职 务:
1. 新兴有机污染物的代谢与健康效应
2. 新兴有机污染物的环境转化与归趋
3. 毒害污染物的环境暴露途径研究
gaoyp0114@163.com; gaoyp2016@gdut.edu.cn
高艳蓬,副教授,主要从事新兴有机污染物的环境地球化学过程、转化机理与生态健康风险等方面的研究工作。目前在环境领域顶尖期刊Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Environment International 等环境领域重要期刊上发表论文近50篇,主持/完成国家自然科学基金、国家研发计划子课题任务、广东省自然科学基金等项目8项,作为核心成员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家****项目与广东省“珠江人才计划”本土创新科研团队等基础研究项目8项。同时担任广东省环境科学学会理事、国际环境地球化学与健康学会会员、国家自然科学基金与广东省基金等的评审专家等。
2008.9– 2014.6 中科院广州地球化学研究所 环境科学 博士学位
2004.9– 2008.6 西北师范大学 化学 学士学位
2016.10–至今,广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院 副教授
2019.12–2020.12,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 访问****
2014.7–2016.9 中科院广州地球化学研究所博士后
国际环境地球化学与健康学会(SEGH) 会员
Junlang Qiu, Yi, Zhang, Caley Craven, Zhongshan, Liu, Yanpeng Gao*, Xing-Fang Li*, Nontargeted Identification of a N-heterocyclic Compound in Source Water and Wastewater as a Precursor of Multiple Nitrosamines, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(1): 385-392.
Ping Jiang; Junlang Qiu; Yanpeng Gao*, PhD; Mihaela I Stefan; Xing-Fang Li*, Nontargeted Identification and Predicted Toxicity of New Byproducts Generated from UV Treatment of Water Containing Micropollutant 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole. Water Res. 2021, 116542.
Yanpeng Gao, Xiaolin Niu, Yaxing Qin, Teng Guo, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Unexpected culprit of increased estrogenic effects: Oligomers in the photodegradation of preservative ethylparaben in water. Water Res. 2020, 176:115745.
Yang-Guang Gu*, Yan-Peng Gao, Hong-Hui Huang, Feng-Xia Wu. First attempt to assess ecotoxicological risk of fifteen rare earth elements and their mixtures in sediments with diffusive gradients in thin films. Water Res., 2020, 185: 116254.
Yanpeng Gao, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Theoretical investigation on the kinetics and mechanisms of hydroxyl radical-induced transformation of parabens and its consequences for toxicity: Influence of alkyl-chain length. Water Res. 2016, 91: 77-85.
Yanpeng Gao, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Bioaccumulation and Ecotoxicity Increase during Indirect Photochemical Transformation of Polycyclic Musk Tonalide: A Modeling Study. Water Res. 2016, 105: 47–55.
Yanpeng Gao, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Mechanism, kinetics and toxicity assessment of OH-initiated transformation of triclosan in aquatic environments. Water Res. 2014, 49: 360-370.
Hansun Fang#, Yanpeng Gao#, Honghong Wang, Hongliang Yin, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Photo-induced oxidative damage to dissolved free amino acids by the photosensitizer polycyclic musk tonalide: Transformation kinetics and mechanisms. Water Res., 2017, 115: 339-346. (共同第一作者)
Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Yaxin Qin, Yuemeng Ji, Bixian Maib, Taicheng An*, New theoretical insight into indirect photochemical transformation of fragrance nitro-musks: mechanisms, eco-toxicity and health effects. Environ. Int. 2019, 129: 68-75
Yanpeng Gao, Taicheng An*, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Cunyuan Zhao*, Eco-toxicity and human estrogenic exposure risks from ?OH-initiated photochemical transformation of four phthalates in water: A computational study. Environ. Pollut. 2015, 206: 510-517. (IF2018 = 5.714)
Yanpeng Gao, Hansun fang, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Computational consideration on advanced oxidation degradation of phenolic preservative, methylparaben, in water: mechanisms, kinetics, and toxicity assessments. J. Hazard. Mater. 2014, 278, 417-425. (IF2018 = 7.650)
Xiang Li, Hongli Liu, Xiaoshan Jia, Guiying Li, Taicheng An, Yanpeng Gao*, Novel approach for removing brominated flame retardant from aquatic environments using Cu/Fe-based metal-organic frameworks: A case of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 621, 1533-1541 (IF2018 = 5.589).
Taicheng An*, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Prashant V. Kamat, Julie Peller , Michelle V. Joyce, Kinetics and mechanism of ?OH mediated degradation of dimethyl phthalate in aqueous solution: experimental and theoretical studies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48 (1): 641–648. (导师第一作者)
Hansun Fang, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Jibin An, Po-kueng Wong, Fu Haiying, Side Yao, Xiangping Nie, Taicheng An*. Advanced Oxidation Kinetics and Mechanism of Preservative Propylparaben Degradation in Aqueous Suspension of TiO2 and Risk Assessment of Its Degradation Products. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47: 2704-2712. (IF2018 = 7.149)
Yuemeng Ji, Jun Zheng, Dandan Qin, Yixin Li, Yanpeng Gao, Meijing Yao, Xingyu Chen, Guiying Li, Taicheng An, Renyi Zhang. OH-Initiated Oxidation of Acetylacetone: Implications for Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52(19), 11169-11177. (IF2018 = 7.149)
Yuemeng Ji, Qiuju Shi, Yixin Li, Taicheng An, Jun Zheng, Jianfei Peng, Yanpeng Gao, Jiangyao Chen, Guiying Li, Yuan Wang, Fang Zhang, Annie L. Zhang, Jiayun Zhao, Mario J. Molina, Renyi Zhang. Carbenium ion-mediated oligomerization of methylglyoxal for secondary organic aerosol formation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2020, 117 (24): 13294-13299. (IF2019 = 9.412)
Chen, M.; Liao, X.; Yan, S.-c.; Gao, Y.; Yang, C.; Song, Y.; Liu, Y.; Li, W.; Tsang, S.-Y.; Chen, Z.-F.; Qi, Z.; Cai, Z., Uptake, Accumulation, and Biomarkers of PM2.5-Associated Organophosphate Flame Retardants in C57BL/6 Mice after Chronic Exposure at Real Environmental Concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54, 15, 9519–9528 (IF2019 = 7.864)
Yanpeng Gao, Xiaoling Niu, Mei Wang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Toxicity Increase during Photo-driven Degradation of Emerging Contaminants in Water Environments. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 2021, In Press.
Wanlan Zhang, Yanpeng Gao, Yaxin Qin, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Photochemical degradation kinetics and mechanism of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in aqueous solution: A case of 1-chlorodecane, Environ. Pollut., 2019, 247: 362-370. (IF2018 = 5.714)
Mei Wang, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Increased adverse effects during metabolic transformation of short-chain chlorinated paraffins by cytochrome P450: A theoretical insight into 1-chlorodecane.. J. Hazard. Mater. 2020, 407: 124391. (IF2019 = 9.038)
Junji Wu, Yanpeng Gao, Yaxin Qin, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Photochemical degradation of fragrance ingredient benzyl formate in water: Mechanism and toxicity assessment. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2021, 211: 111950. (IF2019 = 4.872)
Wanlan Zhang, Yanpeng Gao, Yaxin Qin, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Photochemical degradation kinetics and mechanism of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in aqueous solution: A case of 1-chlorodecane, Environ. Pollut., 2019, 247: 362-370.
Yang-Guang Gu*, Yan-Peng Gao. An unconstrained ordination- and GIS-based approach for identifying anthropogenic sources of heavy metal pollution in marine sediments. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2019, 146: 100-105. (IF2019 = 4.049)
Yuemeng Ji, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Theoretical study of the reaction mechanism and kinetics of low-molecular-weight atmospheric aldehydes (C1-C4) with NO2. Atmos. Environ. 2012, 54: 288-295. (IF2018 = 4.012)
Yang-Guang Gu*, Yan-Peng Gao. Bioaccessibilities and health implications of heavy metals in exposed-lawn soils from 28 urban parks in the megacity Guangzhou inferred from an in vitro physiologically-based extraction test. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2018, 148: 747-753. (IF2018 = 4.527)
Yang-Guang Gu*, Yan-Peng Gao, Qin Lin, Contamination, bioaccessibility and human health risk of heavy metals in exposed-lawn soils from 28 urban parks in southern China's largest city, Guangzhou. Appl. Geochem., 2016, 67: 52-58. (, IF2018 = 2.894)
Taicheng An*, Jibin An, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Hansun Fang, Weihua Song. Photocatalytic degradation and mineralization mechanism and toxicity assessment of antivirus drug acyclovir: experimental and theoretical studies. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2015, 164:279-287. (IF2018 = 14.229)
Guiying Li, Xin Nie, Yanpeng Gao, Taicheng An*. Can environmental pharmaceuticals be photocatalytically degraded and completely mineralized in water using g-C3N4/TiO2 under visible light irradiation?—Implications of persistent toxic intermediates. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2016, 180:726-732. (IF2018 = 14.229)
Yaxin Qin, Guiying Li, Yanpeng Gao, Lizhi Zhang, Yong Sik Ok, Taicheng An*. Persistent free radicals in carbon-based materials on transformation of refractory organic contaminants (ROCs) in water: A critical review. Water Res. 2018, 137: 130-143. (IF2018 = 7.913)
Yuemeng Ji, Honghong Wang, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, A theoretical model on the formation mechanism and kinetics of highly toxic air pollutants from halogenated formaldehydes reacted with halogen atoms. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013, 13: 11277–11286. (IF2018 = 5.668)
Zilong Zhang, Jiangyao Chen, Yanpeng Gao, Zhimin Ao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Yunkun Hu, Yunlu Li, A coupled technique to eliminate overall nonpolar and polar volatile organic compounds from paint production industry. J. Clean. Prod. 2018, 185: 266-274. (IF2018=6.395)
Yang-Guang Gu, Qin Lin, Yan-Peng Gao, Metals in exposed-lawn soils from 18 urban parks and its human health implications in southern China's largest city, Guangzhou. J. Clean. Prod. 2016, 115: 122-129. (IF2018=6.395)
Jiangyao Chen, Ranran Liu, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Preferential purification of oxygenated volatile organic compounds than monoaromatics emitted from paint spray booth and risk attenuation by the integrated decontamination technique. J. Clean. Prod. 2017, 148: 268-275. (IF2018=6.395)
Honghong Wang, Yuemeng Ji, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Theoretical model on the formation possibility of secondary organic aerosol precursors from ?OH initialed oxidation reaction of styrene in the presence of O2/NO. Atmos. Environ. 2015, 101: 1-9. (IF2018 = 4.012)
Gu Yang-Guang*, Wang Liang-Gen, Gao Yan-Peng, Beryllium in riverine/estuarine sediments from a typical aquaculture wetland, China: Bioavailability and probabilistic ecological risk. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2018, 137: 549-554. (IF2018 = 3.782)
Gu Yang-Guang*, Gao Yan-Peng, An unconstrained ordination- and GIS-based approach for identifying anthropogenic sources of heavy metal pollution in marine sediments. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2019, 146: 100-105. (IF2018 = 3.782)
Yuemeng Ji, Xingyu Chen, Yixin Li, Weina Zhang, Qiuju Shi, Jiangyao Chen, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Jiaxin Wang, Pengfei Tian, Taicheng An*, The mixing state of mineral dusts with typical anthropogenic pollutants: A mechanism study. Atmos. Environ. 2019, 209: 192-200. (IF2019 = 4.039)
Qiuju Shi, Weina Zhang, Yuemeng Ji*, Jiaxin Wang, Dandan Qin, Jiangyao Chen, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An. Enhanced uptake of glyoxal at acidic nanoparticle interface: implications for secondary organic aerosol formation. Environ. Sci.: Nano. 2020. 7(11): 3627-3628. (IF2019 = 7.683)
Yuemeng Ji, Dandan Qin, Jun Zheng, Qiuju Shi, Jiaxin Wang, Qinhao Lin, Jiangyao Chen, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Mechanism of the atmospheric chemical transformation of acetylacetone and its implications in night-time second organic aerosol formation. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 720, 137610. (IF2019 = 6.551)
Taicheng An*, Lei Sun, Guiying Li, Yanpeng Gao, Guangguo Ying. Photocatalytic degradation and detoxification of o-chloroaniline in the gas phase: Mechanistic consideration and mutagenicity assessment of its decomposed gaseous intermediate mixture. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2011, 102(1-2): 140-146. (IF2018 = 14.229)
Hai Yang, Taicheng An*, Guiying Li, Yanpeng Gao, Jiamo Fu. Photocatalytic degradation kinetics and reaction mechanism of environmental pharmaceuticals in aqueous suspension of TiO2: A case of sulfa drugs. Catal. Today. 2010, 153, (3-4): 200-207. (IF2018=4.888)
高艳蓬, 李桂英, 马盛韬, 安太成*, 合成麝香的研究新进展与当前挑战:从人体护理、环境污染到人体健康. 化学进展, 2017, 29( 9): 1082-1092. (IF2018=0.862)
高艳蓬,姬越蒙,李桂英,安太成*, ?OH自由基介导2,4-二氯酚光降解机理及产物毒性变化特征的理论研究. 生态毒理学报, 2016, 11(2): 80-87. (核心期刊)
阳海, 安太成*, 李桂英, 高艳蓬, 傅家谟, 盛国英. 光催化技术降解水中环境药物的研究进展. 生态环境学报, 2010, 19(4): 991-999. (核心期刊)
安继斌, 冯辉霞*, 阳海, 高艳蓬, 李桂英, 安太成. 不同活性物种对光催化降解水中邻苯二甲酸二甲酯动力学的贡献研究. 生态环境学报, 2010, 19(6): 1369-1373. (核心期刊)
李芳蓉, 何玉凤, 王荣民, 李芳莹, 高艳蓬. 黄原酸化膨润土对Cu2+的吸附性能. 环境化学, 2008, 27(6): 746-750. (核心期刊)
国家重点研发计划项目子任务, 重点行业场地土壤污染物人体暴露风险源识别,2020.01-2023.12(项目负责人)
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 典型防腐剂在人体代谢过程中的雌激素效应演变与机制研究, 2020.01-2023.12(项目负责人)
国家自然科学青年科学基金项目, 水体中典型合成麝香的间接光降解机理与动力学的理论研究, 2017.01-2019.12(主持)
广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目,若干活性物种介导吐纳麝香降解机理和动力学的理论研究, 2016.06-2019.06 (主持)
广州市科技计划项目,典型防腐剂对羟基苯甲酸酯及其转化产物雌激素干扰效应的实验与理论探究, 2016.06-2019.06 (主持)
广东工业大学人才引进启动项目,典型新兴有机污染物的迁移转化机制与环境健康效应的理论研究, 20万元, 2016.10-2021.09 (主持);
博士后面上资助项目 (2015M572375),典型多环麝香的?OH引发降解机理及动力学理论研究,5万元,2015.05-2016.08(主持)
博士后国际交流学术交流项目 ( [2015]38号),水体中邻苯二甲酸酯光化学转化的暴露风险评估:实验与理论研究,3万元,2015.05-2015.12(主持)
国家****科学基金 (No. **),环境地球化学, 400万元, 2016.01-2019.12(主要完成人)
国家自然科学基金重点项目,电子垃圾拆解排放典型大气毒害有机污染物的环境地球化学转化过程及其人体代谢产物研究, 323万元, 2018.01-2022.12(主要完成人)
国家自然科学基金(No. **),水体中典型环境药物的光催化转化动力学及其机理研究,43万元,2010.01-2012.12(主要完成人)
国家自然科学青年科学基金项目(No. **),羰基化合物与若干活性物种大气化学反应机理和动力学的理论模拟研究,26万元,2013.1-2015.12(主要完成人)
中国科学院****人才基金(No. ZCX2-YW-QN103),水体中典型抗病毒药物的环境光化学与光催化转化脱毒机理研究, 80万, 2010.01-2012.12(主要完成人)
有机地球化学国家重点实验室专项资金项目(No. SKLOG2009A02),典型PPCPs的环境化学行为、归趋和生态效应及降解脱毒机理研究(主要完成人)
有机地球化学国家重点实验室专项资金项目(No. SKLOG2011A02),流域化学品污染机制、生态效应与管控(主要完成人)
在安太成教授团队(新兴污染物环境健康与控制技术团队 )
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-26
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尹光彩YINGUANGCAI副教授所属学院:环境科学与工程学院导师类别:硕士生导师科研方向:(1)重金属污染土壤生态修复;(2)森林生态系统生物量研究。硕士招生学院:环境科学与工程学院个人简述(限300字)中国科学院华南植物园植物学专业博士。主要研究方向环境生态学,重点开展重金属污染生态修复相关研究 ...广东工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-26广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-戴文灿
戴文灿daiwencan副教授所属学院:环境科学与工程学院导师类别:硕士生导师科研方向:联系方式:E-mail:daiwencan168@163.com硕士招生学院:环境科学与工程学院个人简述(限300字)戴文灿男,注册环保工程师、副教授,1969年10月生。主要从事清洁生产及资源综合利用的教学与研 ...广东工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-26广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨佐毅
杨佐毅YANGZUOYI副教授所属学院:环境科学与工程学院导师类别:硕士生导师科研方向:环境生物技术/固体废弃物资源化利用个人主页:http://hkxy.gdut.edu.cn/hjsw/yzy/联系方式:yangzy2003@126.com硕士招生学院:环境科学与工程学院个人简述(限300字)男 ...广东工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-26广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘爱华
刘爱华LIUAihua副教授所属学院:环境科学与工程学院导师类别:硕士生导师科研方向:城市公共安全,安全评价、事故模拟和应急。联系方式:ah_liu@163.com硕士招生学院:环境科学与工程学院个人简述(限300字)广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院博士、副教授。主要研究方向为城市公共安全,重点开展城 ...广东工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-26