本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-29
个人简历博士,教授,博士生导师。多年来一直从事优化理论与应用、物联网与人工智能、智能决策等方面的研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目三项,澳大利亚国科会工业联合项目一项,教育部科技计划重点项目、归国留学基金项目各一项。作为重要参与人,参与国家自然科学金项目2项,澳大利亚国科会项目三项,韩国国家研究委员会海外合作项目二项,以及一些公司横向研究项目。现担任美国数学研究所旗下杂志Journal on Industrial and Management Optimization(运筹与管理领域排名前20)的执行编辑,发表被SCI收录文章80多篇。
1997年9月至2001年6月 安徽师范大学 数学系 学士
2001年9月至2006年6月 中山大学 运筹学与控制论 博士
2019年2月-至今 广州大学管理学院教授,学术带头人
2009年5月 - 2013年8月 重庆师范大学数学系教授
2006年7月-2009年4月 重庆师范大学数学系讲师
2015年12月 – 2019年1月 澳大利亚科廷大学 建筑工程管理系高级讲师
2014年12月 – 2015年11月 澳大利亚科廷大学 高级研究员
2013年9月至2014年11月 澳大利亚科廷大学 研究员
2010年10月-2013年9月 澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学 研究员
2009年2月-2010年2月 澳大利亚科廷大学研究员
2006年7月-2008年7月 澳大利亚科廷大学博士后研究员
社会职务Journal of Industrial and Management执行编辑
Mathematical Problems in Engineering编委
1.Yuan, J., Wu, C., Ye, J., & Xie, J. (2020). Robust identification of nonlinear state-dependent impulsive switched system with switching duration constraints.Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems,36, 100879.
2.Zhao, C., Zhang, H., Chen, F., Chen, S., Wu, C., & Wang, T. (2020). Spatiotemporal charging scheduling in wireless rechargeable sensor networks.Computer Communications,152, 155-170.
3.Sha Tao, Changzhi Wu, Shaolong Hu, Feng Xu, Construction Project Scheduling under Workspace Interference, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12547, 2020.
4.J. Liu, M. Zeng, Y. Ge, C. Wu, X. Wang, Improved Cuckoo Search algorithm for numerical function optimization, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 16(1)103-115, 2020.
5.Meng, Q., Chu, L., Li, Z., Chen, J., Du, J., & Wu, C. (2019). Cooperation performance of multi-organisations operating in a sharing economy: game theory with agent-based modelling.International Journal of Production Research, 1-14.
6.Tian, N., Ling, B. W. K., Wu, C., Wang, X., & Teo, K. L. (2019). Determination of fractional pixel location via an optimal group delay estimation approach.Signal, Image and Video Processing,13(8), 1477-1485.
7.Ru Liang, Jinwen Zhang, Changzhi Wu, Zhaohan Sheng, Xiangyu Wang, Joint Venture Contractor Selection Using Competitive and Collaborative Criteria with Uncertainty, ASCE's Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 145(2), Article ID: **, 2019. (SCI Q2)
8.C. Zhao, S. Chen, C. Wu, F. Chen and Y. Ji, Accelerated Sampling Optimization for RF Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE Access, Vol. 6, 52161-52168, 2018
9.Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, M. Chen and M.J. Kim, Differential received signal strength based RFID positioning for construction equipment. Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 42,October 2019, Article ID 100960 (SCI Q1)
10.R. Liang, C. Wu, Z. Sheng and X. Wang, Multi-Criterion Two-Sided Matching of Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects: Criteria and Methods, Sustainability, 10.4 (2018), 1178.
11.C. Zhao, S. Chen, C. Wu, F. Chen and Y. Ji, Accelerated Sampling Optimization for RF Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE Access, DOI: 10.11109/Access.2018.**.
12.X. Zhang, B. Ling, H. Dam, K. Teo, C. Wu, Optimal Joint Design of Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform Matrices and Mask Coefficients for Multichannel Filtering in Fractional Fourier Domains, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, In press.
13.J. Liu, M. Zeng, Y. Ge, C. Wu, X. Wang, Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, In press.
14.H. Li, D. Chen, X. Gao, X. Wang, Q. Han, C. Wu, Fast-slow dynamics of a hydropower generation system with multi-time scales, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 110, 458-468, 2018.
15.Shao Tao, Changzhi Wu, Zhaohan Sheng, Xiangyu Wang, Space-Time Repetitive Project Scheduling Considering Location and Congestion, ASCE - Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32 (3), **, 2018. (SCI, IF: 2.31)
16.Shao Tao, Changzhi Wu, Zhaohan Sheng, Xiangyu Wang, Stochastic Project Scheduling with Hierarchical Alternatives, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 58, 181-202, 2018. (SCI, IF: 2.35)
17.Jueyou Li, Chaojie Li, Zhiyou Wu, Xiangyu Wang and Kok Lay Teo,Changzhi Wu, Sparsity-promoting distributed charging control for plug-in electric vehicles in distribution networks, Applied Mathematical Modeling,Vol. 58, 111-127, 2018. (SCI, IF: 2.35)
18.L Wang, C. Wu, J. Yuan, Practical algorithm for stochastic optimal control problem about microbial fermentation in batch culture, Optimization Letters, (SCI,IF: 1.31)
19.Shouzhi Xu, Huan Zhou, Changzhi Wu, Chung-Ming Huang, Sungkon Moon, Spatial signal attenuation model of active RFID tags, IEEE Access, Vol. 6, 6947-6960, 2018.
20.Sungkon Moon; Shouzhi Xu; Lei Hou; Changzhi Wu; Xiangyu Wang; Vivian W. Y. Tam, RFID-Aided Tracking System to Improve Work Efficiency of Scaffold Supplier: Stock Management in Australasian Supply Chain, ASCE -Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, **, 2017.(SCI, IF:1.735)
21. Li, J., H. Hao, G. Fan, P. Ni, X. Wang, C. Wu, J. M. Lee, and K. H. Jung. 2017. Numerical and experimental verifications on damping identification with model updating and vibration monitoring data. Smart Structures and Systems20 (2): 127-137. (SCI, IF: 1.382)
22.Jueyou Li, Guoquan Li, Zhiyou Wu, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Jae-Myung Lee and Kwang-Hyo Jung, Incremental Gradient-Free Method for Nonsmooth Distributed Optimization, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. Vol. 13, 1841-1857, 2017. (SCI,IF: 0.98)
23.Jueyou Li, Chuanye Gu, Zhiyou Wu, and Changzhi Wu, Distributed optimization methods for nonconve problems with inequality constraints over time-varying networks, Complexity, Article ID: **. (SCI, IF: 4.621)
24.Hao Zhang, Diyi Chen, Beibei Xu, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, The slow-fast dynamical behaviors of a hydro-turbine governing system under periodic excitations, Nonlinear Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-016-3208-0, 2017. (SCI, IF: 3.0)
25.Fenglei Li, Zhao Chang, Qi Tian, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Performance Predictions of Dry and Wet Vapors Ejecotrs over Entire Operational Range, Energies, Vol. 10, Article ID: 1012, 2017,(SCI,IF: 2.262)
26.Qiang Long, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Zhiyou Wu, A modified quasisecant method for global optimization, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 51, 21-37, 2017. (SCI,IF: 2.35)
27.B Xu, D Yan, D Chen, X Gao, C Wu, Sensitivity analysis of a Pelton hydropower station based on a novel approach of turbine torque, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 148, 785-800, 2017.(SCI,IF: 5.589)
28. Chuanxin Zhao, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Bingo Ling, Kok Lay Teo, Jae-Myung Lee and Kung Jung, Maximizing lifetime of a wireless sensor network via joint optimizing sink placement and sensor-to-sink routing, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 49, 319-337, 2017. (SCI, IF: 2.35)
29.C.Zhao, C. Wu, X. Wang, B. Ling, K. Teo, Decomposition-Based Multi-Objective Firefly Algorithm for RFID Network Planning with Uncertainty, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 55, 549-564,2017.(SCI, IF:3.541)
30.J. Chai, C. Wu, H. Chi, C. Zhao, X. Wang, B. Ling and K. L. Teo, Reference tag supported RFID tracking using robust support vector regression and Kalman filter, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 32, 1-10, 2017. (SCI, IF: 2.68)
31. Hao Zhang, Diyi Chen, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Jae-Myung Lee, Kwang-Hyo Jung, Dynamic modelling and dynamical analysis of pump-turbines in S-shaped regions during runaway operation, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 138, 375-382. (SCI, IF: 4.801), 2017.(SCI,IF: 5.589)
32. Donglin Yan, Keyun Zhuang, Beibei Xu, Diyi Chen, Renjie Mei, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Excitation current analysis and a unified model on a hydropower station with the complex water diversion pipe, ASCE-Journal of Energy Engineering. Article ID: **, 2017. (SCI,IF:1.944)
33. Ru Liang, Zhijie Dong, Zhaohan Sheng, Xiangyu Wang and Changzhi Wu, A case study of selecting decision-making schemes in large-scale infrastructure project, ASCE-Journal of Infrastructure Systems. Article ID: **, (SCI, IF: 1.516), 2017.
34. F. Li, Q. Tian, C. Wu, X. Wang and J. Lee, Ejector performance prediction at critical and subcritical operational modes, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 115, 444-454, 2017. (SCI, IF: 3.444)
35. Huanhuan Li, Diyi Chen, Hao Zhang, Changzhi Wu, Xiangyu Wang, Hamiltonian analysis of a hydro-energy generation system in the transient of sudden load increasing, Applied Energy, Vol. 185, 244-253, 2017. (SCI, IF: 7.182)
36. Lei Wang, Qingshuang Han, Diyi Chen, Changzhi Wu and Xiangyu Wang, Non-linear modelling and stability analysis of the PTGS at pump mode, IET Renewable Power Generation, (SCI, IF: 2.635)Vol. 11, 827-836, 2017.
37. J. Chai, H. Chi, X. Wang, C. Wu, J. Lee, K. Jung, Automatic as-built modelling for concurrent progress tracking of plant construction based on laser scanning, Concurrent Engineering, Vol. 24 (4), 2016, (SCI, IF: 1.02)
38.F. Li, C. Wu, X. Wang, Q. Tian, K.L. Teo. A Sparsity-Enhanced Optimization Method for Ejector Performance Prediction. Energy, 113 (2016) 25-34. (SCI,IF: 4.52)
39. J. Li, G. Li, Z. Wu and C.Z. Wu, Stochastic mirror descent method for distributed multi-agent optimization, Optimization Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s11590-016-1071-z, 2016. (SCI,IF: 1.02)
40. Q. Liu, B. Ling, Q. Dai, Z. Yang, C.Z. Wu and X. Wang, Design of nonuniformtransmultiplexers with block samplers and signle-input single-output linear time-invariant filters based on perfect reconstruction condition, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 12, 289-305, 2016.(SCI, IF: 1.178)
41.J. Liu, S. Zhang, C.Z. Wu, X. Wang, K. Teo, A hybrid approach to constrained optimization, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 47, 281-294, 2016. (SCI, IF: 3.541)
42.J.J. Liu, C. Wu, X.Y. Wang, G.N. Wu and K.L. Teo, A binary differential search algorithm for multidimentional knapsack problem, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (23), 9788-9805, 2016. (SCI, IF: 2.35)
43.J.Y. Li, C.Z. Wu, Z.Y. Wu, Q. Long and X.Y. Wang, A fast dual gradient method for separable convex optimization via smoothing, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 12, 289-305, 2016. (SCI IF: 0.543)
44. X. Zhang, C.Z. Wu, J. Li, X. Wang, Z. Yang, J. Lee and K. Jung, Binary artificial algae algorithm for multidimensional knapsack problems, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 43, 583-595, 2016. (SCI,IF: 3.541)
45. J.Y. Li, Z.Y. Wu, C.Z. Wu, Q. Long and X.Y. Wang, An inexact dual fast gradient-projection method for separable convex optimization with linear coupled constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 168, 153-171, 2016. (SCI, IF: 1.289)
46.J.J. Liu, K.L. Teo, X.Y. Wang and C.Z. Wu, An exact penalty function-based differential search algorithm for constrained global optimization, Soft Computing, Vol. 20, 1305-1313, 2016. (SCI, IF: 2.472)
47.Liang, R., Z. Sheng, F. Xu, and C. Wu. 2016. “Bidding Strategy to Support Decision-Making Based on Comprehensive Information in Construction Projects.” Discrete Dynamics in nature and Society2016 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/**), Article ID**. (SCI, IF: 0.646)
48. L. Hou, C. Zhao, C. Wu, S. Moon, X. Wang, Discrete Firfly Algorithm for Scaffolding Construction Scheduling, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Article ID: **, 2016. (SCI, IF: 1.855)
1.澳大利亚国科会工业联合基金,LP,“Improving Road Network Operations under Non-recurrent Events”, 2017.02 – 2020. 02, 22.8万澳币, 主持
2.澳大利亚国科会探索基金,DP,“A Multi-Agent System for Stakeholder Management in Off-Site Construction”, 2017.01 – 2019. 12, 43.2万澳币,参加
3.澳大利亚国科会工业联合基金,LP,“Bridge Performance Assessment through Advanced Sensing and Modelling”, 2016.07 – 2019. 07, 22.8万澳币,参加
5.澳大利亚国科会工业联合基金,LP,“Boosting up Productivity: Optimizing Scaffolding Life Cycle Management with Virtual Design and Construction”, 2014.06 – 2018. 09,42.5万澳币,参加
Applied Mathematical Modelling 2015年度最佳评审人
国外:construction plant and equipment, structures
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职称:教授学位:博士性别:男电话:**邮箱:yehaosheng0817@163.com研究方向:管理心理学个人简历:1991年在南京师范大学教育科学学院基础心理学专业获得博士学位1993年在南京师范大学晋升副教授,担任硕士生导师1997年南京师范大学晋升教授;1998年担任博士生指导教师;2000 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张仁寿
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职称:教授学位:博士性别:男办公:文清楼616电话:邮箱:kfchang0429@163.com研究方向市场营销---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张河清
张河清/HeqingZhang教授/博士生导师/Professor/Ph.DSupervisor博士(四川大学)/Ph.D.(SichuanUniversity,SCU)电子邮箱/Email:lyzhq8007@gzhu.edu.cn;zhq8007@163.com办公电话/officephone: ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29