007.
Biochemistry and Biomaterial Group, the School of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 2007.
PhD supervision 博士研究生指导经历
Completed? 已毕业博士研究生
2008-2012???? Dr Xiao Juan Duan (co-supervised with Professor Brett Kirk), UWA, Australia.
2009-2013???? Dr Bo He (co-supervised with Professors Brett Kirk and Jiake Xu), UWA, Australia.
2010-2014???? Dr Kuyu Wang (co-supervised with Professors Brett Kirk and Xiaozhi Hu), UWA, Australia.
2009-2010???? Dr Tao Wang (PhD preliminary and he won a PhD scholarship from UWA, co-supervised with Professors Brett Kirk & Minghao Zheng), UWA, Australia.
2013-2017???? Dr Xin Pang (co-supervision with Professor Brett Kirk), Curtin, Australia.
2013-2017???? Dr Alex Hays (co-supervision with Professor Brett Kirk), Curtin, Australia.
I have supervised and co-supervised more than 30 honours and final year students in UWA and Curtin University of Australia.?
Current PhD students 现读博士研究生
2014 - ????????? Mr Anas Almakhzoomi (co-supervision with Professors Brett Kirk and Garry Allison), Curtin, Australia.
2016 - 2019??? Ms Rebecca Boyanich (co-supervision with Professor Brett Kirk and Garry Allison), Curtin, Australia.
Overseas undergraduate teaching experiences 海外本科教学经历
2015 - 2018 ??Design of Mechanical Components, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University, Australia.
2004 - 2005 ??Metallography (lab demonstration); Thermal Fluid & Ricardo Engine lab (lab demonstration), the School of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, UWA, Australia.
2003 - 2005 ??Computer Aided Engineering Process & Material Selection (lab demonstration); Metal Sheet Process (lab demonstration), UWA, Australia.?????
2000 - 2003 ?Fatigue, Dynamics and Reliability in Mechanical Engineering, the School of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, UWA, Australia.
2006 -2007?????? Engineering Mechanics and Dynamics, the School of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, UWA, Australia.
Academic Services 学术服务
Journal Reviewer: for a number of journals, including Journal of Biomed Research International; Journal of Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics; Computational Biomechanics for Medicine; Scientific Reports.
PhD thesis reviewer for UQ, ANU and UNSW in Australia.
Grant Assessor for ARC and NHMRC in Australia.
Secretary of the Australia Chinese Association for Biomedical Sciences WA Inc. (ACABS, WA), 2011-2018.
Conference committee for the 4th Australia-China Joint Symposium on Science, Technology and Education in Perth in Dec 2012.
Conference committee for Cell Signaling and Translational Medicine, the 3rd Australian and China Biology Research Conference in Perth 2011.
A session chair of Biomechanics at IASTED International Conference, Austria, 2008.
Membership of Europe Orthopaedic Society, 2016, 2017, 2018
A member of Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society, 2006.
Member of Western Australia Chinese Scientist Association, 2010-.
I have been actively participating in university open days in UWA and Curtin over the years when I am in Australia.



学术成果 查看更多在博士期间成功开发利用了3D成像和计算机图像量化技术用于研究关节软骨微组织的机械性能和构建骨关节炎计算机量化及识别系统。得到同行专家的称赞和好评。出色的博士研究成果使她于 2006获得了竞争激烈的澳大利亚国家健康与医学研究委员会基金,成为该基金资助的研究员(NHMRC fellowship)和科廷大学高级研究员。她和与之合作的微创医学图像研究开发公司(Optiscan Pty Ltd of Asutralia)开发了高分辨率共聚焦关节内窥镜,用于无活体采样的实时早期关节炎和肌腱炎等的诊断。该显微镜技术以远超传统关节内窥镜,MRI,CT 和B超的分辨率而受同行专家好评。并成功用于诊断早期肌腱病。

团队成员 查看更多

加入团队 前沿与交叉科学研究院
团队研究方向: 1.模式动物行为学研究 1)听觉与平衡觉行为检测方法的研制 2)用于基因和药物筛查的听觉/平衡觉检测与评价 2.耳蜗动力学 3.神经系统模型研究 1)单个神经元通道动力学的模拟 2)多神经元网络信号传导和递质释放模拟


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