姓名: 朱文国
部门: 理工学院
直属机构: 光电工程系
性别: 男
--> 职务: 无
职称: 副研究员
学位: 博士
毕业院校: 中山大学
联系电话: **
电子邮箱: zhuwg88@163.com
办公地址: 蒙民伟理工楼403
通讯地址: 广州天河区黄埔大道西601号
邮编: 510632
朱文国,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2011年于中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院获得理学学士学位,2016年于中山大学光电材料与技术国家重点实验室获得光学博士学位,2014-2015年到澳大利亚国立大学物理与工程学院访问学习。2016.07加入暨南大学光电工程系。主要从事量子弱测量技术、光纤光电集成器件、光自旋(与圆偏振态相关)和轨道(与螺旋相位相关)角动量的产生、调控及应用研究。以第一作者或通信作者身份在Physical Review Letters、ACS Photonics、Nonaphotonics、Photonic Research、Optics Letters、Optics Express等国际权威期刊发表学术论文共37篇。担任Optics Express和Optics Letters等国际期刊审稿专家.
[1] W. Zhu*, H. Zheng, Y. Zhong, J. Yu*, and Z. Chen, Wave-Vector-Varying Pancharatnam-Berry Phase Photonic Spin Hall Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 83901 (2021). [中科院一区;IF:8.385]
[2] L. Zhuo, P. Fan, S. Zhang, Y. Zhan, Y. Lin, Y. Zhang, D. Li, Z. Che, W. Zhu*, H. Zheng, J. Tang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhong, W. Fang, G. Lu, J. Yu*, and Z. Chen, High-performance fiber-integrated multifunctional graphene-optoelectronic device with photoelectric detection and optic-phase modulation, Photonics Res. 8, 1949 (2020). [中科院一区;IF:6.099]
[3] Z. Che+, W. Zhu+, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, L. Zhuo, P. Fan, Z. Li, H. Zheng, W. Long, W. Qiu, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, J. Ge, J. Yu*, and Z. Chen*, Distance-controllable and direction-steerable opto-conveyor for targeting delivery,Photonics Res.8, 1124 (2020). [中科院一区;IF:6.099]
[4] L. Cai, S. Zhang, W. Zhu*, H. Wu, H. Zheng, J. Yu, Y. Zhong*, and Z. Chen, Photonic spin Hall effect by anisotropy-induced polarization gradient in momentum space, Opt. Lett. 45, 6740 (2020). [中科院二区;IF:3.714]
[5] J. Pan, W. Zhu*, H. Zheng, J. Yu, Y. Chen, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Zhong, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen,Exploiting black phosphorus based-Tamm plasmons in the terahertz region, Opt. Express 28, 13443 (2020). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[6] Y. Zhong, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Xing, Y. Xiao, J. Yu, H. Guan, Y. Luo, H. Lu, W. Zhu*, and Z. Chen, Ultrafast freestanding microfiber humidity sensor based on three-dimensional graphene network cladding, Opt. Express 28, 4362 (2020). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[7] H. Zheng, B. Huang, Y. Li, R. Zhang, X. Gu, Z. Li, H. Lin, W. Zhu*, J. Tang, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Zhong, J. Fang, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, J. Yu*, F. K. Tittel, and Z. Chen, Residual thickness enhanced core-removed D-shaped single-mode fiber and its application for VOC evaporation monitoring, Opt. Express 28, 15641 (2020). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[8] L. Zhuo, P. Fan, S. Zhang, X. Liu, X. Guo, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhan, D. Li, Z. Che, W. Zhu*, H. Zheng, J. Tang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhong, Y. Luo, J. Yu*, and Z. Chen, A broadband all-fiber integrated graphene photodetector with CNT-enhanced responsivity, Nanoscale 12, 14188–14193 (2020). [中科院一区;IF:6.895]
[9] H. Zheng, Y. Liu, H. Lin, B. Liu, X. Gu, D. Li, B. Huang, Y. Wu, L. Dong, W. Zhu*, J. Tang, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Zhong, J. Fang, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, J. Yu*, Z. Chen, and F. K. Tittel, Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy employing pilot line manufactured custom tuning forks, Photoacoustics 17, 100158 (2020). [中科院一区;IF:5.870]
[10] W. Zhu, H. Xu, J. Pan, S. Zhang, H. Zheng, Y. Zhong*, J. Yu*, and Z. Chen, Black phosphorus terahertz sensing based on photonic spin Hall effect, Opt. Express 28, 25869 (2020). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[11] W. Long, J. Pan, X. Guo, X. Liu, H. Lin, H. Zheng, J. Yu*, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Zhong, S. Fu, L. Zhang, W. Zhu*, and Z. Chen, Detection of orbital angular momentum-induced beam shifts by weak measurement, Photonics Res.7, 1273–1278 (2019). [中科院一区;IF:6.099]
[12] Y. Lin, X. Liu, H. Chen, X. Guo, J. Pan, J. Yu*, H. Zheng, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Zhong, Y. Chen, Y. Luo, W. Zhu*, and Z. Chen, Tunable asymmetric spin splitting by black phosphorus sandwiched epsilon-near-zero-metamaterial in the terahertz region, Opt. Express 27, 15868 (2019). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[13] H. Lin, M. Jiang, L. Zhuo, W. Zhu*, H. Guan*, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Tan, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Enhanced Imbert–Fedorov shifts of higher-order Laguerre–Gaussian beams by lossy mode resonance, Opt. Commun. 431, 136–141 (2019). [中科院三区;IF:2.125]
[14] X. Guo, X. Liu, W. Zhu*, M. Gao, W. Long, J. Yu, H. Zheng, H. Guan, Y. Luo, H. Lu, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Surface plasmon resonance enhanced Goos–H?nsen and Imbert–Fedorov shifts of Laguerre–Gaussian beams, Opt. Commun. 445, 5–9 (2019). [中科院三区;IF:2.125]
[15] J. Yu, L. Chen, H. Dong, X. Liu, H. Huang, W. Qiu, S. Huang, W. Zhu*, H. Lu, J. Tang, Y. Xiao, Y. Zhong, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen*, Sensing and Exploiting Static Femto-Newton Optical Forces by a Nanofiber with White-Light Interferometry, ACS Photonics 5, 3205–3213 (2018).[中科院一区;IF:6.864]
[16] H. Lin, B. Chen, S. Yang, W. Zhu*, J. Yu, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, Photonic spin Hall effect of monolayer black phosphorus in the Terahertz region, Nanophotonics7, 1929–1937 (2018). [中科院一区;IF:7.491]
[17] Y. Huang+, W. Zhu+, Z. Li, G. Chen, L. Chen, J. Zhou, H. Lin, J. Guan, W. Fang, X. Liu, H. Dong, J. Tang, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Xiao, J. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Chen, and J. Yu, High-performance fibre-optic humidity sensor based on a side-polished fibre wavelength selectively coupled with graphene oxide film, Sensors Actuators B Chem. 255, 57–69 (2018). [中科院一区;IF:7.100]
[18] L. Zhuo, W. Long, M. Jiang, W. Zhu*, H. Guan, J. Tang, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Graphene-based tunable Imbert–Fedorov shifts and orbital angular momentum sidebands for reflected vortex beams in the terahertz region, Opt. Lett. 43, 2823 (2018). [中科院二区;IF:3.714]
[19] H. Lin, W. Zhu*, J. Yu*, M. Jiang, L. Zhou, W. Qiu, J. Dong, Y. Zhong, and Z. Chen, Upper-limited angular Goos-H?nchen shifts of Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Opt. Express 26, 91–96 (2018). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[20] W. Zhu*, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Tang, Z. Li, J. Yu*, and Z. Chen, Orbital angular momentum sidebands of vortex beams transmitted through a thin metamaterial slab, Opt. Express 26, 17378 (2018). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[21] Z. Zhen, L. Zhuo, W. Zhu*, L. Chen, J. Yu, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Dong, W. Qiu, and Z. Chen, Measurement of Giant Spin Splitting of Reflected Gaussian Beams, IEEE Photonics J. 10, (2018). [中科院三区;IF:2.833]
[22] W. Zhu*, M. Jiang, H. Guan*, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Tunable spin splitting of Laguerre–Gaussian beams in graphene metamaterials, Photonics Res.5, 684 (2017). [中科院一区;IF:6.099]
[23] M. Jiang, W. Zhu, H. Guan, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Tan, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Giant spin splitting induced by orbital angular momentum in an epsilon-near-zero metamaterial slab, Opt. Lett. 42, 3259 (2017). [中科院二区;IF:3.714]
[24] W. Zhu, L. Zhuo, M. Jiang, H. Guan, J. Yu, H. Lu, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen*, Controllable symmetric and asymmetric spin splitting of Laguerre–Gaussian beams assisted by surface plasmon resonance, Opt. Lett. 42, 4869 (2017). [中科院二区;IF:3.714]
[25] W. Zhu, J. Yu*, H. Guan*, H. Lu, J. Tang, J. Zhang, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, The upper limit of the in-plane spin splitting of Gaussian beam reflected from a glass-air interface, Sci. Rep. 7, 1150 (2017). [中科院三区;IF:3.714]
[26] D. Zhang, H. Guan*, W. Zhu*, J. Yu, H. Lu, W. Qiu, J. Dong, J. Zhang, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, All light-control-light properties of molybdenum diselenide (MoSe_2)-coated-microfiber, Opt. Express 25, 28536 (2017). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[27] W. Zhu, J. Yu*, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Tang, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, Large spatial and angular spin splitting in a thin anisotropic ε-near-zero metamaterial, Opt. Express 25, 5196 (2017). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[28] W. Zhu, N. Eckerskorn, A. Upadhya, L. Li, A. V. Rode*, and W. M. Lee*, Dynamic axial control over optically levitating particles in air with an electrically-tunable variable-focus lens, Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 2902 (2016). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[29] W. Zhu, V. Shvedov, W. She*, and W. Krolikowski, Transverse spin angular momentum of tightly focused full Poincaré beams, Opt. Express 23, 34029 (2015). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[30] W. Zhuand W. She*, Enhanced spin Hall effect of transmitted light through a thin epsilon-near-zero slab, Opt. Lett. 40, 2961 (2015). [中科院二区;IF:3.714]
[31] W. Zhuand W. She*, Tightly focusing vector circular airy beam through a hard aperture, Opt. Commun. 334, 303–307 (2015). [中科院三区;IF:2.125]
[32] W. Zhuand W. She*, Transverse angular momentum and transverse barycenter shift of a focused light field due to nonuniform input angular momentum, Opt. Lett. 39, 1337 (2014).
[33] W. Zhuand W. She*, Improved nonparaxial accelerating beams due to additional off-axis spiral phases, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 2365 (2014). [中科院三区;IF:1.791]
[34] W. Zhuand W. She*, Generation of tunable three-dimensional polarization in 4Pi focusing system, Opt. Express 21, 17265 (2013). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]
[35] W. Zhuand W. She*, Electrically tunable generation of inhomogeneously polarized light beam, Opt. Commun. 311, 212–215 (2013). [中科院三区;IF:2.125]
[36] W. Zhuand W. She*, Electro-optically generating and controlling right- and left-handed circularly polarized multiring modes of light beams, Opt. Lett. 37, 2823 (2012). [中科院二区;IF:3.714]
[37] W. Zhuand W. She*, Electrically controlling spin and orbital angular momentum of a focused light beam in a uniaxial crystal, Opt. Express 20, 25876 (2012). [中科院二区;IF:3.669]