

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-04


汪教授是东华学院创校校长。曾任香港理工大学(理大)副校长、医疗及社会科学院院长、护理学院主任、讲座教授及香港教育学院文理学院院长。早香港担任多项香港公职,包括赛马会善宁之家管治委员会主席,青山医院、小榄医院及白普利医院管治委员会委员,精神健康学院委员,香港认知障碍症协会导向顾问委员会委员,香港学术及职业资历评审局专家、职业专才教育评审联络小组及顾问服务委员会委员,香港医院管理局九龙西联网科研道德委员会委员等。在国内, 他是中华护理学会院校教育工作委员会副主席,中国生命关怀协会人文护理专业委员会副主席及被推选为世界中医药会联合会护理专业委员会副主席。

汪教授善于把先进信息科技应用于专上教学、临床实践及研究等范畴。彼任职理大期间,引入创新教学模式;一九九七年成立虚拟现实 (virtual reality) 实验室,倡导运用「模拟病人」教学并大力推动网上学习;二零零五年更开拓增强实境 (augmented reality) 练习, 使学生获得最佳学习果效。二零一零年,汪教授更于东华学院引进 「挑战为本学习 (Challenge Based Learning)」方法,培育学生批判及创意思维,锐意增强学生自学能力。2015年,汪教授创办「认知障碍(即老人痴呆症)患者结合生涯规划」,利用崭新的学习方法,让长者强化生活能力,走进另一生涯;此项目已推行两年,成效令人兴奋。

在理大期间汪教授领导其科研团队开发「遥距健康网络系统 (Telehealth System)」,系统配备先进电子自助体检工具,以鼓励市民进行自我体检,巩固基层健康。二零零二年,「遥距健康网络系统」赢得亚太信息及通讯科技学会颁授亚太信息及通讯科技大奬(健康医疗大奬)及国际护理荣誉学会颁授临床护理应用信息科技大奬之金针奬。二零零五年,遥距健康网络系统的家居应用版面世,创香港智能家居 (Smart Home) 的先河。汪教授及其团员屡献新犹,各项创意发明扬威多个国际及本地展览并囊括多项科技奖项,共获得九金、一银及二铜奬利以及三个嘉许奬,部分发明,更获专利,成绩斐然。


PUBLICATIONS (Last 3 years)1.Tang, A.C.Y., Wong, N., & Wong, T.K.S. (2015). Learning experience of Chinese nursing students in an online clinical English course: Qualitative study. Nursing Education Today, 35:2, 61-66.

2.Ka-Kit Tsang, Enid Wai-Yung Kwong, Kevin Y. Woo, Tony Shing-Shun To, Joanne Wai-Yee Chung, and Thomas Kwok-Shing Wong (2015). The Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Action of Nanocrystalline Silver and Manuka Honey on the Molecular Alternation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 218283, 19 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/218283

3.Yali Tian, Hui Liu, Lorna Guse, Thomas KS Wong, Jiping Li, Yangjing Bai & Xiaolian Jiang (2015). Association of Genetic Factors and Gene–Environment Interactions with Risk of Developing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Case–Control Study. Biological Research for Nursing.

4.Law, Q. P. S., Chung, J.W.Y., Leung, C.C., & Wong, T.K.S. (2015). Enhancement of self-efficacy and interest in learning English of undergraduate students with low English proficiency through a collaborative learning programme. American Journal of Educational Research, 3:10, 1284–1290. [Impact factor: 1.27] (ISSN 2327-6150)

5.Ming Liu, Ken Gu, Thomas KS Wong, Min Z Luo & Men Y Chan (2015). Perceived stress among Macao nursing students in the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2:2, 128-133.

6.Or, P., Chung, J., & Wong, T. (2016). A novel approach of fit testing the N95 respirator in real time in a clinical setting. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 22, 22-30. [Impact factor 0.599][ISSN 1322-7114]

7.姜恋,周英,汪国成 (2016).中文版儿童心理行为障碍偏见量表信效度初探.中国儿童保健杂志, 6, 625-628.

8.Tung, F. L. N., Yan, V. C. M., Tai, W. L. Y., Chen, J. H., Chung, J. W. Y., & Wong, T. K. S. (2016). Nurses’ knowledge of universal health coverage for inclusive and sustainable elderly care services. Revisto Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 24, e2670. doi:10.1590/1518-8345.1152.2670.

9.袁乐欣,周英,唐秋碧, 汪国成 (2016).香港哀伤辅导的发展及对中国大陆的启示.医学与哲学, 3, 31-33.

10.Law, Q.P.S., Chung, J.W.Y., Leung, L.C.C. & Wong, T.K.S. (2017). Perceptions of Collaborative Learning in Enhancing Undergraduate Education Students’ Engagement in Teaching and Learning English. Journal of US-China Education Review, 7:2, 89-100.

11.杨芷,周英,汪国成 (2017).《创新与创意思维》课堂互动分析的研究.中华医学教育探索杂志, 11, 1154-1158.

12.Or, P.P.L., Chung, J.W.Y., & Wong, T.K.S. (in press). A study of environmental factors affecting nurses’ comfort and protection in wearing N95 respirators during bedside procedures. Journal of Clinical Nursing (Accepted for publication, January 4, 2018).

13.Tang, Q.B., Zhou, Y. & Wong, T.K.S. (in press). Effects of Music Intervention on Apathy in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. Geriatric Nursing. (Accepted for publication, February 7, 2018).

RESEARCH (last 3years)2012 - 15“Design of Smart Functional Apparel for Moxa Moxibustion”, RGC Competitive Research Grant, General Research Fund (GRF), (HK$550,000)

2013 - 16“A Novel Approach in Heat Transfer Function of Artificial Leather”, (Principal Investigator) ITF Tier 3 Grant, (HK$998,660)

2013 - 16Design of Functional Skin-protective Textile System for Patients who Suffer from Epidermolysis Bullosa (GRF HK$687,800)

2014 - 16“Development of an Innovative Spinning System for Chitosan Yarn”, ITF Platform Project of HKRITA, (HK$5,388,888)

2014 – 15“Upgrading of the Nursing Education Programme from Level 4 to Level 5 offered by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority’, (HK$300,000)

2014 – 16“Evaluation of Community Health Profile”, Wong Tai Sin Healthy City Association and District Council, (HK$220,000)

2015 - 17“A Functional Textile-based Thermal-stimuli Drug Delivery Apparel System for Patients who Suffer from Sciatica”, RGC Competitive Research Grant, General Research Fund (GRF), (HK$ 826,200)

2015 – 17“Towards a Sub-degree General Education Framework – Facilitating Credit recognition and Transfer”, Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education, (HK$900,000)

2015 – 18“Jockey Club Keep-Fit Formula for Children”, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China, (HK$1,800,000)

2016 – 18Professional Production of Specification of Competency Standard (SCS) for the Fashion Industry, The Vocational training Council (HK$1,650,000)

2018 “Development of a Brief Version of a Cantonese Inpatient Dignity Scale”, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. (HK$15,000)
相关话题/香港 健康 护理 系统 医院