

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05


2016.9~2017.9 The University of Edinburgh, School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences,博士后
2011.9~2014.7 北京师范大学心理学院,心理语言学方向,博士
2008.9~2011.7 山东大学外国语学院,心理语言学方向,硕士

2014.7~至今 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院教师

1.Liang, L. J., & Chen, B. G. (2019). The impact of language proficiency on the time course and neural basis of L2 semantic access in bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1177/**97851. (SSCI, A&HCI)
2.Lü, J. M., Liang, L. J., & Chen, B. G. (2019). The effect of executive control ability on the comprehension of second language metaphor. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23(1), 87-101. (SSCI, A&HCI)
3.Jiao L., Liu, C., Liang, L. J., Plummer, P., Perfetti, C., & Chen, B. G. (2019). The contributions of language control to executive functions: from the perspective of bilingual comprehension.Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(8), 1984-1997. (SSCI)
4.Liang, L. J., Wen, Y., & Dong, Y. P. (2018). Gender constraint in L1 and L2 reflexive pronoun resolution by Chinese-English bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 45, 1-12. (SSCI)
5.Liu, H. H., Dunlap, S., Liang, L. J., & Chen, B. G. (2018). The effect of inhibitory control and its training on L1 and a new learned language switching. International Journal of Bilingualism, 22 (6), 653-674. (SSCI, A&HCI)
6.Liang, L. J., Sharwood Smith, M., Chondrogianni, V., & Chen, B. G. (2017). The pre-attentive L2 orthographic perception mechanism utilized by bilinguals with different proficiency levels. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1357. (SSCI)
7.Chen, B. G., Ma, T. F., Liang, L. J., & Liu, H. H. (2017). Rapid L2 word learning through high constraint sentence context: An event-related potential study. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2285. (SSCI)
8.Liu, H. H., Liang, L. J., Zhang, L., Lu, Y., & Chen, B. G. (2017). Modulatory role of inhibition during language switching: Evidence from evoked and induced oscillatory activity. International Journal of Bilingualism, 21 (1), 57-80.(SSCI, A&HCI)
9.Zhang, Q. G., Liang, L. J., Yao, P. P., Hu, S. S., & Chen, B. G. (2017). Parallel morpho-orthographic and morpho-semantic activation in processing second language morphologically complex words: Evidence from Chinese-English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism, 21 (3), 291-305. (SSCI, A&HCI)
10.Liu, H. H., Dunlap, S., Wu, M. S., Liang, L. J., Lu, Y., & Chen, B. G. (2017). Inhibitory control predicts quasi language switching performance: evidence from face-to-face dialogue. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32 (6), 695-708. (SSCI)
11.Liu, H. H., Liang, L. J., Dunlap, S., Fan, N., & Chen, B. G. (2016). The effect of domain-general inhibition-related training on language switching: An ERP study. Cognition, 146, 264-276.(SSCI)
12.Wei, X. Y., Chen, B. G., Liang, L. J.& Dunlap, S. (2015). Native language influence on the distributive effect in producing L2 subject-verb agreement. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,68(12), 2370-2383.(SSCI)
13.Liang, L. J.& Chen, B. G. (2014). Processing morphologically complex words in second language learners: the effect of proficiency. Acta Psychologica, 150, 69-79. (SSCI)
14.Chen, B. G., Liang, L. J., Cui, P., & Dunlap, S. (2014). The priming effect of translation equivalents across languages for concrete and abstract words. Acta Psychologica, 153, 147-152. (SSCI)
15.梁利娟,陈宝国.(2013).元语言意识对第二语言习得的影响及其与其他因素的交互作用. 外语教学理论与实践, 2, 21-27。(CSSCI)

2.主持广东外语外贸大学双语认知与发展实验室招标课题“汉英双语儿童的句法能力发展研究”(BCD201801), 2018.1-2020.12,在研。

2015年 第一届中国外语微课大赛全国三等奖、广东省赛区一等奖
2017年 广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖、标志性科研成果奖
2018年 广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖、标志性科研成果奖


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