夏学锋,教授,博士生导师。美国The Methodist Hospital Research Institute基因组医学中心(Center for Genomic Medicine)和糖尿病研究中心 (Center for Diabetes Research) 的研究员(Scientist)。美国胃肠病协会(AGA)会员,美国肝脏病研究协会(AASLD)会员,美国内分泌学会(The Endocrine Society)会员。担任《Gastroenterology》、《Hepatology》、《Gut》、《American Journal of Physiology》、《AJP-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology》、《Digestive and Liver Disease》等杂志审稿人。1998-2002年于美国贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)完成Postdoctoral Associate培训,曾担任德州大学休士顿医学院(University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)医学系讲师 (Instructor) 和助理教授(Assistant Professor)。已经培养博士研究生2名和博士后研究生8名。兰州大学萃英讲习教授和广州医科大学特聘教授。主持完成课题9项,参与美国国立卫生研究所(NIH)项目5项,继续承担NIH课题和美国国防部课题2项,合作科研项目2项,发表Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Cell, J Clin Invest, Oncogene, Circ Res, J Biol Chem及Heptology有等高水平学术期刊论文40余篇,曾多次受邀在A & M University System Health Science Center、MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Houston、中南大学、广州医科大学、华东师范大学、温州医科大学、兰州大学及其他科研机构做专题报告,并多次参加国际会议交流并大会发言,论文获大会颁奖。2011年作为特邀嘉宾在东方内分泌-糖尿病论坛和中华内分泌年会大会报告。从事核激素受体(Nuclear Hormone Receptor)在肿瘤、人体代谢,生殖内分泌调控,及肝胆疾病和肾脏疾病等领域的创新性研究,并取得卓著的成绩。
1. Xia X, Jung D, Webb P, Zhang A, Zhang B, Li L, Ayers SD, Gabbie C, Ueno Y, Gustafssone J, Alpini G, Moore DD, LeSage GD. Liver X Receptorβ and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptorδ regulate cholesterol transport in cholangiocytes. Hepatology. 2012 Jun 22. doi: 10.1002/hep.25919. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Yu B, Lin H, Yang L, Chen K, Luo H, Liu J, Gao X, Xia X, Huang Z. Genetic variation in NRF2-ARE pathway associates with defective spermatogenesis in humans. J Mol Med (Berl). 2012 May 31. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Wang F, Yu B, Yang W, Liu J, Lu J, Xia X. Polycystic ovary syndrome resembling histopathological alterations in ovaries from prenatal androgenized female rats. J Ovarian Res. 2012 May 18; 5(1):15. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Li L, Zhang X, Zhao L, Xia X, Wang W. Comparison of DNA apoptosis in mouse and human blastocysts after vitrification and slow freezing. Mol Reprod Dev. 2012 Feb 1,79:229-236
5. Zhou Y, Tozzi F, Chen J, Fan F, Xia L, Wang J, Gao G, Zhang A, Xia X, Brasher H, Widger W, Ellis LM, Weihua Z. Intracellular ATP levels are a pivotal determinant of chemoresistance in colon cancer cells. Cancer Res. 2012 Jan 1; 72 (1):304-14.
6. Sandulache VC, Skinner HD, Ow TJ, Zhang A, Xia X, Luchak JM, Wong LJ, Pickering CR, Zhou G, Myers JN. Individualizing anti-metabolic treatment strategies for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma based on TP53 mutational status. Cancer. 2012 Feb 1; 118 (3):711-21.
7. Deng T, Sieglaff DH, Zhang A, Lyon CJ, Ayers SD, Cvoro A, Gupte AA, Xia X, Baxter JD, Webb P, Hsueh WA. A peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) /PPAR coactivator 1β autoregulatory loop in adipocyte mitochondrial function. J Biol Chem. 2011 Sep 2; 286 (35):30723
8. Collins AR, Lyon CJ, Xia X, Liu JZ, Tangirala RK, Yin F, Boyadjian R, Bikineyeva A, Praticò D, Harrison DG, Hsueh WA. Age-accelerated atherosclerosis correlates with failure to upregulate antioxidant genes. Circ Res. 2009 Mar 27; 104(6):e42-54.
9. Zhong X, Liu H, Pu A, Xia X, Zhou X. M cells are involved in pathogenesis of human contact lens-associated giant papillary conjunctivitis. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2007 May; 55(3):173-7.
10. Zhang W, Xia X, Reisenauer MR, Vallon V, Lang F, Kuhl D, Kone BC. Aldosterone-induced SGK1 Phosphorylates AF9 and Relieves Dot1a-AF9-Mediated Transcriptional Repression of ENaCalpha. J Clin Invest. 2007 Mar; 117(3):773-83.
11. Zhang W, Xia X, Reisenauer MR, Hemenway CS, Kone BC. DOT1a-AF9 complex mediates histone H3 K79 hypermethylation and repression of ENaCα in an aldosterone-sensitive manner. J Biol Chem. 2006 Jun 30; 281(26):18059-68.
12. Ma W, Xia X, Stafford LJ, Yu C, Wang F, LeSage G, Liu M. Expression of GCIP in transgenic mice decreases susceptibility to chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. Oncogene. 2006 Jul 13; 25 (30):4207-16.
13. Zhang W, Xia X, Jalal DI, Kuncewicz T, Xu W, LeSage GD, Kone BC. Aldosterone-sensitive repression of ENaCα transcription by a histone H3 lysine-79 methyltransferase. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2006 Mar; 290(3):C936-46.
14. Alpini G, Glaser S, Baiocchi L, Francis H, Xia X, LeSage G. Secretin activation of the apical Na (+)-dependent bile acid transporter is associated with cholehepatic shunting in rats. Hepatology. 2005 May; 4 1(5):1037-45.
15. Yu Z, Xia X, Kone B. Expression Profile of a Human Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Promoter-Reporter In Transgenic Mice During Endotoxemia. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2005 Jan; 288(1):F214-20.
16. Xia X, Roundtree M, Merikhi A, Lu X, Shentu S, LeSage G. Degradation of the Apical Sodium-dependent Bile Acid Transporter (ASBT) by the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway in Cholangiocytes. J Biol Chem. 2004 279(43): 44931-44937.
17. Zhang W, Xia X, Zou L, Xu X, LeSage GD, and Kone BC. In Vivo Expression Profile of an H+-K+-ATPase 2 Subunit Promoter-reporter Transgene. J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2004 Jun; 286(6): F1171-77.
18. Qyang Y, Chambers SM, Wang P, Xia X, Chen X, Goodell MA, Zheng H. Myeloproliferative disease in mice with reduced presenilin gene dosage: effect of gamma-secretase blockage. Biochemistry. 2004 May 11; 43(18):5352-9.
19. Kang DE, Soriano S, Xia X, Eberhart CG, De Strooper B, Zheng H, Koo ED. Presenilin couples the paired phosphorylation of beta-catenin independent of axin: implications for beta-catenin activation in tumorigenesis. Cell. 2002 Sep 20; 110(6):751-62.
20. Xia X, Wang P, Sun X, Soriano S, Shum WK, Yamaguchi H, Trumbauer ME, Takashima A, Koo EH, Zheng H. The aspartate-257 of presenilin 1 is indispensable for mouse development and production of beta-amyloid peptides through beta-catenin-independent mechanisms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Jun 25; 99(13):8760-5.
21. Moehlmann T, Winkler E, Xia X, Edbauer D, Murrell J, Capell A, Kaether C, Zheng H, Ghetti B, Haass C, Steiner H. Presenilin-1 mutations of leucine 166 equally affect the generation of the Notch and APP intracellular domains independent of their effect on Abeta 42 production. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Jun 11; 99(12):8025-30.
22. Dineley KT, Xia X, Bui D, Sweatt JD, Zheng H. Accelerated plaque accumulation, associative learning deficits, and up-regulation of alpha 7 nicotinic receptor protein in transgenic mice co-expressing mutant human presenilin 1 and amyloid precursor proteins. J Biol Chem. 2002 Jun 21; 277(25):22768-80.
23. Xia X, Qian S, Soriano S, Wu Y, Fletcher AM, Wang XJ, Koo E, Wu X, Zheng H. Loss of presenilin 1 is associated with enhanced beta-catenin signaling and skin tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Sep 11; 98(19):10863-8.
Books, Book Chapters and Reviews
1. Xia X, Francis H, Glaser S, Alpini G, LeSage G. Bile acid interactions with cholangiocytes. World J Gastroenterol. 2006; 12(22): 3553-3563.
2. Xia X, DeMorrow S, Marzioni M, Fava G, Francis H, Alpini G, Glaser S, LeSage G. Cholangiocyte Injury and Ductopenic Syndromes. Semin Liver Dis. 2007 Nov; 27(4):401-12.
3. Xia X, Alpini G, LeSage G. “Extrahepatocytic Transport of Bile Acids: The Role of the Cholangiocyte”. In: Keppler D, Beuers U, Leuschner U, Stiehl A, Trauner M, Paumgartner G, eds. Bile acids: biological actions and clinical relevance. Proceedings of the Falk Symposium 155; 2006 Oct 6-7; Freiberg (Germany). Dordrecht (The Netherlands): Springer; 2007: 71-75
4. Xia X, LeSage G., “Bile acids and cholangiocyte biology” in Pathophysiology of the Intrahepatic Biliary Epithelium. 2008: ISBN: 978-81-7895-337-3 Transworld Research Network 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India 2009:1-20
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-04
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张晓薇,女,医学博士,广州医科大学第一附属医院妇产科科主任、主任医师、妇产科硕士导师,广州市卫生系统优秀共产党员。目前担任中华妇产科女性盆底学组委员,广东省医学会妇产科分会副主委,广州市医学会妇产科分会副主委,广东省妇科内镜学组副组长;现兼任《中国妇科与产科杂志》《中国微创外科杂志》《广州医科大学学 ...广州医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-04广州医科大学研究生导师简介-张文红
张文红,女,专业技术资格:生物医学工程专业副主任技师,副主任法医师。1990年毕业于四川大学生物系,在从教8年后,于1998年考入暨南大学生命科学与技术学院生殖免疫研究中心攻读发育生物学硕士学位。2001年6月获理学硕士学位,同年进入广州医科大学第三附属医院,在妇产科研究室从事临床检验和科研工作,2 ...广州医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-04广州医科大学研究生导师简介-林冬云
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