姓名 来特 行政职务 研究生工作办公室主任
系别 金融学系 职称 副教授
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来特,广东外语外贸大学副教授,于2011年香港城市大学经济与金融系获得经济学博士学位,曾在香港城市大学国际经济学研究中心任职博士后研究员。2013年7月加盟广东外语外贸大学国际经济与贸易学院,现为广东外语外贸大学金融学院副教授。研究领域为国际经济学与应用计量经济学。已在Journal of International Money and Finance, China Economic Review, Review of Development Economics, Pacific Economic Review,International Review of Economics and Finance等SSCI检索期刊发表论文多篇,并主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目,任香港金融研究中心访问研究员,澳门大学经济学系访问****。
Journal Articles
Kaldorian disaggregation, temporary migration and welfare: theory and calibration. (2016) (with Tao Cai, Bharat Hazari and Vijay Mohan), Pacific Economic Review, forthcoming.
China’s capital and ’hot’ money flows: an empirical investigation. (2016) (with Tao Cai and Vinh Dang), Pacific Economic Review, vol 21 (2), 276-294.
Kaldorian disaggregation, migrants and domestic welfare. (2016) (with Bharat Hazari and Vijay Mohan), Review of Development Economics, vol 20(2), 468-474.
Long-run relationship between inequality and growth in post-reform China: New evidence from dynamic panel model (2016) (with Tingting Li, Yong Wang and Dingtao Zhao), International Review of Economics and Finance, vol 41, 238-252.
Consumption risk sharing and self-insurance across provinces in China: 1952-2008. (2014) (with Kenneth S. Chan and Isabel K. M. Yan), China Economic Review, vol 30, 66-85.
Intergovernmental fiscal arrangements and provincial consumption risk sharing in China. (2014) (with Isabel K. M. Yan, and Erin P. K. So), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, vol. 50(3), 45-58.
Regional capital mobility in China: economic reform with limited financial integration. (2013) (with Paul D. McNelis and Isabel K. M. Yan), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol (37), 493-503.
Is the provincial capital market segmented in China? (2013) (with Kenneth S. Chan and Isabel K. M. Yan), Review of Development Economics, vol 17(3), 430-446.
Regional capital mobility in China: 1978-2006. (2011) (with Kenneth S. Chan, Isabel K. M. Yan, and Vinh Dang), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol 30, 1506-1515.
Working Papers
Heterogeneous preferences and risk sharing at household level in China. (2016) (with Isabel Yan and Xingjian Yi)
Insurance-induced distortion in risk-taking behaviors: Micro-level evidence from 25 provinces in China. (2016) (with Isabel Yan, Xingjian Yi and Tri Vi Dang)
Capital market integration in ASEAN: A Non-stationary panel data analysis. (2016) (with Kenneth Chan and Vinh Dang)
Income inequality, human capital accumulation and economic growth in China. (2014) (with Ting T. Li and Yong Wang)
The long-term impact of the great famine on stock holdings of survivors. (2018) (with Xingjian Yi and Cong Zhou)
Financial integration and consumption smoothing in China. (2018) (with Isabel Yan and Xingjian Yi)
Work in Progress
Consumption and labor supply with partial insurance: an empirical test at household level in China. (with Zhouheng Wu and Xingjian Yi)
Complementarity between Health Insurance and Risky Investment: Micro-level Evidence from 25 Provinces in China. (with Isabel Yan, Xingjian Yi and Tri Vi Dang)
Temporary migrants, economic growth and domestic welfare in an overlapping generations framework. (with Vijay Mohan and Bharat Hazari)
Order book imbalance as a one-minute-ahead price predictor for stocks listed in mainland China. (with Tao Cai)
Siblings Effects and housing tenure decisions: Evidence from China. (with Hao Zhang)
Undergraduate level:Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics
Graduate level: Economic Analysis
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05
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