Dr. Nanbert Zhong
Nanbert Zhong is a tenured faculty member currently heading the Developmental Genetics Laboratory at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities. He has been licensed by the New York State Department of Health as a Director in charge of the Molecular Neurogenetic Diagnostic Laboratory in the New York State Clinical Specialty Laboratories (NYS_SCL) since 1998, in addition to be an Assistant Director of NYS_SCL.
Professor Zhong has been an active member involved in promoting global health. He was the member of Technical Panelist of the “Born Too Soon, A Global Report on Action Call,” published by the WHO-MOD-Save Children-PMNCH (2012) and of Advisory Group in the report of WHO/UNICEF Global Newborn Action Plan (2014). He was one of the partners in the March of Dimes Global Network for Maternal and Infant Health, as well as in the GenTee project of European 7th-Frame Program. He is the current president for the global Preterm Birth International Collaborative (www.prebicglobal.org).
As the first or corresponding author, his research papers have been published in high impact journals, including Nat Genet, Lancet, Am J Hum Genet, Am J Med Genet, Clin Genet, Hum Genet, Genet in Med, J Med Genet, Neurogenet, Mol Genet Metabol, Adv Genet, Genet Testing, Neurology, Neurol Sci, Bioch Biophy Acta - Proteins & Proteomics, BBRC, Behav Brain Funct, Encyclopedia, J Comm Genet, J Chromatogr B, J Mol Neurosci, Am J Rep Immunol, BMC Preg Childbirth, Epi Infect, Eur J Pediatric, Pediatr Res, PLoS One, Matern Child Health J, Transl Psychiatr, etc. As a principle investigator (PI), his research studies have been founded by the NIH (USA), March of Dimes Foundation (USA), Batten Disease Support and Research Association (USA), New York State Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene (USA), Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Oversea Chinese Outstanding Young Investigator Award, and 973 High Tech project), Chinese Ministry of Education (211, 985 Projects), Chinese Natural Science Foundation, and Shanghai Municipal Government. He is an Associated Editor for the Journal of Integrated-Omics.
He was the founder Chairman of the Department of Medical Genetics of Peking University Health Science Center in 2004 and the founder Director of Peking University Center of Medical Genetics in 2005. During the period of his leadership, he developed an international exchange program between the Peking University and the NIH/NICHD, which was the only official exchange program between China and NIH/NICHD. In 2015, he developed an US-China Research Center for Translational Medicine in Developmental Disabilities in Guangzhou, China.