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袁斌,暨南大学环境与气候研究院教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为大气有机物的测量技术、来源、化学转化和环境效应研究。在SCI期刊发表论文60余篇,文章被引用2800余次。目前承担国家自然科学基金委面上项目、国家重点研发计划国际合作项目、国家重点研发计划子任务等项目,入选国家重大人才计划青年项目和广东省自然科学****基金项目,作为核心成员入选广东省“珠江人才计划”创新创业团队,获中国环境科学学会青年科学家奖(优秀奖)、中国环境科学学会VOCs专委会青年学术创新奖、美国科罗拉多州长高影响力研究奖、美国NOAA杰出科学论文奖和北京大学优秀博士论文等奖励。目前担任Atmospheric Measurement Techniques期刊(IF=3.40)、Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE)(IF=3.88)和Atmosphere编委会成员。
2017.09- 暨南大学环境与气候研究院 教授
2017.04-2017.08瑞士保罗谢尔研究所(PSI) 研究科学家
2013.10-2017.04 美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)地球系统研究实验室(ESRL)博士后
2012.10-2013.09 美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)地球系统研究实验室(ESRL)美国国家委员会(NRC)资助博士后
2003.09-2007.07 北京大学 理学和经济学学士学位





4. 美国NOAA杰出科学论文奖(NOAA OAR Outstanding Scientific Paper Award),2017
5. 科罗拉多州长高影响力研究奖(Colorado Governor's Award for High-Impact Research),2014
6. 美国国家研究委员会研究助理奖研金(NRC Research Associateship Program),2012
7. 北京大学优秀博士论文,2012


1. Wang, Z., Yuan, B.*, Ye, C., Roberts, J., Wisthaler, A., Lin, Y., Li, T., Wu, C., Peng, Y., Wang, C., Wang, S., Yang, S., Wang, B., Qi, J., Wang, C., Song, W., Hu, W., Wang, X., Xu, W., Ma, N., Kuang, Y., Tao, J., Zhang, Z., Su, H., Cheng, Y., Wang, X., and Shao, M.*: High Concentrations of Atmospheric Isocyanic Acid (HNCO) Produced from Secondary Sources in China, Environ Sci Technol, 54, 11818-11826, 2020.
2. Wang, C., Yuan, B.*, Wu, C., Wang, S., Qi, J., Wang, B., Wang, Z., Hu, W., Chen, W., Ye, C., Wang, W., Sun, Y., Wang, C., Huang, S., Song, W., Wang, X., Yang, S., Zhang, S., Xu, W., Ma, N., Zhang, Z., Jiang, B., Su, H., Cheng, Y., Wang, X., and Shao, M.*: Measurements of higher alkanes using NO+ chemical ionization in PTR-ToF-MS: important contributions of higher alkanes to secondary organic aerosols in China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 14123-14138, 2020.
3. Wu, C., Wang, C., Wang, S., Wang, W., Yuan, B.*, Qi, J., Wang, B., Wang, H., Wang, C., Song, W., Wang, X., Hu, W., Lou, S., Ye, C., Peng, Y., Wang, Z., Huangfu, Y., Xie, Y., Zhu, M., Zheng, J., Wang, X., Jiang, B., Zhang, Z., and Shao, M.*: Measurement report: Important contributions of oxygenated compounds to emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds in urban air, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 14769-14785, 2020.
4. Mo, Z., Huang, S.*, Yuan, B.*, Pei, C., Song, Q., Qi, J., Wang, M., Wang, B., Wang, C., Li, M., Zhang, Q., and Shao, M.: Deriving emission fluxes of volatile organic compounds from tower observation in the Pearl River Delta, China, Science of The Total Environment, 741, 139763, 2020.
5. Yuan, B.*, Koss, A. R., Warneke, C.*, Coggon, M., Sekimoto, K., and de Gouw, J. A.*: Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry: Applications in Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Reviews, 117, 13187-13229, 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00325, 2017.
6. Yuan, B.*, Coggon, M. M., Koss, A. R., Warneke, C., Eilerman, S., Peischl, J., Aikin, K. C., Ryerson, T. B., and de Gouw, J. A.: Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs): chemical compositions and separation of sources, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 4945-4956, 2017.
7. Yuan, B.*, Koss, A., Warneke, C., Gilman, J. B., Lerner, B. M., Stark, H., and de Gouw, J. A., A high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer utilizing hydronium ions (H3O+ToF-CIMS) for measurements of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2735-2752, 2016.
8. Yuan, B.*, Liggio, J., Wentzell, J., Li, S. M., Stark, H., Roberts, J. M., Gilman, J., Lerner, B., Warneke, C., Li, R., Leithead, A., Osthoff, H. D., Wild, R., Brown, S. S., and de Gouw, J. A.,Secondary formation of nitrated phenols: insights from observations during the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study (UBWOS) 2014,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2139-2153, 2016.
9. Yuan, B.*, Kaser, L., Karl, T., Graus, M., Peischl, J., Campos, T. L., Shertz, S., Apel, E. C., Hornbrook, R. S., Hills, A., Gilman, J. B., Lerner, B. M., Warneke, C., Flocke, F. M., Ryerson, T. B., Guenther, A. B., and de Gouw, J. A., Airborne flux measurements of methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) over the Haynesville and Marcellus shale gas production regions, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 6271-6289, 2015.
10. Yuan, B.*, Veres, P. R., Warneke, C., Roberts, J. M., Gilman, J. B., Koss, A., Edwards, P. M., Graus, M., Kuster, W. C., Li, S. M., Wild, R. J., Brown, S. S., Dubé, W. P., Lerner, B. M., Williams, E. J., Johnson, J. E., Quinn, P. K., Bates, T. S., Lefer, B., Hayes, P. L., Jimenez, J. L., Weber, R. J., Zamora, R., Ervens, B., Millet, D. B., Rappenglück, B., and de Gouw, J. A., Investigation of secondary formation of formic acid: urban environment vs. oil and gas producing region, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1975-1993, 2015.
11. Yuan, B.*,Warneke, C., Shao, M., and de Gouw, J. A.: Interpretation of volatile organic compound measurements by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry over the deepwater horizon oil spill, Int. J. Mass Spec., 358, 43-48, 2014.
12. Yuan, B.,Hu, W. W., Shao, M.*, Wang, M., Chen, W. T., Lu, S. H., Zeng, L. M., and Hu, M., VOC emissions, evolutions and contributions to SOA formation at a receptor site in eastern China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 8815-8832, 2013.
13. Yuan, B., Shao, M.*, de Gouw, J., Parrish, D. D., Lu, S., Wang, M., Zeng, L., Zhang, Q., Song, Y., Zhang, J., and Hu, M., Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban air: How chemistry affects the interpretation of positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis. J. Geophys. Res. 117, D24302, 10.1029/2012jd018236, 2012 (Chosen as Editors’ Highlights, http://tinyurl.com/q93aerc).
14. Yuan, B.,Chen, W. T., Shao, M.*, Wang, M., Lu, S. H., Wang, B., Liu, Y., Chang, C. C., and Wang, B. G., Measurements of ambient hydrocarbons and carbonyls in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China, Atmos. Res., 116, 93-104, 2012.
15. Yuan, B.,Shao, M.*, Lu, S., and Wang, B.: Source profiles of volatile organic compounds associated with solvent use in Beijing, China, Atmos. Environ., 44, 1919-1926, 2010.
16. Yuan, B.,Liu, Y., Shao, M.*, Lu, S., and Streets, D. G., Biomass Burning Contributions to Ambient VOCs Species at a Receptor Site in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 4577-4582, 2010.
17. Cai, M., Liang, B., Sun, Q., Zhou, S., Chen, X., Yuan, B., Shao, M., Tan, H., and Zhao, J.: Effects of continental emissions on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity in the northern South China Sea during summertime 2018, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 9153-9167, 2020.
18. Kuang, Y., He, Y., Xu, W., Yuan, B., Zhang, G., Ma, Z., Wu, C., Wang, C., Wang, S., Zhang, S., Tao, J., Ma, N., Su, H., Cheng, Y., Shao, M., and Sun, Y.: Photochemical Aqueous-Phase Reactions Induce Rapid Daytime Formation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosol on the North China Plain, Environ Sci Technol, 54, 3849-3860, 2020.
19. Li, G., Su, H., Ma, N., Tao, J., Kuang, Y., Wang, Q., Hong, J., Zhang, Y., Kuhn, U., Zhang, S., Pan, X., Lu, N., Tang, M., Zheng, G., Wang, Z., Gao, Y., Cheng, P., Xu, W., Zhou, G., Zhao, C., Yuan, B., Shao, M., Ding, A., Zhang, Q., Fu, P., Sun, Y., P?schl, U., and Cheng, Y.: Multiphase chemistry experiment in Fogs and Aerosols in the North China Plain (McFAN): integrated analysis and intensive winter campaign 2018, Faraday Discuss, 10.1039/D0FD00099J, 2020.
20. Roberts, J. M., Stockwell, C. E., Yokelson, R. J., de Gouw, J., Liu, Y., Selimovic, V., Koss, A. R., Sekimoto, K., Coggon, M. M., Yuan, B., Zarzana, K. J., Brown, S. S., Santin, C., Doerr, S. H., and Warneke, C.: The nitrogen budget of laboratory-simulated western US wildfires during the FIREX 2016 Fire Lab study, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8807-8826, 2020.
21. Wang, H., Wang, Q., Gao, Y., Zhou, M., Jing, S., Qiao, L., Yuan, B., Huang, D., Huang, C., Lou, S., Yan, R., Gouw, J. A., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Chen, C., Tao, S., An, J., and Li, Y.: Estimation of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation During a Photochemical Smog Episode in Shanghai, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032033, 10.1029/2019jd032033, 2020.
22. Xu, W., Kuang, Y., Bian, Y., Liu, L., Li, F., Wang, Y., Xue, B., Luo, B., Huang, S., Yuan, B., Zhao, P., and Shao, M.: Current Challenges in Visibility Improvement in Southern China, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 7, 395-401, 2020.
23. Yan, F., Chen, W., Jia, S., Zhong, B., Yang, L., Mao, J., Chang, M., Shao, M., Yuan, B., Situ, S., Wang, X., Chen, D., and Wang, X.: Stabilization for the secondary species contribution to PM2.5 in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) over the past decade, China: A meta-analysis, Atmospheric Environment, 117817, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117817, 2020.
24. Li, X.-B., Fan, G., Lou, S., Yuan, B., Wang, X., and Shao, M.: Transport and boundary layer interaction contribution to extremely high surface ozone levels in eastern China, Environmental Pollution, 268, 115804, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115804, 2021.
25. Coggon, M. M., Lim, C. Y., Koss, A. R., Sekimoto, K., Yuan, B., Gilman, J. B., Hagan, D. H., Selimovic, V., Zarzana, K. J., Brown, S. S., Roberts, J. M., Müller, M., Yokelson, R., Wisthaler, A., Krechmer, J. E., Jimenez, J. L., Cappa, C., Kroll, J. H., de Gouw, J., and Warneke, C.: OH chemistry of non-methane organic gases (NMOGs) emitted from laboratory and ambient biomass burning smoke: evaluating the influence of furans and oxygenated aromatics on ozone and secondary NMOG formation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 14875-14899, 2019.
26. Womack, C. C., McDuffie, E. E., Edwards, P. M., Bares, R., Gouw, J. A., Docherty, K. S., Dubé, W. P., Fibiger, D. L., Franchin, A., Gilman, J. B., Goldberger, L., Lee, B. H., Lin, J. C., Long, R., Middlebrook, A. M., Millet, D. B., Moravek, A., Murphy, J. G., Quinn, P. K., Riedel, T. P., Roberts, J. M., Thornton, J. A., Valin, L. C., Veres, P. R., Whitehill, A. R., Wild, R. J., Warneke, C., Yuan, B., Baasandorj, M., and Brown, S. S., An Odd Oxygen Framework for Wintertime Ammonium Nitrate Aerosol Pollution in Urban Areas: NOx and VOC Control as Mitigation Strategies, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 4971-4979, 2019.
27. Cui, Y. Y., Henze, D. K., Brioude, J., Angevine, W. M., Liu, Z., Bousserez, N., Guerrette, J., McKeen, S. A., Peischl, J., Yuan, B., Ryerson, T., Frost, G., and Trainer, M.: Inversion Estimates of Lognormally Distributed Methane Emission Rates From the Haynesville‐Bossier Oil and Gas Production Region Using Airborne Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 3520-3531, 2019.
28. Chen, X., Millet, D. B., Singh, H. B., Wisthaler, A., Apel, E. C., Atlas, E. L., Blake, D. R., Bourgeois, I., Brown, S. S., Crounse, J. D., de Gouw, J. A., Flocke, F. M., Fried, A., Heikes, B. G., Hornbrook, R. S., Mikoviny, T., Min, K.-E., Müller, M., Neuman, J. A., amp, apos, Sullivan, D. W., Peischl, J., Pfister, G. G., Richter, D., Roberts, J. M., Ryerson, T. B., Shertz, S. R., Thompson, C. R., Treadaway, V., Veres, P. R., Walega, J., Warneke, C., Washenfelder, R. A., Weibring, P., and Yuan, B.: On the sources and sinks of atmospheric VOCs: an integrated analysis of recent aircraft campaigns over North America, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 9097-9123, 2019.
29. Zarzana, K. J., Selimovic, V., Koss, A. R., Sekimoto, K., Coggon, M. M., Yuan, B., Dubé, W. P., Yokelson, R. J., Warneke, C., de Gouw, J. A., Roberts, J. M., and Brown, S. S.: Primary emissions of glyoxal and methylglyoxal from laboratory measurements of open biomass burning, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 15451-15470, 2018.
30. Ye, C., Zhou, X., Pu, D., Stutz, J., Festa, J., Spolaor, M., Tsai, C., Cantrell, C., Mauldin Iii, R. L., Weinheimer, A., Hornbrook, R. S., Apel, E. C., Guenther, A., Kaser, L., Yuan, B., Karl, T., Haggerty, J., Hall, S., Ullmann, K., Smith, J., and Ortega, J.: Tropospheric HONO Distribution and Chemistry in the Southeast U.S, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9107-9120, 2018.
31. Sekimoto, K., Koss, A. R., Gilman, J. B., Selimovic, V., Coggon, M. M., Zarzana, K. J., Yuan, B., Lerner, B. M., Brown, S. S., Warneke, C., Yokelson, R. J., Roberts, J. M., and de Gouw, J.: High- and low-temperature pyrolysis profiles describe volatile organic compound emissions from western US wildfire fuels, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9263-9281, 2018.
32. Koss, A. R., Sekimoto, K., Gilman, J. B., Selimovic, V., Coggon, M. M., Zarzana, K. J., Yuan, B., Lerner, B. M., Brown, S. S., Jimenez, J. L., Krechmer, J., Roberts, J. M., Warneke, C., Yokelson, R. J., and de Gouw, J.: Non-methane organic gas emissions from biomass burning: identification, quantification, and emission factors from PTR-ToF during the FIREX 2016 laboratory experiment, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 3299-3319, 2018.
33. Coggon, M. M., McDonald, B. C., Vlasenko, A., Veres, P. R., Bernard, F., Koss, A. R., Yuan, B., Gilman, J. B., Peischl, J., Aikin, K. C., DuRant, J., Warneke, C., Li, S. M., and de Gouw, J. A.: Diurnal Variability and Emission Pattern of Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) from the Application of Personal Care Products in Two North American Cities, Environ. Sci. Technol., 52, 5610-5618, 2018.
34. Koss A., Yuan, B.,Warneke, C., Gilman, J.B., Lerner, B. M., Veres, P, Peischl, J., Eilerman, S., Wild, R., Brown, S., Thompson, C., Ryerson, T., Hanisco, T., Wolfe, G., St. Clair, J., Thayer, M., Keutsch, F., Murphy, J., and de Gouw, J., Observations of VOC emissions and photochemical products over US oil- and gas-producing regions using high-resolution H3O+ CIMS (PTR-ToF-MS), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2941-2968, 2017.
35. Sekimoto, K., Li, S.M., Yuan, B., Koss, A., Coggon, M., Warneke, C., de Gouw, J., Calculation of the sensitivity of proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) for organic trace gases, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 421, 71-94, 2017.
36. Koss, A. R., Warneke, C., Yuan, B., Coggon, M. M., Veres, P. R., and de Gouw, J. A.: Evaluation of NO+reagent ion chemistry for on-line measurements of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2909-2925, 2016.
37. Coggon, M. M., Veres, P. R., Yuan, B., Koss, A., Warneke, C., Gilman, J. B., Lerner, B., Peischl, J., Aikin, K., Stockwell, C., Hatch, L., Ryerson, T. B., Roberts, J. M., Yokelson, R., de Gouw, J., Emissions of nitrogen-containing organic compounds from the burning of herbaceous and arboraceous biomass: fuel composition dependence and the variability of commonly used nitrile tracers, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, (18), 9903-9912, 2016.
38. Liu, Y., Yuan, B., Li, X., Shao, M., Lu, S., Li, Y., Chang, C. C., Wang, Z., Hu, W., Huang, X., He, L., Zeng, L., Hu, M., and Zhu, T., Impact of pollution controls in Beijing on atmospheric oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) during the 2008 Olympic Games: observation and modeling implications, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3045-3062, 2015.
39. Kaser, L., Karl, T., Yuan, B., Mauldin, R. L., Cantrell, C. A., Guenther, A. B., Patton, E. G., Weinheimer, A. J., Knote, C., Orlando, J., Emmons, L., Apel, E., Hornbrook, R., Shertz, S., Ullmann, K., Hall, S., Graus, M., de Gouw, J., Zhou, X., and Ye, C.: Chemistry – turbulence interactions and mesoscale variability influence the cleansing efficiency of the atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 10894-10903, 2015.
40. Zhang, Q., Yuan, B., Shao, M., Wang, X., Lu, S., Lu, K., Wang, M., Chen, L., Chang, C. C., and Liu, S. C.: Variations of ground-level O3and its precursors in Beijing in summertime between 2005 and 2011, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6089-6101, 2014.
41. Lerner, B. M., Gilman, J. B., Aikin, K. C., Atlas, E. L., Goldan, P. D., Graus, M., Hendershot, R., Isaacman-VanWertz, G. A., Koss, A.; Kuster, W. C., Lueb, R. A., McLaughlin, R. J., Peischl, J., Sueper, D., Ryerson, T. B., Tokarek, T. W., Warneke, C., Yuan, B., de Gouw, J. A., An Improved, Automated Whole-Air Sampler and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis System for Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 291-313, 2017.
42. Yu, H., Guenther, A., Gu, D., Warneke, C., Geron, C., Goldstein, A., Graus, M., Karl, T., Kaser, L., Misztal, P., and Yuan, B.: Airborne measurements of isoprene and monoterpene emissions from southeastern U.S. forests, Science of The Total Environment, 595, 149-158, 2017.
43. Ye, C., Zhou, X.L., Pu, D., Stutz, J., Festa, J., Spolaor, M., Tsai, C., Cantrell, C., Mauldin III, R. L., Campos, T., Weinheimer, A., Hornbrook, R. S., Apel, E. C., Guenther, A., Kaser, L., Yuan, B., Karl, T., Haggerty, J., Hall, S., Ullmann, K., Smith, J., Ortega, J., Knote, C.: Rapid recycling of reactive nitrogen in the marine boundary layer, Nature, 532, 489-491, 2016.
44. Hu, W., Hu, M., Hu, W., Jimenez, J. L., Yuan, B., Chen, W., Wang, M., Wu, Y., Chen, C., Wang, Z., Peng, J., Zeng, L., and Shao, M.: Chemical composition, sources and aging process of sub-micron aerosols in Beijing: contrast between summer and winter, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 1955-1977, 2016.
45. Wang, B., Liu, Y., Shao, M., Lu, S., Wang, M., Yuan, B., Gong, Z., He, L., Zeng, L., Hu, M., and Zhang, Y.: The contributions of biomass burning to primary and secondary organics: A case study in Pearl River Delta (PRD), China, Science of The Total Environment, 569-570, 548-556, 2016.
46. Su, L., Patton, E. G., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Guenther, A. B., Kaser, L., Yuan, B., Xiong, F., Shepson, P. B., Zhang, L., Miller, D. O., Brune, W. H., Baumann, K., Edgerton, E., Weinheimer, A., Misztal, P. K., Park, J.-H., Goldstein, A. H., Skog, K. M., Keutsch, F. N., and Mak, J. E.: Understanding isoprene photooxidation using observations and modeling over a subtropical forest in the southeastern US, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 7725-7741, 2016.
47. Zatko, M., Erbland, J., Savarino, J., Geng, L., Easley, L., Schauer, A., Bates, T., Quinn, P. K., Light, B., Morison, D., Osthoff, H. D., Lyman, S., Neff, W., Yuan, B., Alexander, B., The magnitude of the snow-sourced reactive nitrogen flux to the boundary layer in the Uintah Basin, Utah, USA, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, (21), 13837-13851, 2016.
48. Chen, W., Shao, M., Wang, M., Lu, S., Liu, Y., Yuan, B., Yang, Y., Zeng, L., Chen, Z., Chang, C.-C., Zhang, Q., and Hu, M.: Variation of ambient carbonyl levels in urban Beijing between 2005 and 2012, Atmospheric Environment, 129, 105-113,2016.
49. Song, S., Selin, N., E, Gratz, L. E., Ambrose, J., Jaffe, D. A., Shah, V., Jaegle, L., Giang, A., Yuan, B., Kaser, L., Apel, E., Hornbrook, R., Blake, N., Weinheimer, A., Mauldin Iii, R. L., Cantrell, C., Castro, M., Conley, G., Holsen, T., Luke, W., and Robert, T.: Constraints from observations and modeling on atmosphere–surface exchange of mercury in eastern North America, Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 4, 10.12952/journal.elementa.000100, 2016.
50. Wild, R. J., Edwards, P. M., Bates, T. S., Cohen, R. C., de Gouw, J. A., Dubé, W. P., Gilman, J. B., Holloway, J., Kercher, J., Koss, A. R., Lee, L., Lerner, B. M., McLaren, R., Quinn, P. K., Roberts, J. M., Stutz, J., Thornton, J. A., Veres, P. R., Warneke, C., Williams, E., Young, C. J., Yuan, B., Zarzana, K. J., and Brown, S. S.: Reactive nitrogen partitioning and its relationship to winter ozone events in Utah, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 573-583, 2016.
51. Wang, M., Shao, M., Chen, W., Lu, S., Liu, Y., Yuan, B., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q., Chang, C. C., Wang, B., Zeng, L., Hu, M., Yang, Y., and Li, Y., Trends of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) emissions in Beijing during 2002–2013, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1489-1502, 2015.
52. Warneke, C., Veres, P. R., Murphy, S. M., Soltis, J., Field, R. A., Graus, M. G., Koss, A., Li, S. M., Li, R., Yuan, B., Roberts, J. M., and de Gouw, J. A., PTR-QMS vs. PTR-TOF comparison in a region with oil and natural gas extraction industry in the Uintah Basin in 2013, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 411-420, 2015.
53. Koss, A. R., de Gouw, J., Warneke, C., Gilman, J. B., Lerner, B. M., Graus, M., Yuan, B., Edwards, P., Brown, S. S., Wild, R., Roberts, J. M., Bates, T. S., and Quinn, P. K.: Photochemical aging of volatile organic compounds associated with oil and natural gas extraction in the Uintah Basin, UT, during a wintertime ozone formation event, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5727-5741, 2015.
54. Ahmadov, R., McKeen, S., Trainer, M., Banta, R., Brewer, A., Brown, S., Edwards, P. M., de Gouw, J. A., Frost, G. J., Gilman, J., Helmig, D., Johnson, B., Karion, A., Koss, A., Langford, A., Lerner, B., Olson, J., Oltmans, S., Peischl, J., Pétron, G., Pichugina, Y., Roberts, J. M., Ryerson, T., Schnell, R., Senff, C., Sweeney, C., Thompson, C., Veres, P., Warneke, C., Wild, R., Williams, E. J., Yuan, B., and Zamora, R.: Understanding high wintertime ozone pollution events in an oil and natural gas producing region of the western US, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 411-429, 2015.
55. Guo, Q., Hu, M., Guo, S., Wu, Z., Hu, W., Peng, J., Hu, W., Wu, Y., Yuan, B., Zhang, Q., and Song, Y.: The identification of source regions of black carbon at a receptor site off the eastern coast of China, Atmos. Environ., 100, 78-84, 2015.
56. Wang, M., Zeng, L., Lu, S., Shao, M., Liu, X., Yu, X., Chen, W., Yuan, B., Zhang, Q., Hu, M., and Zhang, Z.: Development and validation of a cryogen-free automatic gas chromatograph system (GC-MS/FID) for online measurements of volatile organic compounds, Anal. Methods, 6, 9424-9434, 2014.
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68. 王思行, 彭钰雯, 齐吉朋, 武彩虹, 王超敏, 王宝琳, 王泽龙, 旷烨, 宋伟, 王新明, 胡伟伟, 陈卫, 沈劲, 陈多宏, 邵敏, 袁斌*: 挥发性有机物(VOCs)的不同化学去除途径:城市与区域站点的对比, 环境科学学报, 40, 2311-2322, 2020.
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3. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作项目,基于通量测量的城市挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放量化与应用,主持;
5. 广东省重点领域研发计划,珠三角PM2.5和臭氧污染协同控制及示范,任务负责人;



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