Ming-Hui Zou, M.D. Ph.D. is the eminent scholar in Georgia Research Alliance in Georgia, USA. Dr. Zou is the founding director, the Center of Molecular and Translational Medicine, and the Associate Vice President for Research, Georgia State University. Before he joined the Georgia State University, Dr. Zou was the George Lynn Cross Professor, Warren Endowed Chair in Diabetes Research, and Travis endowed Chair in Endocrinology in the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, the Chief of Section of Molecular Medicine, and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Medicine from 2005-2015.
研究方向: Cardiovascular pathophysiology & pharmacology
Research Interests: My ongoing research programs look at the means to sense oxidative stress, reduce it, or ameliorate the body’s adverse response to it. Dr. Zou has been instrumental in examining the role of nitric oxide and oxidative stress in the regulation of blood flow and vascular function. He performed elegant, state of the art, studies to show that the selective modification of two key proteins, prostacyclin synthase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase, is critical in the dysregulation of vessel function from nitric oxide and superoxide. Dr. Zou’s research group was also the first to demonstrate that the AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), a key enzyme in the regulation of energy metabolism, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, functions as a sensor and regulator of oxidative stress. Dr. Zou’s contributions in this area are important and his work represents outstanding breakthroughs in research which have been recognized by many other investigators in the fields.
Accomplishments: Dr. Zou has been very productively working in the area of cardiovascular biology and diseases over 25 years. Dr. Zou was instrumental in examining the role of nitric oxide and oxidative stress in the regulation of blood flow and vascular function. He performed elegant, state of the art, studies to show that the selective modification of two key proteins, prosptacyclin synthase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase, is critical in the dysregulation of vessel function from nitric oxide and superoxide. Dr. Zou’s group was also the first to demonstrate that the AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), a key enzyme in the regulation of energy metabolism, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, functions as a redox sensor and modulator of oxidative stress in cardiovascular systems. Furthermore, Dr. Zou and his group has systemically characterized the signaling pathways by which oxidants-induced LKB1-AMPK signaling axis in endothelial cells. Finally, Dr. Zou has systemically studies how LKB1 or AMPK becomes dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases and cancers and how dysfunctional LKB1/AMPK promotes cardiovascular disorders. Dr. Zou’s contributions in this area are important and his work represents outstanding breakthroughs research which has been recognized by many other investigators in the fields.
Honors: An independent investigator of the National Institutes of Health and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF) and an Established Investigator and National Scientist Development awardee of the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association, Dr. Zou has used these (and many other awards) to make scientific observations in fields with great potential for immediate clinical relevance. He has served on several national study panels such as the National Science Foundation of China, the National Institutes of Health, American Diabetes Association, and American Heart Association. He is also the Editor-in-chief for the journals “Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity” “World Journal of Diabetes” and has served the editorial boards of many prestigious journals including Nature Medicine, J. Exp. Med., J. Clin. Invest., Circulation、Circulation Research, ATVB, Diabetes, etc. He has published over 180 peer reviewed papers in highly impacted journals including Nature Medicine, J. Clin. Invest., Circulation、Circulation Research, Diabetes, Mol. Cell. Biol. Atherosclerosis, Vascular Biology, and Thrombosis、J. Biol. Chem., Hypertension. In 2008 he was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation, one of the US’ oldest honor societies of physician-scientists, membership in which reflects accomplishments by its members at an early stage in their careers.
1.Zou M., Anges C. Cell-cell interaction of macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells in the synthesis of leukotriene b(4). Mediators Inflammation. 3(4):297-302, 1994. PMID: ** PMCID: PMC**
2.Boneberg, E. M. Zou, M.-H, and Ullrich, V. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 by R(-)- and S(+)-ibuprofen. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 36(121 Suppl):16S-19S, 1996. PMID: **
3.Pasquet, J., Zou, M.-H., Ullrich, V. Peroxynitrite inhibition of nitric oxide synthases. Biochimie, 78(8-9):785-91, 1996. PMID: **
4.Zou, M.-H., Ullrich, V. Peroxynitrite formed by simultaneous generation of nitric oxide and superoxide selectively inhibits bovine aortic prostacyclin synthase. FEBS Lett. 382(1-2):101-104, 1996. PMID: **
5.Zou, M.., Martin, C., Ullrich, V. Tyrosine nitration as a mechanism of selective inactivation of prostacyclin synthase by peroxynitrite. Biol. Chem. 378:707-713, 1997. PMID: **
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-31
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