ures@sustech.edu.cn http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/ures/
Research Interests
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory
Ph.D. 1993 IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
B. S. 1990 University of the Republic, Uruguay
2016- present Professor of Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology
2002- 2016 Professor of Mathematics, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay
1995-2002 Associate Professor, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay
1993-1995 Assistant Professor, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay
1987-1993 Teaching Assistant, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay
·Simons Associate, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, since 2014.
·Researcher of the PEDECIBA (program of basic sciences, Uruguay) since 1994 (at the highest level since 2013)
Selected Publications
·A non-dynamically coherent example on T3, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 33, 1023-1032, 2016, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.
·Intrinsic ergodicity of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with hyperbolic linear part, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 140, 1973–1985, 2012.
·New criteria for ergodicity and non-uniform hyperbolicity, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 160, 599–629, 2011, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz, J. Rodriguez Hertz and A. Tahzibi.
·Tori with hyperbolic dynamics in 3-manifolds, Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 5, 185–202, 2011, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.
·Uniqueness of SRB measures on surfaces, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 306, 35–49, 2011, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz, J. Rodriguez Hertz and A. Tahzibi.
·Accessibility and stable ergodicity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with 1d-centerbundle, Inventiones Mathematicae, Vol. 172, 353–381, 2008, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.
·Partial hyperbolicity and ergodicity in dimension 3, Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 2, 187–208, 2008, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.
·A survey of partially hyperbolic dynamics, Fields Institute Comm. , Vol. 51, 35–88, 2007, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. RodriguezHertz.
·Minimality of strong stable and unstable foliations for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, Journal de l’Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Vol.1(4), 513–541, 2002, joint with C. Bonatti and L. J. Díaz.
·Partial hyperbolicity and robust transitivity, Acta Mathematica, Vol. 183, 1–43, 1999, joint with L.J. D′?az and E. Pujals.
·Abundance of hyperbolicity in the C1 topology, Annales Scientifiques de L’Ecole Normale Superieure, quatriéme série, t. 28, 747–760, 1995.