

暨南大学 免费考研网/2011-11-17

医学院>>中医学系陈孝银性别: 职称教授  博导 学历研究生学位: 博士简介:


陈孝银: 男,1970年6月出生,医学博士,教授,博士生导师。1988年9月—1993年7月,在安徽中医学院学习,获医学学士学位;1993年9月—1996年7月,在黑龙江中医药大学学习,获医学硕士学位;1996年9月—1999年7月,在广州中医药大学学习,获博士学位。1999年7月—至今,在广州暨南大学医学院中医系工作。期间曾经于2003年到德国洪堡大学医学院从事科研学术交流、学习。2009-2010年作为高级访问学者到美国纽约大学ROSWELL PARK CANCER INSTITUTE 学习分子免疫学。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

从1993年起从事中医药防治外感病的临床和科研工作,主要研究领域为中药及其单体在病毒感染性疾病中的免疫调控作用和外感病病因研究。共发表论文30余篇,其中以通讯或第一作者身份在国外发表较高影响因子SCI论文4篇, EI论文4篇,国内权威期刊论文20余篇,论著2部。近5年主持国家自然科学基金2项,省部级基金3项。



Xiao-yin Chen, male, was born in 1970, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, and supervisor of doctoral students.

Educational Experiences: Gained bachelor degree of medicine in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Anhui Medical College, from September 1988 to July 1993; master degree of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine in Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, from September 1993 to July 1996; and doctor degree in Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, from September 1996 to July 1999.

Professional Experiences: Engaged in teaching and research work in Medical College of Jinan University, Guangzhou from July 1999. Appointed as associate professor and master degree student’s supervisor in October 2001; professor and doctoral degree candidates’ supervisor in October 2007.In 2003, was sent to Humboldt University of Germany engaged to study and academic exchange. From 2009 to 2010, was sent to Roswell Park Cancer Institute of New York University as a senior visiting scholar to study molecular immunology.

Research Fields: The main area is the effects of immunological regulation of Chinese medicine and its extracts on the virus-related disease, cancer control and prevention, as well as the effects of environment on the influenza, epidemiology of virus-related diseases.

More than 30 papers and 2 books were published, 4 papers were indexed by SCI, 4 papers were indexed by EI, and more than 20 papers were published on the authoritative Journals. During last three years, two grants in national-level and three in provincial-level were funded.

Contact details: Tel: (020)8553269, Mobile: 13822263950, E-mail: tchenxiaoyin@jnu.edu.cn, Address: Medical School of Jinan University, Huangpu Road west 601, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510632)


近五年来以第一作者或通讯作者发表的相关论文(Representative publications as first author or corresponding author in the past five years):

[1]. CH. L.Zhao, ZH. Y.Jiang , F Xia. X. Y. Chen*.  Fourteen Cases of Neonate Ultrahyperpyrexia Syndrome Induced by Improper Nursing. Advances in therapy,2007,24(1) :101-105

[2].X. Y. Chen . H. B. Mo . Y. Liu . F. Xia. Development of a multifunctional and efficient conjugal plasmid for use in Streptomyces spp. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol,2006,70(6):705-710

[3].X. Y. Chen, G D Tong, F Xia. Antiviral effect of Chinese medicine jiaweisinisan on hepatitis B virus transgenic mice. World J Gastroenterol, 2006,12(14):2280-83

[4].ZH. Y.Jiang, G D Tong, F Xia. X. Y. Chen* Dengue virus regulates the expression of hemostasis-related molecules in human vein endothelial cells. American J of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2007.552):23-28

[5].Chen xiaoyin, Li en qing, Shen qiang, et al. Clinical Study of Dahuang Zhechong Pill in Treating Posthepatitis B Hepatic Fibrosis. Chinese Journal of integrative medicine 2004,10(1):63-66。

[6].Xia fang, Chen xiao-yin*. Effect of Intestinal Cytochrome P450 3A on Phytochemical Presystemic  Metabolism. Chinese Journal of integrative medicine,2005,11(3):232-236

[7].Bin He, Yan Qiu, Xiao-Yin Chen*. Problem-Based Similarity Innovation Reasoning. Proc. of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control Automation, Dalian, June 21-23, 2006 (WCICA06):2584-2588.

[8]. Bin He, Yan Qiu, Xiao-Yin Chen*. Conduction rules of conductive transformation in Decision-making of service management.. Proc. Of 2005 International conference on services systems and services management, Chongqing. June 13-15, 2005:1142-1152

[9]. Bin He, Xiao-Yin Chen*.. Inverse learning based on extension logic. Proc. of 2005 International conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 18-21, August, 2005:3042-3047

[10]. Li, Zeying; He, Bin; Chen, Xiaoyin*. Analysis and Disposal of Pathogenic Factors of Exogenous Affections. Proc. of 2008 WCICA,ChongqingJune 25-27, 2008 (WCICA'08) 1250-1255







Major research grants Chinese government-funded in the past three year include:

1. Study the RLH signal pathway of the FM1 mice in different environment to study the essence of the dampness speciality. National Nature Science Foundation. Serial number: 30973693. Director.

2. Research based on the theory of Extenics about quantitative and multi-dimensional exogenous pathogeny. National Nature Science Foundation. Serial number: 30400575. Director.

3. Research based on the theory of Extenics about quantitative and prevention of flu. Guangdong Natural Science Foundation of China. Serial number: 0625151 .Director.

4.The other grants include two grands were funded by provincial administration of traditional chinese medicine and two by the provincial commission of science, technology and industry.


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