



姓名 吴功庆 性别 男

1979 年
10 月

籍贯 湖北

民族 汉

最后学位 博士

行政职务 无


gongqingwu@ 163.com




1. 2018.12-至今广东药科大学医药化工学院高级实验师、硕士生导师
2. 2016. 12-2018.11 广东药科大学医药化工学院高级实验师
3. 2014. 05-2016. 11 广东药科大学化工学院实验师
4. 2006. 07-2014. 04 广东药科大学中山校区实验师


1. 2009. 09-2013. 07 中山大学生命科学学院 微生物专业 博士生
2. 2003. 09-2006. 09 华中农业大学生命科学学院 生物化学专业 硕士生
3. 1999. 09-2003. 07 长江大学生命科学学院 生物技术专业 本科生

代表性 10 项科研项目

1. 广东省自然科学基金管理委员会,广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,2016A03031030 1, Dscam 介导的细胞吞噬及其调控家蚕特异性免疫致敏的分子机制,主持。
2. 广东省卫生和计划生育委员会,广东省医学科研基金,A2016607,C 型凝集素样受体
3. 广东省教育厅,特色创新项目,2019,:基于 Dscam 可变剪接介导粒细胞吞噬受体多样性的家蚕固有免疫记忆形成机理研究,主持

发表代表性 10 篇论文、专著或教材
1. Yi YH, Xu H, Li Mei and Wu GQ*. RNA-seq profiles of putative genes involved in specific immune
priming in Bombyx mori haemocytes." Infect Genet Evol. 2019, 74: 103921.
2 Wu GQ, and Yi YH. Transcriptome analysis of differentially expressed genes involved
in innate immunity following Bacillus thuringiensis challenge in Bombyx mori larvae."
Molecular Immunology. 2018, 103: 220-228.
3. Wu GQ, Yi YH. Haemocoel injection of PirA1B1 to Galleria mellonella larvae leads to
disruption of the haemocyte immune functions. Scientific reports. 2016, 6: 34996.
4. Wu GQ, Xu L, Yi YH. Galleria mellonella larvae are capable of sensing the extent of priming
agent and mounting proportionatal cellular and humoral immune responses. Immunology letters,
2016, 174: 45-52.
5. Wu GQ, Liu Y, Ding Y, Yi YH. Ultrastructural and functional characterization of circulating
hemocytes from Galleria mellonella larva: Cell types and their role in the innate immunity. Tissue
and Cell, 2016, 48(4): 297-304.
6. Wu GQ, Yi YH, Sun JY, Li M, Qiu LH. No evidence for priming response in Galleria
mellonella larvae exposed to toxin protein PirA2B2 from Photorhabdus luminescens TT01: An
association with the inhibition of the host cellular immunity. Vaccine, 2015, 33(46): 6307-6313.
7. Wu GQ, Yi YH, Lv YY, Li M, Wang J, Qiu LH. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Photorhabdus
luminescens TT01 can elicit dose- and time-dependent immune priming in Galleria mellonella
larvae. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 2015, 127: 63-72.
8. Wu GQ, Li M, Liu Y, Ding Y, Yi YH. The specificity of immune priming in
silkworm, Bombyx mori, is mediated by the phagocytic ability of granular cells.

Journal of insect physiology, 2015, 81: 60-68.
9. Wu GQ, Yi YH. Effects of dietary heavy metals on the immune and antioxidant systems of Galleria
mellonella larvae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2015,
167: 131-139.
10. Yun-Hong Yi, Jun-Liang Lv, Yi Liu, Gong-Qing Wu*, Synthesis and application of modified
litchipeel for removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions, Journal of Molecular Liquids,
2016, 225: 28~33.

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