

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-26


一 基本信息
二 研究方向
三 教育经历
四 工作经历
五 学术兼职
1.美国化学协会(American Chemical Society)会员;
2.国际电化学协会(International Society of Electrochemistry)会员;
3.国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Chemistry (IF = 3.782)客座编辑;
4.国际SCI期刊Water (IF = 2.54)客座编辑。
六 主要荣誉
1. 2014年同济青年五四奖章;
2. 2013年同济大学“学术先锋”(第一名);
3. 2013、2014年博士研究生国家奖学金;
4. 2011年上海市科技进步奖(三等);
七 科研项目
1. Ammonia recovery from wastewaters using flow electrode-membrane systems,澳大利亚科学研究委员会,2019-07至2022-06,80万澳币,在研,共同主持;
2. Flow-electrode technologies for water reclamation and selective resource recovery,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,工学院博士后项目,2019-02至2020-12,33万澳币,结题,主持;
3. Brackish water desalination for remote communities,James N Kirby基金会,社会捐赠项目,2018-08至2019-08,1.4万澳币,结题,主持;
4. Faradaic reactions at electrode interfaces in electrochemical water treatment: mechanisms, modeling and process optimisation,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,校长特邀博士后项目,2016-02至2019-02,30万澳币,结题,主持。
八 科研成果
以第1作者和通讯作者(含共同第1与共同通讯)发表了SCI论文33篇(共发表SCI论文75篇)[Web of Science: Researcher IDD-9981-2013],其中在环境领域最有影响力期刊Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research发表论文11篇,代表性研究成果如下:
1.Kong, X.,Ma, J.*, Le-Clech, P., Wang, Z., Tang, C.Y., Waite D., Management of concentrate and waste streams for membrane-based algal separation in water treatment: A review.Water Research2020, 183, 115969.
2.Ma, J.#, Ma, JJ.#, Zhang, C., Song, J., Dong, W., Waite, D., Flow-electrode capacitive deionization (FCDI) scale-up using a membrane stack configuration.Water Research2020, 168, 115186.
3.Ma, J., Zhang, Y., Collins, R., Tsarev, S., Aoyagi, N., Kinsela, A., Jones, A., Waite, D., Flow-electrode CDI removes the uncharged Ca-UO2-CO3ternary complex from brackish potable groundwater: Complex dissociation, transport and sorption.Environmental Science & Technology2019, 53 (5), 2739-2747.
4.Ma, JJ.#,Ma, J.#(共同一作), Zhang, C., Song, J., Collins, R., Waite, D., Water recovery rate in short-circuited closed-cycle operation of flow-electrode capacitive deionization (FCDI).Environmental Science & Technology2019, 53 (23), 13859-13867.
5.Ma, J., He, C., He, D., Zhang, C., Waite, D., Analysis of capacitive and electrodialytic contributions to water desalination by flow-electrode CDI.Water Research2018, 144, 296-303.
6.He, C.#,Ma, J.#(共同一作), Zhang, C., Song, J., Waite, D., Short-circuited closed-cycle operation of flow-electrode CDI for brackish water softening.Environmental Science & Technology2018, 52 (16), 9350-9360.
7.Ma, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Waite, D., Wu, Z., Cost-effective Chlorella biomass production from dilute wastewater using a novel photosynthetic microbial fuel cell (PMFC).Water Research2017, 108, 356-364.
8.Ma, J., He, D., Tang, W., Kovalsky, P., He, C., Zhang, C., Waite, D., Development of redox-active flow electrodes for high-performance capacitive deionization.Environmental Science & Technology2016, 50(24), 13495-13501.
9.Ma, J., He, D., Collins, R.N., He, C., Waite, D., The tortoise versus the hare-Possible advantages of microparticulate zerovalent iron (mZVI) over nanoparticulate zerovalent iron (nZVI) in aerobic degradation of contaminants.Water Research2016, 105, 331-340.
10.Ma, J., Wang, Z., He, D., Li, Y., Wu, Z., Long-term investigation of a novel electrochemical membrane bioreactor for low-strength municipal wastewater treatment.Water Research2015, 78, 98-110.
11.Ma, J., Wang, Z., Yang, Y., Mei, X., Wu, Z., Correlating microbial community structure and composition with aeration intensity in submerged membrane bioreactors by 454 high-throughput pyrosequencing.Water Research2013, 47 (2), 859-869.
九 我的团队

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