

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-29

李一平 / Yiping Li
博士/ Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario,Canada)
电邮 / Email:liyiping@gzhu.edu.cn
研究方向/ Research Fields
旅游地理/ Tourism Geography
旅游与文化变迁/ Tourism and Cultural Change
休闲与社会进步/ Leisure and Social Development
现任学术与社会兼职 / Membership in Academic and ProfessionalAssociations
1.香港大学地理系名誉副教授 (2018 ~)/Honorary associate professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong
2.香港学术及职业资历评审局特聘旅游学评审专家(兼职,2002~)/Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
1.《旅游与文化变迁》编委/《Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change》editorial board member
2.《中国旅游研究》编委/《Journal of China Tourism Research》editorial board member
主讲课程/ Courses
1. 《China’s Tourism Resources and Management/中国旅游资源与管理》香港大学地理系研究生学位课
2. 《Tourism and the Shrinking World/旅游学概论》香港大学地理系本科生学位课
3. 《Leisure and Recreation in Modern Society/休闲学概论》香港大学地理系本科生学位课
4. 《Principles and Practice of Ecotourism/生态旅游》香港大学地理系本科生学位课
2019 Keynote Speaker, Island Dynamics International Conference “Culture in Urban Space: Urban Form, Cultural Landscapes, Life in the City, April 11 -12 2019, Macau, China / 岛屿动态~ 中国澳门2019年国际学术会议 “城市空间文化: 城市形态, 文化景观与城市生活”大会主旨发言
2017 Session Chair, International Academic Multidisciplinary Research Conference, June 7 – 9 2018 Amsterdam / 阿姆斯特丹跨学科研究学术研讨会特邀主持
2015 Session Chair, International Academic Research Conference on Law and Social Sciences, May 29 – 31 2015 Vilnius Lithuania / 立陶宛维尔纽斯法律及社会科学学术研讨会特邀主持
邀请讲学Invited Lectures
2013 University of Alberta, Canada / 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学
2013 中山大学
2008 中山大学
2008 北京第二外国语学院
2008 安徽师范大学
2004 澳门旅游学院
2003 华东师范大学
2001 香港理工大学
最近5年主持科研项目/ Selected ResearchProjects of Recent 5 years
5. Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China “China Vision 2018 ~ China 1000 Exchange Scheme /中国国家教育部中港高校交流项目:香港大学—中山大学2018年岛屿旅游合作研究计划,批准号:4(李一平与中山大学赖坤合作主持)。已完成。
6. Hui Oi Chow Trust Fund/许爱周信托基金:“A Study of Host-Guest Encounter under "One Country Two System /一国两制下的游客与旅游目的地居民关系”,批准号:1,2016~2018。已完成。
7. Hui Oi Chow Trust Fund/许爱周信托基金:“Sense of Place: Affective Link between Casino Impact Perception and Support for Casino / 赌场建设及其对澳门居民社区归属感的影响”,批准号:1,2015~2017。已完成。
8. Hui Oi Chow Trust Fund/许爱周信托基金:“Festival Tourism and Place Identity of Hong Kong / 节庆旅游与社区居民的身份认同”,批准号:5,2013~2016,已完成。
9. Hui Oi Chow Trust Fund / 许爱周信托基金:“Effects of World Heritage Inscription on Hakka Vernacular Tourism / 世界文化遗产与民俗旅游开发”,批准号:1, 2013~2016,已完成。
10. Hui Oi Chow Trust Fund/许爱周信托基金:“Nation-state Involvement in Heritage Tourism: A Study of Red Tourism in China / 从红色旅游的开发看政府的作用”,批准号:1,2011~2013,已完成。
主要论著目录/ Selected Publications
1)*L1, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. and Abrahams, R. (2019). Mediating urban transition through rural tourism. *Annals of Tourism Research. [upcoming in 75(2019): 152-164, 2017 SSCI Impact Factor: 5.086 ISSN:0160-7383]
2)*Lau, C. and **Li, Y. (2019). Analyzing the effects of an urban food festival: A place theory approach. Annals of Tourism Research.[upcoming in 74 (2019): 43 – 55, 2017 SSCI Impact Factor: 5.086 ISSN:0160-7383]
3)*Zhang, H. and **Li, Y. (2018). Tourism and China’s ethnic rurality: A tale of two villages. Anthropological Notebooks. 24 (1): 23 – 39. [2017 SSCI Impact Factor: 0.281 ISSN:1408-032X]
4)*Kwong, C. and Li, Y.(2017). In-place or out-of-place? Host-guest encounter under ‘One Country, Two Systems’ [in-print, forth-coming in Current Issues in Tourism. DOI:10.1080/**.2017.**,2015 - 16 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.51]
5) *Vong, T. N. L., Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2016). Sense of place: Affective link missing between casino impact perception and support for casino development. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research21 (No. Suplement 1): 76 – 100 [2015 – 16 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.82DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**]
6) *Vong, T. N. L., Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2015) The influence of casino impact perception onsense of place: A study of casino-liberalized Macao, China China.Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 20 (8): 920 – 940. [2015 – 16 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.82 DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.946938]
7) *Lau, C. and Li, Y. (2015) Producing a sense of meaningful place: Evidence from a cultural festival in Hong Kong. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change13 (1): 56 – 77. [2015 SSCI Impact Factor: 0.31 ISSN:1476-6825]
8) *Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2014) Image impact of planned special events.Event Management 18 (4): 111 – 126. SSCI Impact Factor: 1.11, ISSN 1525-9951]
9) Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2012) Roles of mega-events in destination transformation: Proposing a conceptual model. International Journal of Business and Management Studies. 1: 291-306. ISSN: 2158-1479
10) *Lai, K. and **Li, Y. (2012) Core-periphery structure of destination image: Concept, evidence, and implication. Annals of Tourism Research 39 (3): 1359 – 1379. [2013-14 SSCI Impact Factor: 3.41 ISSN: 0160-7383]
11)Li, Y. and Hu, Z. Y. (2011). Communist identity in China: A case study of Red Tourism. International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4: 55 – 73. ISSN: 1944-6934
12)*Li, Y. and Luk, Y. M. (2011). Impacts of the 4th East Asian games on residents’participation in leisure sports and physical activities – the case of Macau, China. Acta geographica Slovenica 51: 377-390. [2011-12 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.73ISSN: 1581-6613]
13)*Li, Y., Hu, Z. Y., and Zhang, C. Z. (2010). Red tourism: Sustaining communist identity in a rapidly changing China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change8: 101 – 119. [2010-11 SSCI Impact Factor: 0.58ISSN:1476-6825]
14) Zhang Qiu H, Qi, Y., and Li Y. (2009). Understanding the mechanism of zero-commission Chinese outbound package tours: Evidence from case studies. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 21: 713-733. ISSN: 0959-6119
15)Li, Y. and Hu, Z. Y. (2008) Red tourism in China. Journal of China Tourism Research 4: 156-171. [SSCI Impact Factor: 1.12 ISSN: 1938-8160]
16) *Li, Y., Lai, K. and Feng, X. (2007). Problem of ‘guanxi’ for actualizing community tourism: A case study of relationship networking in China.Tourism Geographies 9: 115-138. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.64 ISSN:1470-1340 1461-6688]
17) *Lai, K. **Li, Y. and Feng, X. (2006). Gap between tourism planning and implementation: A case of China. Tourism Management 27: 1171-1180.[SSCI Impact Factor: 5.37 ISSN: 0261-5177]
18)Li, Y. and Lo, L. P. (2005). Opportunities and constraints of heritage tourism in Hong Kong's changing cultural landscape. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 5: 322-345. ISSN: 1467-3584
19)*Li, Y. and Lo, L. P. (2004). Applicability of “Market Appeal and Robusticity Matrix”: A case of heritage tourism development. Tourism Management 25: 789-800. [SSCI Impact Factor: 5.37 ISSN:0261-5177]
20)*Li, Y.(2004). Exploring community tourism in China: The case of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 12: 175-193.[SSCI Impact Factor: 4.21 ISSN: 1747-7646 0966-9582]
21)*Li, Y. (2003) Development of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Hainan, China: Achievements made and issues to be resolved. Tourism Geographies5: 436-445. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.64 ISSN: 1470-1340 1461-6688]
22)Li, Y.(2003). Heritage tourism: Contradictions between conservation and change. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 4: 247-261. ISSN:1467-3584
23)*Li, Y. (2002). The impact of tourism in China on local communities. AsianStudies Review 26: 472-486. [SSCI Impact Factor: 0.46 ISSN: 1467-8403 1035-7823]
24)*Li, Y. (2000). Geographical consciousness and tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research 27: 863-883. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.45 ISSN: 0160-7383]
25)*Li, Y.(2000). Ethnic tourism: A Canadian experience. Annals of Tourism Research 27: 115-131. Oxfrod: Elsevier Science. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.45 ISSN: 0160-7383]
26)Li, Y. (1998). Situated learning, tourism, and the global peace. The Canadian Journal of Peace Research 30: 83-100. ISSN: 0008-4697
27)*Li, Y. and Hinch, T. (1997). Ethnic tourism attractions and their prospect for sustainable development at two sites in China and Canada. Asia-PacificJournal of Tourism Research 2: 5-18. [SSCI Impact Factor: 1.82 ISSN: 1741-6507 1094-1665]
Li, Y.(2011).Seeking theSacred from the Profane: A Phenomenology of Tourists’ Travel Experiences. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8443-0177-9
Li, Y.(2004). Tourism in China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 2: 69-71.ISSN:1476-6825
Li, Y2006. Contradictions of modernization in China and the implications for community tourism development. [in print, Tourism Management: New Research, eds., T. V. Liu and F. Columbus, New York: Nova Publishers. ISBN: 1-60021-058-9
Li, Y.1998. A phenomenology of travel experience. In Advances in Hospitality and TourismResearch, ed. K. S. Chon & C. B. Mok, pp. 208-217). Houston, USA: University of Houston, Conrad N. Hilton College.
Li, Y.& Butler, R.W. 1997. Sustainable tourism and cultural attractions: A comparative experience. In Pacific Rim Tourism, ed.,.M. Oppermann, pp. 106-116. UK: Cab International.
Hinch, T. and Li, Y. 1995. Developing cultural tourism in China: Opportunities and challenges. In Reducing the Barriers to International Tourism, ed., F. Go, W. Theobald & H. Qu, pp. 80-87. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
【国际学术会议论文– 最近五年选集
Lau, C. and Li, Y.. (2018). Island dynamics: A sase of island cruise tourism in Hong Kong. “Islands. Resource. Tourism. Society (IRTS2018) – Island Dynamics 2018 Sustainable Development under globalization and new Urbanization International Conference [2018可持续发展下的海岛全球化与新型城市化国际论坛] 中国浙江舟山2018 九月25至28日
Wang, Z. and Li, Y.. (2018). Case study of island tourism: A place theories approach. “Islands. Resource. Tourism. Society (IRTS2018) – Island Dynamics 2018 Sustainable Development under globalization and new Urbanization International Conference [2018可持续发展下的海岛全球化与新型城市化国际论坛] 中国浙江舟山2018 九月25至28日。
Li, Y. and Wu, H.Y. (2017). UNESCO world heritage and tourism: A stakeholder engagement analysis. ICBTS “International Academic Multidisciplinary Research Conference”. June 7 – 9, 2017, Amsterdam, Holland
Li, Y.(2017). Tourism development and its commodification of the historical shanghai. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS)“International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities”. May 29 – June 1, 2017. Catania, Sicily, Italy.
Li, Y. and Kwong, Y. M. (2015). Perception of local residents and mainland China visitors in sharing leisure space of Hong Kong.“Anthropology of Tourism – Heritage and Perspectives Conference”. May 31 – June 2, 2015, Krakow, Poland.
Li, Y.(2015). Conservation vs. change: Is there a balance of power? “International Academic Conference on Law, Politics and Management (IACLPM 2015)”, May 27 -29, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Li, Y.(2014). Effects of world heritage inscription on vernacular tourism: A case study of China. “TCSSE International Conference of Social Science and Education”. August 4 – 6, 2014. Cornell University, New York, USA
Law, Y. M. and Li, Y. (2013). Producing a sense of meaningful place: Evidence from a cultural festival in Hong Kong. “Critical Tourism Studies Conference”. June 25– 27, 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia
Li, Y.and Lai, K. (2012). Core-periphery structure of destination image: Concept, evidence and implication. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS)“International Conference for Academic Disciplines”. May 27 -31, 2012. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

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