

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-06


简  历:
冉 勇,男,研究员,中国科学院研究生院教授,博士导师。1991年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所。2007年-2010年任国际著名环境毒理和化学期刊(Environental. Toxicology and Chemistry)编委、《矿物岩石地球化学通报》编委。先后主持了国家基金-广东省自然科学基金联合项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省环保局基金等项目多项,作为主要参加者参加了国家科技攻关项目课题1项、国家重点基金课题2项和团队基金项目2项、中国科学院重点课题4项。获国家教委留学基金和对方资助,先后在澳大利亚Monash大学水研究中心和西澳大利亚大学做客座研究、美国、德国和瑞士做客座教授。在国际环境科学权威的刊物Environ. Sci & Technol.上发表论文12篇,共发表SCI 刊物论文60多篇,核心刊物上发表论文40多篇,SCI刊物引用1600多次,参加的项目获国家自然科学二等奖两项、广东省自然科学奖各一项。入选国际名人录(Who’s Who 2015)。


参加的项目获国家自然科学二等奖两项、广东省自然科学奖各一项。入选国际名人录(Who’s Who 2015)

1. Chenya Zhuo, Shujie Hu, Yu Yang, Yong Ran. Effects of chemical structures and microporosity of sedimentary organic matter on the oxidative degradation of benzo(a)pyrene by Na2S2O8.Water Research2020,174, 115635. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115635.
2. Shujie Hu, Decheng Xu, Xianglan Kong, Jian Gong, Yu Yang, Yong Ran, Jingdong Mao. Effects of the Chemical Structure and Micropore of Activated and Oxidized Black Carbon on the Sorption and Desorption of Nonylphenol. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 761,144191.
3. Haiyan Li, Dandan Duan, Barbara Beckingham, Yu Yang, Yong Ran, Peter Grathwohl. Impact of trophic levels on partitioning and bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in particulate organic matter and plankton. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020, 160, 111527
4. Decheng Xu, Shujie Hu, Yongqiang Xiong, Yu Yan, Yong Ran. Importance of the structure and micropores of sedimentary organic matter in the sorption of phenanthrene and nonylphenol. Environmental Pollution 2020, 260, 114034.
5. Fenghua Wei, Dali Wang, Huizhen Li, Pu Xia, Yong Ran, Jing You. Toxicogenomics provides insights to toxicity pathways of neonicotinoids to aquatic insect,Chironomus dilutus. Environmental Pollution 2020, 260, 114011.
6. Nannan Wan, Chenya Zhuo, Lei Qiao, Yu Yang, Yong Ran. Relationship between Historical Changes of PBDEs and PAHs and Algal Organic Matter in Sediments of Poyang Lake under Climate Warming. HUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 2020 (in press). https: // doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**
7. Decheng Xu, Shujie Hu, Dainan Zhang, Yu Yang, Yongqiang Xiong, Yong Ran. Importance of sporopollenin structure and accessibility in the sorption of phenanthrene by biota spores and pollens. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53(24), 14285-14295 (ES&T journal supplemental cover page).
8. Chenya Zhuo, Dainan Zhang, Yu Yang, Yong Ran, Jingdong Mao. Effects of compositions, chemical structures, and microporosity of sedimentary organic matter on degradation of benzo(a)pyrene by hydrogen peroxide. Water Research 2019, 159, 414-422
9. Dainan Zhang, Yu Yang, Jianfang Hu, Yong Ran, Jingdong Mao. Occurrence of aliphatic biopolymer in chlorophyceae algae and cyanobacteria-rich phytoplanktons. Organic Geochemistry, 2019, 135, 1-10.
10. Shujie Hu, Dainan Zhang, Yu Yan, Yong Ran, Jingdong Mao, Wenying Chu, Xiaoyan Cao. Effects of the Chemical Structure, Surface and Micropore Properties of Activated and Oxidized Black Carbon on the Sorption and Desorption of Phenanthrene. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53, 7683-7693.
11. Dadan Duan, Dainan Zhang, Xiaoxuan Ma, Yu Yang, Yong Ran, Jingdong Mao. Chemical and structural characterization of thermally simulated kerogen and its relationship with microporosity. Marine and Petroleum Geology 2018, 80, 4-13.
12. Huang, Y.; Zhang, D.; Yang, Y.; Zeng, X.; Ran, Y., Distribution and partitioning of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Guiyu, South China. Environmental Pollution 2018, 235, 104.
13. Hu, S.; Zhang, D.; Xiong, Y.; Yang, Y.; Ran, Y., Nanopore-filling effect of phenanthrene sorption on modified black carbon. The Science of Total Environment 2018, 642, 1050-1059.
14. Dandan Duan, Dainan Zhang, Yu Yang, Jingfu Wang, Jing’an Chen, Yong Ran. Source, composition, and environmental implication of neutral carbohydrates in sediment cores of subtropical reservoirs, South China. Biogeosciences 2017,14(18): 4009-4022
15. Huang, Y.; Zhang, D.; Duan, D.; Yu, Y.; Xiong, Y.; Yong, R., Importance of the structure and nanoporosity of organic matter on the desorption kinetics of benzo[a]pyrene in sediments. Environmental Pollution 2017, 225, 628.
16. Dainan Zhang, Dandan Duan, Youda Huang, Yu Yang, Yong Ran*. Novel phenanthrene sorption mechanism by two pollens and their fractions. Environmental Science and Technology 2016, 50, 7305-7315.
17. Dainan Zhang, Dandan Duan, Youda Huang, Yu Yang, Yong Ran*. Role of structure, accessibility and microporosity on sorption of phenanthrene and nonylphenol by sediments and their fractions . Environmental Pollution 2016, 219, 456-465.
18. Jian Gong, Dandan Duan, Wen Huang, Yong Ran*, Diyun Chen. Seasonal variation and partitioning of endocrine disrupting chemicals in waters and sediments of the Pearl River system, South China . Environmental Pollution 2016, 219, 735–741.
19. Jian Gong, Youda Huang, Wen Huang, Yong Ran*, Diyun Chen. Multi-phase partitioning and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River Delta. Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 2016, 35, 2474-2482.
20. Xiaolei Qu, Heyun Fu, Jingdong Mao, Dainan Zhang, Yong Ran, Dongqiang Zhu. Chemical and Structural Properties of Dissolved Black Carbon Released from Biochars. Carbon 2016, 96, 759-767.
21. Dandan Duan, Yong Ran*, Effect of Algal Organic Matter on Pollutant Accumulation in Reservoir Sediments of the Pearl River Delta, China. Labile Organic Matter—Chemical Compositions, Function, and Significance in Soil and the Environment, (SSSA Special Publication 62), 2015, 295-314.
22. Yong Ran*, Yulong Zhang. Sources, Early Diagenesis, and Structure of Organic Matter in the Pearl River Delta. Labile Organic Matter—Chemical Compositions, Function, and Significance in Soil and the Environment.—Chemical Compositions, Function, and Significance in Soil and the Environment, (SSSA Special Publication 62), 2015, 408-430.
23. Dainan Zhang, Jingdong Mao, Yong Ran*, Xiayan Cao, Jingdong Mao, Jinfang Cui, Klaus Schmidt-Rohr. Biosorption of nonylphenol on algae, field-collected algae and their fractions. Environmental Pollution 2015, 198, 61-69.
24. Dandan Duan, Youda Huang, Hefa Cheng, Yong Ran. Relationship of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with algae-derived organic matter in sediment cores from a subtropical region. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosicences 2015, 120, 2243-2255.

3)珠江水环境中典型有机污染物的环境地球化学行为、环境风险和修复技术, 国家自然科学基金-广东省联合基金,项目编号:U**,2013.1-2016.12,按计划进行,负责人。
6) 广东省环境污染和控制重点实验室,广东省科技厅科技研发项目,项目编号:2019B,2020.1-2023.12,按计划进行,核心成员。

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