

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05

姓名 殷峻
广东商学院法学院 法学学士(2012年)
· 《创新涉外仲裁制度服务“一带一路”建设》,《人民论坛》(CSSCI来源期刊)2018年第5期,独撰。
·A Study of International Arbitrators’ Substantive Ethical Obligations and Chinese Strategies,《学术界》(CSSCI来源期刊)2018年第12期,独撰。
·Challenges above Progress: The Legal Regulation of Patients’ Data Security within Cybermedicine in China, 6 (4) American Journal of Social Sciences (2018),独撰。
·Analytic Comparison of Well Know Trademarks – “Dilution” in the UK and Australia,独撰。2015年中国国际私法博士生珞珈学术论坛征文三等奖
·A Review on English Practice and Law about State Immunity in International Commercial Arbitration and Future Concerns about China,独撰。2015年中国国际私法年会青年论坛英文发言文章

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. YIN Jun
Ph.D., in International Private Law, Wuhan University, China (2019)
Excellent Visiting Scholar, University of Geneva, Switzerland (2016.10 – 2017.10)
LL.M., in International Business Law, University of Southampton Law School, U.K. (2014)
LL.B., Guangdong University of Business Studies, China (2012)
Areas of Interest
·International Dispute Resolution
·Cyber Law and Data Protection
·Global Legal Studies and Governance
Research Grants
·Principal Investigator, “International Dispute Resolution Mechanism of Significant Public Health Emergency”, National Emergency Management System Construction Special Research Grant, National Social Science Fund of China, 2020.06 -- 2021.06.
·Principal Investigator, “Service and Guarantee of Rule of Law in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Free Trade Associative Port”, 2019-2020 Guangdong Province Advanced Law-Based Governance of Province Major Research Grant, CPC Guangdong Province Committee Advanced Law-Based Governance of Province Committee, 2020.07—2020.10.
·Principal Investigator, “Dispute Resolution Mechanism of Public Health Emergency of International Concern”, 2020 Coping Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Special Emergency Research Grant, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2020.03 -- 2020.05.
·Principal Investigator, “Regulation on Internet Medical and Health Data Protection”, 2020 Talent Introduction Startup Research Grant, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2020.06 -- 2022.06.
·Principal Investigator, “Innovation of Rule of International Public Health Law Cooperation”, 2020 Special and Innovative Teacher-Student Joint Research Grant, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2020.06 -- 2022.12.
Selected Articles
Articles in Chinese
·YIN Jun,Legal Protection of Children’s Individual Information in Cyber Era --Study on Comparison between US and EU Legislation, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2018, Academic Research (Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index Collection Journal, hereinafter as CSSCI).
·YIN Jun,A Comparative Study towards Evaluation of Vulgar Words in Trademark Registration in China and the UK, Vol. 1, No. 10, 2018, Journal of Gansu Administration Institute (CSSCI).
·YIN Jun,Innovate the Foreign-related Arbitration Regime and Serve the Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, Vol. 15, No. 36, 2018, People’s Tribune (CSSCI).
·YIN Jun,New Development of Swiss Immunity from Execution of International Arbitration and Its Reference, Vol. 1, No. 10, Dynamics of Social Sciences, 2019.
·YIN Jun & CHEN Lifeng,Inspection on Legal Protection of Patients’ Individual Information within Internet Medicine in China, Vol. 6, No. 4, Medicine and Jurisprudence, 2018.
·YIN Jun,Advice on the International Commercial Expert Committee of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, Vol. 16, No. 19, Money China, 2018.
Articles in English
·YIN Jun,A Study of International Arbitrators’ Substantive Ethical Obligations and Chinese Strategies, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2018, Academy (CSSCI).
·YIN Jun,Challenges above Progress: The Legal Regulation of Patients’ Data Security within Cybermedicine in China, Vol. 6 No. 4, 2018, American Journal of Social Sciences.
·YIN Jun,Analytic Comparison of Well Know Trademarks – “Dilution” in the UK and Australia,2015 China International Private Law Ph.D. Candidate Academic Forum the Third Prize Paper.
·YIN Jun,A Review on English Practice and Law about State Immunity in International Commercial Arbitration and Future Concerns about China,2015 China International Private Law Annual Conference Youth Forum English Speech Paper.
Newspaper Column Articles
·YIN Jun & CHEN Yunliang,Constructing the Rule of Law Cooperation System of Global Public Health, Nanfang Daily, 27thApril 2020.
·CHEN Yunliang & YIN Jun,Accelerating the Cooperation of the Rule of International Health Law, Legal Daily, 30thApril 2020.
·YIN Jun,Constructing the Belt and Road Initiatives’ International Logistics Corridor, China Quality Inspection Times, 26thApril 2018.
Contact Information
Address: Room D 206, School of Law, No. 178 Waihuan East Road, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China
Postcode: 510006
Email: yinjun63@gdufs.edu.cn

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