

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-26

清华大学博士 广东工业大学“青年****”引进人才

2018.7.–至今 广东工业大学 机电学院 “青年****”引进人才
2007.9.–2011.6 清华大学机械工程系 本科
2011.9.–2017.9 清华大学材料学院 博士
2016.5.–2017.4 香港城市大学 助理研究员



[1]G. Yang, W. Lin, H. Lai, J. Tong, J. Lei, M. Yuan, Y. Zhang, C. Cui, Understanding the relationship between particle size and ultrasonic treatment during the synthesis of metal nanoparticles, Ultrason Sonochem, 73 (2021) 105497.
[2]G. Yang, X. Zeng, P. Wang, C. Li, G. Xu, Z. Li, J. Luo, Y. Zhang, C. Cui, Size Refinement of Copper Nanoparticles: A Perspective from Electrochemical Nucleation and Growth Mechanism, Chemelectrochem, 8 (2021) 819–828.
[3]G.N. Yang, Y. Shao, C.T. Liu, K.F. Yao, How does the structural inhomogeneity influence the shear band behaviours of metallic glasses, Philos Mag, 100 (2020) 1663-1681.
[4]G. Yang, R. Qu, G. Xu, Q. Li, C. Cui, Z. Zhang, Understanding the tensile fracture of deeply-notched metallic glasses, Int J Solids Struct, 207 (2020) 70–81.
[5]G.N. Yang, K.F. Yao, Understanding the Fracture Behaviors of Metallic Glasses—An Overview, Appl Sci-Basel, 9 (2019) 4277.
[6]J.L. Gu, G.N. Yang, P. Gong, Y. Shao, K.F. Yao, Cryogenic charpy impact toughness of (Ti41Zr25Be26Ni8)(93)Cu7 bulk metallic glass, Mater Sci Eng A, 786 (2020) 139442.
[7]Y.S. Su, S.X. Li, G.N. Yang, F. Yu, Y.G. Wang, Shear instability and considerably localized melting in quasi-static compression, Mater Charact, 160 (2019) 110081.
[8]Jinfeng Li, Shuo Xiang, Hengwei Luan, Abdukadir Amar, Xue Liu, Siyuan Lu, Yangyang Zeng, Guomin Le, Xiaoying Wang, Fengsheng Qu, Chunli Jiang, Guannan Yang, Additive manufacturing of high-strength CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys-based composites with WC addition, J Mater Sci Technol, 35 (2019) 2430-2434.
[9]Xuerun Zhang, Rui Li, Liufei Huang, Abdukadir Amar, Changgui Wu, Guomin Le, Xue Liu, Denggao Guan, Guannan Yang, J. Li, Influence of in-situ and ex-situ precipitations on microstructure and mechanical properties of additive manufacturing CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys, Vacuum, 187 (2021) 110111.
[10]Z. Li, B. Tan, M. Shi, J. Luo, Z. Hao, J. He, G. Yang, C. Cui, Bis-(sodium sulfoethyl)-disulfide: A Promising Accelerator for Super-conformal Copper Electrodeposition with Wide Operating Concentration Ranges, J Electrochem Soc, 167 (2020) 042508.
[11]Yang G N, Li Z, Guo F M, Luo Y, Han Z D, Lu Z C, Wei J Q, Shao Y, Yao K F, Size-effect in Pd77.5Cu6Si16.5 metallic glass micro-wires: more scattered strength with decreasing diameter, Appl Phys Lett. 2017, 111:011905. (SCI, IDS number: AT5RQ, impact factor: 3.411, ISSN: 0003-6951, 中科院分区:2区)
[12]Luo Y, Yang G N*, Shao Y, Yao K F,The effect of void defects on the shear band nucleation of metallic glasses, Intermetallics, 2018, 94:114-118. (SCI, IDS number: CH0WZ, impact factor: 3.140, ISSN: 0966-9795, 中科院分区:2区)
[13]Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, The material-dependence of plasticity in metallic glasses: An origin from shear band thermology, Mater Des, 2016, 96:189–194. (SCI, IDS number: DF4CX, impact factor: 4.364, ISSN: 0264-1275, 中科院分区:2区)
[14]Yang G N, Sun B A, Chen S Q, Shao Y, Yao K F, The multiple shear bands and plasticity in metallic glasses: A possible origin from stress redistribution, J Alloys Compd, 2017, 695:3457-3466. (SCI, IDS number: EH5MV, impact factor: 3.133, ISSN: 0925-8388, 中科院分区:2区)
[15]Yang G N, Sun B A, Chen S Q, Gu J L, Shao Y, Wang H, Yao K F, Understanding the effects of Poisson’s ratio on the shear band behavior and plasticity of metallic glasses, J Mater Sci, 2017, 52:6789-6799. (SCI, IDS number: AM6HD, impact factor: 2.599, ISSN: 0022-2461, 中科院分区:2区)
[16]Yang G N, Gu J L, Chen S Q, Shao Y, Wang H, Yao K F, Serration Behavior of a Zr-Based Metallic Glass Under Different Constrained Loading Conditions, Metall Mater Trans A, 2016, 47:5395-5400. (SCI, IDS number: DY3VH, impact factor: 1.874, ISSN: 1073-5623, 中科院分区:2区)
[17]Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, The shear band controlled deformation in metallic glass: a perspective from fracture, Sci Rep, 2016, 6:21852. (SCI, IDS number: DE3GT, impact factor: 4.259, ISSN: 2045-2322, 中科院分区:3区)
[18]Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, A non-viscous-featured fractograph in metallic glasses, Philos Mag, 2016, 96:542-550. (SCI, IDS number: DG5EG, impact factor: 1.505, ISSN: 1478-6435, 中科院分区:3区)
[19]Yang G N, Chen S Q, Gu J L, Zhao S F, Li J F, Shao Y, Wang H, Yao K F, Serration behaviours in metallic glasses with different plasticity, Philos Mag, 2016, 96:2243–2255. (SCI, IDS number: DG5EG, impact factor: 1.505, ISSN: 1478-6435, 中科院分区:3区)
[20]Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, Chen S Q, A study of cooling process in bulk metallic glasses fabrication, Aip Advances, 2015, 5:117111. (SCI, IDS number: CX9WB, impact factor: 1.568, ISSN: 2158-3226, 中科院分区:3区)
[21]Chen S Q, Yang G N, Luo S T, Yin S J, Jia J L, Li Z, Gao S H, Yao K F, Shao Y, Unexpected high performance of Fe-based nanocrystallized ribbons for azo dye decomposition, Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017 , 5 (27) (SCI, IDS number: EV7BU, impact factor: 8.867, ISSN: 0264-1275, 中科院分区:1区)
[22]Shao Y, Yang G N, Yao K F, Liu X, Direct experimental evidence of nano-voids formation and coalescence within shear bands, Appl Phys Lett, 2014, 105:181909. (SCI, IDS number: AT5RQ, impact factor: 3.411, ISSN: 0003-6951, 中科院分区:2区)
[23]Shao Y, Yang G N, Yao K F, Nanocrystalline Phase Formation inside Shear Bands of Pd-Cu-Si Metallic Glass, Adv Mater Sci Eng, 2014, 2014:490181. (SCI, IDS number: AH6VY, impact factor: 1.299, ISSN: 1687-8434, 中科院分区:2区)
[24]Zhao S F, Yang G N, Ding H Y, Yao K F, A quinary Ti-Zr-Hf-Be-Cu high entropy bulk metallic glass with a critical size of 12 mm, Intermetallics, 2015, 61:47-50. (SCI, IDS number: CH0WZ, impact factor: 3.140, ISSN: 0966-9795, 中科院分区:2区)
[25]Li J F, Wang X, Yang G N, Chen N, Liu X, Yao K F, Enhanced plasticity of a Fe-based bulk amorphous alloy by thin Ni coating, Mater Sci Eng A, 2015, 645:318-322. (SCI, IDS number: CR8DS, impact factor: 3.094, ISSN: 0921-5093, 中科院分区:2区)
[26]Ding H Y, Li Y, Yang G N, Yao K F, Qiu S B, The Effect of Purification on the Glass-Forming Ability of a Pd-Cu-Si Alloy, Metall Mater Trans A, 2012, 43A:2610-2614. (SCI, IDS number: 964YO, impact factor: 1.874, ISSN: 1073-5623, 中科院分区:2区)
[27]Han Z D, Chen N, Zhao S F, Fan L W, Yang G N, Shao Y, Yao K F, Effect of Ti additions on mechanical properties of NbMoTaW and VNbMoTaW refractory high entropy alloys, Intermetallics, 2017, 84:153-157. (SCI, IDS number: CH0WZ, impact factor: 3.140, ISSN: 0966-9795, 中科院分区:2区)
[28]Liu X, Chen N, Gu J L, Yang G N, Mussler G, Yao K F, Die imprinting of MGs: A One-step Approach for Large-area Metallic Photonic Crystals, Mater Des, 2015, 87: 1018-1021. (SCI, IDS number: DF4CX, impact factor: 4.364, ISSN: 0264-1275, 中科院分区:2区)

[1] 崔成强,杨冠南,徐广东,张昱,陈新,一种精细线路的修复方法,发明专利,5.X,授权时间2020-06-30。
[2] 杨冠南,徐广东,张昱,陈新,一种精细线路的成型及修复方法,发明专利,2.6,授权时间2020-07-16。
[3] 杨冠南,崔成强,陈新,刘强,一种用于Micro-LED巨量转移的可控分散方法及转移方法,发明专利,1.9,授权时间2019-09-24。
[4] 崔成强、杨冠南、匡自亮、徐广东、王鹏宇、陈新,一种基于扇出型封装工艺的芯片封装方法及芯片封装结构,发明专利,1.9,授权时间2020-08-17。
[5] 陈新,杨冠南,崔成强,刘强,一种Micro LED 芯片的转移方法,发明专利,6.6,授权时间2020-04-27。
[6] 崔成强,徐广东,杨冠南,张昱,张凯,陈新,一种高密度线路嵌入转移的扇出型封装结构与方法,发明专利,6.1,授权时间2020-01-31。

u中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划(战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项) ,2018YFE**,用于先进封装互连的纳米铜材料和工艺研究及应用,2019/ 08至2022/07,786万,在研,参与
u广东工业大学青年****套科研经费 先进电子封装互连材料的开发及失效机理研究,在研
u广东工业大学青年教师种子基金,10 万元,在研;
u国家自然科学基金Grand No. **: 2016-01-01~2019-12-31,高饱和磁感强度铁基非晶合金的性能特征与影响机制研究,95.8万,结题,参与
uGrand No. **:2016-01-01~2019-12-31,半哈斯勒型非晶热电薄膜结构、输运性质及热稳定性的基础研究,76.4万,结题,参与

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